Questions of current interest
Trofimova, I.N. (2020). Human resource training for digital economy: current problems and targets . Sociodynamics, 10, 1–10.
This article reviews the problem of training a new generation of specialists in the sphere of information and communication technologies. Relevance of the problem is substantiated by the tasks for overcoming technological gap and human resourcing for the digital transformation of national economy. The theoretical and methodological framework is comprised of the provisions that reveal complex and contradictory nature of the digital transformation process due to being affected by various social, cultural, economic and political factors. The key role is assigned to the educational institutions intended for formation of the new set of knowledge, competences and values. The goal consist in determination of factors that define staff requirements of the information and communication technologies sector (ICT. It is demonstrated that targets in human resource training for the information and communication technologies sector rely on the overall evaluation of economic situation and do not take into account a number of specific factors. It is underlined that the key characteristics of the Russian ICT sector consist in its heterogeneity and dependence on the general trends in the economy and job market, and staff shortage is substantiated by the outcome of previous stage in the development of ICT sector and specificity of the country's economy. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of differentiated approach towards determination of the need and requirements of training of digital personnel in the context of isolated branches, regions and development trends of with regard of information and communication technologies.
digital policy, digital literacy, targets, ICT sector, information and communication technologies, ICT personnel, digital economy, training, sociology of economics, digital inequality
Questions of current interest
Borovinskaya, V.S. (2020). To the question on consequences of staging political reality on the Internet . Sociodynamics, 10, 11–20.
The subject of this research is the sociopolitical consequences of staging reality on the Internet. The object of this research is the coverage of the international political agenda by modern online media. Methodological frameworks for this study is comprised of polyparadigmatic approach that allows juxtaposing macro-and micro- approaches towards examination of reality staging and its consequences. The term “staging of reality” reflects the process of creating a certain image, situation, or genuine semantic link by analogy with the hyperbolized fictional reality “presented” on stage. Despite the fact that this phenomenon exist for a long time, transformation of the character of communication processes, as a result of advancement of information technologies, led to acquisition of enormous influence by online media upon the political processes in society, as well as creation of worldview by a modern person. The article describes the consequences and risks caused by staging political reality on the Internet on several levels. Analysis is conducted on correlation of this phenomenon with the formation of political identity, institutionalization, political communication, and staging political risks of local and global scale. The conclusion is made that negative effect from staging political reality exceeds the boundaries of just the news field, and manifests as a problem that requires comprehensive and cross-disciplinary approach. Attention is given to such consequence of staging political reality as the reconstruction of staged risks in mass media, as it plays one of the determinant roles in the process of devaluation of democratic principles. Along with creation of the distorted worldview due to escalation of uncertainty, loss of confidence in political sources, political anomia and, altered understanding of the freedom of speech and criteria for appropriate information, the staging of risks sidetracks an individual from the ideals of lawful society.
institutionalization, identity, staging risks, Internet, mass media, political communication, information security, staging of political reality, online platform, information space
Questions of current interest
Trofimova, I.N. (2020). The problem of human resource training for innovation economy in the context of inequality of the Russian regions. Sociodynamics, 10, 21–30.
This article explores the differences between major and regional universities from the perspective of human resource training for innovation production. The hypothesis is advanced that these differences are caused first and foremost by concentration of resources in major regions, and therefore, by the advantage of major universities and limited opportunities of regional universities to involve students and postgraduates in innovation activities. The theoretical and methodological framework is comprised by the provisions that reveal complex and contradictory nature of relationship between the economy and higher education, imbalance between the level of production modernization and the level of educational potential characteristic to multiple regions. The novelty of this works consists in articulation of the problem, methodology and utilization of the original empirical base, which represents the results of a survey that involves 90 experts from 15 Russian regions and was conducted in 2017-2019. It is demonstrated that the best regional universities can be competitive in relation to major universities, and reduce the so-called “centrism of the capital” due to more efficient usage of resources and closer ties with local production. An important condition is the competitiveness of human resource training programs, which relies not as much on compliance with formal indexes and positions in different ratings, as by particular results acquired in collaboration with manufacturing companies.
experts, young professionals, production, regions, training, universities, innovative economy, social processes, innovative potential, educational potential
Social studies and monitoring
Kozlovskii, V.V., Tkachuk, D.V. (2020). Tastes in music and art in the context of self-determination of youth . Sociodynamics, 10, 31–45.
The subject of this research is analysis of the impact of tastes in music and art upon self-determination of youth. The key problem is to identify the specificity of formation of personal preferences of youth in the process of music consumption in the context of modern cultural industries. The scale and mechanisms of the impact of music as a sociocultural factor of socialization, identification, cultural demarcation and, most importantly, social differentiation and cultural diversity are insufficiently studied. The problem of studying sociocultural capacity of tastes in music and art consists in poor perception for the sociological research on cultural determination of the practices of within and outside the intergenerational semantic (symbolic) distinction and unity within the youth environment. The goal is to search the methods for formation and representation of tastes in culture, and namely, in music and art as the elements comprising semantic and value structure of identity of a young person. The core of the strategies for creating semantic and value structure in the course of sociocultural socialization of a person are music and art patterns that manifest in Russian youth born between 1987 and 1997 in relation to various musical genres, practices, performers and those with different tastes in music and art. Music alongside tastes in music in the context of self-determination of youth fulfill a function of worldview, behavioral and ideological reference points, an instrument for postulating new values, as well as reconsideration and of the established preferences, attitudes and patterns.
cultural industries, Russian youth, value structure of personality, semantic structure of personality, personal self-determination, musical and artistic tastes, cultural patterns, music, identity, strategies of self-determination
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A. (2020). Future profession of sociologist: expectations of the university applicants . Sociodynamics, 10, 46–55.
This article considers various aspects of selecting sociological discipline by the university applicants. Based on the conducted in 2019 empirical research, the author summarizes the representations of high graduates on sociology as a scientific discipline, as well as on sociological profession. Overall, applicants became more careful in selecting sociology for their future, have an idea what is modern sociology and its development trends. This is also reflected in the official statistics, which claims that the number of applications submitted for “Sociology” has increased over the recent years. However, difficulties of such choice are revealed as well. University applicants are rather focused on acquisition of specific competences in the field of sociology, but perceive sociology as a cross-disciplinary area of knowledge. The article determines the representations of university applicants on similarities between the school course of social studies and sociology, as well as on the role of social studies in selecting sociology in the university. Assessment is given to the opinions of university applicants on the advantages of sociology in relation to other scientific disciplines; opportunities for personal and career growth in the future profession of sociologist. The author touches upon the question of formatting the image of sociologist from the perspective of university applicants. Thus, the article resolves the problem of formation of the image of future profession among university applicants that chose the academic discipline “Sociology”. In structuring educational strategies, the universities should take into account such representations of their applicants for improving learning efficiency.
University education, future profession, education, sociological education, University admission, sociological profession, school graduate, knowledge about society, society, University