Os'makova O.N..
Formirovanie material'noi bazy missionerskoi deyatel'nosti RPTs v Kitae v seredine XVIII – nachale XIX veka: problemy i sposoby normativnogo obespecheniya
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1025-1030.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65071 URL:
Kitai, Russkaya dukhovnaya missiya, normativnoe obespechenie, instruktsiya, missioner, katekhizatsiya
Zolotova O.I..
Reformirovanie grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva v Rossii v kontse XIX veka: priznaki sotsializatsii protsessa
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1031-1036.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65072 URL:
grazhdanskii protsess, uproshchennoe sudoproizvodstvo, vidy proizvodstv
Savchenko, D.A..
“No property for the traitor”: responsibility for
aiding an enemy according to the Pskov
Judicial Charter
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 767-774.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64878 URL:
The article concerns grounds and contents of responsibility for treason (perevet) as a first public crime
mentioned in the acts of ancient Russian law. It is noted that treason was understood as secret informational
and other assistance to an enemy of the Pskov city community. The evidence of guilt of a traitor was first of
all correspondence with the enemy. Treason was a public state crime in a sense, that it was an encroachment
upon the security interests of the entire publicly organized Pskov community. Punishments to the traitors
(hanging or throwing off a bridge) were traditional for the veche and Princes justice of the North-Western
Russia and it was regulated by a legal custom. At a Christian time the capital punishment (hanging or burning)
for treason was sanctioned by the City Law, as included in the Book of the Helmsman. The article analyzes the
text of the Pskov Judicial Charter and the chronicles, which mention punishments of the traitors. The provisions
of the Pskov Judicial Charter are regarded in connection with the legal customs of the Ancient Rome and
medieval China. The conclusion was made that the requirement of the Pskov Judicial Charter of “no property
for the traitor” did not introduce treason as a new type of crime, and it did not establish capital punishment
as a novel type of punishment. At the same time it regulated proprietary consequences of treason. The Pskov
Judicial Charter provided that a criminal lost title to his property (zhivot), which was transferred to the city
community. It made it impossible for the traitor to ransom himself out of capital punishment or transfer the
property to his heirs. That is why treason and other types of crimes to which the rule of “no property” applied
were singled out as a separate category and their legal consequences were quite similar to the “unforgivable”
crimes of the Chinese medieval law and the “heritage” crimes of the Ancient Rome.
ancient Russian law, the Pskov Judicial Charter, the public crimes, perevet, treason, information assistance to the enemy, zhivot, capital punishment, property, responsibility.
Serov, D.O..
Military criminal and military procedural legislation
of Russia of the first quarter of XVIII century
(the systematic overview as an experience)
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 165-173.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63847 URL:
The article is devoted to the studies of development of military criminal and military procedural
legislation of Russia of the first quarter of XVIII century. The development of these branches of legislation
was due to the fact that the newly formed by Peter the Great in the process of military and military
judicial reforms “regular” army, military fleet and military courts have formed principally novel objects
of legal regulation, which required issuing a large amount of legislative and other normative act. The
situation was complicated by the fact that in the course of preparation of the normative basis for the
organization and functioning of the reformed armed forces and military judicial bodies the legislator
had almost no opportunity to rely on the national legal experience, since the Russian legal models were
either absent, or they did not correspond with the direction of the reforms. When preparing the article
the author used the historic, comparative legal, and historical genetic study methods, as well as general
scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. For the first time this article includes a comprehensive characteristic
of the situation in the Russian military criminal and military procedural legislation at the time
of the reforms of Tsar Peter the Great within the context of development of military legislation. For the
first time, the author provides for the exhaustive nomenclature of the acts of military legislation of the
said period, singling out two stages of its development: the late 1690s to 1700s, and 1710th to the first
half of 1720s. It is shown that by the start of 1720s the military law was single out as a branch within the
Russian legal system. The author defines the place within the legislative system of the Code of Laws of
B.P. Sheremetyev of 1702 and the Brief Articles of A.D. Menshikov of 1706. The author also provides new
notes on the contents of the Military Articles of 1714 and the Brief Description of Processes and Judicial
Proceedings” of 1712, which were first Russian military criminal and military procedural codes.
military criminal reform, military crimes, military courts, Tsar Peter the Great, military law, military procedural legislation, military criminal legislation, Ernst Friedrich Krompein, salvus conductus, public crimes.
Isaev, I.A..
