Taeva N.E..
Napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya sistemy gosudarstvennoi i munitsipal'noi sluzhby v sfere okazaniya gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal'nykh uslug (normativnoe regulirovanie)
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1121-1128.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65084 URL:
gosudarstvennaya sluzhba, pravo, norma, monitoring, gosudarstvennye uslugi, korruptsiya, Prezident RF
Piunova V.I..
Teoreticheskie i organizatsionnye osnovaniya institualizatsii administrativnoi yustitsii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1129-1135.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65085 URL:
administrativnaya yustitsiya, pravovoe gosudarstvo, administrativnyi sud, administrativno-pravovoi spor, korruptsiya, reformirovanie, sudebno-proizvodstvennaya nagruzka, sudebnyi sostav, sudebnaya spetsializatsiya
Bykova M.S..
Problemnye voprosy primeneniya norm mezhdunarodnogo prava pri osushchestvlenii prokurorskogo nadzora za ispolneniem zakonov o tekhnicheskom regulirovanii v sfere oborota produktov detskogo pitaniya
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1136-1142.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65086 URL:
Vsemirnaya torgovaya organizatsiya, mezhdunarodnye dogovory, tekhnicheskoe regulirovanie, produkty detskogo pitaniya, prokurorskii nadzor, Tamozhennyi soyuz, tekhnicheskie reglamenty, Konstitutsiya Rossiiskoi Federatsii, implementatsiya, Konstitutsionyyi Sud RF
Stepanova, O.A..
Administrative process and administrative jurisdiction:
definition, characteristic features, correlation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 195-203.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63851 URL:
The article contains analysis of the key existing approaches towards understanding the category
“administrative process” (administrative and jurisdictional concept), its correlation with the term “administrative
jurisdiction”, and the author also expresses her view on these issues. In particular, she offers
her definition of the term “administrative process”, as based on the following elements: administrative
process is law-enforcement activity; administrative process regards examination of conflicts (including
disputes); the said disputes have administrative legal character; in the administrative process the dispute
is resolved by an an independent arbitrator, being either an administrative body or a court; administrative
process has certain goal. The author also follows a narrow (jurisdictional) approach towards administrative
process, noting that this approach may be called jurisdictional only in combination with the
understanding of the term “jurisdiction” as an activity of administrative bodies or court on examination
of conflict s(disputes) as a third party with no interest in the outcome of the case. In such a case the entire
administrative process should be recognized as jurisdictional, and it becomes synonymous to the narrow
approach towards the understanding of the administrative process.
administrative process, administrative jurisdiction, law-enforcement activity, conflict, arbitrator, court, administrative body, dispute, procedural norms, coercive measure.
Dobrobaba, M.B..
Content-based characteristics
of service-delict relations
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1391-1403.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63427 URL:
Singling out service-delict legal relations as a specific type of public legal relations within the framework
of the institution of service delict law presupposes the need for the structural study of this type of legal
relations. The article includes analysis of legal contents of service-delict relations as one of its necessary elements
within their structure. The author singles out various approaches to the issue and establishes her how
attitude towards contents of service-delict legal relations. The characteristics of subjective rights and legal
obligations of the subjects of service-delict legal relations are based upon the existing general theoretical approaches
towards the nature of these terms. As a result, she makes a conclusion that the contents of servicedelict
relations is a product of legal contents of service relations, while having a number of specific features
due to their protective character. The author provides content-based characteristics of subjective rights and
legal obligations of the key subjects of service-delict relations, that is, of state (municipal) employees, and
their employer (the Russian Federation, constituent subject of the Russian Federation, or a municipal unit) as
represented by the head of state (municipal) body, as a representative of an employer. She also formulates
propositions on the improvement of service-delict legislation.
service-delict law, service-delict legal relations, state employee, delinquent, representative of an employer, contents of a legal relation, subjective right, legal obligation, service discipline, service discipline liability.
Ryzhkova, A.N..
Principles of administrative liability
for the violations
of labor migration legislation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1404-1410.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63428 URL:
The principles of administrative liability, which are also typical for administrative responsibility for the
violations of labor migration legislation, have foremost importance in the implementation of the key provisions
within the administrative liability institution. Currently the practice of application of administrative liability
principles in the sphere of labor migration offences is based upon both domestic implementation practice
and the topical global problems in the sphere of labor migration. Undoubtedly, such obstacles are capable
of influencing the formation of the new principles, and they should be taken into account. The most topical
principles are the following: the principle of lawfulness, the principle of equality under law, presumption of innocence,
separation of competences between the Russian Federation and its constituent subjects, protection
of human and civil rights, and the principle of taking the native language into consideration. The problem of
defining legal liability principles is an object of much study, but its interpretation is still ambiguous.
jurisprudence, principles, legal responsibility, migration, equality under law, administrative liability, presumption of innocence, human rights, employment, lawfulness.
