Citations count: 10
Nuskhaeva B.B. —
Demographic situation on southern regions of Russia (according to statistical data and public opinion poll)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 40 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.10.27520 URL:
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This article examines the demographic situation in the southern regions of Russia – Astrakhan Oblast, Volgograd Oblast and the Republic of Kalmykia. The research leans on the analysis of statistical data, acquired as a result of the public opinion poll. The survey was carried out in 2017 at the premises of Civil Registration departments of the three districts. The survey involved 580 respondents, consisting of 262 males and 318 females; 147 respondents from Astrakhan Oblast, 171 – from Volgograd Oblast, and 262 – from the Republic of Kalmykia. According to the statistical data in two regions (Volgograd Oblast and the Republic of Kalmykia), the size of urban and rural population is decreasing. Astrakhan Oblast demonstrates the decrease in size of urban population and the increase in size of rural population. The research results testify to the fact that over half of the respondent believe that the population size in their region is decreasing. Less than 30% of the surveyed assume that the population size in the region is stable; while 16.4% assess the demographic situation in the region as “population growth”. The conducted analysis allows comparing the main demographic trends determined by the statistical data and population of the southern regions of Russia. The demographic development of the southern regions of Russia is characterized by the interregional differentiation. Population assessment of demographic situation reflects the actual situation in the region. Over half of the respondents from Volgograd Oblast and the Republic of Kalmykia indicate that the population size in their region is decreasing.
Citations count: 9
Popov E.A. —
Triumvirate of sciences in understanding of the phenomena of spirituality: sociology of culture, sociology of spiritual life, and sociology of art
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 80 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.3.20787 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the question of understanding of the phenomena of spirituality within the framework of sociological knowledge. Interdisciplinary aspect of the study of spirituality and its phenomena suggests domination of philosophy in this regard. However, from the perspective of sociology, in uniting the potentials of sociology of culture, sociology of spiritual life, and sociology of art, can be formulated an independent approach towards the analysis of human spiritual realm. Such interaction means the triumvirate of sociological branches. And if each of them separately resolves the question of cultural social being, various forms of spiritual life and art, the triumvirate or the theoretical methodological interaction ensures the high level of participation on namely sociology in examination of the spirituality alongside accumulation of the heuristic results. This carries a crucial meaning for the efficiency of interdisciplinary understanding of a complicated scientific object. Thus, the article underline the necessity of consideration of the cooperation between the three branches of sociology for increasing the efficiency of participation of social sciences in perceiving the phenomena of spirituality. The conclusions of the conducted research consist in the following scientific positions: 1) study of the phenomena of spirituality must be realizes in close interaction between the various scientific branches; 2) cooperation between the sociology of culture, sociology of spiritual life, and sociology of art is capable of ensuring the research of the phenomena of spirituality on high heuristic theoretical methodological level.
Citations count: 7
Li M. —
Corporate social responsibility in Russia: sociocultural aspect
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28090 URL:
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The subject of this research is the cultural stipulation of goals and practices of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) – the modern paradigm of regulation the relationship between society and business. The developed in Western cultural context concept of corporate social responsibility, is often declared as the universal; however, a number of studies demonstrate that the differences in cultural values significantly affect business practices and goals. On the example of the Russian corporate sector, the author underlines that in defining the goals and practices of CSR, an important role is played not only by institutional, but also value-normative factors. The research leans on analysis of the data of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Russian Institute of Directors, as well as the results of expert survey conducted among the representatives of major Russian corporations. In the course of this work, the author determines the role of specific value orientation of the Russian culture of company’s business with regards to the corporate social culture. In particular, the combination of values from distance to power, collectivism, and avoidance of uncertainty underlies the paternalistic model of labor relations and manifests in the high importance of social responsibility of the companies before the employees. The significance of hierarchical relationships in business culture also leads to the high role of personal values of management as a factor that influences the corporate social responsibility. Special attention is given to the new aspects of CSR crucial for the modern information society. The author also reveals the impact of sectoral factor upon recognition of the values of corporate information responsibility before the society.
Citations count: 6
Lazutkina E.V. —
Social consciousness and public opinion: associativa experiment among students of Siberian Federal University
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 80 - 112.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.6.15597 URL:
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Subject of research - current state of public consciousness. With the application of methods, first of all, with the help of the association experiment as described Nazarov and Sokolova, explores the hidden meaning of "elite" among modern students of Siberian Federal University. Conducted extensive research associates the word "elite", the results of applied research systematized, summarized in tables and diagrams. The study humanities students. In the long term objective is planned to expand the space to include materials analysis results among students of technical, engineering, math and science areas of higher education.
Citations count: 6
Bronnikov I.A. —
Internet as the Resource of the Government
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 210 - 248.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.8.8999 URL:
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The article is devoted to the Internet as the governmental resource. The author of the article describes principal transformations in the sphere of political communication during the first decade of the XXI century. Those transformations led to the activation of social and political relations and the shift in the chain of authority towards de-centralized web structure. The author notes that changes in the methods and forms of political communication can be viewed as indicators of the intensity and controlled status of the governmental management process. The author of the article in detail analyzes such forms of political communication as interaction through social networks and creation of e-governments. He also touches upon the tendency towards involvement of politicians and civil officials in social networks. The author also discusses the complicated and contradictory international experience of e-governments. Special attention is paid to the functioning of e-governments in the South Korea, Singapore, Great Britain and Russia. Based on the data provided by the United Nations E-Government Survey, the author concludes that despite the fact that it holds the 27th position in the United Nations rating, Russia is stil behind developed democratic countries. The author of the article makes a hypothesis that the governmental authorities can efficiently use the users' skills in searching for and filtering information in order to raise the efficiency of e-governments.
Citations count: 5
Fedorova M. —
Religious identity in the modern digital world
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 66 - 79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.6.33085 URL:
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The subject of this research is the religious identity of Russian youth in the conditions of modern digital society. The author analyzes the factors of transformation of identification processes, examines the characteristics of religious identity, as well as defines the specificity of religious discourse within the Internet environment. The author believes that the main cause of the changes in religious consciousness and identity becomes rapid digitalization of all spheres of social life. This problematic gains relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic, forced self-isolation and transition towards remote work using the information and communication technologies. The author assumes that religious identity should be viewed from the perspective of its inclusion into a broader phenomenon – cyberidentity. An original definition of cyberidentity is proposed. The key factors of its formation, such as social networks and messengers, computer gamed, Internet memes, etc. are determined. The article leans on the analysis of information from websites of religious organizations, different groups in social networks, messengers and video hosting. The main source form empirical data became the results of large-scale research of dynamics of value orientations of youth of Nizhny Novgorod Region that was carried out from 2006 to 2019. The author concludes that currently it may appear that secular trends are growing, while the interest of youth in religion declines. This is conferment by the data acquired from mass surveying, interviewing, and analyzing the content of social networks. However, secularization processes have contradictory, nonlinear and unpredictable character. Within the Internet space, the dialects of religion and secular not just being retained, but reflected in the categories of digital society. In the digital post-secular society, religious identity becomes a part of the more global identification processes. It sets particular goals for the traditional religions, which are forced to adapt to civilizational challenges.
