Social studies and monitoring
Svinukhova, Y.N. (2020). Gender aspect of social differentiation of population in modern Russian society: trends of manifestation and leveling measures. Sociodynamics, 12, 1–18. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34528 Retrieved from
This article examines the gender form of division of labor as one of the vectors of analysis of social stratification of the Russian society. The goal consists in determination of the role and specificity of gender factor in the current level of differentiation, as well as in demonstration of its growing relevance in the current Russian conditions. The subject of this research is gender as a stereotype of perception and a stratification category. The study is based on the methods of systemic analysis, gender approach to the analysis of labor market, theoretical positions and methods accumulated in sectoral and cross-disciplinary field of sociology: sociology of labor, sociology of family, economic sociology, and economic anthropology. The empirical base contains the data of the Federal State Statistics Service. Secondary data analysis is applied. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of gender asymmetry are described. The author highlights the main types and forms of discrimination against women in labor sphere. The article determines and systematizes the key factors of increase in social differentiation of population. The conducted comparative analysis of statistical data demonstrates that in modern world, gender does not lose its importance within the system of differentiating characteristics in the social structure; namely in the Russian Federation, it considerably affects the process of social stratification. The author describes relevant regulatory measures in this area.
income differentiation, gender occupational segregation, gender, social justice, social inequality, social structure, socio-economic development, quality of life, feminization of poverty, universal social problems
Conflict and consensus
Degtyareva, P.L., Akhmedova, A.R., Ryzhova, O.A., Shcherbinina, A.O. (2020). Conflict literacy of the population of Altai Krai: some results of sociological research . Sociodynamics, 12, 19–26. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34531 Retrieved from
This article presents the results of sociological research dedicated to the assessment of conflict literacy of the population of Barnaul. Methodological framework is comprised of the key provisions of conflict paradigm, and definition of literacy as a structure that consists of the three interconnected elements: knowledge, skills and, competences. In the authors’ opinion, conflict literacy implies a combination of basic knowledge, skills and competences of population with regards to the mechanisms of constructive conflict resolution. For the assessment of conflict literacy, the authors used the following indicators: attitude towards emerging conflicts, information sources on competent conflict resolution, most acceptable methods of conflict resolution among the respondents, personal experience of respondents associated with insufficient knowledge on conflict resolution, evaluation of the level of knowledge and skills of population on conflict resolution, and the need for their improvement. The applied method is the mass survey of population in form of questionnaire. The acquired results demonstrate the low level of public awareness in the area of scientific fundamentals of efficient resolution of conflicts, and negative attitude of respondents towards conflicts. The majority of respondents assess their level of knowledge and competences in the area of conflict resolution insufficient, and would like to improve it. The conducted analysis underlies the formulation of recommendations in improvement of conflict literacy of population, which first and foremost include educational activities om conflict resolution provided by specialists either in-person or remotely for population of various age groups.
attitude to conflicts, conflict resolution, behavior strategies, skills, abilities, knowledges, conflictological literacy, conflict, conflict settlement, conflictological paradigm
The nationality issue
Troshkina, I.N. (2020). Ethnolinguistic situation in the regions of Southern Siberia . Sociodynamics, 12, 27–38. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34604 Retrieved from
The goal of this research consists in examination of ethnolinguistic situation in the regions of Southern Siberia. The author sets the following tasks: determine the key vectors of research within the framework of ethnolinguistic theme of the indicated regions in post-Soviet period; elucidate the main statistical factors of ethnolinguistic dynamics in the titular ethnic groups; reveal the main factors influencing ethnolinguistic situation; analyze language problems in the republics. The object of this research is the representatives of titular ethnic groups of Southern Siberia, while the subject is ethnolinguistic situation in the regions of Southern Siberia. The article discusses ethnolinguistic situation of the titular ethnic groups of Southern Siberia based on socio-legal, socio-demographic, and sociological factors. Special attention is given to socio-legal component. The following conclusions are formulated. 1. The dominant vectors of research on ethnolinguistic situation consist in examination of the problems of functionality of the Russian and Tuvan languages in the Tuva Republic, and languages of the titular ethnic groups – in Khakassia and Altai. 2. The main statistical indicators (number of native speakers, monolinguals, Russian speakers among titular ethnoses) testify to the ongoing language shift. 3. The crucial factors impacting ethnolinguistic situation are ethnolinguistic law and social environment. The language law of titular ethnic groups of Southern Siberia has the peculiarities of development with clear manifestation in Tuva Republic at the first and last stage of language law. Social environment in the Tuva Republic is characterized by a more beneficial territorial and information space, which defines the situation in the sphere of functionality of native language; then follow Altai and Khakassia. 4. The determined language problems consists in the absence of language environment (dispersed settlement of Altai, and Khakas population), specifics of bilingualism in the regions (Russian-Khakas, Tuvan-Russian; Russian-Altai, and Russian-Kazakh), imperfection of the complex of educational components (educational materials for not native speakers, proper teaching technique, ratio of the levels of teaching native language within the system of education by the categories principal subject and elective course).
