Tsydypova L.S..
Russian Starozhily of Barguzin Baikal region: historical-geographic analysis of local aspects of resettlement and ancestry of the early XX century
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 29-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.7.29161.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.7.29161
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Abstract: This article presents the results of studying Russian population of Barguzin Baikal region, examines its establishment, and evolution of relationships within the local groups in the early XX century. The role of sociopolitical changes in formation of the indigenous ethnic communities is demonstrated. The research leans on the archival and literary sources, and field materials of the author. The historical-geographical approach allows identifying the peculiarities of formation of population structure and ancestry within the Russian local communities of Barguzin Baikal region, confined to agricultural and farming areas. Research methodology considers the specificities of communication inside the local group, and presents the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of population. The author determines the factors of formation of ethnic groups, as well as socio-cultural development of the territory. The article also explores the role of migrations, natural conditions, and economic specificity of the new population settlements, successiveness, geographical and social mobility of the Russian population, demographic development in the localities of Barguzin Baikal region, reflected in the archival sources.
Keywords: areas of mastering, exiled, old-timers, surname fund, population, resettlement, peasants, russians, Barguzin region, cultural landscape
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