Citations count: 5
Balynin I.V. —
Assessment of the political culture of Russian youth (according to the surveys in February-March 2015)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.6.15561 URL:
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The object of research is the Russian youth, the subject - its political culture.The author examines in detail the substantive part of the typology of political cultures G. Almond and S. Verba, represented in the famous treatise «The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations».Particular attention is paid to the results of surveys of the young generation of modern Russia in February and March 2015 on the basis of self-developed questionnaire to determine the political culture of the typology of G. Almond and S. Verba.Methodological basis based on the following methods: surveys in the form of a questionnaire, a comparative. quantitative and critical analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, historical and logical methods, as well as a graphical way (in a table) for visual display of the results of the study.Russian youth survey conducted in February and March 2015, based on the developed questionnaire showed that the younger generation of modern Russia and inherent patriarchal poddanichesky types. Attempted study political culture has shown that today's younger generation is not indifferent to the future of Russia and processes in our political system. Many young people see themselves as active participants in these processes, understand the importance of active political position, but some underestimate the inherent rationality and responsibility.Based on the results of research it was proposed measures aimed at developing the Russian youth political culture of participation, increasing its electoral activity. At the same time, it is necessary to consolidate efforts of family, state and municipal authorities, civil society with the use of modern information technologies and means of communication, taking into account the international experience, the historical development of the Russian state, the interests and initiatives of young people.
Citations count: 4
Odintsov A.V. —
Major risks of implementation of “smart city” concept
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30636 URL:
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This article is dedicated to studying the concept of “smart city” as special case of e-government. The specificity and description of the phenomenon of e-government in the various research approaches is analyzed. Particular attention is given to examination of the “smart city” concept, its key characteristics, correlation with the “big data” phenomenon, as well as main tasks, which solution lies in implementation of the “smart city”. The author analyzes the major risks emerging in terms of practical implementation of the “smart city” concept. The conclusions are structured on the analysis of the relevant Russian and foreign publications on the topic of “smart city” and “e-government”. The following main threats to realization of the “smart city” determined within the framework is this work: the growth of digital inequality and occurrence of a new instrument of strict control risk of excluding the townspeople from the process of decision-making; the risk of substituting of actual agenda with interests of the elites; the risk of replacement of social and political agenda by the technical questions; disregards of peculiarities of each individual city; technical risks.
Citations count: 4
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
The key role of education in achieving sustainable development goals
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.4.18218 URL:
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Sustainable development requires changes in thinking and ways of acting, and a key role in ensuring these changes is played by the education. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is not only a prerequisite for achieving a sustainable future, but the priority and advancing its means, i.e. the transition to sustainable development begins with the formation of education for sustainable development and the formation of a new globally-sustainable consciousness. ESD becomes one of the key mechanisms for achieving the Millennium development Goals, as well as those new 17 global sustainable development goals that were adopted at the Summit on SD, approving the Agenda in the field of sustainable development until 2030. Adopted a global action programme on ESD, which was announced at the UNESCO world conference on ESD, held in 2014 in (Japan, which gave an assessment of the current state of education in the world and focused on solving the problems of transition of civilization to sustainable development. This goal is new, adopted in Incheon by the concept of education, which is to transform people's lives through education, recognizing the important role of education as the main driving force of development and in the achievement of the other proposed SDG.The article notes that, while continuing the further roll-out of ESD, however, need to start implementing a new strategy for global educational process to accelerate and expand the movement towards "global sustainability". It is shown that the environmental component (and corresponding model) of education currently prevalent in the form of education, which is now called ESD, but that is just the initial stage of formation of a new systemic model of education for sustainable development. For the ecological component of ESD has already added the vision of ESD in temporal perspective as advanced education and interpretation education based on the concept of "security through stable development", future prospects of globalization of education and global education, and will later be synthesized and other models of education (for example, to start the process of comisario education and establishment of the space education on the basis of astronomy and space, global evolutionism).
Citations count: 4
Kulagina N.V. —
Stance on abortion of the modern teenagers ages 15-17
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 32 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.1.22536 URL:
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This article examines a relevant social problem – problem of abortion among teenagers. An overview of the modern scientific data that explicit the level of acuteness of the indicated issue is presented. The author describes the results of sociological survey aimed at studying of the age and gender differences in representations of youth on the right to abortion, the motives and possible consequences. The subject of this research is the stance on abortion among the teenagers ages 15-17; 120 respondents participated in the survey. Methodological foundation contains the theoretical positions of the role of social attitude and value orientations of personality, sociocultural factors and social risks in establishment of a certain model of reproductive behavior of a person. Analysis of the scientific works in the area of reproductive behavior of teenagers are fragmentary, while the empirical data on the attitude of the indicated age group towards abortion are practically absent. Due to this fact, the scientific novelty of this study lies in acquisition of the empirical data on the age and gender peculiarities of teenagers’ stance on abortion. It is demonstrated that the representations of young respondents on the consequences of abortion are characterized by the social immaturity.
Citations count: 4
Kosorukov A.A. —
Artificial intelligence technologies in the modern public administration
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 43 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.5.29714 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the question of implementation of artificial intelligence technologies for improving public administration. Leaning on the Russian and foreign experience, the author analyzes the practice of application of artificial intelligence technologies in public administration and other sectors, considering their specificity: the use of artificial intelligence in the field of digitalization of government mechanism, their capabilities in the sphere of digital security, financial sector, healthcare and education, transport management, traffic and migration flows. Research methodology includes the analytical and comparative methods that reveals the peculiarities of artificial intelligence technologies in public administration. The scientific novelty of this work lies in systematization of capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies, including proactive services, digital security systems, financial analysis (iPavlov, DeepReply), smart systems in healthcare sphere (Watson, Botkin.AI), adaptive learning (Coursera) and proctoring, driverless transportation (Didi Chuxing and Uber), and migration management.
