Pomelova Y..
Protest actions of the Tibetans in the People's Republic of China
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 42-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.2.35553.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.2.35553
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Abstract: This article examines the methods of protest actions of the Tibetans residing in the territory of the People's Republic of China. The inability for legal self-organization and representation of the interests of ethnic minorities in the public space of PRC leads to the emergence of new forms of expressing protest moods, such as social network movements. Tibetan Buddhism is an important element of integration and construction of the identity of Tibetan society, which intensifies both positive and negative effects of China’s religious policy, and thus, causes various forms of disturbances from individual protest to large-scale temporary training centers of Tibetan Buddhism. The Russian scientific literature on the “Tibetan question” gives ample attention to China's religious policy pertaining to the Tibetan Buddhism monasteries and protests of Tibetan monks. The monasteries that have consolidated the religious and political power since the region became part of PRC, received particular attention of the party; organization and participation of the Tibetan monks and nuns in the protests seemed as the logical continuation of their traditional social role. The article systematizes the methods of protest activity of laity Tibetans, who believed that opposing the state policy implies the defense of their identity, which subsides due to the state homogenization project.
Keywords: protest movement, national minorities, Dalai Lama, religious politics, Tibetan Buddhism, Tibet Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China, regional politics, ethnic-confessional separatism, self-organization
动自焚者必将受到法律严惩. Duntszyfen'chzhe bi tszyanshoudao falyuyyan'chen (Za popytku samosozhzheniya budet grozit' strogoe nakazanie) // 甘肃日报. Gan'suzhibao. – 2012. – 12 mar. – URL:
Self-immolations by Tibetans // International campaign for Tibet. – 2018. – 10 Dec. – URL:
Map: Tibetan self-immolations from 2009-2017 // International campaign for Tibet. – 2019. – 31 Jan. – URL:
Anderson, B. Voobrazhaemye soobshchestva. Razmyshleniya ob istokakh i rasprostranenii natsionalizma / B. Anderson. – M.: KANON-Press-Ts, Kuchkovo pole, 2001 – 288 s.
Lhakar Wednesday Movement: Celebration of Tibetan Spirit // Tibet in review. – 2012. – Jun. 13. – URL:
Ivanov S.M..
Separatism - a natural process or a threat to national and international security?
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 62-71.
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Abstract: The Author of This article analyzes a situation in various regions of the World from the point of view of integration processes and the disintegration of communities and comes to a conclusion that Separatism as the phenomenon is quite natural presently. At their genesis, communities based on national, ethnic, religious, territorial, or some other basis united to the states, confederations of the states, empires and colonial powers emerged. Then came the era that marked the fall of empires, the disintegration of colonial powers and multinational states. The wave of revolutions and national liberation movements swept worldwide, the Renaissance of release was endured by the countries of Africa, Asia, Middle East. The methodological basis of this study are the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. This process was in many respects accelerated by events of World Wars I and II, when attempts of restoration of a colonial world rearrangement were made by great powers, and the subsequent disintegration of the Organization of the Warsaw pact countries and the USSR. In modern conditions of globalization separatism openly walks on the Planet, and takes the form of an epidemic when many nations, ethnic groups, communities based on confessional and to other bases, seek to protect their political, social, economic and other interests by separation from the states or creation of wide autonomies in them.
Keywords: political system, Russia, world politics, U.S. foreign politics, international relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, "colour revolutions"
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