language problem, monitoring result, socio-demographic indicators, language policy, native language, languages of the titular ethnic groups, republics of Southern Siberia, ethno-linguistic situation, ethno-linguistic factors, areas of language research
Questions of current interest
Skvortsova, M.B., Shestakova, N.N. (2020). Youth not in employment and education: factors, origins, and psychological peculiarities of the group. Sociodynamics, 12, 39–51. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34579 Retrieved from
The youth not in employment or education is present in various countries of the world. In Russia, the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) provides information on this category of youth. Against the background the sparseness of the generation overall, this youth group can be viewed as a considerable potential research of labor resources for the current and future staffing of socioeconomic complex of the country. The goal of this research consists in the analysis of factors and origins of youth falling into the category not involved in the spheres of employment and education, as well as of psychological peculiarities of this group. Research methodology is based on systematic and socio-psychological approaches. The article systematizes the factors of inclusion of youth into the group of uninvolved in the spheres of employment and education based on the summary of results of the Russian and foreign research dedicated to this group of youth. The authors extend the list of factors of youth falling into the group of not in employment and education; offer and formulate the sources that led to expansion of this group described in several blocks; as well as recite psychological peculiarities of this category of youth. Clear understanding of the factors, origins and psychological peculiarities of youth not in employment and education allows using the acquired results in development of the programs on employment, education and social protection.
youth and friendship, modern youth, youth health, reasons for not involving young people, psychological characteristics of the youth, youth who neither study nor work, youth, youth and society, health indicator, NEET youth group
Family and society
Dzagurova , N.K. (2020). Gender aspects of everyday life of a modern Ossetian family . Sociodynamics, 12, 52–58. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34700 Retrieved from
The purpose of the study is to analyze the gender aspects of everyday life in a modern Ossetian family. The subject of the study is the historical and cultural context that contributed to the formation and modernization of behavioral practices of everyday domestic work, power and role distribution in the modern Ossetian family. The object of the study is models of intra-family gender behavior. The paper uses the method of system analysis, which allowed us to consider gender relations in the family as system-forming elements of social relations. The use of the comparative historical method made it possible to comprehend the general patterns of the development of gender relations and to identify the prerequisites and mechanisms for the formation of a certain gender order in chronological order. The paper presents models of everyday intra-family gender behavior, formulated criteria on the basis of which these models are determined. The stages of historical and cultural formation of modern gender aspects in the context of the formation and modernization of intra-family behavioral practices are determined. Based on the analysis of the empirical base of the study, the prevailing models of intra-family gender behavior in the modern Ossetian family are determined. The reasons for the low prevalence of egalitarian attitudes in the region are outlined. It is concluded that despite the external presentability, the modern Ossetian family remains a carrier of gender asymmetry, maintaining the status of the norm regarding the "double employment" of women.
gender behavior, traditional worldview, everyday life, gender relations, gender asymmetry, Ossetia, ossetian family, gender role, gender aspects of everyday life, gender
Social studies and monitoring
Karimov, A.G. (2020). Peculiarities and dynamics of resource potential of the “working poor” (on the example of a sociological research conducted in the Republic of Bashkortostan). Sociodynamics, 12, 59–69. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34690 Retrieved from
The object of this research is the “working poor” as a social working group. The subject of this research is resource potential of the “working poor”. On the example of sociological study conducted in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the author reviews particular characteristics of resource potential of the “working poor”. Analysis is carried out on the main types of formalization of labor relations and terms of employment of “working poor”. The author reveals the trends in the dynamics of financial situation and pay level of the members of households participating in the survey, as well as considers additional sources of their income. The article analyzes subjective assessments of respondents regarding their affiliation to social classes, living conditions, as well as availability of durable goods in households. The following conclusions were formulated: 1. A relatively low economic activity and minimal level of entrepreneurial activity have remained; insignificant number of “working poor” have a second job. 2. The conducted analysis demonstrates worsening of the financial situation of households that participated in the research (approximately one third of respondents cannot afford to buy clothes). Salaries of the majority of respondents does not exceed the republican average. 3. Decent living conditions are complicated by the fact that every fourth “working poor” does not own the place they live. 4. Although availability of cars and durable goods shows a slight increase, its also indicates the growth of debt load 5. The positive trends include a relatively high physiological potential and level of education of the respondents, which allow reckoning on the prospects of growth of their labor potential.