Citations count: 4
Mironova S.V., Timchenko N.S. —
Export of higher education in Russia: an overview of theoretical approaches and practical solutions
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 65 - 80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.33940 URL:
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This article examines the theoretical approaches towards definition and analysis of the concept of export of educational services that formed in the Russian scientific context: sociopolitical, economic, and demographic. Within the framework of economic approach towards analysis of the export of educational services, two author determines two aspects: macroeconomic and microeconomic. The author describes the integrated characteristics and interpretation of the content of export of educational services in the Russian scientific publications. The models of export of educational services: passive, active, and distance are determined. The criteria for the expansion of export of educational services are outlined. The article discusses the current practice of export of educational services established in the Russian higher education The results of the conducted theoretical analysis consists in a number of theses: 1) development of the category of the export of educational services as the basis for creation of theoretical models and technologies of practical implementation is absent; 2) the economically oriented instrumental assessment of the export of educational services is prevalent, which is not fully approved by educational organizations, since universities are not just dividends; 3) sociocultural experience and peculiarities of promotion the export of educational services in the countries of the former socialist camp can be useful; 4) the psychological-pedagogical component of the export of educational services (evaluation of psychological factors for successful education of foreign students, methodological questions of teaching foreign students in Russian universities, etc.) is virtually left out.
Citations count: 4
Roslyakova M.V. —
Social networks in the activities of executive authorities: adaptation to new ways of interaction
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 42 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.7.38467 EDN: MAZJKV URL:
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Social networks are used by 72% of the Russian population, government agencies are involved in digital communication through social networks to preserve information influence and establish a dialogue with society. The state of interaction between authorities and citizens in social networks is described by evolutionary stages, which differ in the intensity of interaction between authorities and users. In 2022, the list of popular social networks that are used in Russia has changed, a decision was made on mandatory registration of public authorities in social networks. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the practice of interaction of federal executive authorities in social networks. The study used quantitative and comparative methods that reveal the specifics of the interaction of federal executive authorities in social networks, the activity of official pages was evaluated using the social network analytics program. The study of official accounts showed that the authorities are at different stages of adaptation, some federal executive authorities are absent from social networks, the second group is at the stage of "registration and informing", the third group has advanced to the stage of "interaction". The reasons for the various activities of the authorities have been identified. The results can be useful in determining the policy of government agencies in social networks and developing recommendations on the organization of maintaining official accounts.
Citations count: 3
Trofimov E.V. —
Definition and Special Aspects of Awards
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 23 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.2.391 URL:
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In this article the award is viewed as a variety of incentives to identify their social and legal capacity as a means of public administration. Identification of the specific social and legal awards made in the context of a multidisciplinary approach and is based on the achievements of law, history, sociology, psychology, economics and philosophy. The article defines the specific characteristics of awards, isolating them from the ordinary rewards designated purpose and function of awards, the characteristic of awards as a socio-legal phenomenon. A significant part of the article on the analysis of form and content of awards and can not issue their differences without losing the reward of its social and legal characteristics. The award is determined by the author as a symbolic legal promotion, altering the status of the person in the system of social relations and etiquette, installed and used in a particular social group for the significant achievements that define the biography award-face and are essential for the social group (facility management) and represents its regulator.
Citations count: 3
Slezin A.A. —
Antireligious Attack by the Soviet State in 1927 - 1929
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 125 - 189.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.5.615 URL:
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The author of the article describes forms and methods of the anti-religious campaign carried out by the Soviet Russia in the late 1920s. Special attention is being paid to the legislative base regulating the relation between the Soviet state and religious unions. The author describes the role of Komsomol and the Union of theh League of Militant Atheists as the most radical participants of anti-religious activity. Youth is viewed both as an object and subject of state policy in the sphere of religion. The author also demonstrates the influence of political campaigns on the nature of relations between church and the government, in particular, the close interconnection between the processes of the forced collectivization that started in 1929 and the second 'attack of heavens'. According to the author, such denial of the right to religious freedom created the denial of right at it is. That caused some kind of 'dual faith': people could speak as they were required but think different.
Citations count: 3
Vasil'ev V., Dekhanova N., Kholodenko Y. —
Factors and trends of social differentiation: new risks
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 43 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.5.32488 URL:
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The goal of this article is the analysis of the impact of digital transformation upon social and economic structure of modern society, principles of social management, and structure of social ties. A conclusion is made that society is not fully adjusted to the changing social circumstances, which elapse oversensitively on the background of aggravation of socioeconomic and political problems. Analysis is conducted on the problem of social inequality in modern Russia, including recently most relevant spatial and digital inequality. Methodological framework contains the theoretical scientific methods, systemic approach, analysis of empirical data of sociological research and statistical data. Emphasis is made on the social challenges that would face Russian society in the conditions of digital transformation. The author underline the ambiguity of consequences of digital transformation for the modern Russian society and the state. The government should focus of finding adequate response to the global challenges and help the citizens to adapt to major social changes that affect socioeconomic space of the country in the conditions of globalization and digitalization.
Citations count: 3
Tinyakova E.A. —
National policy cannot be successful with elimination of national identity
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 30 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.17727 URL:
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The object of this research is the demand of the new national policy in Russia after the detachment from the Soviet Union and obtaining its new government status. The goal of this work is to discover the resources for a deeper demonstration of Russian national mentality. The basis of this subject is the renewing Russian history, and more specifically, the historical potential of Russian national traditional culture. The subject of this research is the accentuation of the origins of the Russian national mentality in the national traditional cultural. The political culture is also linked with the orientation towards the new national policy. The new goals of the research of the national mentality are centered first and foremost on the mass consciousness of the people. The choice of referring to the content of Russian national traditional culture is distinguished by its novelty, as the author proposes not a surface aesthetic attitude towards national culture, but the revelation of its value depth. The article also presents the social cooperation between the Russian national traditional culture and the Orthodoxy. Heroism and wisdom are the key values that lie at the source of the Russian national culture.
Citations count: 3
Kosorukov A.A. —
Digital public sphere of modern society: peculiarities of establishment and control
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 14 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.2.24442 URL:
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The subject of this research is the digital public sphere, decentralized architecture of which in the early XXI century mediates the interaction between the state, corporations, and separate Internet users. The network neutrality of the first years of Internet existence as the foundation of public sphere in digital era experiences the challenges to of filtration and censuring of the Internet content, associated with the strengthening of the state information policy, as well as corporate strategies of adjustment of the tools of Internet control to the requirements of national legislation. Methodology of the research includes the historical and analytical methods that allow tracing the specificities of establishment and methods of control over the digital public sphere. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that leaning of examination of the modern empirical sources and foreign experience, the author analyzes the control methods over the digital public sphere, developed at the junction of the state and corporate interests, requirements of the national legislation, and principles of corporate development, which acquire special relevance on the background of expansion of the Internet culture and actualization of the questions of Internet responsibility and protection of the intellectual rights.