The issue of Law in the Greek tragedy
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 1.
P. 9-32.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.1.63795 URL:
The article is related to the issue of interaction between the legal ideas and views in the cultural
context of the ancient Greek drama. The tragedy moments interacted with the ideas of law and order,
which were being formed in the ancient world, and provided them with epic and aesthetic platforms. The
heroes and personalia of the tragedy were reflections of typical prose, statuses and acts within these
legal views. T he mythological attitude to law brought special features into legal conscience and legal
practice. The Greek democracy revived the ancient traditions while correcting them with its legal and political
commentary. The right to speak and the right to see became specific legal institution of this political
system. Specific features of criminal law – guilt and punishment – were duly included into the dramatic
picture of the epoch, and they were reflected in the Greek tragedy. The views and institutions, which
sprang from the Greek polices and democracy, later had a considerable influence upon the development
of European law and legal ideology. In this aspect the law becomes an important part of culture, and its
language correlates to the language of legal customs and documents. The ancient Greek tragedy became
a visible drama, reflecting the formation of ideas, norms and views, which formed the “body” of law in
the sense, in which it shall be perceived by the theoreticians of natural law in Europe and elsewhere.
law, legal conscience, guilt, punishment, crime, punishment, adversarial system, democracy, responsibility, state.
Georgievskiy, E.V..
Criminal law protection of property by the ancient Russian
Orthodox Church
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 1.
P. 33-40.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.1.63796 URL:
Protection of property by the ancient Russian Orthodox Church has a rather specific character.
By the time when the lists of the Synodal edition of the Statute of Prince Yaroslav on the Church
Courts were formed, a number of encroachments on orthodox religious rites and other objects had
appeared and formed as well. The Russian Orthodox Church considered the Eastern Slavic people
were r eady f or t he r eligion, a nd s trengthened t he p rotection o f i ts o ther s ubsidiary o bjects. I n a ddition
to the Orthodox Christian dogma the protection covered property relations regarding church
property, symbols and constructions. Crimes against them were often unified by the researchers
within the category of sacrilege in the broad sense of this word. Additionally the Church started protecting
specific persons. Criminal law protection of property by the ancient Russian Orthodox Church
was not among the priority goals, unless one is to speak of the property of the church feudal and
sacrilege i n t he b road s ense o f t he t erm a s a t ype o f e ncroachment u pon r eligion. F or a ll o f s uch
crimes the immediate object of crime was interests of religion and church. And when the church regulated
responsibility for property-related crimes, it clearly limited the sphere of its influence with
the family or specific feature of the object of crime, or with the methods of committing such crimes.
church theft, sacrilege, Church Statutes, to insult the dead, blasphemy, harming cross, writing on walls, graffiti, epigraphic, grave robbery.
Isaev, I.A..
Marquis de Sade
and the revolutionary law
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 10.
P. 1213-1222.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.10.63208 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of Marquis de Sade as an eccentric political figure of the late
Enlightenment period and first years of the French Revolution. His attitude towards revolutionary legislation
and revolutionary ideas reflected political and legal positions of a specific social group — the Libertines, who
had a considerable influence on the development of legal ideology and legislation of the Revolutionary epoch.
Political and legal Ideology of skeptical aristocrats, are expressed by Marquis de Sade was almost identical
with the ideas of the Jacobins. Terror of prevailing revolution was collective, while Marquis de Sade supported
individual terrorism. Being a participant of revolutionary events, Marquis de Sade had a negative attitude towards
organizational violence, which was used by the revolutionaries. While upholding the power of passion
and enthusiasm, he had a negative attitude towards the soulless violence by the state. He considered laws and
decrees of a new political regime to be legal fictions. Legal nihilism of Marquis de Sade was expressed in his attitude
towards revolutionary law as an artificial measure, failing to meet true internal needs of human nature.
He also considered nature to be alien. The idea of nature, which may be found at the very basis for natural law,
is just as alien for a human being, as it Is machinery substituting for men in the new epoch.
violence, law, terror, repression, Libertines, tribunal, revolution, execution, crime, court.
Osmakova, O.N..
Specific features of normative legal regulation
of missionary work
in the Russian Orthodox Church
in early XIX century
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 9.
