Qu Z., Gao S..
The evolution of the latinization of the Uniate Church and its causes
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 3.
P. 15-27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.3.69936 EDN: JJECMY URL:
The object of the study is the Uniate church, founded by the Brest Union in 1596. Then the Orthodox bishops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth decided to unite with the Pope, provided that Eastern traditions were preserved. However, after the Brest Union, the practice of the Latin Church quickly began to blur the Eastern traditions of the Uniate Church, and the phenomenon of latinization appeared. The subject of the study is the processes and causes of latinization and Delatinization of the Uniate Church. The founding and development of the Uniate Church had strong political factors, since the article also considered its latinization from both religious and political aspects. The author pays special attention to the motives of the delatinization of the Uniate Church over the past 100 years, associated with the spread of the Catholic faith among Orthodox peoples. At the methodological level, the author combines the historical and political background to analyze the materials related to the research topic. The main conclusion of the study is that due to the contradiction between Roman Catholic teaching and Eastern traditions, the union with Rome is doomed to lead to the latinizaition of the Uniate Church. In addition, the latinization of the Uniate Church has a strong political influence. The author's special research contribution to the topic is that he noticed a contradiction in the Uniate Church. Russian Uniate Church is a tool used by the West to spread Catholicism in the Russian land and separate the people from the Russian Orthodox tradition. Latinization lead to the fact that the Uniate church lose its appeal to Orthodox people and affected its spread. However, without latinization, the Uniate Church would not be able to separate its believers from Orthodoxy and the Russian tradition, and would not be able to perform its political functions.
Church history, Zamosc synod, Western Rus, Andrey Sheptytsky, UGCC, Church liturgy, Brest Union, delatinization, The Uniate Church, latinization
Sankarov A..
The problem of the formation of Muslim identity in the Republic of Bashkortostan
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 9.
P. 42-49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.9.35497 EDN: ZEGENK URL:
The article analyzes the identity of followers of Islam in the Republic of Bashkortostan from the point of view of the discursive tradition.The purpose of this study is to establish the features of the formation of Muslim identity in the territory of modern Bashkortostan. The subject of the study is the formation of Muslim identity in modern Bashkortostan. The object of the study are individual residents of the Republic of Belarus who profess Islam. To conduct the study, a set of field research methods was applied: direct observation of the object of study, survey, questionnaire. In the course of the study, the author makes a distinction between different groups of Muslims in Bashkiria. The author of the article examines in detail the various types of religious identity of Muslims of Bashkortostan. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in the conditions of modernization of Russian society, its religiosity is increasing. At the same time, there is a certain blurring of the religious identity of Russian Muslims due to the globalization of culture. The author of the article suggests the incompleteness of the formation of religious identity due to a number of objective factors, in particular, due to the lack of clear differentiation between religious and ethnic identity, as well as differences in the ideals and values of different generations. The novelty of the research lies in the establishment of new factors influencing the formation of the Muslim identity of the inhabitants of modern Bashkortostan.
Muslim identity, discursive tradition, Muslimness, Bashkortostan, nation-building, subjectivity, tradition of Islam, socio-cultural crisis, individual narratives, ethnic history
Barinova S.G..
History of the development of theological schools in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century (projects of theological schools and the influence of scholasticism)
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 9.
P. 50-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.9.44050 EDN: YVUUIN URL:
The article analyzes the history of the development of spiritual education in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century. The opening of theological schools belonged to the era of Peter the Great and was important for the training of personnel for church positions. And if Ancient Russia had only elementary schooling, consisting in reading and writing, then in the second half of the XVII century Kievan scientists appeared in Moscow, who had a scholastic influence on the training of future priests. The opening of theological schools in Russia is traditionally associated with the name of Peter I, his ideas of planting European enlightenment and the influence of Kiev scientists who Latinized the learning process. Peter I's attempt to rebuild the system of spiritual education did not succeed immediately, but by the 30s of the XVIII century, a full Latin course was introduced in theological schools on the model of the Kiev Academy. Under the patronage of Peter I, a common goal was formed – to raise the level of religious and moral development of the clergy. It was from the time of Peter the Great in the second half of the XVII century that scientists from Kiev appeared. The era of Peter I assumed steep reforms and innovations, which were directly followed by the spirit of the Kiev Collegium, and its students brought a completely new, modern ideal of education.
church, school, scholasticism, education, history, Russia, clergy, philosophy, spirituality, Orthodoxy
Silantieva T.S..
