Kochanova T.V..
The Republic of South Sudan as an attractive target for absorption by external actors
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2018. – № 2.
– P. 11-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.26462.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.26462
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Abstract: The subject of this study is the dangerous hot spot of international tension, the Republic of South Sudan (RSS), which has been the focus of the peacekeeping mission which involves 10,000 "blue helmets", including a 4-thousand strong regional defense force. The author examines the situation in the RSS from the viewpoint of the increased economic interest by the major international players being focused on this region, and reaches a substantiated conclusion that there is a targeted, strategically, organizationally and methodically planned interference of foreign actors in the domestic business of this lucrative African area.
Over the course of this study, the author uses the structural and functional method for analyzing the information, which allows for outlining the types of interference and, through it, to unveil the active and passive actors of the interference into the affairs of this region.
To sum up the study, the author offers a prognosis of the further rise in the tendencies for the emergence of new tension hotspots, basing on the difficulty of the transition from the unipolar world to a multipolar world, resulting in the spread of double standards policies, and the permissiveness of "great powers", the reluctance of those in power to step down on one side, and the desire of others to establish themselves in the region, on the other side, as well as gross violations of international Law and the lack of any real mechanisms to reign in the ambitions of trans-continental actors.
Keywords: geopolitical domination, military-political conflict, interference, sovereignty, independence, hotbed of tension, Republic of South Sudan, oil, peacekeepers, agressive non-state actors
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