Citations count: 3
Akutina S.P. —
A modern student family: value aspects and life strategies
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.8.31890 URL:
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The subject of this research is the value priorities of modern students. The goal consists in determination of value aspects and life strategies of student youth at the current stage of social development. Student family is key main strategic resource of modern society, and simultaneously, the most socially unadjusted group for creating a family and performing the role of responsible parenthood. An important aspect is that creation of a family is not trendy; the value preferences are oriented towards career aspirations and alternative forms of marriage and family relations. The conducted survey revealed the value orientations of student youth, their life strategies, and problems. The conclusion on students’ focus on starting a successful career and professional identity is empirically proven. The novelty lies in consideration of the concept of “value readiness of the students for creating a family", as well as the indicators of value readiness for family life. The author describes the main vectors in professional activity of the curators of student groups in the formation of students ' value attitude on family: social-value, personal-value, communicative-value, professional-value, and value-environment. The following criteria of life strategies and prospects of modern youth are defined: the strategy of well-being, life success, family and personal fulfillment. It is substantiated that preservation of feasibility of student families would be effective under the condition that university creates the family-preservation environment.
Citations count: 3
Larionova A.V., Gorchakova O.Y., Fakhretdinova A.P. —
The peculiarities of student activity on the Internet: experience of destructive communication and safety issues
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.3.35227 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of destructive communication of youth in the Internet environment. The authors examine the emergence of new social practices and forms of activity within the information digital space, which are characterized by destructive content and pose a threat to the safety of young people. The goal is to explore the most common forms of student activity in the Internet environment, experience of network destructive communication and its negative impact upon safe online interaction (communication) of students. The article employs qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection (focus group and questionnaire); 443 students of Tomsk universities were engaged in the survey. The author reviews most popular forms of youth on the Internet, as well as determines the peculiarities of students’ representations on the safe networking. The students highlight the following key factors of safe communication on the Internet are: the topic of communication, personality of the opponents, behavioral patterns, and freedom of self-expression. Majority of students have experience with destructive communication on the Internet; however, they do not seek to use the effective strategies to protect themselves from its negative influence. The prevailing strategies are ignoring and observing. The author takes the political content as one an example of most provocative destructive practices of online interaction.
Citations count: 3
Trofimova I.N. —
International cooperation of Russian universities and academic mobility (based on self-examination reports)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.9.36241 URL:
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The development of international cooperation along with the growing number of the participants of academic mobility are among the attributes of internationalization of education. Its positive effects are universally acknowledged, however take effort to be achieved. Based on the example of national research universities, the article examines the peculiarities of international activity and opportunities for the Russian universities to participate in the international academic mobility. Primary focus is given to the student international internships, which are considered as highly effective educational and mentoring practices. The theoretical framework for this research is comprised of a set of provisions that characterize international academic exchange as mutually beneficial interaction of different values, cultures, experience, knowledge, interests, and goals. The scientific novelty lies in introduction of the new empirical self-examination reports of the universities, use of various statistical data and rating results. The conclusion is made that international academic mobility has its own structure, pronounced geographical focus, and industry characteristics. Cooperation with individual foreign universities and enterprises, as well as with international university associations and branch associations is well developed and creates favorable environment for the advancement of international academic mobility. However, these opportunities are not used to the fullest, as testified by relatively low number of the Russian participants, prevalence of incoming flow vs outgoing, and unequal conditions for the capital and regional universities.
Citations count: 3
Gigauri D.I. —
2021 State Duma elections: blogs, social networks, and party Identity in the virtual space
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.11.36962 URL:
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This article provides a comprehensive review of the modern Internet practices and virtual platforms in the sphere of politics aimed at promotion of different forms of voting technologies. The authors analyze public strategies of the political parties and candidates in the course of election campaign for the 2021 State Duma elections using the example of electoral constituency of St. Petersburg. The subject of this research is the use of digital means of communication that form virtual identity of the electorate during the 2021 State Duma elections. The object of this research is the representation of party ideologies and civic “symbolic politics” on the Internet based on the example of the popular video platforms YouTube, Tik-Tok as well as the traditional social networks Vkontakte and Facebook. The goal lies in the analysis of interaction of public actors with the audience (followers) in the course of conducting the electoral campaign. The scientific novelty of this article is substantiated by systematic and structural analysis of the scarce elements of virtual identity of Internet users on the example of electoral strategies of representation. The conclusion is drawn on the growing trends of building the so-called symbolic politics “from the bottom” and emergence of numerous actors that create sociopolitical content in the virtual space. The research methodology employs the content analysis of virtual communication channels, relying on the classical theory of symbolic politics and political identity. This theory can be modified by separate aspects of digitalization of the political subfield, which the modern researchers consider as virtual reality.
Citations count: 3
Savchenko I.A. —
Youth extremism in Moscow: sociological survey experience
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 21 - 28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.4.25802 URL:
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The subject of this research is the attitude of modern youth towards extremism and its various manifestations within the youth environment. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the content, factors and peculiarities of youth extremism, as well as the forms of its occurrences. Based on the data acquired in the course of sociological survey, the author makes conclusions on representation of the modern youth of Moscow regarding the essence of extremism, most dangerous of its manifestations, possible causes of its dissemination, and countermeasures. The author presents the data from sociological survey conducted among young people (predominantly between 18 and 25 years old) on the topic “Extremism in Evaluations of Modern Youth of Moscow”. A conclusion is made that youth extremism is perceived by the young people of Moscow as a fairly common phenomenon that is prone to escalation. The author also notes the necessity of using the most diverse forms of countermeasures that suggests the cooperation of the state with nongovernmental organizations aimed at increasing the level of legal culture among the youth.
Citations count: 3
Balakleets N.A. —
War and the state in modern era
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 103 - 110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31227 URL:
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The subject of this research is the transformation of war in the conditions of establishment of hi-tech information society. Currently, military technologies, which serve as a crucial indicator of social development, expanded far beyond military sphere and became an inseparable element of lifeworld of a modern human. The author substantiates the thesis that the prospect of a military observer becomes the daily prospect of world perception. The article compares the organizational principles of military activity in modern time with the new types of war; examines the transformation of social space that is a result of the currently prevailing low-intensity armed conflicts. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that in modern era the war ceases to be an exceptional and extraordinary event of social life; it becomes a persistent form of social relations to the point that the conditions of war and peace cannot be clearly demarcated. The author believes that dissolving the boundaries between the sovereign state, which takes place in the modern world, dos not lead to restriction f military violence, but on the contrary, contributes to its legitimation.