Axiological and cultural specifics of the interpretation of the concept of "sin" in modern Catholicism (on the example of digitized sermons of the Russian Catholic clergy)
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 7.
P. 19-29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43979 EDN: VKVAUV URL:
The object of the study is the process of communication of social groups, considered from the point of view of its value bases. The subject of the study is the conceptualization of the concepts of "sin" in the (digitized) sermons of Russian Catholic pastors, which are texts that are precedent for the environment of Russian Catholics. The purpose of the work is to establish the dominant trends in the interpretation of the concept of "sin" that exist in this community. To achieve this goal , the following tasks were set: 1) identify specific religious groups whose discourse analysis will clarify the existing interpretations of this concept; 2) select a relevant methodology that allows you to begin analyzing these interpretations; 3) correlate the results obtained with the basic text that establishes framework interpretations (in this case, it will be the catechism of the Catholic Church). The research methodology is based on the application of a comprehensive philosophical and cultural method based on axiological, anthropological and hermeneutic approaches. Content analysis and discourse analysis are used as specific methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists in establishing the possibilities and limits of the axiological "extensibility" of the concept of "sin" on the example of specific materials with a potentially wide audience (in addition to representatives of the community of Russian Catholics, any Internet users can enter it). Introducing the concept of "sin" as one of the cultural constants of Christianity as a whole, the considered sermons broadcast its stable canonical interpretations. There were no value reversals associated with possible responses to the transformation of social relations and the reflection of this process in the value consciousness of the authors of the studied sermons. At the same time, as a result of the scientific analysis of the collected material, unexpected results were revealed. Firstly, the sema "sin" is relatively rare in the digitized sermons of the Russian Catholic clergy. Secondly, while maintaining a negative assessment of sin, there is practically no meaningful analysis of this concept. Instead, a constellation of concepts built around "love" and "mercy" becomes a conjugate semantic field.
digitized sermons, semiotic content of the concept, sin, Russian Catholicism, transformation of the concept, values, cultural constants, cultural specifics of interpretation, semantic field, value content of concepts
Gavrilov O.F., Zhukova O.I..
The sacredness of history as a subject of theoretical discussions and socio-cultural practice
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 5.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.5.40592 EDN: XPKSNH URL:
The subject of the study is the correlation between the variants of relation to the sacred as a phenomenon of perception of the past and the practical embodiments of these modalities in various sociocultural forms. As a methodological basis, the principle of separation of history (historical science) and collective memory, implemented in "memory studies", in particular, by M. Hvalbvaks and P. Nora, was used. The original application of this principle in this study made it possible to establish two interdependencies between internally differentiated value-ideological attitudes (secular/sacred) regarding the historical past and their objectifications in the norms of law and the scientific ethos, the features of the education and education system, in the development of art. The secular assessment of sacred involves its elimination from the field of being, the mechanisms of spiritual development of the past, and finds expression either in the use of strict, formalized tools of historical knowledge, in the requirement of maximum deideologization of the latter, or in such a relation to the past, in which it turns into a material of subjective interpretations. In the opposite setting, the sacred is understood as a necessary and irreparable part of collective memory, the source of which in one interpretation is the transcendental plan of being, and in the other - the transcendental universals of culture. This installation turns out to be an obstacle to the complete elimination of sacred and from the practice of specialized historical knowledge, which finds normative expression in the integration of theological discourse into the structure of scientific knowledge.
myth, theology, interpretation, historical knowledge, reconstruction, symbols, past, history, sacred, collective memory
Neznanova V.S., Tret'yakova M.O..