Material difficulties, Low paying jobs, Quality of life, Standard of living, Living wage, Labor market, Living conditions, Financial position, The working poor, Poverty
Questions of current interest
Popov, E.A. (2020). The role of research culture in publications on social sciences. Sociodynamics, 12, 70–76. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34527 Retrieved from
This work is dedicated to the role of research culture in promotion of scientific articles. Analysis is conducted on the most common errors or inaccuracies in writing the scientific articles. Definition is given to the research culture; the variants of derogation from research culture are described. At the same time, in comprehension of the role of research culture in scientific publications on social sciences, of particular importance is the experience of researchers, peculiarities of their social mentality, and engagement in the scientific context on the subject matter, as well as consonance of their scientific approach to one or another research school or direction. Maintenance of gnoseological status of the research is also of holds much significance. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) research culture is associated with the type of social mentality, which is of prime importance for the works on social sciences, thus, the articles dedicated to the topical social problems should reflect the specificity of social mentality; 2) command of the norms and rules of the Russian literary language also indicates the research culture, the authors of the article often do not pay due attention to this factor, and thus it affects the fate of their publication, necessitating revision; 3) research culture correlates with the questions of ethics in the research.
preparation of scientific articles, knowledge system, scientific publication, knowledge, scientific article, social sciences, research culture, knowledge about society, society, requirements to the publications
Questions of current interest
Vasilenko, Y.V., Volochkov, I.V. (2020). Troublehacking as a profession of the future. Sociodynamics, 12, 77–85. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34609 Retrieved from
This article analyzes the prospects of modern Russian development of “troublehacking” as a profession of the future. Troublehacking, as the methodology for system improvement, is founded on the two step-by-step algorithms of actions: basic algorithm for effective solution of the problems, and a simplified vector. The first one is based on the systemic analysis, risk theory, and instruments of the theory of the resolution of invention-related tasks. The second one is based on the launch of associative thinking through the analysis of register of inventive ideas of troublehacking. Troublehacking is the innovative methodology aimed at functional improvement of social systems on several levels simultaneously: from corporate to private life. In the context of school pedagogy, troublehacking is within the logic of competence approach. The authors prove that troublehacking, as a profession of the future, has great potential, as it can be implemented in both, engineering-technical and social-humanistic spheres, and is based on the competences that underlie the register of most promising professions that are recognizes as such on the international level. While the classical concept of profession is being transformed and diluted, troublehacking is open to the constantly changings social diversity. Therefore, unlike other professions, it would continue to be in high demand due to the featured universal set of competences.
cross-functional competencies, basic competencies, skills, World economic forum, rating of professions, profession of the future, competence approach, troublehacking, TRIZ, system improvement
Social studies and monitoring
Sirotina, T.V., Nagikh, A.Y., Dubrovina, Y.Y., Shcherbinina, A.O. (2020). Affordability of services for persons with disabilities in the assisted living facilities of Altai Krai: comparative analysis. Sociodynamics, 12, 86–95. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34538 Retrieved from
The object of this research is the accessibility of services for persons with disabilities in the assisted living facilities. Affordability of social services for persons with disabilities is one of the essential components for normalization of their life. Independent quality assessment of conditions of rendering services by assistant living facilities includes the assessment of affordability of services for persons with disabilities as one of the five criteria. The subject of this research is the comparative analysis of affordability of services for persons with disabilities in different assisted living facilities of Altai Krai. The author took active participation in conducting independent quality assessment of the conditions of rendering services by the assisted living facilities – empirical sociological study, the key method of which was the questionnaire-base survey and expert observation. The article reviews the concept of affordability, its consolidation and implementation in the normative documents of international and federal levels. Based on the acquired data on affordability of services of nursing homes for the elderly and care centers of general type, psycho-neurological facilities, the conclusions is made on correspondence between affordability and imposed requirements. Comparative analysis of the data allowed determining the most problem areas in ensuring affordability of services for persons with disabilities in the assisted living facilities of Altai Krai.
