Ryzhov I.V., Tikhomirova K.S., Ruchina V.M., Maslanov K.D..
The transformation of EU migration legislation: causes and consequences
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2023. – № 4.
– P. 26-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.4.69579.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.4.69579
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the migration situation in EU. Against the background of global socio-economic transformations, the EU is facing multifaceted problems in managing migration processes, acting as one of the most attractive areas of modern migration. Mass migration flows are a natural companion of globalization and the policy of openness promoted by many States. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive analysis of migration processes in the EU, focusing on the theoretical foundations, dynamics and current issues. Special attention is paid to the transformation of migration legislation in the EU member states in the period 2020-2023. The revealed data on new migration projects in the EU countries make it possible to trace the dynamics of changes in official EU legislation on this issue and formulate proposals for resolving the crisis situation. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach and the theory of multilevel management. The systematic approach was used in the work to identify the causes and consequences of the transformation of EU migration legislation within the framework of an integrated set of migration processes. The theory of multilevel management considers the issue both at the national level and at the level of the European Union. The novelty of the research lies in the development of scientific discourse on migration processes in the European Union. An in-depth analysis of migration dynamics in the EU, and as a result, the reasons for the transformation of migration legislation, expands the understanding of migration control mechanisms, and also evaluates the participation of EU member states in the formation of migration policy. The research contributes to the awareness of the interactions between migration and other socio-economic processes, which is significant for the academic community and the creation of educational programs. The practical significance of the study lies in its contribution to the formation and improvement of the EU migration policy. Based on the collected data and analytical conclusions, recommendations can be made to improve the current mechanisms of migration management, strengthen integration processes and maintain social balance.
Keywords: Protection of external borders, Migration control, Illegal migration, Labor migration, Migration reform, Migration legislation, Migration policy, Migration Pact, Migration, EU
Pasyakina L.S. (2011). The EU and labor migration. Modern Europe, 3(47), 94-96.
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Petrovich-Belkin O.K., Pchelkina V.V., Remizov B.A., Matveev G.D., Vedmin M.I..
Position of the global community regarding the international legal status of the Republic of Kosovo during 1998-2019
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2019. – № 4.
– P. 84-94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.4.31861.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.4.31861
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Abstract: This article explores the problem of recognition of independence and definition of the international legal status of Kosovo by the leaders of the world policy in the period of 1998-2019. The aim of this work is to determine the key political and economic causes for the change in the position of the global community regarding the territorial and international legal status of the Republic of Kosovo during the decade before the declaration of independence of the Republic (2008), as well as in the following years until present day. Analysis was conducted on the results of the voting on the question of territorial and international legal status of Kosovo within the UN General Assembly, including analysis of the content of key conceptual documents on this topic – resolutions № 11601, № 11992, № 12393 and № 12444, then a conclusion was made on the exact reason for the recognition of Kosovo’s independence by a number of countries. In this context, study of the phenomenon of the response of recognition of Kosovo in 2008-2019 seems exclusively important and relevant from the scientific theory and practical points of view. Study of the reaction of the international community on this issue is especially relevant due to current assumed division of the world into two camps: countries that recognize Kosovo independence and those that do not.
Keywords: independence, international court of justice, albanians, serbians, global community, sovereignty, Metohija, Kosovo, UN General Assembly, autonomous region
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Lvova E.S..
Solving domestic conflicts in Africa (regions to the south of Sahara)
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2018. – № 3.
– P. 70-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.3.26817.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.3.26817
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Abstract: The subject of this work is the multitude of methods for resolving the domestic conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa using the practices common to pre-industrial societies. This issue is very prominent for the countries of the continent, since along with external and interstate conflicts, intrastate conflicts a major role in the current instability of Africa belongs to conflicts between herders and farmers, conflicts between different ethnic groups, religious conflicts between Muslims and Christians, autochthonous, migrants and refugees, and so on. Currently, attempts to resolve them by the efforts governments or peacekeeping forces are not always successful, while utilizing traditions proves somewhat successful. The author uses a heuristic source-study approach, the comparative historical method, materials from the author's field research, sociological studies data, and data from historiographic analysis. The author's unique contribution is the study of a topic that has not been studied in conflictology and African studies to date. The scientific novelty is based on the first research of the topic of preservation of traditionalism in the modern political structures of African states in the scenarios which involve resolving conflict situations, and the introduction new information into the scientific circulation. The author reaches a conclusion about the growing trend of turning to the traditional experience of the prevention and resolution of intra-state conflicts by African scientists.
Keywords: ethnology, anthropology, African scholars, customary law, traditions, politics, conflicts, Africa, conflict resolution, traditional values
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