P. 1067-1072.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.9.63127 URL:
The object of study is legal regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in early
XIX century. The goal was to uncover the specific features of regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox
Church in early XIX century based upon the analysis of normative legal documents, archive and documentary
materials. The methodological basis for the study was formed by the principles of objectivity, systemic scientific
analysis and complex use of sources. The principle of historicism presupposes evaluation of all of the factors and
processes within the framework of historic development and their dynamics, allowing for clarity of facts and their
mutual and temporal relations. According to this principle the author used systemic approach in study of normative
legal sources and archives. The use of systemic principle in the studies of the legal regulation of missionary
work of the Russian Orthodox Church facilitated structuring of the existing sources in various historic periods and
allowed to recreate the generalized situation of the time. The results of the study allow for the use of new normative
legal sources regarding history of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in the further studies. It is
for the first time, that the goal of the study in this field is based upon the representative documentary basis, and
it is to provide a complex vision of legal regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in early XIX
century. The author proves that from 1801 to 1825 the state attempted to codify legal norms directly or indirectly
regarding missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to comply with the interests of the state and
to avoid abuse and violations on the part of missionaries.
jurisprudence, mission, Synod, codification, instruction, Charter, property, decree, court, order.
Piunova, V.I..
Genesis of formation
and development of administrative judicial bodies
in Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 9.
P. 1073-1079.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.9.63128 URL:
Currently the issue of formation of the system of administrative courts is quite a topical one in the
Russian Federation. There were several attempts to form a system of administrative courts in Russia, but
they are not formed yet. Neither the Stolypin reform of 1909, nor the acts of the Temporary Government on
administrative courts of 1917 lead to formation of the system of judicial bodies for dealing with the disputes
between the citizens and government bodies. In the Soviet period the attitude to the system of administrative
justice was negative, since the court was regarded as a body for the protection of the Soviet statehood from
encroachments first of all. Its role as a guarantee of responsibility of the state towards its citizens was denied.
However, some elements of administrative justice were present. For example, the courts in 1937 to 1961
gradually gained competence over the administrative actions. This article contains chronological analysis and
evaluation of the historic aspects of formation and development of administrative justice bodies in Russia
within the period from the second half of XIX century to the current time.
jurisprudence, justice, presence, Senate, department, challenging, legislative draft, provisions, administration.
Serov, D.O..
Legislative process in Russia
in first quarter of XVIII century:
traditions and innovations
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 8.
P. 933-939.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.8.63029 URL:
The article is devoted to the issue of combination of archaic and innovative specific features in
the Russian legislative process at the time of the reforms of Tsar Per the Great. It is established that the
tradition was followed insomuch as the legislator retained the idea that the key segment of the Russian
legislative system should be one codified act. Novel Ideas in the Russian legislative process in the first quarter
of XVIII century included 1) changes in the order of official publication of normative acts, which were
duplicated by typographic means; 2) formation of incorporation as a type of legislative systematization;
3) large-scale reception of the Western European legal institutions (especially Swedish); 4) the large-scale
involvement of the foreign specialist in the Russian service to the legislative drafting. The article for the first
time provides the data on the number of normative acts, which were made public by typographic means in
1714-1725, and of incorporated reports, which were published in 1718-1725. The author singles out and
characterizes three scenarios for the adoption of foreign legal experience in the law-making process In
Russia of the first quarter of XVIII century: 1) direct transfer of the foreign legal institution into the Russian
system with minimal adaptation; 2) in-depth adaptation of foreign specimen to the Russian conditions, attempts
to synthesize foreign and Russian legal institutions; 3) superficial fragmented borrowing of foreign
legal institutions (an extreme example of this scenario was the phenomenon of using foreign terminology
for the newly-formed Russian institutions, while these institutions were not analogous to any foreign institutions).
Much attention is paid in the article to the characteristic features of the second scenario, taking
the process of reception of the principle of structural and functional separation of judicial bodies from administrative
jurisprudence, «police» state, general codification, legislation, incorporation, reception of law, legal propaganda, official publication of law, Peter the Great, legislative process, Directing Senate
Savchenko, D.A..
"To wish the Tsar good in everything":
the pledge of the nationals
to the Moscow Tsar (early XVII century)
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 8.
P. 940-946.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.8.63030 URL:
The article is devoted to the studies of the legal system of the Moscow kingdom in early XVII century.
The author studies legal nature of the religious pledge to the tsar of the people of the Moscow kingdom.
