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Actual problems of Russian law

Amelkov, N.S. Claimant in the criminal judicial procedure in Russia

Abstract: This article concerns the problems regarding participation of the claimant in the criminal process. The author analyzes the cases of participation of claimant in the factual relations with the participants of the criminal judicial procedure at the pre-trial and trial stages of criminal process. The author uncovers and establishes the need to separate claimants into two groups: those claiming that the crime took place, and those claiming a criminal procedural violation took place. Based on the study, the author offers to recognize claimant as an independent participant of criminal procedure, provides for his definition and procedural status.


jurisprudence, claimant, participant, criminal process, status, constitutional rights, appeal, arrest, property, search.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. 1. Muzhenskaya N., Kostyleva G. Zayavitel' — uchastnik ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva //
2. Zakonnost'. — 2012. — № 7. — S. 52–56.