Smirnova I.G..
K voprosu ob obvinitel'nom uklone v rossiiskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: cherez prizmu obshchestvennogo mneniya
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1189-1196.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65094 URL:
Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo, prigovor, sud, obvinenie, opravdanie, obshchestvo, sudebnaya statistika, obshchestvennoe mnenie, sud prisyazhnykh
Selina E.V..
Svoboda otsenki dokazatel'stv v otechestvennom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1197-1201.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65095 URL:
logika dokazyvaniya, formirovanie ulik, navodyashchie voprosy, promezhutochnyi fakt
Bednyakov I.L..
Problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya zaloga v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: istoricheskii opyt i sovremennoe sostoyanie
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1202-1207.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65096 URL:
Zalog, Mera presecheniya, Ustav ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva, obvinyaemyi, summa zaloga, zaklyuchenie pod strazhu, podozrevaemyi
Tabolina K.A..
O nedostatochnosti polnomochii prokurora dlya obespecheniya effektivnogo nadzora v stadii vozbuzhdeniya ugolovnogo dela
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1208-1214.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65097 URL:
yurisprudentsiya, prokuror, prokurorskii nadzor, polnomochiya prokurora, dosudebnoe proizvodstvo, vozbuzhdenie ugolovnogo dela, reforma dosudebnogo proizvodstva, organy doznaniya
Nasonov S.A..
Aktual'nye problemy sudebnogo sledstviya v sude prisyazhnykh i podkhody k ikh razresheniyu.
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1215-1221.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65098 URL:
sudebnoe sledstviya, sud prisyazhnykh, prisyazhnye zasedateli, svedeniya o podsudimom, svedeniya o svidetelyakh, vozdeistvie na prisyazhnykh, kompetentsiya prisyazhnykh
Razveikina N.A..
K voprosu o podsudnosti suda prisyazhnykh po Ustavu ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva i Ugolovno-protsessual'nomu kodeksu RF.
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1222-1227.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65099 URL:
sud prisyazhnykh, kriterii otsenki, Konstitutsionnyi Sud RF, konstitutsionnoe pravo, Ustav ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva
Khaliullin A.I..
Elektronnaya podpis' v ugolovnom protsesse Rossii
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1228-1231.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65100 URL:
elektronnaya forma dokumenta, elektronnyi dokument, rassledovanie prestuplenii, soobshchenie o prestuplenii, kopirovanie informatsii
Odnoshevin I.A..
Ponyatie «zhilishche» i ego znachenie dlya ugolovno-protsessual'noi i operativno-razysknoi deyatel'nosti
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1232-1239.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65101 URL:
ponyatie «zhilishche», operativno-razysknye meropriyatiya, sledstvennye deistviya, konstitutsionnye prava grazhdan, zhilishchnyi fond, ogranichenie konstitutsionnykh prav, priznaki zhilishcha
Burmagin, S.V..
Separation between prosecution and judiciary
in the criminal judicial proceedings in Russia: from
the judicial reform of 1864 to the current situation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 885-896.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64896 URL:
The article concerns the history of solutions of the conceptual issue of separating prosecution and
judiciary, distinguishing the competences of the criminal investigation bodies and the court starting from the
judicial reform of 1864. Special attention is paid to the functional formation of judicial proceedings under the
current Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the functional separation
of the criminal court from prosecution as a party based on dispositive judicial proceedings according to
the current Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The author notes the causes for the practical
deviance of the courts from the dispositive matters, making the court part of accusatory activity. The author
provides critical evaluation of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2013
and legislative initiatives for restoration of the institution for the return of the case for additional investigation,
and obliging the court to establish the “objective truth” and fill the gaps in the preliminary investigation. The
study is based upon the dialectic, historical, comparative legal and formal legal cognition methods, allowing
to uncover the patterns in the transformation of the correlation of competences of the prosecutor and the
court in the criminal process. The conclusion is drawn that the separation of prosecutor and judiciary is the reflection
of separation of powers in the criminal judicial proceedings. Initiative of the court to return the case to
the prosecutor for strengthening the accusation and making the court fill the gaps of preliminary investigation
during the trial violate the separation of procedural functions between judiciary and prosecution, causing their
competences to mix. The proposed amendments into the Criminal Procedural Law of the Russian Federation
contradict to the competitive elements in the criminal judicial proceedings and return it into the framework of
the prosecutorial criminal process.
fairness of criminal justice, impartiality of the court, independence of the court, return of the case to the prosecutor, procedural functions, criminal court, prosecutorial power, criminal judicial proceedings, separation of powers, adversarial judicial proceedings.
Gavrilov, B.Y..
Implementation of certain provisions of the
Criminal Judicial Proceedings Charter in the modern
pre-trial proceedings in Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 897-905.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64897 URL:
The article is devoted to the modern problems in the sphere of criminal procedural legislation and the
possibilities for implementation into it of certain provisions of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings. The
immediate object of studies includes the patterns of pre-trial procedure in the process of implementation of specific
norms of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation at the stages of initiation of a criminal case
and preliminary investigation, including the procedural rules for the initiation of a criminal case, refusal to initiate
a criminal case, presentation of the accusation, procedural terms for the investigation, choice of the restraining
measures towards the persons hiding from the preliminary investigation bodies, and those on federal wanted
list, etc., as well as the propositions of the author on the improvement of criminal procedural legislation on these
issues. The methodological basis for the study is substantiated with the dialectic cognition method of studying
matters and processes in their mutual relation and connection. Its implementation is guaranteed by a complex of
general and specific scientific research methods. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the fact that due to
the changes introduced in 2007-2013 into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the author offers his own
analysis of the main procedural institutions, including initiation of the proceedings on a criminal case, presentation
of an accusation, guaranteeing reasonability principles in criminal judicial proceedings, differentiation of
procedural capability of prosecutor and head of the investigative bodies, etc.
initiation of a criminal case, refusal to initiate a criminal case, presenting an accusation, reasonable period for judicial proceedings, detention, procedural capabilities of the prosecutor, head of the investigative body, head of the inquiry division, limited inquiry, notification on suspicions.
Muravyev, K.V..
Precision of preliminary legal evaluation of an act
and limitations to judicial proceedings in the
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings and
in the modern law
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 906-913.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64898 URL:
The object of studies concerns the norms of Russian criminal procedural law, providing for the requirements
for reflecting the legal evaluation of an act during the proceedings on a criminal case. Supporting the
positions of the procedural law scholars of the pre-Revolution and current time on the inseparable link between
material and procedural criminal law, the author has set a goal to provide a comparative analysis of the
provisions of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Empire and the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation on the issue of possibility for the correct application of material criminal law
by the persons handling the case. The article provides comparative analysis of the provisions of the Charter of
the Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Empire and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
The author substantiates the position that the requirements of the current legislation on the precise
legal evaluation of an act in the documents at the pre-trial stages of the process is excessive. Turning to the
provisions of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Empire, interpretation of the Senate,
norms of the international law, positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the positions
of the procedural scholars, the author draws a conclusion on the need to improve the regulation of the
limitations to the judicial proceedings in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Empire, qualification, criminal law evaluation, limitations to the judicial proceedings, application of the criminal law, legal evaluation, procedural act, accusation act, accusation, court.
Panokin, A.M..
Limited inquiry
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 914-918.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64899 URL:
The article contains analysis of the topical issues of the novel institution of criminal procedural law: limited
inquiry. The author analyzes the correlations the periods for examination of the information on the committed
crime in limited inquiry, general inquiry and preliminary investigation. The author also studies the changes in the
legal regulation of the types of preliminary investigation in 2002-2013. The article contains evaluation of grounds
and procedures for the limited inquiry as well as the circumstances precluding application of this type of inquiry. The
author studies specific features of the information (claim) of a crime, and evaluation of the plea of the suspect for
limited inquiry. Much attention is paid to the specific features of proof in limited inquiry and judicial proceedings in a criminal case, when the inquiry was limited. The author makes a conclusion that the norms on limited inquiry are
not constitutional, since they do not correspond with the principle of presumption of innocence, do not provide for
comprehensive, full and objective investigation of a crime, considerably limit the procedural rights and possibilities
of the suspect and his defense, inevitably violating human rights in the process of limited inquiry.
preliminary inquiry, inquiry, preliminary investigation, information of a crime, period for investigation, criminal procedural form, presumption of innocence, participation of defense, specific features of proof, specific features of judicial proceedings.
Shestakova, T.D..