Citations count: 3
Martianova N.A., Rubtcova M. —
Woman as a subject of social transformations in positivist sociology of Auguste Comte
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 114 - 121.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28326 URL:
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The status of women often picked the curiosity of the thinkers who dedicated themselves to the development of projects of social transformations. Auguste Comte, in his positivist concept, draws particular attention to consideration of the status and role of women in the proclaimed by him new historical era – the positivist stage in the development of humanity. However, the national sociological science has yet not paid due attention to this topic. The subject of this article is the specifics of the status and role of women from the perspective of positivist sociology of Auguste Comte. The comparative-historical analysis of the views of A. Comte upon the specifics of the status and role of women at the various stage of his works became the method of this research. The discrepancy in the female social functions at theological, metaphysical, and positive stage of social development is determines. The authors systematize the philosopher’s views regarding the question of gender equality; give characteristic to the “cult of woman” as a specific designation by A. Comte of female status at the positive stage; as well as determine the woman’s functions as a subject of social transformations.
Citations count: 3
Rudenkin D. —
Protest sentiments of Russian youth a year after the meetings of 2017
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 23 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.2.28963 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of the level of relevant protest sentiments common to youth in the context of stabilization of sociopolitical situation that emerged in the Russian society in 2018. The outburst of rebellious activity of the youth, which took place in 2017, has become resonant, but a short-term trend. The author assumes that the overall stabilization of sociopolitical situation that took place in the Russian society in 2017-2018, could affect the social well-being of the youth and lead to decrease in the actual level of their protest sentiments. Therefore, this article is dedicated to the verification of this hypothesis. The empirical base contains the youth polling conducted in Yekaterinburg in 2018 (N = 13), as well as the secondary analysis of data of the nationwide public opinion surveys. The main conclusion testifies to the fact that a year after protest actions of 2017, the protest sentiments of Russian youth became more moderate, but the potential for its reappearance remains. The overwhelming majority of youth does not expect the new protest actions and excludes their personal involvement into such events. On the other hand, the key feature of those young people, who expects the protest actions in their city yet today and speak of the personal readiness to participate in such actions, is the feeling of moral imperfection, and “inappropriateness” of the society. It is determined that the perception of Russian realities based on similar normative orientations, does not prevail among youth. But the mass distribution of such sentiments will create favorable environment for the new wave of rebellious behavior of the Russian youth.
Citations count: 3
Timakov I.V. —
Reform of the Russian healthcare system – threat to the security of social groups or evolution of health protection?
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 28 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.33884 URL:
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Recent changes in healthcare system are perceived negatively by certain population groups, which results in a loss of confidence in the social system. Integrity of the reform of the Russian healthcare system depends on social stability, which is possible if results of the reform coincide with public representations on the guarantees of health protection. The goal of this work consists in determination of the eventual nature of threat to the security of social groups in the process of Russian healthcare reform using sociological methods. The subject of this research is analysis of the the nature of eventual threats to the security of population groups in the process of Russian healthcare reform. The object of this research is the problems of healthcare reform as the potential threats in perception of the respondents. In the course of this work, the author leans on the databases of comprehensive monitoring of living conditions of the population of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical analysis was conducted on the basis of contingency tables in dynamics of the tasks of research. Threat factors were viewed through the factors of not receiving medical treatment by the citizens. A third of respondents above 15 years of age having health concerns, refused to apply to medical establishments. The population above working age appear to be in a vulnerable situation as a result of reform. Most of the listed factors are associated with inadequate work of medical establishments, which indicates social tension towards the reform of healthcare system. Two groups of factors are highlighted. Under the influence of external factors, the internal structures of healthcare system adapt without full consideration of possible consequences. The author underlines remaining contradictions between citizens’ expectations and changes in the practices of health protection. Changes in healthcare system are the cause of loss of confidence in healthcare institutions and refusal to seek medical treatment for certain social groups, which is a threat to their health. Realization f comprehensive guarantees within the framework of the system of Compulsory Medical Insurance requires different approaches.
Citations count: 3
Zelenkov M., Tyurikov A.G. —
The model of challenges to trust in the modern Russian Federation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.37600 URL:
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The subject of the study is challenges to trust. The purpose of this article is to form a key base of challenges to trust (TOP-10) in Russia, to assess their creative and destructive beginnings and to build on this basis a predictive-probabilistic model of their manifestation.
The methodological basis of the study was a system-integrated approach, which allowed to reveal the problems of relationships in the "challenge-trust" chain, to identify the challenges affecting the long-term dynamics of the level of trust in Russia, which was provided by the use of STEEPV analysis, involving the consideration of social (S), technological (T), economic (E), environmental (E), political (P) and value (V) aspects. Content analysis and comparative analysis of a wide range of theoretical and empirical works on trust and challenges of our time made it possible to form a common base of challenges to trust in Russia. The basis for constructing a predictive-probabilistic model is the method of assigning a numerical percentage value to a call in order to create a common probabilistic platform for comparison. The construction methodology assumed the allocation of expert knowledge and their subsequent synthesis on the basis of an interactive procedure for expressing individual judgments of specialists.
 The scientific results of the work were: a key database of trust challenges in the Russian Federation, a predictive-probabilistic model of trust challenges in Russia, which is built in the format of cross-references revealing the dichotomous characteristics of calls and their classification. The fundamental scientific conclusion was the postulate that in the conditions of modern challenges, with the existing initial level of trust, the mechanisms of trust formation functioning in the state are becoming increasingly important, the main task of which is to create a creative response that will dampen the impact of the challenge on trust, and in certain cases, increase the level of trust based on the use of positive (creative) characteristics a call.
Citations count: 3
Pimenova N.N. —
Indigenous peoples in the current situation: the scope and content of the concept
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 112 - 134.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.1.14249 URL:
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The subject of this study is the concept of "indigenous peoples". The author analyzes the different approaches to this concept, presented in a modern foreign and domestic research literature. The concept of "indigenous peoples" has a certain academic interpretations depending on how researchers understand the phenomenon of ethnicity. It is hypothesized that the concept of "indigenous peoples" changes its content and scope depending on the historical and cultural epoch, in relation to which it is viewed. Possible to identify the specific content of this concept in relation to the premodern, modern and postmodern. The author used the information obtained in the course of fieldwork in Tyukhtetsky District and Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District (Krasnoyarsk Territory) in 2010-2014. For the analysis of the scope and content of the concept applied the methods of analytical review of research literature and conceptual analysis. Indigenous people is a sociological, cultural, ethnographic and ethnological term to refer to a local social community, which has geographic parameters and consolidated on the basis of ethnicity in the context of relations with the dominant ethnic group, nation; such a community has, as a rule, the historic colonial (neocolonial) experience and its reflection. The defining feature of this community is the property of indigenous recognized by the dominant ethnic group and the state, as the status of the ethnic groups, the first populated the territory of compact residence of its members, also in the legal field plays a leading role identity of its representatives. As the basis of ethnicity such social community act simultaneously two groups of features: a) objective evidence mainly detected within the ethnic group, the inherent limitations of its representatives and therefore perceived as his markers (race, language, territorial tightness); b) objectified through cultural signs signs ethnicity is constructed ethnicity of its representatives as subjective constructions mainly externally ("outside"), with detectable within the ethnic group, but embedded in this situation originating outside it. In modern conditions of such social communities internally heterogeneous, include a number of groups of indigenous people can be differentiated by the degree of replacement of the traditional way of life in their social and cultural practices, or as part of the social institutions of modern society.
