Regions of the world in the global historical process
Evloeva R.D.
The reaction of London newspapers to the proclamation of the Monroe doctrine
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 5.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.5.71414 EDN: SOSIGU URL:
The presented article analyzes the reaction of the British press to the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine by the American president in 1823. The reaction of leading London periodicals such as The Examiner, The Monthly Magazine, The London Magazine and The Morning Post is considered. The author describes in detail the diversity of opinions: from support for Republican ideals and their contrast with the monarchical aspects of the policy of the Holy Alliance to expressing concerns about the negative impact of the doctrine on Britain's trade and economic interests in Latin America. The author concludes that the London newspapers have a balanced, albeit emotional assessment of the influence of the Monroe Doctrine on international relations and the specific interests of Great Britain. The article focuses on the period of the 1820s and the British reaction to American foreign policy activity, neglecting to consider the British position in the context of the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies of 1808-1819. In the study of newspaper materials by domestic and foreign scientists, general philosophical (deduction and induction, systematic approach, synergetic approach, etc.), general scientific (observation, comparative method, etc.) and private scientific methods specific to a particular field of knowledge. The Monroe Doctrine provides a rare example of a 200-year-old speech that remains the subject of regular references when discussing the current international political agenda to this day. The article examines the reaction to the Monroe Doctrine, which is one of the fundamental documents of American public policy, which became one of the first steps for the formation of American strategic culture in its current state. The relevance of the article is based on the need for a comprehensive study of the reports of the leading London press to identify their impact on international relations and the specific interests of the United Kingdom. Despite the fact that the Monroe Doctrine has been around for two hundred years, it does not lose its relevance in relation to Latin American states with the United States, and, more importantly, in relation to the United States, with other actors in world politics.
Anglo-American contradictions, State sovereignty, Legitimacy, Anglo-American relations, UK Foreign Policy, International relations, London newspapers, British Press, U.S. Foreign Policy, Monroe Doctrine
Sinin E.I.
“Party principles” in the views of Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 5.
P. 8-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.5.71561 EDN: SRBWVG URL:
The subject of the article is the views of one of the founders of the Soviet state and the Bolshevik party, G. E. Zinoviev (1883-1936), on the essence and functions of the communist party. This topic is analyzed through the prism of the political biography of the hero, which determined the emphasis placed on the following three points: 1) understanding of the Communist Party, 2) the place of the Party in the Soviet political system, 3) the boundaries of intra-party pluralism. The sources for the analysis are the texts of books, speeches, articles, drafts, brochures and statements of G. E. Zinoviev. In addition to the specified range of sources, the presented work is based on the existing historiography about G. E. Zinoviev (the works of Yu. N. Zhukov, S. S. Voitikov, V. N. Samokhodkin, E. D. Fliginskaya and other researchers). In his work, the author used a materialistic concept (in particular, historical determinism), as well as historical-genetic and historical-typological methods. It is established that Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev had his own formal views on the essence and functions of the Communist Party, which followed the general course of Bolshevism, but also had their own characteristics. Zinoviev's definition of the Communist Party boiled down to recognizing it as the only vanguard and political organization of the proletariat, and the possibility of the existence of only one Communist Party was emphasized, and within this Communist Party the impossibility of forming internal factions was postulated. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it systematizes the views of such a major Bolshevik and Soviet figure as G. E. Zinoviev on the role and functions of the Communist Party, as well as their inclusion in the history of Marxist and Bolshevik political thought.
Soviet political system, VKPb, RCPb, RSDLP, Bolshevism, Marxism, Bolshevik party, party, Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev, discussions in the party
Khusnulin A.R.
Issues of the functioning of soviet industrial cooperation in the restoration of the Bryansk region (1943–1945)
// History magazine - researches.
2024. ¹ 5.
P. 23-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2024.5.71535 EDN: SUKCIO URL:
This study is devoted to industrial cooperation in the Bryansk region in the context of the restoration of this region after the Nazi occupation. Based on archival materials presented by the records of cooperative industry officials of the Bryansk region directly and their capital authorities, as well as reporting data from industrial cooperation and the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR from the funds of two federal and one regional archives, an attempt is being made to restore the history of industrial cooperation in the Bryansk region, highlighting features of the functioning of this system in the economy of the USSR using the example of a specific liberated subject of the Russian Federation. The article is based on a descriptive method using technology geographic information systems in the QGIS program. The author states the presence of serious obstacles in the work of Soviet industrial cooperation associated with the low material and technical equipment of industrial cooperative artels, as well as the complexity of the planned tasks assigned to them, but at the same time concludes that there is a certain limit of trust on the part of the state in terms of attitude towards the cooperative industry, which was expressed in the release of industrial cooperation with more serious plans compared to the main competitors of industrial cooperation in the form of local industry. Despite the low labor productivity, cooperators demonstrated high survival rate due to the combination of the active use of state resources, which provided all possible assistance to artels and the trade unions that form them, and the use of their own potential, expressed in the form of the possibility of simplified organization of production and investment long-term lending of intra-cooperative origin.
Service sector, Consumer goods, Economic recovery, Post-war reconstruction, Bryanshina, Bryansk region, Cooperative industry, Artels, Soviet industrial cooperation, Socialistic competitions