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Actual problems of Russian law

Rossinskiy, S.B. The issues of correlation between non-verbal investigative and judicial acts and material evidence

Abstract: This article concerns the problems of correlation of two independent types of evidence in criminal process: results of non-verbal investigative acts or judicial hearings under Art. 83 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and material evidence. The author considers that due to the close connections between these two types of evidence they are often mixed up in practice, and sometimes one type of evidence is substituted with another. Due to the above-mentioned the author attempts to study the essential elements of each of them and criteria for distinguishing them. For example, in the opinion of the author material evidence always contains information of a presence of a thing as an objective reality element, that is material evidence is an object itself. In its turn, a result of non-verbal investigative and judicial act (examination, search, seizure, investigation experiment, etc.) proves presence of a certain object (material evidence) in a certain place or with a certain person, as well as of the mutually related position of two or more objects, such as one object being on top of another, etc.


proof, evidence, types of evidence, results of investigative activities, material evidence, results of judicial activities, system of evidence, protocols, investigative examination, search.

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