Citations count: 3
Libakova N.M. —
Acculturative stress and techniques for overcoming it
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 89 - 97.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17683 URL:
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The subject of this research is the notion of “acculturative stress”, its theoretical and applied aspects, as well as its evristical value for the modern social and ethnic researches. The author examines the history of establishment of the term “acculturative stress”, scenarios of acculturative stress, and various models for overcoming it. John W. Berry’s concepts, as well as of his critics and supporters are being analyzed. Special attention is given to the concept of “cultural shock” and its invariants within the modern social sciences; various scenarios of overcoming the cultural shock are being reviewed. Theoretical conclusions are implemented towards the understanding of the current situation of the indigenous minority population of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The author conducted field researches in the northern territories of Krasnoyarsk Krai. He concludes that today, the processes of acculturation inherent to the Russian Federation as a whole, and Krasnoyarsk Krai as its part, have a global orientation and are included into the worldwide base processes. Among ethnoses, who experience an acculturative stress, are both, the migrants and the indigenous minor population.
Citations count: 2
Medvedeva N., Frolova E.V., Ryabova T.M. —
Nonprofit organizations in Russia: barriers and factors for development
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 12 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.4.25914 URL:
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The subject of this research is the functioning of the nonprofit sector, peculiarities and problems of cooperation of the nonprofit organizations with the government authorities of the Russian Federation. At the present stage, there is contradiction between the need for development of the nonprofit sector, as the key compensator of dysfunctions within the system of social services, and escalation of the risks and threats that limit its effectiveness. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of the fundamental problems of functioning of the nonprofit organizations under the current Russian circumstances, search for the methods of increasing its sustainability and adaptiveness, as well as provision of constructive cooperation with the government. The scientific novelty lies in determination of limitations and factors for development of the nonprofit sector in Russia. The key berries in development of the nonprofit sector in Russia imply the following: low level of financial, infrastructure and human resource security; weakness of state support; lack of the volunteering resources. The strategic directions of development of the nonprofit sector in the Russian Federation are: ensuring various approaches towards cooperation with the nonprofit organizations in terms of the territorial differentiation; legal, information, and strategic support of its initiatives; professional training of personnel; popularization of volunteering activity among population, including highly qualified individuals for realization of the auxiliary functions (legal, accounting, marketing); and increasing the efficiency of state aid.
Citations count: 2
Merenkov A.V., Dronishinets N.P. —
Interaction with the Public as a Condition for the Development of Nuclear Energy
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 32 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.12.39520 EDN: UUOIUW URL:
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The subject of the study is the practice of interaction of nuclear energy specialists with the public, whose representatives have different opinions on the need for further operation of nuclear power plants, the construction of new ones in modern conditions. On the one hand, the creators of nuclear power plants prove that modern nuclear reactors make it possible to minimize the threat of emergency situations. On the other hand, in the public opinion of different countries, the idea of the danger posed by these industrial facilities is steadily preserved. The purpose of the work is to disclose practical actions taken by the international atomic energy organization IAEA, Rosatom to ensure dialogue between specialists in this area and interested social groups. The object of study is publications that have appeared in recent years in foreign and domestic literature on this issue. It has been shown that there is a search for such interaction of atomic physicists with the public in the media, the Internet, which will overcome existing biases about the state and prospects of nuclear energy. The absence of an open discussion of current problems of NPP development as a way to solve not only problems related to the economic development of countries, but also the protection of nature from the harmful effects of enterprises using gas, coal, oil for energy production, is one of the main reasons for the public's wary attitude towards nuclear power plants. Data on new technologies for creating objective ideas about the safety of modern nuclear energy in different public groups used in Russia and supported by specialists from other countries are presented. Conclusions were drawn about the need to create a system for the formation of knowledge about the state of nuclear power plants among the population, modern means of preventing emergency situations. These issues should be considered in special educational programs for different groups of the population, in the media with the involvement of qualified specialists.
Citations count: 2
Sidorina A.V., Grigoryan K.G. —
The dynamics of environmental awareness in the Russian mass media
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 91 - 113.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.6.29874 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the dynamics of environmental awareness in the Russian mass media. The author presents the key theoretical approaches towards interpretation of environmental awareness, determination of its position within the system of “society – environment”, as well as representations about the role of society with regards to this system. Environmental awareness is viewed as one of the forms of social consciousness, for which mass media is the paramount channel of formation and expression in the conditions of extensive informatization of the society. The conducted study allows detecting the level of coverage of environmental theme in mass media in the period of environmental stability, as well as environmental disasters. The type of environmental awareness would be determined depending on the adequacy of perception by individuals of the relationship with the environment, which eventually defines social behavior with regards to their living environment. In the recent decades, due to the escalating global environmental crisis, more pressing becomes the problem of studying social consequences of interaction between the society and environment. Back in the early XX century, the environmental theme has become the subject of scientific discussions at the international level, being a result of realizing the importance of comprehensive approach towards the solution of environmental tasks.
Citations count: 2
Dobrynina I.S. —
Environmental problematic in media space of Chelyabinsk
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 18 - 35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.1.37409 URL:
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The object of this research is the new media that create the information space of Chelyabinsk, namely online media platforms. The subject of this research is the topic of environmental security of urban areas. The author aims to find and analyze the new media platforms that form the perception of ecological state of the city, as well as examine the role of users in distribution of eco-information through these platforms. The article employs the automated content analysis, which allows acquiring socially important information on environmental problematic by means of big data (using the “Medialogia” resource). The novelty consists in the empirical base, which consists of 1,050 online publications on the topic of ecology, as well as 5,400 postings in social networks for quantitative analysis along with 1,050 for qualitative analysis. The author also examines such indicators as the audience of postings, views and engagement of the audience, keynote of postings and comments, etc. The main conclusions are as follows:
- the environmental agenda in media space of Chelyabinsk is relevant and sustainable;
- the main topic of postings is the air pollution;
- online media platforms resort to the traditional delivery of information using frightening headlines and repetitive visual symbols (factories, chimneys, smoke), which creates a stereotypical perception of the city’s image and concerns;
- due to the urgency of environmental problems for the residents, the audience shows high response rates;
- negativistic response of the audience prevails, as the users try to reach out to the authorities through personal postings and reposts of negative information.
Citations count: 2
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
The Future of Humanity: Death or Immortality?