On the issue of the algorithm of acts of an
investigator in the proceedings on a criminal
case with a foreign element
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 919-923.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64900 URL:
The article analyzes the problems of participation of foreign citizens in the criminal process. The author
consequently evaluates the forms, in which the foreigners take part in the Russian criminal process, as well as
the practical problems appearing in the activities of the investigator. The article is based upon the results of
the empiric method of studies, polling among the investigators and advocates with the experience on the cases
involving foreign citizens. Based on the above the author makes a conclusion on the need to introduce changes
into the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, and also offers an algorithm for the actions of an
investigator in the proceedings on criminal cases involving foreign citizens in order to guarantee their rights and
lawful interests. The general scientific methods involve analysis and synthesis, empirical methods involve description,
questionnaires, specific scientific methods include formal legal, specific legal, logical legal, normative legal,
doctrinal, specific legal, logical legal, normative legal, doctrinal interpretation, analogy of law and the law. The
article for the first time contains an attempt to develop an algorithm for the actions of the practicing lawyer (investigator)
in order to guarantee rights and lawful interests of foreign residents according to the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation and the lawful rights of the foreign citizens involved in the Russian criminal
process. Analysis of the practice allows the author to state that the legislator defines by law the rights of a foreign
party to a process, however, it is not clarified how the investigator should implement these rights. It causes a
number of practical problems, which have to be dealt with anew every time by an investigator in an absence of
clear legislative provisions. It causes violations of rights and lawful interests of foreign citizens. The author offers
to introduce amendments into the text of the Criminal Procedural Law, and to provide for an algorithm for the
activities of an investigator, which may also be used in the practical work.
foreign citizens, investigator, international treaty, interpreter, diplomatic immunity, language principle, principles of criminal judicial proceedings, participants of the criminal judicial proceedings, international cooperation, consular immunity.
Spesivov, N.V..
Right to fair trial and its implementation in the
proceedings on criminal case involving juveniles
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 924-929.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64901 URL:
The scientific article is devoted to the topical issue of the science of criminal process, which is implementation
of the international standard of fair trial in the proceedings on criminal cases involving juvenile persons.
Having analyzes numerous international documents, containing norms on the right to the fair trial, as well as
the judicial practice of their application scientific views of Russian and foreign legal scholars, the author makes a
conclusion that there is need to improve the procedure for the criminal cases involving juvenile persons. Currently
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation regulates the proceedings on this category of cases in a
special chapter (16), which is generally in compliance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international
law. However, some problems arise in Russia in the proceedings involving juvenile persons, and they are
analyzed in this article, including the issues of transparency of justice, differentiation of the form of proceedings
in this category of cases, and these problem require careful evaluation and resolution.
international standards, fair trial, transparency of justice, juveniles parties to judicial proceedings, juvenile justice, the Beijing Rules, criminal process, the European Convention, limitation to openness, juvenile courts.
Hohryakov, M.A..
Criminal Process according to the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864 in the works of scientists
of the Department of Criminal Procedural Law
of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 536-545.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64124 URL:
In 2014 the Russian legal community celebrates the 150th anniversary from the day when the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Empire was adopted. The provisions of the Charter changed the
criminal process, and they were so radical and novel, that they are still the object of studies for the renown
procedural scholars, including members of the Department of Criminal Procedural Law of the Kutafin Moscow
State Law University. One of the first scientists, who has studied the Charter was M.A. Cheltsov. Later P.A.
Lupinskaya also turned to the Charter in her work. Currently the scientist continue using the experience of the
Charter of 1864. The studies of T.Y. Maksimova devoted to the stage of assigning the judicial hearings provide
detailed analysis of the issue of the proceedings at this stage according to the Charter. The scientific works of
S.A. Nasonov also provided a complex study of various aspects of jury trial according to the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864, including specific features of judicial investigation, specific features of instructing
speech to the jurors, and verdict of the jurors. The works of Nichiporenko (Vilkova) T.Y. included in depth
studies of the issue of composition of the court in the proceedings on criminal cases, correlation of individual
and collegiate elements in the court activities in the period after the reform. The associate professor of the Department
of Criminal Procedural Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University A.I. Panicheva studied various
aspects of introduction of the appeals for the courts of all levels into the criminal proceedings in Russia,
including the experience of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864. It should also be noted that
the Charter had a significant influence upon the development of the Russian law and the law of the foreign
states. For example, A. M. Panokin noted the influence of the Charter of 1864 upon the Bulgarian legislation.
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, criminal process, criminal judicial proceedings, assigning a judicial hearing, jurors, composition of the court, evidence law, appeals, activities of prosecutors, Bulgarian law.
Vilkova, T.Y..
The fundamentals of the criminal judicial proceedings
of the justices of peace at the time when the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 was in force
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 546-555.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64125 URL:
The article concerns the activities of the justices of peace in Russia in 1864-1917. The author substantiates
the position that proceedings of the justices of peace on criminal cases corresponded to the general principles
of criminal judicial proceedings: directness, oral nature, and openness of judicial proceedings, freedom
in evaluation of evidence. At the same time, there were specific features in criminal proceedings by justices
of peace, due to the need for the fast resolution of cases “of little importance”, such as absence of distinction
between pre-trial and trial investigation, broader competence of police on cases within the jurisdiction of justices
of peace, fast “hearing examination” of a case, absence of obligatory representation of the institutional
accuser, much independence of the parties, possibility for the sentence in absentia. The study is based upon the analysis of judicial charters of 1864 (The Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, Establishment of Judicial
Institutions, Charter on Punishments Assigned by Justices of Peace), the Law of July 12, 1889 on the reform
of local peasants’ institutions and judicial department in the Empire and the relevant Rules of December 29,
1889, as well as the statistical data on justices of peace in the period after the reform. Based upon the said
analysis the author shows genesis and evolution of the institution of justices of peace as a part of judicial system
of pre-Revolution Russia, where their activities were based on the general principles of judicial proceedings
and aimed at the guarantees of fast simplified and efficient proceedings on criminal cases which would
closely correspond to the needs of the people.
justice of peace, court of justices of peace, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, Establishment of Judicial Institutions, judicial reform, principles, the Russian Empire, judicial competence, local court, the assembly of justices of peace.
Maksimova, T.Y..
Role of the chairperson in the formation of the
inner conviction of the jury in a case and prevention
of illegal influence on the jury: comparative legal
analysis of the norms of the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 556-562.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64126 URL:
The article is devoted to the comparative legal analysis of the norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings of 1864 and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation on the role of the chairperson
in the formation of the inner conviction of the jury in a case and prevention of illegal influence on the jury. The
article concerns the issue of formation of the inner conviction and what is “illegal influence” upon the jurors,
because it is often one of the grounds for termination of the judgment of the court based upon the jury verdict
by a higher court. The norms, which are aimed to limit illegal influence on jurors according to the Charter are
divided into two aspects: organizational measures and the measures involving judicial hearings. The introductory
claims of the parties, interrogation, oral arguments of the parties, instructing speech of a presiding
judge are viewed from the standpoint of the formation of the inner conviction of the jurors in a comparative
aspect between the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation. The author uses the method of comparative legal analysis of the norms of the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation on the role of presiding
judge in the formation of the inner conviction of jurors regarding their position on a case. The author
makes a conclusion that the procedural mechanisms in the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864
and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation guaranteeing participation of the chairperson in
the formation of the inner conviction of the jury in a case and prevention of illegal influence on the jury have
both similar and dissimilar features, which is of much importance for the scientific development in the sphere
of modern criminal process.
introductory speech, inner conviction, illegal influence, trial by jury, chairperson, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, evidence, interrogation, oral pleadings of the parties, instructing speech.
Nasonov, S.A..
Genesis and evolution of the model of judicial
proceedings for trials by jury in Russia: from the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 to the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 563-569.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64127 URL:
In the 2nd half of the XIX century the legislatively provided judiciary model in Russia was of combined
(mixed) character. It combined the elements of Anglo-American and Continental models of judiciary. In its
lengthy development one may single out three stages: the model of proceedings for trial by jury under the
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864; the model of criminal proceedings under the Criminal Procedural
Code of the RSFSR (ed. Law of 16.07.1993); model of criminal judicial proceedings under the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation of 2001. Analysis of the proceedings in the court trials by jury under
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 shows, that it includes elements of the Anglo-American system (the adversary system, institution of the instructing speech, etc.) and the elements of the Continental
model (the system of posing several questions, division of the judicial investigation and oral arguments of
the parties, etc.). The comparative analysis of the models of trial by jury according to the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864, the Criminal Procedural Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Procedural Code of
the Russian Federation allows to draw two conclusions. Firstly, the models of trial by jury in the Criminal Procedural
Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation provide for reception of
the model of judicial proceedings of the Charter. The similar features include the structure of judicial hearing
(quantity, contents and sequence of stages), system of posing the questions to the jurors, requirements to the
contents of the instruction speech of the chairman, qualities of the verdict of the jurors, etc. The differences are
due to the new contents of some modern principles of criminal judicial proceedings (for example, the requirement
for single situation of possible disagreement of a presiding judge with the verdict of jurors. Secondly,
the problems appearing at all the three stages of evolution of the trial by jury in Russia are also the same. The
study of the experience of their solution allows to optimize the current legislative regulation and the practice
of the proceedings in the Russian court in trial by jury and to define the vector for its further development.
trial by jury, jurors, presiding judge, instruction speech, verdict of jurors, Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, adversarial nature, judicial investigation, posing questions for jurors, criminal defendant.