Tabakov, N.V., Kretov, V.V..
Analysis of the normative legal guarantees
of road management
in the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 9.
P. 1123-1129.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.9.63135 URL:
The article includes analysis of the definition apparatus, as used in the Federal Law «On Automobile Roads
and Road Management in the Russian Federation», as well as other normative legal acts containing normative
legal terminology, which is applied in road management. The authors evaluate the Transportation Strategy of the
Russian Federation till 2030 from the standpoint of its compliance with the normative documents; they also study
the results of administrative legal regulation of development of road network of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, roads, terminology, strategy, analysis, results, activities, legislation, normative, network.
Kinyov, A.Y..
Modern problems
of administrative legal protection from
unfair competition
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 679-688.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62733 URL:
The article includes analysis of the forms and key elements of fighting unfair competition. Evaluation of
problems in the sphere of administrative legal protection from the unfair competition is of scientific interest, since
the unfair competition is one of the popular types of violations of the anti-monopoly legislation, among such other
types as monopoly activities and anti-competition actions of the public government bodies. Based on his analysis
the author makes the following conclusions: that the administrative legal protection from unfair competition is a
systemically structured formation, which includes normative and law-enforcement elements; the normative element
can be characterized by the combination of material and procedural legal norms and the norms, which regulate
the functions of the anti-monopoly bodies; the specific nature of the law-enforcement element includes the
combination of the administrative and judicial measures against unfair competition. The widespread application
of the administrative forms of fighting against unfair competition in Russia is unlike the situation in most foreign
states, where the judicial forms of such measures prevail. It is due to lack of efficiency of judiciary in Russia and to
the existing practice of the anti-monopoly bodies in the sphere of unfair competition, including advertisement. In
the future it seems reasonable to use more of judicial and civil law means in order to fight unfair competition.
jurisprudence, competition, unfair competition, unfair advertisement, administrative legal protection, anti-monopoly body, the Law on Protection of Competition, the Law on Advertisement, administrative responsibility, counteraction.
Dobrobaba, M.B..
Disciplinary responsibility
in the official service offence law:
definition and legal nature
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 689-697.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62734 URL:
In order to support the author’s concept of the formation of the institution of the service offence law
within the administrative law, the author analyzes the basis of the service delict law, which is disciplinary
responsibility of the state officials, and which in turn is a type of disciplinary coercion within the framework
of official service relations. Based upon the analysis of disciplinary responsibility in the spheres of labor and
administrative law, the author makes a conclusion on the need to distinguish two separate types of legal responsibility
in the theory of law: the official service disciplinary responsibility and the labor disciplinary responsibility.
The possibility of recognition of responsibility of state officials as official service responsibility is due
to the status of persons, to which it is applicable, as well as to the sources of its legal regulation, the broader
definition of the disciplinary offence, its goals and functional aims, as well as to the nature and elements of
legal relations, within which the state officials may be held responsible, the types of disciplinary punishments
and the order of their application. Having recognized such an approach, one may state that the official service
disciplinary responsibility of state servants is a part of administrative law and a sub-institution of the official
service offence law.
jurisprudence, official service offence law, institution of administrative law, sub-institution of the official service offence law, state officials, disciplinary responsibility, official disciplinary responsibility, disciplinary labor responsibility, disciplinary legal relations, disciplinary punishments.
Shilyuk, T.O., Zhabin, N.A..
Right to education
and types of its protection
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 698-705.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62735 URL:
In this article the authors provide detailed description of the right to education and they pay attention
to the legal regulation of this right, including its regulation by international legal acts. Additionally, the
article is concerned with the principles under which the right to education should be implemented. The authors
recognize judicial and non-judicial order of protection of such rights. The authors provide the analysis of
judicial practice on the cases regarding violations of legislation on education, as well as the data by various
supervising bodies. The object of study is the right to education and particular means of its implementation.
The goal of the study was to define the key means of protection and guarantees of the right to education in
both judicial and non-judicial order. The specific goals include defining the elements of the right to education,
its implementation, which is based upon various legal acts, as well as discussing various means of protection
of lawfulness in this sphere. The method of studies is based upon the general scientific means and methods,
which are applied by the legal science. The study is also based on philosophical methods, comparative legal
and sociological methods. As a result of the studies the authors came to a conclusion that the legislative basis
for the right to education should be amended and improved and a new law on education should be passed.