social agency, psycho-neurological nursing home, residential care, independent quality assessment, social service, disability, accessibility, elderly, inaccessibility, hospital care
Social studies and monitoring
Boronina, L.N., Baliasov, A. (2020). Comparative analysis of the models of innovation potential of student youth and working youth of the industrial regions of Russia. Sociodynamics, 12, 96–108. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34594 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of innovation potential of student youth and working youth of the industrial regions of Russia. The article examines the means of sociological cognition of innovation problematic within its subject field. Comparative analysis is conducted on the structure of innovation potential of student youth and working youth in the regional context. Methodological framework is comprised of community and environmental approaches. The empirical base contains the results of survey among the student youth (2019, N=1828) and working youth (2018, N=1078) from sixth industrial regions of the Russian Federation – Republic of Bashkortostan, Volgograd Oblast, Kaluga Oblast, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Perm Krai, and Krasnoyarsk Krai. The scientific novelty consists in proposed by the authors research strategy – Complementarity in Mixed Methods Research. Methodological complementarity of the community and environmental approaches along with the four empirical models within the structure of innovation potential (intentional, alternative, resource, and up-to-date) allowed viewing the innovation potential of student youth and working youth in the context of dialectics of common and special. Contradiction was detected between the subjective and environmental characteristics of innovation potential of the youth. Current state of educational and industrial environment of the agents of innovative development devaluates the high intentional and achieved level of innovation potential of student youth and working youth.
sociology, structure of innovation potential, youth, Innovation potential, innovation, potential, survey, model, region, comparative analysis
Social studies and monitoring
Sedykh, O.G., Stepanova, A.A. (2020). Quality and efficiency assessment of state and municipal services: peculiarities and problems (on the example of multifunctional centers of Irkutsk). Sociodynamics, 12, 109–122. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34633 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the quality and efficiency assessment of state and municipal services rendered by the multifunctional centers. Within the modern system of public economic relations, much attention is paid to the effectiveness of state administration and activity of executive branches of various levels. The conduct of administrative reform in the Russian Federation became a logical response to the needs of the developing country. An extensive network of multifunctional centers, which amount exceeded 2,500 nationwide, actively renders state and municipal services to the citizens. It questions the quality of services and level of satisfaction of the applicants. Relevance of this study is substantiated by the fact that in recent years, according to the official statistics, there has been observed positive trends: higher level of convenience, reliability, accessibility of state and municipal services. At the same time, persistent dynamics and modification of conditions requires constant improvement in providing services to the population. This sphere is extremely important, since millions of citizens of the Russian Federation along with foreign citizens use the services of multifunctional centers. Quality and efficiency assessment of state and municipal services is based on various approaches that consider integral performance indexes and reflect the key parameters of activity of the entire institution and its elements (structural departments and separate employees). The article presents the results of expert survey and method of “efficiency/inefficiency” factors in assessing the quality of provision of state and municipal services to the population. In the course of research, the author revealed the problems of quality assessment, as well as made recommendations on the improvement of performance and quality of provision of state and municipal services.
inefficiency factors, efficiency factors, multifunctional center, quality of services, efficiency, municipal services, public services, expert survey, quality assessment system, criterion
Human and citizen
Filipova, A.G., Zubova, O.G. (2020). Peculiarities of youth volunteering in modern Russia: on the path to making socially important decisions. Sociodynamics, 12, 123–134. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34664 Retrieved from
This article reviews volunteering as one of the forms of participation of youth in making socially important decisions. Volunteering forms the culture of engagement in social life that contributes to consolidation of civil initiatives and democratic values. Teenagers and youth can also participate in improvement of their living conditions and defend their interests via volunteer activity. The key research question is associated with seeking the ways by teenagers and youth to express their opinion through volunteering, and consideration of that opinion by the leaders of volunteer organizations. Group discussion served as the main method for obtaining empirical data; total of 5 group discussions with young people aged 16-18 were held. Roger Hart's Ladder of Children's Participation was applied in the course of this research. Alongside determination of the “level” of engagement of young volunteers as a ratio of personal initiatives and decisions of the adults organizers, the author determines the two lines of analysis – transformation of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic and trends of volunteer activity in ten years from now. Group discussions with young people allowed concluding that volunteering, as any other activity organized by adults, indicates the lack of freedom for young people to show their initiatives and participate in making socially important decisions. Pseudo-participation is especially evident in school volunteering.
Socially relevant decisions, youth, teenagers, right to participate, decision-making, ladder of participation, volunteering, volunteering trends, pandemic, school