Markova, T.Y..
Posing questions to the jurors according to the
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 570-576.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64128 URL:
The article provides for the differences between the Anglo-American and Continental systems of posing
questions to the jurors. The author studies the causes for the introduction of the stage of posing question
to the board of jurors into the Russian criminal process and evaluates positive and negative features of inclusion
of this stage of judicial proceedings. The author analyzes the grounds for posing questions to the jurors,
the rights of the court and the parties, procedure and cases, when the conclusions of an accusation may be
changed, as well as the consequences of the failure to comply with the existing procedure for the changes in
the charge brought against a criminal defendant. The author provides the position of the pre-Revolution lawyers
on how the judicial investigation and final arguments of the parties may change or amend the conclusions
of an accusation. The author refers to the decisions of the Cassation Senate, which provided guidelines for the
courts on how the discrepancy between some elements of a criminal act according to the accusation and the
criminal law may be resolved. The author defines and discusses the requirements to the contents and formulations
of the questions, which were posed to the board of jurors, noting the cases, when it was prohibited to
combine several questions into one. Finally, at the end of the article the author analyzes the right of parties
and jurors to petition on amendments and changes into the list of questions, as well as the competence of the
court regarding such petitions.
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, jurors, the list of questions, grounds for posing questions, changes in the accusation, liability mitigation, liability aggravation, the order of posing questions, changes in the list of questions, the Cassation Senate.
Matveev, S.V..
Genesis of an idea on differentiation of an approach
to the juveniles from the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings to the Criminal Procedural Code of the
Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 582-589.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64130 URL:
The article concerns the criminal procedural specificities of the development of the Russian legislation
regarding juveniles violating criminal prohibitions. The author regards this issue starting with the Charter of
Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 to the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The author
substantiates the following periods in the legislation regarding the juveniles, which are due to the leading
attitude to children in a state (punitive or protective). The author pays special attention to the Law of July 2,
1897, and its value for the formation of the Juvenile Courts. The pre-Revolution period is from 1864 to 1917, the
Soviet period (first one lasting from 1918 to 1935, second one lasting from 1935 to 1957, the third one lasting
from 1958 to 1991) and the current period (from 1991 to current time). The author makes a conclusion that the
Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation did not totally overcome a punitive tendency, while there
are prerequisites for the implementation of a humanistic, restorative approach to a child, creation of friendly
justice, based on respect to the rights of child and due regard to age of a child, his maturity and understanding
of the circumstances of the case.
legislative periods, procedural guarantees to children, differentiation of a procedural form, court, criminal judicial procedure, legislative genesis, juveniles, juvenile justice, friendly justice, international standards.
Frantsiforov, Y.V..
Historical analysis of the problems of interpretation
of the norms of criminal procedural law
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 590-596.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64131 URL:
The object of studies in this article includes theoretical sources, reflecting the nature of interpretation
of criminal procedural norms, specifying the procedure and results of interpretation, as well as the legislative
acts regulating criminal procedural relations, causing complications in legal practice, ambiguous and unclear
situations requiring interpretation. Currently in spite of detailed regulation of criminal law relations, the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation is not a fully comprehensive act, which could be characterized
by logical completeness covering all of the spheres of activities in criminal law proceedings. The Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation includes both internal and inter-systemic contradictions and gaps,
which are being dealt with by various means, forms and methods. Interpretation of criminal procedural law in
order to clarify its contents and establishing the will of the legislator plays a primary role among such means.
In the process of studies the author used general scientific dialectic provisions on general, particular and specific
elements, as well as methods of cognition, such as analysis and synthesis, formal logical and historical legal
method. The scientific novelty of the article is due to uncovering an important problem in the sphere of criminal
judicial proceedings and use of novel approaches to its resolution. The experience of the pre-Revolution
procedural law scholars was successfully used in the drafting of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of
1864, the Criminal Procedural Code of the RSFSR of 1922, 1923 and 1960, as well as the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation keeps serving Russia in the matter of improvement of criminal procedural legislation,
and its interpretation may only be successful, when it corresponds to its purpose.
interpretation problem, normative legal acts, historical periods, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, the law-enforcement activity, inter-systemic contradictions, gaps, regulation of legal relations, criminal procedural legislation, judicial interpretation.
Kornukov, V.M..
Conflict of interests in the Russian criminal procedural
law from the standpoint of its historical development
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 597-602.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64132 URL:
In the article based upon the analysis of the norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of
1864 and the current criminal procedural legislation of Russia the author studies the issues of legal regulation
of correlation of competences of the parties, balance of legal guarantees of their procedural interests in implementation
of the criminal procedural activities. It is stated that on one hand the adversarial element forms the
possibility for the main participants of the process (the parties) to actively influence the process and results of
criminal procedural activities, but on the other hand it forms the conflict of interests of these participants from
the standpoint of their procedural guarantees. From this standpoint the author views the lately adopted provisions
and legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding the improvement of
legal regulation of the return of the criminal cases to the prosecutor for additional investigation. The author
uses dialectic legal method with the use of analytic, historical and comparative legal methods of studies. The
author provides statistical data, interview data and the information sources. The article demonstrates a novel
approach towards characteristics of the conflicts of legislative regulation of competences of parties in the
criminal proceedings, and the legal guarantees of balance of their procedural interests. The author makes a
conclusion that de facto the institution of additional investigation on criminal cases was returned to the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, and this type of activity can hardly be called special procedure
of criminal proceedings, which is supposed not to be identical to its return for additional investigation (Decision
of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2013). It is stated that the search for the
balance in the guarantees of procedural interests of the parties should not be implemented via taking turns
in non-proportionate changes in the procedural capabilities of the participants of criminal judicial proceedings
and the order for their use, causing limitation of rights and lawful interests of these legal subjects, while
in many cases mistakes and violations of law by the preliminary investigation bodies (including those due to
the lack of professional training of its staff) lay at the root of many conflict situations. It is recommended to
abolish or minimize the primary factors for such conflicts, and then regulate the mechanism for the interaction
between the parties and the court in the process of criminal procedural activities. The article concerns some
topical issues regarding the stage of initiation of a criminal case.
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, adversarial and conflict nature, regulation of competence, conflict of interests of the parties, initiation of a criminal case, institution of additional investigation, balance of procedural interests, causes of conflicts of interests, ways to avoid conflicts, professional training of an investigator.
Schwartz, O.A..
Once again on the objective truth and active role
of court in a criminal process
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 603-609.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64133 URL:
Due to the introduction into the State Duma of the draft Federal Law “On amendments to the
Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation due to introduction of the institution of establishing the
objective truth in a criminal case” and the statement in its explanatory note that the requirement on finding
objective truth in a criminal process is traditional for Russia and provided for by the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864, the author provides analysis of the text of the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings, explanatory note and commentary to it, as well as scientific works of the renowned lawyers of
the time in order to find out the attitude of the drafters of the Charter towards establishment of objective
truth, adversarial character and active role of court in the process. In the process of writing the article the
author employed the standard methods for the legal studies: analytic, historical legal and comparative legal
methods. Based upon the studies of the above-mentioned sources the author makes a conclusion that at
that time a number of leading lawyers supported the position, according to which legal cognition is probabilistic,
and there was a concept of criminal judicial authenticity. The Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
referred to the need to achieve material truth as opposed to the pre-existing principle of achieving a
formal truth, that is the need to prove guilt of a criminal defendant at any cost. The drafters of the Charters
required that judges provide scrupulous analysis of evidence presented by the parties in adversarial process in accordance with their inner conviction. At the same time, there was a negative attitude towards overly
active role of the presiding judge in the Criminal Procedural Code of France.
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, objective truth, adversarial process, equal rights of parties, presumption of innocence, criminal process, formal evaluation of evidence, inner conviction of a judge, active role of a court, judicial investigator.
Balakshin, V.S..
The institution of returning criminal cases for
additional investigations: pro and contra arguments
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 610-618.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64134 URL:
The article concerns the problems of return of the institution of additional investigation into the
current Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The published articles of the authors speaking
against the institution of return of cases by the court for the additional investigation provide only the arguments
against preservation of this institution. This article offers a more objective analysis of positive and negative
features of this institution. The author provides detailed analysis of the positions of such authors, as B.Y.
Gavrilov, V.A. Lazarev, etc., providing counter-arguments in support of the need to provide for the institution
of return of cases by the court for the additional investigation in the criminal procedural legislation. The author
expresses some ideas after studying the existing grounds for return of cases by the court for the additional investigation,
offering to formulate other grounds, allowing for the correction of mistakes and violations by the
investigative bodies within the reasonable period of time. The comparative analysis of the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and the current criminal procedural legislation involves the methods of historic
analysis and comparative legal studies. The article formulates additional arguments in favor for the return
of the institution of the additional investigation into the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
Based upon the analysis of the arguments of the authors calling for the abolition of this institution in the Russian
procedural law, the author provides theoretical and logical arguments proving the possibility and need
for reanimation of this institution in the Russian criminal procedural law. These conclusions are supported by
the statistics on return of criminal cases by the courts, when in the course of additional investigation the violations
were eliminated and the rights and interests of participants of the process were restores, so the case was
resolved by a court within the reasonable period of time. The conclusion is that there is need for an in depth
study of this institution and clarification of the grounds for the of return of cases by the court for the additional
investigation in the Russian criminal process.
criminal process, institution of return of cases, grounds for the return of cases, arguments against, reasonable period, rights and freedoms, arguments in favor, comparative analysis, formulation of the grounds, causes of return.
