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Actual problems of Russian law

Yuldoshev, R.R. Role of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 in the formation and development of the Tajic criminal procedural legislation

Abstract: 150 years have passed since the time when the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 was adopted and entered into force. Gradual planned spread of the norms of new legislative acts throughout the territory of Russia and their partial application in the territory of the pre-Revolution Tajikistan became one of the historic judicial legal reforms, which shall forever remain in history. The stage-by-stage application of the Judicial Charters, formation of the Turkestan general-governorate in the territory of Tajikistan became one of the main influences defining the further destiny of the Tajik people. The mixed criminal procedural law did not correspond to the political regime, judicial system and judicial procedure in general, but with much effort it found its way through. A number of reasons, including application of Muslim law and its correlation with the legislation of the Russian Empire, contradictions, appearance and formation of the new models for resolution of a number of procedural conflicts became a specific features of the development of the legal system of Tajikistan in the analyzed sphere. The criminal procedural legislation of Tajikistan, which formed and was enriched by various sources through different historic periods, still reflects the nature and shows an inalienable connection with some provisions of the Judicial Charters, which have laid the basis for the current criminal procedural legislation of Tajikistan. The comparative legal analysis allows to fill the gaps in the scientific studies.


Judicial Charters, the Turkestan general-governorate, pre-Revolution Tajikistan, the Middle East, the Muslim law, the legislation of the Russian Empire, judicial system, mixed model, criminal procedural law, criminal judicial proceedings.

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