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«Conflict Studies / nota bene»
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Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Analysis and prognosis in conflict studies
Anglo-Saxon models and technologies for political conflict management
Middle East models and technologies for political conflict management
The battle for resources
Intrapersonal and role conflicts
Domestic political conflicts
Collective defense initiatives
Armed conflict and war
East Asian models and technologies for political conflict management
The global geopolitics of modern conflict
Global issues of world civilization development
State policies in diffusing modern conflicts
European models and technologies for political conflict management
Protecting human rights
Identity and conflict
Ideological confrontation and the war of meanings
Innovation policies in security
The institutes for International and Domestic conflict resolution
The tools for impacting a conflict situation
Information and psychological warfare
Information weapons
Classification and typology of modern conflicts
The conflict of interests and values
Diagnostics of conflict
Conflict interaction in interpersonal and mass communication
Conflict within small social groups
Conflict in international economic relations
Conflict in organizations
Conflict in state administration
Conflict in hostile takeovers (corporate raids)
Conflict in economic competition
Conflict in federate states
Conflict between branches of government
Conflict between authorities and business
Crisis of a unipolar world
International security and political stability management
International Law and its view on conflict
International conflicts
International Courts
International image of the country
Interpersonal conflicts
The place and role of conflict in "new world order" concepts
Methods and tools for empirical conflict research
Global financial crises
Peacekeeping work of modern countries and international organizations
Morality and ethics in modern conflict
Soft power in resolving conflicts and applying foreign policy
New challenges and security threats to modern countries
Negotiation and mediation
The political aspects of international war on terror and political extremism
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Political conflicts in domestic politics of modern countries
Political administration and crisis management
Political leadership in conflict
Political manipulation and reflexive control
Legal settlement and resolution of conflicts
Legal collisions in conflict settlement
Legal basis and procedure for conflict settlement
Legal precedent
Law enforcement in conflict settlement and resolution
The subject field of Conflict studies
Prevention of political conflicts
The Pen Test
The standoff between great powers
Prevention of conflict
Psychological methods for constructive conflict resolution
Psychological operations
Psychological basis of influence and impact in conflict
Psychological consulting
Psychology of management conflict
Personality psychology in conflict situations
Corporate raider psychology
Psychology of marital conflict
Revolutions and national liberation movements
Regional conflicts
The place and role of political conflict in modern political process
The role of Mass-Media and New media in conflict management
Russian approach to settling and resolving of political conflicts
Network models and mechanisms of conflict mobilization
Peace enforcement and Humanitarian interventions
International security systems
Social perception of conflict
The Sociology and Psychology of conflict
Comparative conflict studies
Comparative Law in conflict studies
Clash of civilizations
Strategic communication in conflict
Strategy and tactics of behavior in conflict situations
Structure, function and process of international conflict escalation
Theories, ideas and concepts for the settlement and resolution of political conflicts
Theory, history and methodology of conflict resolution
Conflict management in Africa and Latin America
Conflict management: paradigms, models and technologies
Controlling the mind and behavior of parties in conflict
Controlled chaos
Settlement and resolution of political conflicts
The philosophy of conflict
The function of political conflicts
"Colour revolutions" and political regime deconstruction technologies
Value conflict
Private military companies and the issue of the fight against mercenary employment
Evolution of modern conflicts
Economy in conflict studies
Ethnic and religious separatism
Efficient communication in conflict
Monograph peer reviews
ARTICLES of rubric«International security systems»
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