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 138 - 199.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.478 URL:
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The authors study the possible death of mankind, which had previously been questioned and discussed by many scholars. At the same time, the authors analyze the idea of K.E. Tsiolkovsky about the possibility of an infinite progress of the society that originated and developed on our planet as a result of the wide space exploration. The authors also investigated numerous global and cosmic threats and dangers that may be encountered by the humankind on the way to their further development and assessed probability of the hypothesis of social immortality. It is noted that the global and cosmic cataclysms and the possible danger of external nature, in comparison with the reality of anthropogenic global environmental catastrophe, go to the periphery of the strategic vision of the continued existence of civilization. In order to survive, the humankind must move towards sustainable development and subsequent noosferogenesis involving the preservation of civilization and the biosphere, and their co-evolution as a permanent co-development not only in the next century, but for future indefinitely.In connection with the wide space exploration, the authors discuss the so-called Big Socia Bang, i.e. fast (on cosmological time scales) spatio-temporal extension of socio-natural areas, which is about the same regularity as the globalization proccess in the earth coordinate system. The authors also analyze the fundamental assumption of the possible appearance of a higher stage of evolution of matter, provisionally called postsocial stage.
Citations count: 2
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
Education for Sustainable Development: The First Results, Problems and Prospects
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 11 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.1.14001 URL:
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In their article the authors emphasize that education will soon have transformations closely related to evolutionary changes in the global civilizational development and interaction between society and nature. The authors discuss the formation of education for sustainable development (SD) in Russia both prior to and during the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The authors also discuss what official documents are needed to be accepted both at the global and Russian levels in order to implement the concept of sustainable development in the sphere of Russian education. The authors focus on how the concept of sustainabe development is perceived by Russians and how education for sustainable development is promoted in Russia. Special attention is paid to the process of preparation of tutorials and teaching and learning aids on sustainable development at higher schools starting from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The authors have applied to principle of temporal integrity as well as the globa, historical, interdisciplinary, forecasting, systems, evolutionary, environmental and other approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of education in the XXIst century. According to the authors, the main goal of sustainable development should not be limited to the solution of environmental issues. It is important to talk about the global issues and negative universal processes that are to be solved before the wold is ready to transfer to the global sustainability. Special attention is paid to the extension of the scope of the concept of sustainable development.
Citations count: 2
Pavlenko I.I. —
Informatization as a universal social process of the information society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.7.19427 URL:
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This article analyzes the notion of Informatization. It is presented as a specific universal complex social process. Moreover, Informatization is a process of progressive development, as it justifies the transition of the entire society and its subsystems towards the qualitatively new status. Unidirectionality along with the mutual integration of the joint social actions of people are attributable to this process, which leads to the drastic economic, social, cultural, and technological changes within the society. The author examines the notion of information society and provides the main components of Russia’s transition towards the information society. The article analyzes the term Informatization and proves that it is certainly a complex social process. The main conclusion consists in understanding that Informatization represents a universal complex social process, as well as a dynamically developing social institution of the information society, which saturates all areas of social life, its social institutions and organizations. The role of the process of Informatization lies in contentment of demands of the society and its subjects.
Citations count: 2
Artamonova V. —
The concept of gamification and its reflection in self-determination theory
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 10 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.2.28979 URL:
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Game motivation represents a particular psychophysiological process of formation in an individual of the inner motivational forces towards labor influences by the external stimuli and internal characteristics of consciousness while playing. Within the modern information world, this type of motivation is actively practiced in various fields of human life. In the concept of gamification, game motivation plays one of the paramount roles, due to which the development of gamified systems is considered as one of the most complicated spheres for the software developers. Despite the different contexts of application of the gamification concept, the author focuses on the use and implementation of game mechanics in labor sphere and human resource management. An attempt is made to examine gamification from the perspective of meeting the basic demands. The main positions of self-determination theory are presented in the article. The author gives characteristics to the basic demands described in self-determination theory, which are primary in terms of formation of the self-determinant personal competence. The article analyzes the self-determination continuum founded on highlighting the six types of motivation. The author suggests the system of application of the various game mechanics depending on the basic demands and values of the staff members.
Citations count: 2
Ledeneva V., Dekhanova N. —
Development and increase of attractiveness of the regions of Far Eastern Federal District in implementation of government program on assistance to voluntary relocation of compatriots into the Russian Federation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.3.30397 URL:
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The subject of this research is the current government policy on the federal and regional levels pertaining to attraction of compatriots into the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD). As it is well known, the constituent entities of FEFD are part of the territories for prioritized resettlement of compatriots. The authors analyze the dynamics of relocation through stimulating factors, localization of the arriving population, spheres of their employment, and insurance with social infrastructure. The article explores the basic principles and approaches towards rendering assistance with voluntary relocation of compatriots. The novelty of this research consists in formulation of recommendations on improving the legal and organizational framework for managing the relocation program and control of the process of its implementation in the FEFD. The authors’ contribution lies in the analysis of regional indicators and specificity of realization of the program in the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as original proposals for improving the mechanism of implementation of the program. The main conclusion consists in substantiation of the thesis on special importance of the government program of relocation as a mechanism for solution of socioeconomic and demographic problems. The FEFD territory needs comprehensive development, including consideration of domestic migration and outflow of population from the region. The system of regulation of migration flows in the Far East must ensure clear interconnection between the goals and vectors of measures of the legal, organizational, economic, and social nature.
Citations count: 2
Shabykov V.I., Kudryavtseva R.A., Zorina Z.G. —
The status of the Hill Mari language in modern society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 74 - 84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.4.32757 URL:
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The goal of this article is to generalize the results of the sociological research of 2018 “Interconfessional and interethnic relations in the Mari El Republic”, pertaining to linguistic consciousness and linguistic behavior of the Hill Mari, residing on the territory of the Gornomariysky District of the Mari El Republic. The subject of this research is the social (ethnic identity, communicative, lingual competency, state) status of the Hill Mari language in modern society from the perspective of social consciousness of the local population. The conclusions and generalizations of the authors can have practical importance for correction of national policy, linguistic “construction” and principles of interethnic interaction in a multiethnic region. The state and social status of the Hill Mari language is brought to the forefront within the framework of a study on the linguistic situation in the Mari El Republic. It is proved that the ethnic community actively mobilizes the internal mechanisms of ethnolinguistic protection and attempts to comprehensively support the social status of the language on the ethnic identity, communicative and linguistic competence levels. Support of the Hill Mari language on the state level remains a relevant issue.