Yastrebov, V.B..
Functions of the prosecutor in the criminal judicial
proceedings (the past and the modern time: some
lessons of the Judicial Reform of 1864)
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 619-624.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64135 URL:
The article concerns the functions of the prosecutor in the criminal process as an important and necessary
element of the guarantees of human rights. These functions are defined as an obligation of a prosecutor
official to perform certain types of procedural activities reflecting the public law purpose of the prosecution
in the sphere of guarantees of lawfulness in investigation of crimes and criminal judicial proceedings in court.
The author provides comparative legal analysis of the competence of a prosecutor in current Russian legislation
and the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, Establishment of Judicial Institutions of the Russian
Empire. The author analyzes the results of the Judicial Reform of 1864, which provided for the formation
of the Russian school of public prosecutors. The methodology of the comparative historical legal studies was
formed by the dialectic method and the general and special cognition methods, which were based upon it. The
scientific novelty of the article is due to the original view of the author of the existing problems in the sphere
of guarantees of lawfulness in the Russian criminal judicial proceedings and role of prosecutor in such guarantees. He provides an analysis substantiated with the studies of criminal procedural legislation of the Russian
Empire and the modern Russia, stating that there is need to use the existing positive experience in the sphere
of prosecutor activities, he also provides additional arguments regarding mistaken character of the novelties
in the Federal Law of June 5, 2007 N. 87-FZ “On Amendments into the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation” and the Federal Law “On the Prosecution of the Russian Federation” which considerably abridged
the competence of the prosecutor.
competence of a prosecutor, criminal process, Establishment of Judicial Institutions of the Russian Empire, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, Judicial Reform, criminal prosecution, public prosecutor, the Criminal Procedural Code, Prosecutor-General, preliminary investigation body.
Himicheva, O.V., Himicheva, G.P..
On the improvement of principles of criminal
judicial proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 625-630.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64136 URL:
The object of studies concerns the modern condition of the system of principles of criminal judicial
proceedings and the directions for its improvement, which are due to the changes in the social and political
life of the state, as reflected by the criminal procedural law. The correction of this system as a whole and certain
principles of criminal judicial proceedings in particular requires a balanced approach, which is base upon
substantial theoretical studies. It is doubtful that the provisions lacking conceptual character for the criminal
judicial proceedings should be included into the list of principles. The basic constitutional principle of judicial
proceedings – the presumption of innocence should apply to any person, whose innocence is being challenged,
rather than only to an accused and a suspect. The methodological basis for the study was formed by the
materialistic methods of scientific cognitions of objective reality (deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis,
logical, historical legal method, comparative legal method, structural functional method, etc.). The scientific
novelty is due to the theoretical evaluation of the process of correction of legal regulation of the principles of
criminal judicial proceedings, development of the propositions for the improvement of the system of principles
and some specific principles. Due to the lack of clarity in the legal definition of the term “suspect” in criminal
judicial proceedings, the authors offer to apply the presumption of innocence to any person, whose innocence
is being challenged, rather than only to an accused and a suspect.
principles of judicial proceedings, reasonable period of time, independency of judges, presumption of innocence, accused, suspect, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, criminal procedural law, participants of an examination, reduced inquiry.
Makarova, Z.V..
The constitutional principle of lawfulness of the
criminal judicial proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 631-636.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64137 URL:
The object of studies concerns the contents of the constitutional principle of criminal judicial proceedings.
The order of criminal judicial proceedings have been and is defined only by the law: by the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings in the pre-Revolution Russia and by the Criminal Procedural Code of the
Russian Federation, which is based upon the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the modern Russia.
The necessary prerequisite for the correct application of the norms of criminal procedural law is their correct
interpretation, that is why the article concerns the methods of interpretation of criminal procedural
law in the theory of law of the pre-Revolution Russia and modern Russia. The article includes comparative
legal study of the contents of the principle of lawfulness of criminal proceedings in the Criminal Procedural
Codes of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The
methodological basis for the studies is formed with the dialectic cognition method, as well as special legal
methods, methods of historical, comparative, legal logical, and logical structural analysis. For the first time
in this article the contents of the principles of lawfulness of the Russian criminal judicial proceedings are
studied in relation with the contents of lawfulness according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, the Criminal Procedural Codes of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the
Republic of Kazakhstan. The author substantiates the need to introduce into the Criminal Procedural Code
of the Russian Federation the independent principles of comprehensive character, fullness and objective
character of examination of all of the circumstances of a criminal case, as well as the justice in proceedings
and resolution on a criminal case.
the Constitution of the Russian Federation, application of the norms of law, interpretation of law, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, lawfulness, the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure of criminal judicial proceedings, justice, analogy of law, principles of criminal judicial proceedings.
Kozyavin, A.A..
The fortune of judicial reforms in Russia:
XIX and XXI centuries
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 637-644.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64138 URL:
The study concerns historical, social, and political grounds, which served as prerequisites for the
need for judicial, legal and criminal procedural reforms in Russia in the middle of XIX century and the
end of XX century within the complex of other social changes, and their substantiation in the scientific
sources. The author studies the procedure for the implementation of judicial reforms, their main stages,
normative sources (Judicial Charters of 1864 and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation,
organic criminal procedural law), their characteristics in the scientific sources and judicial practice, and
their main results, analyzes counter-reforms and their implementation in criminal procedural legislation
and their characteristics in scientific sources and judicial practice. The author applies dialectic, comparative
legal, historical, formal dogmatic methods of scientific analysis, general scientific methods of analysis and
synthesis, the author also uses the modern achievements of the science of the criminal procedural law. The
author singles out and characterizes the general social backgrounds, content-related, social and psychological
causes, goals and directions of the reforms of 1864 and 1990s, legal technology of these reforms,
specific features of development of the reform provisions in the criminal process, causes and effects of their
gradual rejection by the legal practice, causing the counter-reform. The author substantiates the unique
similarities of these moments in spite of the obvious differences in the historical stages in the development
of Russian statehood, justice and criminal judicial procedure. The author supports recognition of the greater
efficiency and incomparable structural logic of the Judicial Charters of 1864 in comparison with the criminal
procedural law of the modern Russia. The author makes conclusions on the identity of the fate of judicial
reforms in Russia, which is failure to implement their social potential, which may serve as grounds for the
development of the concept of the new judicial legal reform.
criminal judicial proceedings, criminal procedural legislation, judicial legal reform, the Judicial Charters, separation of procedural functions, independence of court, judicial investigator, judicial counterreform, additional investigation, objective truth.
Yuldoshev, R.R..
Role of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
of 1864 in the formation and development of the
Tajic criminal procedural legislation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 645-651.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64139 URL:
150 years have passed since the time when the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 was
adopted and entered into force. Gradual planned spread of the norms of new legislative acts throughout the
territory of Russia and their partial application in the territory of the pre-Revolution Tajikistan became one of
the historic judicial legal reforms, which shall forever remain in history. The stage-by-stage application of the
Judicial Charters, formation of the Turkestan general-governorate in the territory of Tajikistan became one
of the main influences defining the further destiny of the Tajik people. The mixed criminal procedural law did
not correspond to the political regime, judicial system and judicial procedure in general, but with much effort
it found its way through. A number of reasons, including application of Muslim law and its correlation with
the legislation of the Russian Empire, contradictions, appearance and formation of the new models for resolution
of a number of procedural conflicts became a specific features of the development of the legal system of Tajikistan in the analyzed sphere. The criminal procedural legislation of Tajikistan, which formed and was
enriched by various sources through different historic periods, still reflects the nature and shows an inalienable
connection with some provisions of the Judicial Charters, which have laid the basis for the current criminal procedural
legislation of Tajikistan. The comparative legal analysis allows to fill the gaps in the scientific studies.
Judicial Charters, the Turkestan general-governorate, pre-Revolution Tajikistan, the Middle East, the Muslim law, the legislation of the Russian Empire, judicial system, mixed model, criminal procedural law, criminal judicial proceedings.
Hatmullin, K.Y..
