Shirinkina E.V..
Development of innovations in a crisis: change strategies
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2022. – № 4.
– P. 72-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.4.38370.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.4.38370
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Abstract: The relevance of the study is due to the fact that for many companies the crisis has become a catalyst for transformation. However, not every change is the result of a truly strategic choice. In this regard, the author investigates transformation strategies in a crisis, which is the subject of the study. The author substantiates that in the conditions of the crisis, these transformations will also affect offline services. A strategizing model is proposed, which consists in a kind of reboot of companies. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it will allow companies to set priorities differently in a crisis, reduce loyalty to familiar brands, and form new requirements for customer experience in a physical environment. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of a new model-the competitiveness matrix, which will help to take a fresh look at the allocation of resources. It is based on the following statement: what companies are successful in today will not necessarily be in demand tomorrow. The axes of the matrix show the degree of competitiveness of the business today and the market potential in the future. It is important for companies to anticipate these changed expectations and turn them into their advantages. For example, in the retail and restaurant sector, the focus will shift from meeting the basic need to organizing leisure for the consumer, so you will need to look for ways to make this experience unique and especially memorable.
Keywords: business, management, micromanagement, crisis, innovations, technological trends, digitalization, the company, a new reality, effectiveness
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Dianov S.A., Poluyanova O.G., Chegodaev V.P..
Geocultural branding as a tool for solving the crisis state of the socio-economic sphere of a rural settlement
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2022. – № 1.
– P. 63-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.1.37740.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2022.1.37740
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Abstract: In this article, geocultural branding of territories is considered in the context of the theory of political management, which can be used in solving the problems of the socio-economic sphere of rural settlement. In the scientific literature, insufficient attention is paid to the branding of Russian rural settlements. Individual stories can be found only in the publications of specialists in the field of marketing territories. According to the author's point of view, a progressive solution that allows creating conditions for sustainable socio-economic development in a rural settlement is the development and implementation of a geocultural branding strategy for the settlement. On the example of the village of Bard, a large rural settlement of the Perm Region, measures for the development of a geocultural strategy and brand are proposed. Among the image resources of the village, unique natural places, craft traditions, national ornaments, mythologems of the Tulva district, as well as art objects as an organic part of the public spaces of the settlement are singled out separately. The historical personality of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai (the beginning of the XX century) is proposed as the "genius of the place". The geocultural brand "Barda ‒ mirror of the Perm land" was developed based on the poetic creativity of G. Tukai. Barda can really be considered a mirror of the Permian land. Good-neighborly relations between ethnic communities have historically developed here, religious tolerance has taken place in everyday life, traditional types of economy and life have developed. The concept of geocultural branding of territories was used as a methodological basis (D.N. Zamyatin).
Keywords: creative action, creative industries, image resources, geocultural brand, geocultural potential, economic problems, crisis state, Perm Region, rural settlement, ethno-cultural community
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Bardymsky Dis
Ivanov A.A..
The European system of military and political decision-making: problems of establishment
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2021. – № 1.
– P. 35-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.1.34842.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2021.1.34842
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Abstract: Today’s multipolar world, one can observe how different countries with different degree of agency on the international arena, seek to be actively involved in the development of recommendations for settling the existing crises, and pursue their foreign policy based on the own resources and national interests. This naturally results in complication of the system of international relations and makes it extremely difficult for its leading actors to make adequate decisions. The fact that the modern “world powers” have fundamentally different socioeconomic and political structure, aggravates the situation even more. Different values, principles of economic management, attitudes towards the role of the key social institutions and elements of the political system impede constructive communication between the states. Despite the efforts of many politicians, Europe is yet to reach cultural and political unity. The EU member-states have strong differences with regards to domestic and foreign policy; and some states continue to seek solutions to the existing crises, guided by their own principles of effective management. This defines the relevance of outlining the prospects for the convergence of national systems of political decision-making, since the discrepancy in this sphere increases distrust among the countries, parties and government leaders, as well as creates the background for various abusive activities.
Keywords: convergence, European Union, decision making, security, crisis, conflict, consensus, political elite, pluralism, democracy
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The mechanisms of political coordination of interests: system analysis
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2015. – № 4.
– P. 416-423.
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Abstract: The article considers the phenomenon of political coordination of public interests through a prism of a system approach. According to the author, there are institutionalized and non-institutionalized mechanisms by means of which public interests are being coordinated. These mechanisms are divided by the author into two types: horizontal and vertical. The first type of mechanism provides convergence of interests of subjects sharing the same political status and having similar political resources (subjects being ordinary citizens, interest groups, parliamentary fractions, deputy groups, etc.). The mechanisms of the second type are realized by means of vertical communication of the actors, who take different positions in hierarchy of political system - governmental institutes and interest groups. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author compares the coordination mechanisms of public interest with various forms of electoral and functional representation and comes to a conclusion that balance in public interest can be achieved using political mechanisms such as public lobbying, social partnership, as well as institutes of direct democracy and parliamentary procedures. The system of administrative and communicative mechanisms by means of which the state carries out the regulation of public interests is also described in the article. The author considers "the soft power" as a prospective mechanism of harmonization of interests of the government and society.
Keywords: diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, risks
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