The influence of Church membership on the socio-political consciousness of Russians
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 4.
P. 11-21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.4.40458 EDN: MJSTVT URL:
The subject of this article is the process of the influence of churching on the socio–political consciousness of Russians. The purpose of the work is to reveal the role of the influence of religious values inherent in a believer and a church-bound person on his socio-political consciousness. Russian Russian Orthodox Church religious dogmas, sociological research, "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church", data from the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, etc. are used in the work. The following methods were used in the research: historical and philosophical analysis, comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the role of the influence of churching on the socio-political consciousness of Russians is revealed. Today, the topic of the influence of religious freedom on the socio-political consciousness of Russians is little studied. As a rule, in this context, more general concepts such as humanity, morality and morality are considered without significant reference to religious principles and without proper understanding of this issue in the context of socio-political consciousness. In this study, the analysis is carried out from the historical and modern points of view. The main conclusions of the study are the following: 1. Professing religion, a person adopts the values and moral guidelines that are inherent in this religion. 2. The religious idea somehow begins to be projected onto the surrounding world, including in secular everyday life. 3. Based on the results of the study, it can be argued about the influence of church membership on the socio-political consciousness of Russians.
Orthodox Church, civil society, religion, churching, orthodoxy, faith, socio-political consciousness, Public Chamber of the RF, Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, non-profit sector.
Anikin D.A., Linchenko A.A..
The Russian Orthodox Church as an Actor of the Politics of Memory: the Study of Local Theological Discourses (on the Example of the Lipetsk Region)
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 1.
P. 52-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.1.39396 EDN: DXKBXW URL:
The article is devoted to the study of local theological discourses of the Russian Orthodox Church in the context of the specifics of the "young regions" of Russia. The application of the methodological ideas of P. Bourdieu, B. Latour and S. Jäger allowed to analyze the specifics of the interaction of the main actors of symbolic politics in the Lipetsk region, as well as to identify the place and role of the Lipetsk Metropolis with each of them. It was revealed that the Lipetsk Metropolis is striving not so much for competition and dominance in the symbolic space of the region, as it is trying to strengthen the religious dimension and interpretation of the history of the region, developing interaction with each of the actors of the politics of memory. This makes it possible to further strengthen the potential of the Metropolis in the rapid mobilization of resources to promote its own memorial projects, which in the region are primarily associated with the restoration of churches and monasteries. The study revealed five main discursive strategies of the Metropolis as an actor in the politics of memory, associated with the desire to present the history of the region as the history of the formation of Orthodoxy, to present the Lipetsk land as the defender of Russia, with active participation in military commemorations, the desire to interpret the important role of the era of Peter I in the development of Russian Orthodoxy, as well as selective criticism of the Soviet historical experience.
faith, historical knowledge, post-secular society, civil religion, Orthodoxy, discourse, theology, memorial practices, politics of memory, Lipetsk Mitropolis
Mukhametzyanova-Duggal R.M..
Religious traditions as a factor of formation of gender stereotypes (on the example of Indian society)
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 12.
P. 66-73.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31202 URL:
The goal of this work lies in studying the status of Indian women. The subject of research is the formation of gender stereotypes under the influence of religious traditions, which continue to play an important role in sociopolitical development of modern India. It is noted that the status of Indian women in the modern Indian society has changes significantly; the government authorities create legal mechanisms for ensuring gender equality and legal responsibility for its violation. The conducted study demonstrates that despite the actions that have already been taken to involve women into various spheres of life, there still remains discrimination of females and gender imbalance, which causes lie behind religious traditions of the Hindus. Methodology contains the census data on Indian population (religious and gender composition), sociological surveys, relevant national and foreign publications on the subject. The conclusion is formulated that in the conditions of prevalent religious society, the gender-stereotyped attitudes not only persist, but also often supported. Discrimination on the grounds of gender identity is vividly reflected in the growing rate of selective abortion of female fetuses among Indian women.
religions, India, gender stereotypes, religious factor, status of women, religious traditions, Hinduism, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs
Babich I.L..