Procedural periods according to the Charter of
Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 652-657.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64140 URL:
The object of studies concerns regulation of procedural periods and their calculation according to the
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864. The article provides a brief description of the history of drafting
of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, the length of drafting, difficulties in its formation,
naming the drafters of the Charter. The author provides a detailed analysis of the technique for the regulation
of procedural periods at the stage of preliminary investigation and in court trial from the standpoint of
establishing the terms for the state bodies and officials implementing judicial proceedings, and the procedural
periods for the parties. The author uses analysis of the norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of
1864 regulating the procedural periods for procedural acts and decisions, and he provides conclusions based
upon descriptions and generalization of these norms. He makes a conclusion that regulation of procedural
terms in the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 was aimed to speed up criminal judicial proceedings,
so for decision making and acts of state bodies and officials there were terms like “immediately”, “in a
timely fashion”, “without delay”, and if a certain period of time was established, it could not be lengthened.
The periods for the parties were regulated differently. Usually, when the party missed the limitation periods
due to reasonable excuse, the limitation period was reinstated, and an appeal could be filed on a refusal to
reinstate such a period.
procedural periods, procedural acts, criminal judicial proceedings, regulation, officials, parties, stage of preliminary investigation, justice of peace, judicial provisions.
Zotov, D.V..
Necessary limits of proof in the conditions
of concept of free inner conviction of a judge
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 658-664.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64141 URL:
The termination of the formal theory of evidence and provision for the principle of freedom of the
inner conviction of a judge was among the outstanding reforms in Russia in 1864. However, the quantity
criterion typical of the system of legal evidence was not fully abolished from the new system of evidence.
The pre-Revolution lawyers recognized the presence of “dominating evidence” in the criminal process. The
issue of dominating evidence remains the manifestation of an artificial theory of evidence and it is related
to the definition of sufficient and necessary limitations of proof. The issue of sufficient limitations of proof is
not resolved unequivocally. The author uses comparative historical method of studies, works of the Russian
scientists on the issues of the reform of criminal judicial proceedings of the 1860s. The criminal legal cognition
has its limitations. Its retrospective character and its purpose to uncover the truth of the existing information
on the facts presuppose the limitations for the cognitive process. If these limitations to the examination of a
crime are expressed in the procedural form established by the law, they are usually called limitations of proof.
The limitation of proof is quantity of evidence necessary to be deemed sufficient. The author attempts to
define necessary and substantiated quantity of evidence, allowing the subjects of proof to substantiate their
positions in a case.
limitations of proof, necessary evidence, necessary limitations, sufficient limitations, sufficiency, dominating evidence, sources of evidence, information approach, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, the process of proof.
Nazarov, A.D..
Use of the legal constructions of the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian
Empire in the modern criminal process at the pre-trial
stages in order to guarantee the compliance with the
principle of lawfulness by the means of judicial control
and prosecutor supervision
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 665-671.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64142 URL:
The article concerns the key problems of implementation of judicial control and prosecutor supervision
at the pre-trial stages of criminal process within the framework of comparison between the modern model
and the model of activities of court and prosecutor according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
of 1864. The author analyzes the roles of court, prosecutor and investigator in taking an accused into custody,
presenting him with the accusation and formation of the written accusation, then transferring an accused to a
court. The author pays special attention to the figures of judicial investigator and prosecutor and their interactions
with the court. By holding historical studies, the author gained conclusions on the model of activities of
judicial investigator, prosecutor and court in the Russian Federation. Having generalized the positive historical
experience and the modern situation in the Russian criminal process, the author analyzes the possible options
for overcoming the existing problems in criminal judicial proceedings in order to improve its efficiency. Finally,
the author substantiates the need to introduce the position of an investigating judge into the Russian criminal
process in order to guarantee judicial control at the pre-trial stages. Additionally, the author considers that it
is a prosecutor who should form written accusation, act and resolution at the end of the preliminary investigation
and to present them to the investigation judge when an accused is committed to trial.
criminal process, judicial control, prosecutor supervision, investigating judge, committing to trial, accusation, judicial investigator, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, prosecutor, taking into custody.
Idirov, E.I..
Formation of the institution of an investigating
judge: some specific features of criminal process
in Kazakhstan
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 672-678.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64143 URL:
The article provides analysis of some provisions of the draft Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, which concern the forming institution of an investigating judge at the pre-trial stage of proceedings.
The experience of the European states and the CIS states used in the process of drafting shows the
importance of widening the scope of the judicial controlling competence at the stage of investigation of a
criminal case in order to guarantee judicial protection of rights and freedoms of persons involved in a criminal
process. The draft of the new Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is being discussed at
the Parliament of Kazakhstan, and it has been approved in the first reading. It is planned that the new Code
should enter into force on July 1, 2014. The article uses historical legal and comparative legal methods based
upon the studies of positive experience of the foreign states of Roman-German legal system. The institution of
an investigating judge has a long history and it has been efficiently functioning in a number of civilized states.
Introduction of this position is novel for the Republic of Kazakhstan, that is why, the author discusses some
specific features of activities of an investigating judge and also provides opinions of lawyers regarding the
draft law. The author makes proposals on the improvement of the legal status and immediate broadening of
a competence of an investigating judge.
draft Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, investigating judge, court, judicial control, sanction, criminal judicial proceedings, criminal procedural reform, secret investigative activities, competence, prosecutor.
Sementsov, V.A..
Investigative activities according to the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 679-685.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64144 URL:
The article analyzes the system of investigative activities according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings of 1864, reflecting the typical procedures of preliminary investigation in a criminal case of that
time. It is pointed out that examination and certification were regarded as two types of the same activity (one
simple, one complicated), while it was possible to implement them separately, while the procedures of search
and seizure also showed dual understanding of their nature: as a single investigative activity, and as two independent
activities. There were provisions for two types of interrogation: of an accused and of a witness, and
the face-to-face interrogation was only possible with two witnesses, who previously interrogated separately.
In addition to the types of investigative activities the Charter mentioned the groups, having their own titles:
primary, secondary, immediate. Based upon the studies of the system of investigative activities according to
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings the author used the methods of analysis, synthesis, as well as
historical, logical and comparative methods. The article substantiates that solution of the modern problems
in the sphere of regulation of investigative activities is possible with the use of progressive achievements of
science and fundamental developments of the merited pre-Revolution scholars specializing in procedural law.
It is noted that according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 in the course of preliminary
investigation the following investigative activities took place: examination, certification, search, seizure, interrogation
of an accused, a witness, some rules may still be relevant nowadays. It is noted that the term “expertise”
is absent in the text of the Charter, since this type of activity was regarded as a type of examination
or certification. The author offers to regard judicial expertise as an investigative activity, as opposed to the
positions of some authors providing that expertise is a procedural activity, rather than an investigative one.
the Charter, investigative, examination, certification, interrogation, search, seizure, expertise, evidence, secondary.
Purs, A.G..
Is the criminal procedural form capable of
guaranteeing the right to defense in criminal process?
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 692-698.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64146 URL:
The article reflects the position of the author towards the norms of criminal procedural law based
upon the example of the right to defense in the criminal process, which is the foremost important principle
of criminal process. The legal basis for the analysis of the legislation in this article is formed by the legislation
of the Republic of Belarus (it should be noted that a significant part of the territory of the modern Republic of
Belarus was a constituent part of the Russian empire, and currently the legislation is being unified based upon
the Union State of Russia and Belarus). The author draws historical and legal parallels between the criminal
procedural form typical for the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and the modern legislation.
The author attempts to study the norms regulating the guarantees of the right to defense from the standpoint of in-depth structural analysis of criminal procedural norm as a social regulator, its inner structure, moral
components and the interrelation between norm-making and legal practice, rather than just construction
of the new forms. The methodology is based upon the systemic and structural-functional approaches based
upon the modern attitude towards dialectic scientific cognition of objective reality. The author used general
scientific methods of cognition, such as induction and deduction, abstraction and modeling, The author offers
his interpretation of the verdict of the jury in the case of Vera Zasulich, this case being a vivid example of interaction
between a novel form of justice (trial by jury) and the institution of jurors (novel features of the Charter
of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864), having formed a dramatically different format for the guarantees
of protection of rights of persons brought to criminal responsibility outside the scope of exclusively formal approach.
The author substantiates the conclusion on the impossibility of real guarantees of right to defense in
the criminal process via improvement of legal technique alone.
right to defense, advocacy, trial by jury, jurors, norms of law, criminal procedural form, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, principles of judicial process, moral fundamentals, criminal process.
Smolkova, I.V..
Procedural position of a witness according to the
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 699-704.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64147 URL:
The article is devoted to the legislative regulation of the procedural status of a witness, the cases
when he may be freed from the obligation to give testimony, specific features and conditions of the interrogation
at the time of investigation and during the trial according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings.
