Filipova A.G., Zubova O.G., Bukhtiyarova I.N..
Participation of children in decision-making affecting their interests: mass media discourse
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 269-281.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31558.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31558
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Abstract: An important national document that attracted attention towards the topic of participation of children in decision-making affecting their interests became the National Children's Interests Action Strategy. During the period of its implementation (2012-2017) the concept of participation undergone changes and distortions in some instances. Mass media played a significant role in interpretation of participation. The authors attempt to answer the following questions: how active are mass media in referring to the topic of children’s participation; what concepts of participation are brought into focus; does the mass media discourse aligns with the nationwide political legal discourse. Mass media publications for the period 2009-2019 selected by the information-analytical system “Integrum” became the materials for this research. Software program MAXQDA was used for processing and analysis. The scientific novelty consists in consideration of the insufficiently studied within Russian science topic of children’s participation, as well as in analysis of discourse on the matter created by mass media. The research demonstrated that participation is interpreted as a practical, initiative, socially important activity, as civic participation and unachievable ideal of social development associated with implementation of the basic principle of Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Keywords: family, Russian legislation, children's interests, public organisations, right to participate, discourse, mass media, participation, school, national strategy
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Sources of Educational Law in the Socialist System of China
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 137-158.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.6.456.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.6.456
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Abstract: Modern China pays much attention to reformation of the system of academic management and regulation, in partiular, advancement of the basic education, constraining of the general education and intensification of the vocational and secondary techical education.
Peculiarities of the economic and social development and hence a new level of competence of the working population (in 9 and 6 grades in town and in the country) create a completely new relation between the general education and vocational training. While European countries raise the question about combining these forms of education on the basis of overall senior school education, China will continue to have these educations as the two different directions for a long time. In the most regions of the country, vocational education exists at the level of secondary or even primary schools. In other words, secondary vocational schools become one of the ways to advance the overall secondary education.
The government, society, school and family secure the right of children and teenagers to mandatory education disregarding their gender, nationality and religion.
Keywords: socialism, China, doctrine, education
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Chakalova M.S..
Problems of Legal Regulation of Creation of Commissions for the Affairs of Minors and Protection of Their Rights and Organization of Activity of Such Commissions
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 209-238.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.4.636.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.4.636
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Abstract: For introduction of suggestions for improvement legal regulation of creation and activities of the commissions for affairs of minors and protection of their rights, the analysis of 60 laws of subjects of the Russian Federation which allowed to reveal some collisions in them is carried out: creation of the public commissions is provided; are formed in areas of city districts which aren't municipalities; establishment of powers of the commissions is made by municipal legal acts; the questions carried to competence of federal public authorities and B'day are considered. Powers of bodies and establishments of system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors are offered to be established on ensuring the rights of the minors considered in the Convention on the rights of the child, the Federal law "About the main guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation". Creation of the commissions at federal, regional and local levels is investigated. Renaming of the governmental commission, inexpediency of their creation in settlements is proved. Elimination of the revealed problems in legal regulation, and also implementation of this state power, will lead to implementation of the federal legislation, observance of the rights of minors.
Keywords: Commission, minor (under age), child, protection, rights, creation, activity, prevention, state authority, delegation
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Ageev V..
Corruption Management as a Local Level: Restriction of Rights and Freedoms of Municipal Officials
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 243-268.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.2.426.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.2.426
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Abstract: The author of the article states that local corruption management by means of restricting rights and freedoms of municipal officers is one of the anti-corruption mechanisms. It helps to realize the principle of openness and publicity at local self-government authorities. Restriction of rights of persons who undertake the public and municipal service allows to guarantee efficiency of professional activities performed by state authorities and prevents acts of misfeasance and ensures that an official enforces civil rights.
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption policy, corruption management, anti-corruption laws, local self-government, municipal service, municipal officer, restriction of rights, restriction of freedoms, legal methods
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