Russian monasteries right before the October Revolution (on the example abbot of Ascension of David Desert Archimandrite Valentine)
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 2.
P. 102-119.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.2.19356 URL:
The subject of this research is the activity of Archimandrite Valentine (Yegorov) – the last before the Revolution of 1917 abbot of the Moscow region male monastery of Ascension of David Desert. He has brought his convent to dawn, both spiritual and financial. The article thoroughly examines the key methods of chairing the monastery, construction plans of the abbot, as well as the basis of the monastic life and economic activity of the convent. Archimandrite Valentine was able to achieve the financial state support for his monastery. The provided in the article material testifies to the fact that right before the October Revolution, the Orthodox monasteries of the Russian Federation were in different state: some of them experienced financial issues, some prospered; and only the Revolution and further policy of the Soviet authorities lead to depredation in the late 1920’s.
shares, finance, architecture, economy, monks, Russian Empire, Orthodoxy, monastery, revolution, charity
Shchuplenkov N.O..
Extra-churchly youth movements in Soviet Russia and White émigré
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 4.
P. 68-80.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.4.17611 URL:
The relevance of this research is substantiated by the necessity of studying the role of the young generation in the state-confessional relationships. Political and extra-churchly unions throughout several centuries referred to the younger generation as to the reserve of its future existence. The history of extra-churchly youth movements in Soviet Russia and White émigré demonstrates the right way of setting the priorities in the youth policy in order to gain reputation among youth. This period within the Russian history is considered a breaking point with regards to the relationship between the Soviet state and the church, and the final separation of secular from religious. The principles of consistency and alternative allow creating an objective historical picture of establishment of the youth organizations in Soviet Russia and White émigré of the 1917-1930’s. In the early XX century the sociocultural space of the Russian world captures all of the habitable territories of the globe. National spirit connected the Russian people into an integral civilized space, united by the common national self-conscience. People who live in the Russian Federation, perceive the local culture as a part of the whole without separating their worldview from national.
Atheism, Conformism, Youth policy, Young generation, Party control, Political pluralism, Religion, Russian expatriates , White émigré , Sociocultural space
Zamaraeva Y.S., Antipina A.V., Pavlova K.V., Yusupov A.M..
On the question of attitude towards Islam in the modern society (on the example of Krasnoyarsk)
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 2.
P. 163-174.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17663 URL:
The subject of this research is the attitude of Krasnoyarsk residents and users of the Internet towards the world religion of Islam. Today, Islamic religion is associated with a sufficient amount of theoretical and an applied research, as well as the Russian Islamic studies is actively developing. With regards to this scientific tradition, the authors of the article demonstrate the abilities of the theoretical and empirical methods of the research in order to exemplify the question on the attitude towards Islam within the modern Russian society. From the perspective of the modern mass media, Islam is presented as a religion that is closely linked to politics. The majority perceives Islam as a religion of a politicized character, and various terrorist acts as the means of coercion. Based on the latest events covered by mass media, Islamic world and culture cause panic in public conscience.
social studies, religious studies, Islam, regions, Krasnoyarsk region, methods, content analysis, questionnaires, mass consciousness, students
Babich I.L..
Socio-cultural and political-legal aspects of modernization of the monasticism in the early XIX century (introduction of coenobitic monasticism as a new stage in the life of the Russian monasteries – on the example of the Ascension Desert of St. David
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 1.
P. 230-261.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.1.17510 URL:
This article is dedicated to the socio-cultural and political-legal aspects of modernization of the monasticism in the beginning of the XX century. In the late XVIII-early XIX century Synod introduced to several monasteries in Russia a new type of monastic life – a so-called coenobitic monasticism. Before, many of the Russian monasteries were following another principle of monastic living – “anchoritic” Charter. The author demonstrates the process of transition from one lifestyle to another based on the example of Moscow Oblast monastery the Ascension Desert of St. David. This work contains the archive materials from the Central State Archive of Moscow and the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. The main conclusion consists in the following: the process of implementation of coenobitic Charter in the Ascension Desert of St. David monastery was taking place gradually, many monks were not able to endure a more difficult and tough regime of the monastic life within the coenobium, however, by the middle of the XIX century this process was successfully completed.