Due to the absence of definition of a witness in the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, the author provides
characteristics of various definitions of witness, as provided for in the works of the pre-Revolution procedural
law scholars. The author analyzes the norms of Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, which freed
the witnesses from the obligation to give testimony, and the grounds for it. In addition, the author provides
and comments the provisions of the draft Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1900. The author studies
the provisions of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings regarding the testimony of witnesses under
oath during investigation and trial, providing the characteristics of importance of an oath in the works of the
Russian pre-Revolution procedural law scholars. The author uses the method of historical analysis of the provisions
of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, as well as comparative legal method allowing to establish
the legislative approach towards regulation of the legal position of a witness, as well as scientific opinions on
various aspects of procedural status of a witness. The article for the first time provides specific analysis of
the norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings on procedural status of a witness, rules for witness
interrogation during preliminary investigation and during trial, as well as the role of the oath of the witness in
the guarantees of authentic testimony. Based on the analysis of the norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings the author formulates a conclusion that it was the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, which
laid the foundation for the modern institution of witness in the criminal judicial proceedings, and many of its
provisions are taken by the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, Judicial reform, witness, free from witness testimony, witness immunity, witness interrogation, oath of a witness, free from oath, witness statement, advocate.
Dyakonova, O.G..
Regulation of the institution of knowledgeable
persons in the Charters of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings of Tsar Alexander the II
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 705-711.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64148 URL:
The article concerns the issues of legal regulation of the institution of knowing persons in the legislation
of XIX century, namely in the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings and the Charter of Civil Judicial
Proceedings of 1864. The analysis concerns the forms of participation of knowledgeable persons in criminal
and civil judicial proceedings, legal status (rights, obligations and responsibility) of knowledgeable persons,
grounds for their involvement in the judicial proceedings, as well as the opinion of knowledgeable persons, its
place and value in the Charters of Judicial Proceedings. Additionally, the attention is paid to the process of development and adoption of the Charters of Judicial Proceedings. The study employed the historic and comparative
legal methods, allowing for the analysis of the legal institution of knowledgeable persons in comparison
of the provisions from the Charters of Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and the provisions of the modern legislation.
The scientific novelty is due to the formulation of the conclusions regarding the value of the provisions of
the Charters of Judicial Proceedings of 1864 for the formation and improvement of the legal regulation of the
institution of knowledgeable persons in criminal and civil judicial procedures. The author draws a conclusion
on the differences in the status of knowledgeable person and of a witness and forms of their participation in
the judicial proceedings in XIX and early XX centuries as well as on the unification tendency in the regulation
of the institution of knowledgeable persons in civil and criminal judicial proceedings.
knowledgeable person, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings, the Charter of Civil Judicial Proceedings, legal status, judicial expertise, specialist, forms of participation, institution of knowledgeable persons, examination, certification, knowledgeable person – interpreter.
Zashlyapin, L.A..
Questions of the parties in the process of
interrogation according to the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 712-716.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64149 URL:
The article concerns normative rules for the formulation and use of questions by the parties in the
process of interrogation within the framework of criminal judicial proceedings. Special attention is paid to
the procedures of formulation and use of questions by the parties (public accuser, defense lawyer) to the
criminal defendant, knowledgeable persons and witnesses. The article includes the following descriptions:
a) procedures, establishing the order of posing questions to the criminal defendant, knowledgeable persons,
witnesses; b) procedure of use of narration of a witness as the basis for posing questions; c) classification of
types of questions, as distinguished by the legislator in the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864.
The main method for the studies was comparing the norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of
1864 and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation of 2001. The scientific novelty of the article
is due to revealing of the topical norms of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, which may be
used for the improvement of the norms of current criminal procedural law in respect to formulation and use of
questions by the parties in the process of adversarial interrogation.
criminal process, judicial investigation, interrogation, question, party, criminal defendant, victim, witness, expert, specialist.
Shadrin, V.S..
Initiation phase of criminal process: from the
Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings to the
current criminal procedural law
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 717-724.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64150 URL:
The author analyzes the development of the stage of initiation of a case in the Russian criminal process
from the time of adoption of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 to the current time,
when the Criminal Procedural Code (in its latest version) is in force. The term “initiation of a criminal case” was
used in the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings only to establish the reason for the start of preliminary investigation,
while in fact in the period after such a reason police or a judicial investigator could take a number
of measures quite similar to those provided for in the current criminal procedural legislation. Later in the Soviet
Criminal Procedural Codes of 1923 and 1960 the stage of initiation of a criminal case was finally formed and
it was similarly provided for in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Currently this stage is
being reformed, and it is reasonable to use the experience in the sphere of issues of pre-trial proceedings at
the time when the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 was adopted and applied. When writing
this article the author mostly used a historic method in addition to the general scientific methods of analysis
and synthesis, as well as logical and formal legal methods. The scientific novelty is due to the approach of the
author towards topical issues of formation and reforming of the stage of initiation of a criminal case in the
Russian criminal process and analysis of the said stage with the due regard to its legal regulation by the Federal Law of March 4, 2013 N 23-FZ. As a result of the study the author makes a conclusion that it is possible and
desirable to resolve some topical issues in the sphere of initiation of the criminal case in the modern science of
Russian criminal process and law making in the process of further correction of legal regulation of the stage
of initiation of a criminal case.
legislation improvement, past and present, history of criminal judicial proceedings, initiation of a criminal case, procedural coercion, stage of a criminal process, causes of initiation, information of a crime, investigative activities, rights of the parties to the process.
Ryabinina, T.K..
Influence of the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings of 1864 on the current legal regulation
of the stage of assigning a trial
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 725-732.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64151 URL:
The object of studies in this article concerns the combination of criminal procedural norms regulating
the issues regarding the proceedings on a criminal case at the stage of assigning a trial, judicial and investigative
practice as well as scientific studies, concepts and views regarding this issue. Based upon the analysis of
the past and present legal regulation of the said procedural institution, the author substantiates the meaning,
specific goals and specific features of the decisions, as well as additional guarantees of the protection of rights
and lawful interests of the participants of the criminal procedural activities. The article involves the following
methods: general scientific method, dialectic method of cognition, comparative legal method, comparative
historic method, systemic method, analysis and synthesis, observation and description. The scientific novelty
of this article is due to its goal, immediate goals and specific features of the approach towards the issues defining
the nature and proceedings at the stage of assigning a judicial hearing. The article includes results of the
historical study of a theoretical model of aforementioned stage. The author reveals new patterns and perspectives
of further development of the procedural institution in question, substantiating the need to recognize this
stage as an efficient mean of judicial control over the lawfulness of the pre-trial proceedings.
judicial, reform, commit for trial, Charter, criminal, judicial proceedings, stage, assigning, judicial, hearing.
Ashirbekova, M.T..
Complete appeal according to the Charter of Criminal
Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and its reception
in the modern criminal procedural legislation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 4.
P. 733-739.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.4.64152 URL:
The degree of reception of the elements of complete appeal according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial
Proceedings of 1864 in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation became the subject of this article,
as well as the correlation of normative regulation of appeal under the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings
of 1864 and the legal regulation of appeals in accordance with the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation, revealing similar and dissimilar provisions in the regulation of complete appeal, and conditions for
its implementation under the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 and Chapter 45.1 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The author evaluates the meaning of the provision of the Charter of
Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 on the right of the party to insist on interrogation of witnesses and specialist,
who have arrived into the court of appeals at the initiative of the appellant. The general dialectic method of
scientific cognition formed the basis for the use of various general scientific and specific methods of legal studies:
historical, comparative legal, formal logical and structural – functional methods. Establishment and substantiation
of the possibility for the full appeal in the modern criminal process should be based upon the balance of
judicial discretion of the court of appeals and activities of the parties. The author makes a conclusion that the
issue of complete and incomplete appeal is important from the standpoint of defining the nature of the appeals
proceedings. It is stated that the modern appeal contains elements of judicial supervision and justice – resolution
of the criminal court. The proposition is formulated to apply to the appeal the provisions of p. 4 of Art. 271 of
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, since they are meant for the court of the first instance.
appeals, immediate examination, new evidence, activities of the parties, discretion of a court, judicial control, judicial supervision, sentence, district court, justice of peace.
Voskobitova, L.A..
Accusation or an accusatory inclination?
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 3.
P. 455-462.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.3.64012 URL:
The article concerns an accusatory inclination as a negative matter in the modern practice of criminal
judicial proceedings. The reason for the accusatory inclination is in the distortion of the understanding
of the adversarial principle and lack of formed practice in the sphere of competitive process, guaranteeing
comprehensive and full establishment of the facts of the case and justice in a judicial proceedings. The author
discusses the role of investigator, prosecutor and court and their procedural abilities for the counteraction to
the accusatory inclination. The author reveals and shows some criteria, which allow to uncover the accusatory
inclination at the right time. Termination of such matters from the criminal judicial practice shall allow to
correct the existing distortions and return the practice within the framework of lawfulness and guarantees of
human rights on criminal judicial proceedings.
functions, adversarial principle, accusation, accusatory inclination, characteristic features of an accusatory inclination, forms of manifestation of an accusatory inclination, proceedings on a criminal case, investigator, prosecutor, court, abolishing accusatory inclination.
Sokolov, T.V..
Suspension of proceedings on a criminal case due
to an address of its participants to a Constitutional
Court of the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 3.
