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Actual problems of Russian law

Tokarev, M.N. Some topical issues of specialist participation at the stage of examination of reported crime

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical problems of methodological and tactical character, appearing due to participation of examination of reported crime information regarding unlawful procurement of water biological resources. The amendments introduced by the Federal Law of 04.03.2013 N. 23-FZ into the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation widened the range of procedural acts taken at the stage of examining the reported crime information, and it requires development of specialized methodological recommendation and tactical schemes in order to improve the efficiency of crime disclosure and to avoid the forensic mistakes. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to form the novel stage of examination of reported crime information similar to the stage of initiating a criminal case, and this novel stage should be characterized with the certain goals, means to achieve them, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of participants and means influencing formation of versions and planning of the acts of investigator (enquirer) taken in order to examine the reported crime information. This article concerns two typical investigative situation, showing the most topical problems regarding the participation of the specialist – ichthyologist at this stage. The author offers a number of practical recommendations aimed to improve efficiency of application of specialized knowledge. The author clarifies the goal of crime scene examination (fishing boat) and establishes the procedure for it involving specialists – an ichthyologist and specialist in industrial fishing, which would allow to improve the efficiency of this investigative act.


specialist, unlawful procurement, biological resources, investigative situation, examination of a report, methodological recommendations, tactical recommendations, ichthyologist, investigative acts, evidentiary information.

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