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Actual problems of Russian law

Voskobitova, L.A. Constitutional bases for the appeal in criminal judicial procedure

Abstract: The article is devoted to the reform of the appeals procedure in criminal judicial process. The author analyzes the significant changes in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation regarding introduction of the full-scale appeals, showing their influence on the formation of novel procedural matters, such as distinguishing control over facts and control over the correct application of legal norms; changes in the functions of cassation and supervision; formation of the new definition of a final judgement, the influence of appeals procedure on higher quality of justice and legitimacy of government in general. One of the problems in the new control procedure for judicial act is a large number of complaints, causing large workloads, which do not correspond to the nature of appeals. The debatable issue of limiting the right to appeal in order to cut the workloads of the courts is being currently discussed. The author shows constitutional limitations, not allowing using this vector of changes of procedural legislation. The author also shows another possibility for cutting the workload by timely termination of criminal cases at the stage of investigation on the condition of presence of necessary grounds for it. It should allow to lower the number of first instance cases by about 22 per cent and lower the workload of the second instance courts in the sphere of appeals accordingly.


reform, control over judicial decisions, appeals procedure, criminal judicial procedure, final control over facts, final judgment, cutting the workload of courts, constitutional guarantees, judicial protection, right of a convict, termination of criminal cases.

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