P. 463-468.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.3.64013 URL:
The author analyzes the criminal procedural consequences of an address of the participants of
the criminal judicial proceedings (court and defense parties) to the Constitutional Court of the Russian
Federation with a request to confirm constitutionality of the law which has to be applied in the case and
the complaints regarding violations of constitutional rights and freedoms by the provisions of law applied
in a certain case accordingly. These consequences provide for the suspension of the process on a criminal
case (material, viewed according to the criminal judicial procedure), however, the moment of suspension
differs. When the court sends a request, any criminal proceedings are immediately suspended, and
when a complaint is sent to the Constitutional court only the cassation and supervision are suspended
when a complaint is accepted for the proceedings by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
The methodological basis for the study was formed by the doctrine of judicial law, which is a currently
reviving general theory of judicial power and procedural law, allowing to have interdisciplinary studies
in the sphere of justice. The author based upon the foreign experience of Austria and Andorra offers to
optimize the criminal procedural form for the suspension of the proceedings on a case, regarding it as an
obligatory matter in every case when a request is sent, but not absolute in respect to procedural acts.
With such an approach after a request is sent to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the
court still may implement some procedural acts not involving application of the norm of law, which is
challenged in a request.
the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the criminal process, interrelation of the types of judicial proceedings, doctrine of judicial law, court of general jurisdiction, request by a court, constitutional claim, suspension, criminal case, constitutional judicial process.
Amelkov, N.S..
Provision of qualified legal aid to the claimant in
criminal judicial proceedings
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 3.
P. 469-474.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.3.64014 URL:
This article concerns the problem of provision of legal aid by an advocate to a claimant as a person
taking part in the proceedings at the stage of initiation of a criminal case, preliminary investigation and judicial
proceedings. The author have analyzed the procedural position of claimant considering the amendments
to the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation with the Federal Law N. 23-FZ of March 4, 2013 “On
amendments into Art. 62 and 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation”. The author evaluates the issues of provision of qualified legal aid to claimant
at the stage of his explanations to the officials, and the problems of participation of an advocate when holding
a search of at the place of residence of a claimant, who is not a suspect or an accused, but who has informed
about the violations which took place during such a search. Based upon the studies the author offers to amend
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation by including a new Art. 60.1 “Claimant”, providing for
his procedural position and his right for qualified legal aid.
claimant, advocate, qualified legal aid, initiation of a criminal case, holding a search, taking explanations, criminal procedural interest, criminal judicial proceedings.
Vladykina, T.A..
Coordination of public and private elements in
criminal process
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 267-273.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63861 URL:
The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 2) proclaims priority of basic human rights and freedoms
as a supreme value. In other words, since the modern Russia moves towards formation of the rule-of-law
states, the interests of a person and their protection form the center of attention for all the efforts and capabilities
of the state and local self-government. According to the Art. 6 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation provides for the protection of rights and lawful interests of persons and entities, who became victims
of crime on one hand, and for the protection of persons from unlawful and unsubstantiated accusation and
conviction on the other hand, and these are the main goals of the criminal judicial proceedings. The analysis of
legislation and judicial practice allows one to make a conclusion that in the cases initiated with private charges
include elements of private law, which is initiation of criminal proceedings directly by a victim, and it is necessary
to guarantee legal equality of de facto unequal parties of criminal proceedings: inquirer, investigator, prosecutor
on one hand, and private accuser on the other hand. However, only the persons and legal entities have private
interests. The state and its bodies may not have private interest in participation in criminal proceedings. Being
the bearer of the public interest the state, firstly, regulates the relations forming the object of the criminal
procedural law via adoption, amendments and additions to the legislation; secondly, the state, as personified
by its competent bodies and officials takes part as a subject of criminal procedural relations. These bodies are
obligated to work strictly within the legal field and to guarantee lawful interests of persons taking part in criminal
processes (that is, the persons having rights an obligations under the criminal procedural law in accordance to
their procedural position. Currently, there is a considerable amount of immersion of private elements in the criminal
procedural law. At the same time, it is not a complex branch of law, and it does not lose its specificity. Various
models of combination of private and public elements in the criminal process do not terminate the obvious fact,
that in order to efficiently protect both private and public interests from criminal acts, the public means within
the mechanism of criminal procedural regulation have to be applied.
public law, private law, legal interest, criminal procedural regulation, assigning criminal judicial proceedings, cases initiated by private parties, criminal prosecution, sentence, victim, crime.
Tokarev, M.N..
Some topical issues of specialist participation at the stage
of examination of reported crime
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 1.
P. 92-99.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.1.63803 URL:
The article is devoted to the topical problems of methodological and tactical character, appearing
due to participation of examination of reported crime information regarding unlawful procurement of
water biological resources. The amendments introduced by the Federal Law of 04.03.2013 N. 23-FZ into
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation widened the range of procedural acts taken at
the stage of examining the reported crime information, and it requires development of specialized methodological
recommendation and tactical schemes in order to improve the efficiency of crime disclosure
and to avoid the forensic mistakes. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to form the novel stage of
examination of reported crime information similar to the stage of initiating a criminal case, and this novel
stage should be characterized with the certain goals, means to achieve them, quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of participants and means influencing formation of versions and planning of the acts of
investigator (enquirer) taken in order to examine the reported crime information. This article concerns
two typical investigative situation, showing the most topical problems regarding the participation of the
specialist – ichthyologist at this stage. The author offers a number of practical recommendations aimed
to improve efficiency of application of specialized knowledge. The author clarifies the goal of crime scene
examination (fishing boat) and establishes the procedure for it involving specialists – an ichthyologist
and specialist in industrial fishing, which would allow to improve the efficiency of this investigative act.
specialist, unlawful procurement, biological resources, investigative situation, examination of a report, methodological recommendations, tactical recommendations, ichthyologist, investigative acts, evidentiary information.
Voskobitova, L.A..
Constitutional bases for the appeal
in criminal judicial procedure
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 12.
P. 1619-1624.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.12.63512 URL:
The article is devoted to the reform of the appeals procedure in criminal judicial process. The author
analyzes the significant changes in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation regarding introduction
of the full-scale appeals, showing their influence on the formation of novel procedural matters, such
as distinguishing control over facts and control over the correct application of legal norms; changes in the
functions of cassation and supervision; formation of the new definition of a final judgement, the influence
of appeals procedure on higher quality of justice and legitimacy of government in general. One of the problems
in the new control procedure for judicial act is a large number of complaints, causing large workloads,
which do not correspond to the nature of appeals. The debatable issue of limiting the right to appeal in
order to cut the workloads of the courts is being currently discussed. The author shows constitutional limitations,
not allowing using this vector of changes of procedural legislation. The author also shows another
possibility for cutting the workload by timely termination of criminal cases at the stage of investigation on
the condition of presence of necessary grounds for it. It should allow to lower the number of first instance
cases by about 22 per cent and lower the workload of the second instance courts in the sphere of appeals
reform, control over judicial decisions, appeals procedure, criminal judicial procedure, final control over facts, final judgment, cutting the workload of courts, constitutional guarantees, judicial protection, right of a convict, termination of criminal cases.
Rossinskiy, S.B..
The issues of correlation between
non-verbal investigative and judicial acts
and material evidence
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1454-1460.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63436 URL:
This article concerns the problems of correlation of two independent types of evidence in criminal process:
results of non-verbal investigative acts or judicial hearings under Art. 83 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation and material evidence. The author considers that due to the close connections between these two
types of evidence they are often mixed up in practice, and sometimes one type of evidence is substituted with another. Due to the above-mentioned the author attempts to study the essential elements of each of them and criteria
for distinguishing them. For example, in the opinion of the author material evidence always contains information of
a presence of a thing as an objective reality element, that is material evidence is an object itself. In its turn, a result
of non-verbal investigative and judicial act (examination, search, seizure, investigation experiment, etc.) proves
presence of a certain object (material evidence) in a certain place or with a certain person, as well as of the mutually
related position of two or more objects, such as one object being on top of another, etc.
proof, evidence, types of evidence, results of investigative activities, material evidence, results of judicial activities, system of evidence, protocols, investigative examination, search.
Panokin, A.M..
The procedure of considering
a reported offenc
in a criminal process
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1461-1465.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63437 URL:
The article concerns topical problems of considering a reported offence due to the amendments, which were
introduced to the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation by the Federal Law of March 4, 2013 N. 23-FZ.
The author studies procedural status of persons taking part in procedural actions when a reported offence is considered
and participants of such consideration. The author analyzes such verification activities as collecting explanations,
samples for comparative studies, obtaining documents and objects, their seizure in accordance with the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation, judicial expertise, etc. The author analyzes the Issue of use of the operative
investigation activity results and other information obtained during the process of consideration of a reported offence
as evidence. The author offers to reform criminal judicial procedure by cancelling the stages of institution of criminal
proceedings, and unification of pre-trial proceedings, uniting preliminary investigation and inquiry.
reported offence, institution of a criminal case, verification activities, obtaining explanations, holding expertise, operative investigation activities, investigation activities, evidence, proof, unification of pre-trial procedure.
