Boltaevskii A.A., Pryadko I.P..
The fate of the Slavic world in the twentieth century
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 94-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.3.14535.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.3.14535
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Abstract: The authors examine the events that took place in the Slavic world throughout the twentieth century, Important znacie for understanding these events are historical and philosophic concept, created by the national elites: Eurasianism, pan-Slavism, sleevenote, "czechoslovakism", national-Bolshevism. On the basis of them had various ideologies, some of which tried to justify the practice of integration of the Slavs into a single unit, and the other emphasizing the uniqueness of this or that ethnic group, contrasted it with the others. The success of Eastern European countries relied on cooperation with the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, and a phenomenon such as the Russian emigration.n the article the development of the Slavs is investigated based on the concept of V.I. Lamanskogo. Use comparative-historical and problem-chronological methods.During the XX century, our country several times lost, and then again earned its position among the Slavic countries: first, the crisis of the early XX century, as manifested in the distance after the revolution of 1917, then the authority of the victorious countries over gitlerizmom. Modern international processes related to the increasing influence of Russia and the collapse of a unipolar world again forced to speak about the importance of the unity of Slavic civilization before call time.
Keywords: Bulgaria, historiosophical concept, Russian emigration, Second World War, First World War, unity, slavdom, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Balkans
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