Based upon the analysis of the text of cross-kissing writs of late XVI — early XVII centuries, the author defines
their types and functions. The cross-kissing writs are regarded as public legal means of influence on will and
conscience of the people of the state. The author provides characteristic features of state legal means, criminal
legal means and procedural means, as provided for in the cross-kissing writs, as well as consequences for
non-compliance with the obligations (loss of mercy of God, church damnation, capital punishments and other
types of punishment by the king). The article singles out the types of «cross» crimes, which included violations
of the «cross-kissing» pledge. The author provides most detailed analysis of the obligation «not to wish evil»
to the king, and the obligation to inform against the crime, of which one got to know. The author evaluates the «cross-kissing» as means of prevention of encroachments upon the bases of political regime of the Moscow
state and king himself
Moscow kingdom, legal system, pledge, cross-kissing writ, «cross» crime, preventive role of pledge, punishments, evil intention, witchcraft, obligation to inform against a crime.
Georgievskiy, E.V..
Genesis of the institution
of co-participation in the criminal law
of the Ancient Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 535-542.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62678 URL:
The institution of co-participation in crime was formed gradually in the ancient Russian law, but it
was not isolated from similar institutions of their nearest Slavic and European neighbors. Together with the
gradual legislative formation of the institution of co-participation in crime, the judicial practice in this sphere
was accumulated and analyzed; the criminal law means against group commission of crimes were formed.
It is clear that the institution of co-participation in crime may be based on the ancient Slavic mythic and epic
opposition «one participant — many participants», which was typical for the world view of the ancient people.
The same matter accounts for the specific features of differentiation of criminal responsibility with greater
responsibility in cases of co-participation in the criminal law of the Ancient Russia. It was specific, and was
viewed through the prism of attitude of the victim towards the group crime. The more people participated in a
group crime, the greater was the gravity of the offence to a victim. Each of the co-participants in crime paid a
separate fine in a same amount with the other co-participants, while the amount of fine per person was equal
to a fine for a crime committed by a single person.
jurisprudence, co-participation, offence, co-participants, opposition, hryvnya.
Naumov, M.V..
Evolution of the legal institution
of detaining a suspect in criminal procedural
legislation of Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 543-553.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62679 URL:
The author studies the issue of formation of the legal institution of detaining a suspect in the criminal
procedural law of Russia. The author considers that development of the legal institution at the various stages
of Russian history could be defined by the level and quality of legal regulation of the status of the detainee
and guarantees of his rights. One may single out seven key stages in the formation of this legal institution;
however, its evolution is not finished by now, so one cannot say that it is formed completely, since some of its
elements require further improvement.
jurisprudence, detainment, suspect, legal institution, Russkaia Pravda, Law book, Council Code; reform, stage of formation, periods.
Kurabtseva, A.V..
Normative legal guarantees
of evolution of the military judicial system
in the first half of the XIX century
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 554-561.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62680 URL:
The article concerns the key directions of the evolution of the military judicial system in the Russian Empire
in the first half of the XIX century. The author analyzes the numerous normative legal acts, which regulated
the military judicial system at the above-mentioned period in the Russian Empire, defined the powers and competences
of the military courts, as well as structure and number of staff in the military judicial bodies. The author
also provides the positions of legal scholars, who studied topical issues of military judicial system of Russia.
jurisprudence, court, the Russian Empire, auditoriate, kriegsrecht, military collegiate, reform, evolution, praesus, assessor.
Kunafina, I.R..
Correlation of the norms
of Russian legislation and Shariat norms
of customary law of the Bashkir people
in XVI — early XX centuries
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 562-567.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62681 URL:
In this article the author views the problem of correlation of the norms of customary law of hte Bashkir
people and the norms of the Russian legislation and the Shariat norms, taking an example of Bashkortostan
in XVI — early XX centuries. The historical and legal analysis of the norms of Russian law, the Shariat law
and the customary law of the Bashkir includes criminal and civil legal relations, formation of courts and judicial
procedure of the Bashkir people. The author comes to a conclusion that the customary law of the Bashkir
people may be applied only in the law-making process of hte state (for example in propaganda of morals,
ethcis, respect for mothers and wives, support of society as a whole, application of the customary law of the
Bashkir may also be taken into account in the formation of the programs of the Government of the Russian
Federation for the predictive purposes. It may also be studied as legal culture of the people. The author defines
its place and role as a source of law, which may be disuniting the the legal system of Russia, if every national
group shall attempt to include such sources into the legal system.
jurisprudence, correlation, custom, law, Bashkir, XVI–XX centuries, the Shariat, Russian, norms, analysis.