Sharapova, D.V..
Procedural aspects
of guaranteeing presence
of a witness in court
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1466-1469.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63438 URL:
The right for fair trial is one of the key conventional rights of an accused, and one of the elements of such a
guarantee is a right to call and examine witnesses. In May of 2013, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has
presented a legislative draft N. 272128-6 to the State Duma. This draft obliges the parties to guarantee presence of
persons, whose testimony is presented as evidence by defense or accusing party. According to para. 3 of Art. 15 of
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation the court provides necessary conditions for the parties to
fulfill their procedural obligation and to implement their rights. Does this initiative stand for an attempt to push this
sphere onto the parties? The article includes analysis of the procedure for the guarantees of appearance of witness
in court in the positions of the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation,
the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in comparison with the above-mentioned legislative draft.
presence of a witness, injunction by court, adversarial system, calling a witness, refusal to appear, obligation to appear in court, compulsory process, burden of guaranteeing appearance, interrogation of a witness, disclosure of evidence.
Kozubenko, Y.V..
On the issue of bilateral coordination
of procedural and material discipline-specific
constructions within the mechanism
of criminal law regulation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 10.
P. 1298-1309.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.10.63219 URL:
The article includes analysis of coordination of procedural and legal discipline-specific law constructions
within the inter-disciplinary legal construction of the mechanism of criminal law regulation. The author
provides detailed analysis of influence of criminal procedural law upon the criminal process and material
criminal law, such as subsidiary application of criminal procedural legal norms to some categories and terms
of material criminal law. Interpretation of elements of crime In procedural acts require corrections in the material
law, thus the criminal procedural law initiates the amendments into the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation. Refusal to include into criminal law the crimes based on administrative prejudicial effect is due to
the issues of proof. Application of criminal procedural law when using retroactive force of laws, belonging to
other (non-criminal) legal disciplines, presupposes the possibility to apply the criminal material legal constructions.
The criminal legal constructions, as formed by the judicial practice, presuppose the possible application
of material criminal law. Non-application of criminal law may be due to the procedural inexpediency. Legal
practice requires that the norms of criminal law would be in accord with the criminal procedural law, and the
criminal procedural law provides for the grounds for avoiding criminal punishment, which are not recognized
in criminal law itself.
jurisprudence, mechanism of criminal law regulation, interrelation between material and procedural criminal law, Inter-disciplinary legal construction, bilateral coordination of legal construction, subsidiary application, forgiving a debt, safety mechanism, controlled delivery, administrative prejudicial effect.
Amelkov, N.S..
Claimant in the criminal judicial
procedure in Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 590-594.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62685 URL:
This article concerns the problems regarding participation of the claimant in the criminal process. The
author analyzes the cases of participation of claimant in the factual relations with the participants of the criminal
judicial procedure at the pre-trial and trial stages of criminal process. The author uncovers and establishes
the need to separate claimants into two groups: those claiming that the crime took place, and those claiming
a criminal procedural violation took place. Based on the study, the author offers to recognize claimant as an
independent participant of criminal procedure, provides for his definition and procedural status.
jurisprudence, claimant, participant, criminal process, status, constitutional rights, appeal, arrest, property, search.
Khokhryakov, M.A..
Limits to the judicial examination
in the criminal cases based
on private charges
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 595-599.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62686 URL:
The specific features of limits to the judicial examination in the criminal cases based on private charges
are due to the specific type of starting such a criminal case. The criminal charges are filed against persons
by the written claim (complaint) of victim, or his (her) lawful representative. At the same time, the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation lacks the normative definition of the requirements for the legal
qualification of charges, including the requirement of due qualification of crime. Lack of the reference to a
specific norm of criminal law being breached abridges the right of the accused for the efficient defense. It
may be regarded as a considerable gap in legislation, since the accused in the criminal cases based on private
charges have the same status with the accused on public and private-public charges, and, therefore, they are
also entitled to a right to know what charges under which norms of criminal law are brought against them.
As a result, the due qualification of crimes in criminal cases based upon private charges is done by the justices
of peace, since when the court starts a case based on private charges, it should define whether the elements
of particular crime are present in the complaint, and then decide whether this case may be dealt with within
the procedure based on private charges, or it should be started as a public case. Therefore, the judge has to
perform part of the function of an accusing party. One should also note that within this category it is possible
to bring a counterclaim, therefore the number of accused persons within a case may grow. At the same time,
the current legislation has no provisions for the form of counterclaim in such cases, and no requirements to
its contents. In order to deal with these shortcomings, the possibility for counterclaim in such cases should be
limited to the claims based on private charges, which are related to the primary claim.
jurisprudence, limits, judicial examination, first instance, cases, private, charge, claim.
Panokin, A.M..
Detention of suspect
in criminal judicial procedure
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 4.
P. 483-490.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.4.62550 URL:
The article is devoted to the topical problems of de-facto and de-jure detention of the suspect in criminal
judicial procedure. The author provides for the grounds for distinguishing the criminal procedural, administrative
and criminal executive detention. He also studies the issues of guarantees of human rights in situation of criminal
suspect detention. The author also analyzes the issues of civil arrest in the legislation of some foreign states.
jurisprudence, detention, arrest, arrested, suspect, capture, immunity, habeas corpus, interrogation, search.
Melnikov Victor Yurievich.
Rights of a person in criminal process
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 84-90.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62115 URL:
Currently there is obvious lack of due theoretical studies in the sphere of understanding of conceptual
position of human rights in criminal legal procedure, as well as of the position of person within this procedure,
when rights of a person are protected or limited by the state. The lack of such understanding leads
to the failure to comply with the constitutional guarantees of human rights in criminal legal procedure and
in cases of application of coercive measures. Understanding and guarantees of human rights and freedoms
during the criminal law process should have primary value in comparison to the term of exposure of a crime,
and the necessary procedural means of coercion, as applied by the accusing party. Guarantees of rights and
lawful interests of a person in criminal law process should be supported by investigators, inquiry officers,
prosecutor, court, advocate with the due participation of other parties to the criminal judicial procedure in
order to guarantee optimal conditions for the implementation of procedural rights and responsibilities of
its participants.
jurisprudence, person in a criminal law process, human rights, guarantees of rights of a person, suspect, accused, investigator, prosecutor, judge, procedural guarantees.
Stelmach Vladimir Yurievich.
Parties to the receipt of information on the connections between
the users and (or) user terminals
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 91-96.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62116 URL:
The idea of this article is to systematize the views on the procedural status of the participants of the
receipt of information on the connections between the users and (or) their terminals, as well as to provide
the practically supported rules, which are not yet provided for legislatively. Having analyzed the competence
of investigator, the author points out that under the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of the
Russian Federation only the investigator, who has the case, may assign investigative activities, or it can be
done by head of the group, if a investigative group is working on a case. At the same time, any investigators
in such a group may take part in judicial proceedings. Having studied the competence of the head of the
investigative body, the author comes to a conclusion that only the directly supervising officer may be empowered
to require such an action. The author considers that only federal judges of district courts or courts
of the same status are empowered to give permission to obtain information on the connections between the
users and (or) their terminals, and the justices of peace and judges or regional courts have no such powers.
All of these conclusion may have considerable practical value, considering that there is no unified approach
to this issue.
jurisprudence, information, connection, user, investigator, head of the group, prosecutor, judge, operator, status.
Sharapova Daria Viktorovna.
The problems of assignment and performance of judicial psychological expertise
of the underage victims of sex crimes
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 97-100.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62117 URL:
This article is devoted to the problems of assignment and implementation of the judicial psychological
expertise of the underage victims of sex crimes. Since the problems of sexual violence towards children
are quite topical, the judicial psychological expertise on criminal cases of this type holds a special value. The
author studied articles and publication on this issue, as well as the norms of the Criminal Procedural Code of
the Russian Federation and the legal practice on the issue.
The author discusses the following problems in this article:
1. The order of holding an expertise, depending on the age of a subject person is not differentiated in the
CPC of RF.
2. There are no additional guarantees of protection of rights of underage persons when holding judicial
psychological expertise, which allows for the use of procedures with no due regard to their physical and
psychological specifics.
3. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have any legal mechanisms, which would provide for
the quality of judicial expertise, held by private (non-state) experts.
4. The investigator (the court) is guided by the inner conviction in their evaluation of the due capacity of an
expert in the sphere of psychology of the underage persons. Often judicial psychological expertise is assigned
to the person lacking competence in this specific sphere.
5. There is no normative provision for the list of necessary and permitted methods for the psychological
expertise on cases, regarding sexual violence towards the underage persons, which leads to the use of
variety of methods for the diagnostic studies.
The author also provides for the possible solutions for these problems, including possible amendments into
the criminal procedural legislation.
jurisprudence, expertise, psychology, sexual violence, sex crime, underage, victim, assignment, performance, evaluation.