Borisov D.A., Safarov A.M., Goryacheva A.I..
The Evaluation of Effectiveness of Youth Extremism Countering Policy of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Context of Informatisation and Digitalisation Processes
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 98-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.40096.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.40096
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Abstract: The process of informatisation of extremist activity is becoming a serious challenge to international security, which leads to increase in the negative effect spreading of radical and violent ideas in political struggle. UN calls all actors to search of effective methods of counteracting extremist activity, which should provide comprehensive communication in order to build trust between various social institutions and networks. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization engages in resisting extremism as key areas of activity, and the policy in the field of countering extremism has received separate legal support. The SCO offers a preventive approach to resist extremism: the use of the media and the Internet as a tool for propaganda against extremist ideas, promoting patriotic ideas and educating young people. In this context, the authors of the study applied the methods of the case approach to assess the quality and effectiveness of the Shanghai policy to counter extremism activity. Using a comparative analysis of the quantitative data SEO metrics of the SCO's resources on the Internet and social networks. The study showed that today, the SCO’s anti-extremist activities have not been able to go beyond declarative settings. The Organization’s activity on the Internet and social networks is limited to a purely informative one, and the number of subscribers, the content and the frequency of updating the content cannot have any noticeable positive agenda or counter-narratives effect. The SCO youth policy as an element of counter-extremist activity has similar shortcomings listed above.
Keywords: digitalization, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, international security, analyses of SEO data, effectiveness of international institutions, youth policy, antiextremism, youth extremism, informatization, The SCO
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Shevtsova A.A., Grinko I.A..
Racism and colonialism in Soviet caricature: a visual narrative of friend and foe
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 36-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.26626.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2018.2.26626
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Abstract: During the recent years the topic of racism became somewhat topical for the Russian Federation, which calls for analyzing this phenomenon in historical retrospective. This article attempts to trace the representation of racism as a phenomenon, basing in the visiotypes of Soviet caricature of 1950s-1980s.
The analysis of a visual narrative chiefly involves the three major groups of questions: a) the topic of racism and colonialism being examined from the then-popular "their morals" ideological prism; b) source-established racial and ethnic clichés for the representatives of foreign countries; c) racial and ethnic clichés established for Soviet citizens. The illustrations of the "Krokodil" magazine serve as the main source, along with other works by the leaders of Soviet caricature of this period. The methodology of this research is the decomposition of the visual narrative and the comparative analysis of visual sources. The main conclusion of this article is that, despite the formal opposition to racism on the government level, Soviet caricature went on cultivating racist prejudice regarding the nations of the world, including the USSR, sometimes following the instrumental tasks of authorities, and sometimes continuing the traditions of visualizing non-European peoples.
Keywords: racial prejudices, imagology, Soviet satire, ethnic stereotypes, visiotype, caricature, Soviet history, racism, enemy image, colonialism
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