The authors also propose that the combination of state control and social control by professional community
and independent experts, including non-governmental organizations. It shall allow to raise efficiency of controlling
measures and to improve the level of education in Russia.
jurisprudence, education, lawfulness, control, supervision, court, protection, principles, right, education.
Scherbakova, L.V..
The procedure of implementation
of the administrative contractual obligation:
the main stages
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 4.
P. 433-439.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.4.57717 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the key stages of the procedure of implementation of the
administrative contractual obligation, such as the stage of organizational and technical events, in-process
monitoring, provision and acceptance of the object of performance, the follow-up control and the unilateral
refusal to perform the administrative legal obligation. The author studies the elements of procedural acts
(meetings, negotiations, conciliatory committees, interim reports on performance, final expertise, revisions,
supervision, etc.) and their value within the context of satisfying the public interest.
jurisprudence, administrative contract, administrative contractual obligation, procedure of performance, procedural act, stage, control, monitoring, report on performance, unilateral refusal to perform an obligation.
Zaretskaya Daria Sergeevna.
Electronic government: definition and perspectives of development
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 3.
P. 245-250.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.3.62457 URL:
This article includes analysis of the positions of various authors towards the definition of «electronic
government». The author views the legislative basis, which regulates the development of information and
communication technologies, as well as the formation of the electronic government of Russia. Taking into
account the analysis of the normative legal basis, the author stresses the need to introduce and develop the
electronic government technologies. Having studies scientific and normative sources in the sphere of development
of electronic government, information and communication technologies, one may come to a conclusion
that Russia has passed the first stage of introduction of information society technologies into the sphere of
functioning of government structures and formation of the electronic government. However, for the further
development of the electronic government, there is still need to form the adequate legislative basis for the
functioning of electronic government, to introduce the new Federal Law on electronic government, to develop
and organize new forms of cooperation between the state, the people and the entrepreneurs of small and
medium-scale businesses in the sphere of egovernment projects. They may be very efficient and facilitate
the process of formation of the electronic government in Russia. There Is also need for the further detailed
regulation of the mechanism of implementation of electronic government via the amendments to the current
legislation in the sphere of electronic government.
jurisprudence, government, Internet, state, services, citizens, information, technologies, law, program.
Smyshlyaev Sergey Mikhailovich.
Electronic state government: the regional level of electronic government
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 3.
P. 251-258.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.3.62458 URL:
The article is devoted to the legal problems of regional informatization. The author considers that
the modern Russian state chose the path of formation of the service state» which is oriented on provision of
services, which in turn is impossible to imagine in the XXI century without the informatization of state government,
including the use of electronic administrative regulations. The use of Information and communication
technologies within the system of state government in the Russian Federation is complicated by a large
number of government levels within the federal state system (federal level, level of the constituent subject of
the federation, and municipal level). The author supports the position that today there is need to guarantee
an efficient decentralization of powers between the levels of public government in favor of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation. He offers to apply this practice in the process of modernization of the state
government system with the help of the information and communication technologies at the regional level.
The article also includes the conclusion that introduction of information and communication technologies into
the government system of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation should be goal-oriented within
the framework of the formation of regional segment of the electronic government. It is also stressed, that the
informatization itself should be teamed with the modernization of state government as a whole.
jurisprudence, government, informatization, region, electronic, information, optimization, reform, administrative, government.
Kanunnikova N.G..
Problemy i perspektivy administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva v Rossii
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2012. № 4.
P. 59-68.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2012.4.63293 URL:
Administrativnoe sudoproizvodstvo, administrativnyi akt, spor o prave, spor o faktakh, sud.
Abramova M.V..
K voprosu o sushchnosti ponyatiya «korruptsionnye riski»
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2012. № 4.
P. 69-73.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2012.4.63294 URL:
Korruptsiya, korruptsionnye riski, determinanty korruptsionnykh riskov, sub'ektivnye i ob'ektivnye korruptsiogennye faktory.
Alfimtsev V.N..
Zakonodatel'noe regulirovanie deyatel'nosti rossiiskoi politsii po protivodeistviyu mezhnatsional'nym protivorechiyam
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2012. № 4.
P. 74-80.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2012.4.63295 URL:
Politsiya, militsiya, mezhetnicheskie protivorechiya, protivodeistvie.