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Actual problems of Russian law

Spesivov, N.V. Right to fair trial and its implementation in the proceedings on criminal case involving juveniles

Abstract: The scientific article is devoted to the topical issue of the science of criminal process, which is implementation of the international standard of fair trial in the proceedings on criminal cases involving juvenile persons. Having analyzes numerous international documents, containing norms on the right to the fair trial, as well as the judicial practice of their application scientific views of Russian and foreign legal scholars, the author makes a conclusion that there is need to improve the procedure for the criminal cases involving juvenile persons. Currently the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation regulates the proceedings on this category of cases in a special chapter (16), which is generally in compliance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law. However, some problems arise in Russia in the proceedings involving juvenile persons, and they are analyzed in this article, including the issues of transparency of justice, differentiation of the form of proceedings in this category of cases, and these problem require careful evaluation and resolution.


international standards, fair trial, transparency of justice, juveniles parties to judicial proceedings, juvenile justice, the Beijing Rules, criminal process, the European Convention, limitation to openness, juvenile courts.

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