Monasteries, monks, common residence, Russia, Ascension David deserts, behavior, The Holy Synod, State, Moscow region, David
Skoropad A.E..
Anti-Religious Activity of Komsomol as an Element of the Soviet System of Political Control (1918 - 1929)
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 8.
P. 112-131.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.8.12774 URL:
Interference of formation of the Soviet system of political control and antireligious activity of Komsomol in 1918-1929 is shown in article. The address of political control towards antireligious activity of Komsomol the author recognizes expedient. Since this activity had not simply scientific and educational character and was one of the main directions of political activity of the mass youth organization involved in the sphere huge masses not only allied youth but also the population of all age, the state was obliged to exercise political control in this sphere. Experience of activity of Komsomol first of all is estimated by the author from the state positions. The author, as well as other members of the school of sciences which developed at the Tambov state technical university "History of the youth movement in Russia", adheres to the theory of nationalization of Komsomol according to which the Komsomol is considered as peculiar 'ministry of youth", the link between the state and youth. It is also shown that in the mid-twenties political control as a kind of management in the youth environment, was carried out in the spiritual sphere quite successfully. The author claims that increase of efficiency of implementation of political control on places was promoted by development by the central Soviet bodies of "Programs of inspection of the village (settlement)". Objectively estimating all studied period, the author recognizes that political control in the spiritual sphere was directed not so much against extremist actions of Komsomol members or, on the contrary, believers, how many against dissent as that. Practice of implementation of the state function of political control had mainly repressive character.
history, religion, political control, Russian orthodox church, youth, Komsomol, baptism, political court, youth extremism, everyday life
Koroleva L., Korolev A.A., Mol'kin A.N..
Russian Orthodox Church in the Educational Policy of Post-Reform Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 5.
P. 71-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.5.11887 URL:
In article Russian Orthodox Church activity in respect of folding of system of orthodox education and education and a condition of orthodox education in Russia in the conditions of religious "revival" is analyzed: dynamics of opening of new orthodox educational institutions of various level, problem of formation of educational system (management decentralization, insufficient financing of educational institutions, lack of necessary legal status of educational institutions, deficiency of teaching structure and theological literature, low level of preparation of scientific theological shots, etc.) . The Teoretiko-metodologichesky basis of research is made by the principles of objectivity, historicism, systemacity, the complex accounting of social and subjective studying in a subject and the greatest possible neutrality of the relation of the researcher to interpretation and an assessment of the actual material. At opportunity the principles of social and psychological approach and a correctness and tactfulness in an assessment of the facts and events were applied. At the end of 1980 - the 1990th there was a mass opening of new spiritual educational institutions that, in turn, generated also new problems. At times open spiritual schools and seminaries had "facultative" character, that is in them there was no regular released person to which duties the organization and control of educational process and an institution as a whole would belong. Reviving the system of the Russian religious education fully was influenced by difficulties of formation, deficiency of teaching structure, an undermanning of libraries, a lack of manuals, shortage of buildings, lack of the necessary status were basic of which. The situation became complicated decentralization as financing of new religious educational institutions and schools was carried out not from Educational committee, and directly from dioceses; some educational institutions at all didn't receive any – neither central, nor local financing, being in self-sufficiency conditions. Only by 2000 in principle the issue of centralization of religious education in Russia was resolved: mass inspection inspections by Educational Committee are carried out, the question of obligatory licensing of spiritual academies, seminaries and schools and the subsequent their accreditation is designated.
Russia, Orthodoxy, Russian Orthodox Church, Orthodox education, education, Ecclesiastical Academy, Bishops' Council, Education Commitee, religious school, seminary
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V..
Social and anthropological fundamentals of the relations between the church and the state in the modern Russia.