Potapov, M.G..
History of the phenomena of regional law of the Ancient World
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 113-117.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62356 URL:
The article presents brief scientific analysis and conclusions on the history of the phenomena of regional
law, which were expressed in the unions of state-like formations of Antiquity. Normative regulators of
the polices, city states and their unions at the times of Antiquity gained qualities, elements and specific features
of regional and federal elements of federations (confederations) as phenomena in legal systems.
jurisprudence, regional law, federal law, federative law, federation, constituent subjects of the federation, city states, state-like formations, objects of competence, legal system.
Pirozhkova, I.G..
Normative sources on history
of town planning of the Russian Empire
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 118-122.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62357 URL:
The article is devoted to the source studies, history of town-planning policy, the author reconstructs
the process and chronological order of systematization of normative sources for the town-planning activities.
The author analyzes the objects of competence, form, elements and the system-forming characteristic
features of historical legal documents (level of their codification, legal techniques), which regulate various
aspects of town-planning activities in accordance with the accepted typology of town-planning objects: housing
units, public buildings, official buildings, industrial, rural and city buildings and constructions. The author
comes to a conclusion that the codified normative sources (Ustavs, the large Decrees by the Emperor and the
Senate) in the Russian Empire formed the basis for the town-planning policy. The article highlights the analysis
of the normative acts of XIX century (such as the Fire Ustav, The Social Support Ustav, Rules on Formation
of Public Settlements, etc) which were previously studied less scrupulously than the main normative document
— the Building Ustav. The author singles out the main characteristic features of normative regulation of
the town-planning activity — the legal idealism.
jurisprudence, town-planning, source studies, codification, systematization, politics, legislation, Ustav, construction, urbanistics.
Zholobova, G.A..
«The bundling operation»
in the Russian mechanism
of tea trade regulation at the verge between
XIX and XX centuries
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 123-134.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62358 URL:
The article deals with the topical issues of legal regulation of tea trade. Based on the studies of the
archive documents and analysis of the normative legal documents of the Russian Empire in late XIX and early XX centuries, the author shows the formation of the mechanism of legal regulation against contraband and
falsification of the imported graded tea, which entered the turnover and the special place which the bundling
held in this procedure. The author shows the historic peculiarities of the Russian trade legislation and careful
step-by-step legal measures.
jurisprudence, tea, packet, packaging, supervision, trader, circular, law, falsification, trade.
Galkin Ivan Viktorovich.
Problem of alienation in the political philosophy of Benedict Spinoza
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 5-15.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62103 URL:
This article is devoted to the alienation problem in political philosophy of the renown European Renaissance
philosopher Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677). B. Spinoza paid much attention to the philosophical
analysis of political and legal categories, since, being a rationalist, he was much interested in the problem of
possibly establishing state rule based on the “natural light” of enlightened mind and public good. The Dutch
thinker expressed his views in much detail in his works, and he provided for the constitutional models of the
“ideal” state, showing his way to overcome political alienation. While B. Spinoza did not use the term “alienation”
in his works, his creative heritage is concerned with the problem of alienation of political institutions.
In his point of view it becomes possible to overcome political alienation, when the democratic state, which is
a product of the social contract, is established. In order for the state rule to comply with the principle of public
good, the activities of the government should be based on the rule of the people. The nature of democracy is
to bring the society to its natural condition, so that the legal norms come into accordance with the requirements
of natural law. Therefore, only the democratic rule is able to overcome the alienating influence of the
government institutions and to establish the priority of the public good, which is a combination of the three
key elements: freedom, equality, and justice.
jurisprudence, alienation, democracy, natural law, modus, monism, alienation, nature, force, substance.
Zholobova Galina Aleecseevna.
Legal measures against falsified tea
in the Russian trade in late XIX — early XX centuries
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 16-24.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62104 URL:
The article is devoted to the topical problems of legal regulation of the tea trade. Based on the study
of the archive documents and the analysis of the normative legal acts of the Russian Empire the author shows
the formation of the legal regulation mechanism against the widespread problem of falsified tea turnover
in late XIX — early XX centuries. The author proves that the legal measures in this sphere were based on the
fiscal interests of the government in the first place, and the protection of rights of customers was secondary.
trade, tea, falsification, surrogate, customer, import, levy, package, postal packet, report, seller, circular letter, law.