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 2.
P. 41-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.2.10777 URL:
This article concerns the interactions between the church and the state in the modern Russia, as well as the possibility for the dialog between religion and science. The situation of religious freedom in Russia, which was for a long time demanded by all of the religious organizations has formed a very rich and varied confessional space. This religious freedom makes any Russian person, having religious needs (especially concerning those turning to faith for the first time), face a difficult choice, and the religious organizations have to compete vigorously to attract these people. The multi-confessional relations in Russia need a new impulse in the new conditions, when any people, culture, religion should have an opportunity to show its authentic identity and potential in harmonious unity with the Russian society as a whole. The authors make the following conclusions: 1. When organizing, holding and methodologically supporting the studies of any practice of religious studies in the Russian secular educational institutions, the specialists of administrative institutions in the sphere of educations, heads of educational institutions and lecturers should not violate the legislation on education. 2. The religious studies in secular education institutions should not be artificially limited, since such limitations contradict the norms of both the international law and the Russian legislation. 3. There is need to guarantee advancement of legal culture of workers in the sphere of education. 4. There is need to intensify theoretical and applied studies on the issues of interactions between the church and the state in the sphere of education, and it is necessary to form for this purpose regional scientific research institutions and centers.
anthropology, state, culture, interconfessional communications, society, religion, Russia, freedom of religion, social stability, church
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O..
Some Social Functions of Orthodox Religion in Modern Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 11.
P. 69-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.11.1049 URL:
The article is devoted to the correspondence of the social and personal development. The authors of the article study how the social institutions ere formed and pay special attention at the system mof values. Practical researches of the relationship between human, religion and church carried out in Russia for the past two decades demonstrate the revival of religion and religious feelings especially Orthodoxy. The authors view certain social functions performed by the Orthodox religion, in particular: religion as the collective opposition force, religion as the ethno-religious mobilization and homogenization processes, religion as the integrative defense function and religion as the system of institution and legitimation. The authors touch upon particular issues related to both secular and religiuos education, discuss whether it is possible to involve secular teachers like sociologists in teaching at religious schools and universities in order to train well-educated and well-read ministers of church. Legitimation function of religion was the 'legitimization' of social procedures, institutions and relations. Orthodox religion also guaranteed the political loyalty and recognition of the government.
higher education, ideology, Neo-Marxism, estrangement, Orthodox, religion, Christian personalism, Christianity, values, church
Koroleva L., Korolev A.A., Mol'kin A.N., Mel'nichenko O.V..
Russian Orthodox Church and Political Activity (Second Half of the 1980's - 1990's)
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 10.
P. 126-133.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.10.9379 URL:
The authors of the article analyze the Russian Orthodox Church' position concerning participation in political activity in general and in elections at different levels in particular. In late 1980's the question whether to participate or not to participate in elections of Deputies was essentially new to religious confessions in the USSR. In 1989 six religious figures from the Russian Orthodox Church were elected as deputies. However, they were elected not as representatives of their religious organizations but as candidates from allied and republican public organizations. During elections of Deputies of RSFSR in 1990 48 priests of the Russian Orthodox Church were elected as deputies in city and regional village councils and 5 bishops and 11 priests were elected as deputies in regional councils. In December of1989 due to elections of Deputies of RSFSR and local councils, the Council for religious affairs under the Council of the Ministers of RSFSR published the document "Extract from Definitions of the Hierarchal Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church". The main point of recommendations was to that in each particular case the question whether a priest should participate in elections had to be resolved by the head of the confession. After events of 1993 when Orthodox priests appeared on opposite sides of the barricades that could lead to the split in the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexis II made the decision to forbid priests to participate in state elections.In 1995 the statement of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexis II was published. Later participation of priests in authorities and elections was condemned by the Hierarchal Cathedral in 1997.
USSR, the Russian Federation, politics, Russian Orthodox Church, election of deputies, patriarch, Alexis II, the Bishops's Council, Moscow Patriarchate Journal, fund