Citations count: 2
Turkulets S.E., Turkuletc A.V., Listopadova E.V., Sokol'skaya M.V. —
Social stigmatization during pandemic
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 11 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.5.32945 URL:
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The subject of this article is the social stigmatization. The goal consists in determination and analysis of the forms of social stigmatization in particular conditions of the spread of pandemic. The authors underline that the persons who got affected by coronavirus, as well as their family members and close friends, are being stigmatized. Aggressive and inadequate behavior of the public often manifests with regards to medical personnel who deals directly with the virus. Identification of the factors affecting the process of social stigmatization in the conditions of pandemic would allow reducing the level of psychological tension in the society. The following methods were applied in the course of this research observation and analysis of theoretical sources, news and other broadcasting throughout the 4 weeks of self-isolation regime, analysis of publication in social networks, online survey involving 594 respondents. The empirical base is comprised of statistical data provided by the World Health Organization. The scientific novelty and relevance consist in the fact that Russian sociology does not give due attention to the problems of stigmatization. A particular social situation of pandemic represents a specific social background and field for stigma. In the conditions of pandemic, stigmatization intensifies and takes specific forms: it affects not only the people who differs by social role, appearance or lifestyle, but even those who have mild symptoms of cold. Stigmatization is accompanied by aggression, fear, anxiety, which are often generated by prejudices, stereotypes and rumors.
Citations count: 2
Rozhkova L.V., Tuguskina G.N., Supikov V.N., Seidov S.G. —
Education as a factor of life and career success of the Russians
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 9 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.10.36629 URL:
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The problem of studying education, values of education, and educational potential of the Russians is relevant in the current context, when professional, continuing education, and self-education become the intrinsic elements of modern life. Education is the factor of achieving life and career success, a crucial competitive advantage on the job market, opens career growth opportunities, such as prestigious and top-paying job. It plays one of the key roles in social development and ensuring economic upturn of the country. The subject of this research is education within the structure of factors of life and career success. The goal lies in the analysis of education as the factor of success of the Russians. As a result of theoretical analysis, the author offers the original structural model of life and career success, new empirical data on education within the structure of values of the youth, as well as materials of qualitative research on life and career success among youth. The conducted analysis demonstrates that education, including higher education, does not hold the leading position within the structure of values of Russian youth, yielding to family, health and material well-being. It is neither among the top factors of life success. At the same time, Russian youth agree to the fact that education contributes to career growth. Young people rate the knowledge high and are willing to give their best for decent education. Self-education, lifelong learning expands the career-building opportunities, allows getting a prestigious and top-paying job. At the same time, professional success requires personal efforts of the individual and fulfillment of their potential. Certain role in this process is played by the system of useful social contacts. The current socioeconomic situation in the country also affects education and educational plans of youth.
Citations count: 2
Pavenkov O., Pavenkov V.G., Rubtcova M. —
The place of religiosity in establishment of spiritual and moral value orientations of youth in Saint Petersburg
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 29 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.8.20764 URL:
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In absence of the unified value system within the modern Russian society, the spiritual and moral value orientations, which define the behavioral system, represent the axiological basis necessary for adaptation of youth in the modern world. This article is dedicate to analysis of the role of religiosity in establishment pf the spiritual and moral values and behavioral orientations of young people. The authors present a quinary structure of a religious personality. The object of this research is defined by attitude of the modern youth to religion. The article provides the results of applied sociological study on the topic “Possibilities of implementation of the ideation principle of relation of the Russian modern youth to religion within the applied sociological study (using the materials of higher educational facilities of Saint Petersburg)”. The students of the faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg State University (at the stage of approbation), students of the faculty of Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies, and students of the faculty of Psychology of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy took place in the aforementioned study. After the 40 interviews were completed, there followed a conclusion that within the structure of spiritual and moral value orientations, religiosity holds rather low positions, which correlated with the dominance of fragmentary-eclectic mentality. The level of religiosity and morality of the majority of young people is not yet at the point described by P. A. Sorokin as “altruistic transformation”.
Citations count: 2
Belova O.N., Akutina S.P. —
Violence against women as a social issue
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 18 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.3.29282 URL:
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This article presents the factors that directly or indirectly influence the problem of abusive treatment with women in a family. The authors analyze its key components and causes: aggressive behavior, violence, violent behaviors, weak social guarantees, stressful environment in the family. The study describes the factors leading to occurrence of family violence, as well as analyzes phases of family violence against women. The medical and social work as an effective activity in solving the urgent social issues is considered. The correlation between violence and aggression is traced. The authors examine the vectors in the problem of violence: socio-philosophical, culturological, psychological, and socionomic. Based on the materials of sociological study, the authors identify the main reasons of abusive treatment of women; define the types of family violence – physical, psychological, economic, and sexual; and determine the techniques of social work with women, who suffered from abuse.
Citations count: 2
Semenova O.V., Butovskaya M.L. —
Theoretical and practical consequences of imbalance in the coefficient of male and female population in modern Russia: impact of the factor of ratio of genders in the region upon individual level of financial wellbeing
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 30 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.3.29974 URL:
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This article presents a brief overview of the modern concept of gender selection and theory of parental investments, according to which the ration of genders in society manifests as a key forecaster of the level of polygyny on the marital market. The theory predicts that in shifting of the models of marital behavior from monogamous and polygamous, the level of matrimonial investment can decrease. The authors suggest that such targeted decrease of resources in the regions with low coefficient of genders can exert negative impact on the economic parameters of household in these regions. This research provides quantitative assessment of subjective satisfaction with financial position of the members of households in populated areas (N=10385) with various levels of coefficient of genders. The statistical analysis was conducted using the IBM SPSS software with application of the following methods: Pearson's χ2 criterion, Goodman and Kruskal's gamma (γ) criterion, and dispersion analysis. The acquired results confirm the presence of positive interconnection between the level of coefficient of genders in the region and financial wellbeing households. It was determined that in the regions of the Russian Federation with equal ration of male and female population, as well as in regions with predominant male population, the subjective assessment of own financial wellbeing was higher among both, men and women. The factor of sustained imbalance in the ratio of genders represents one of the relevant questions of Russian demography, but this phenomenon is rarely taken into consideration in quantitative research within social sciences.
Citations count: 2
Belkovets L., Shumskaya K.V. —
The Russian-Latvian Relations During the First Period of Independence of Latvia as Part of German Eastern Policy
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 136 - 184.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.4.489 URL:
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The article investigates the policy of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in the relation of Latvian state in the first half of the 1920th. Contracts which regulated the process of recognition process of independence of Latvia, background and conditions of the Latvian-Russian relations, the main thing from which was Russian-German opposition, were studied. Conclusions about the policy answering to the general principles of international law, to geopolitical interests of the Russian state and to the interests of the Latvian people and state on the threshold of the future new world war have been made.Keywords: Latvia, Russia, Germany, Soviet power, background, agreement, conditions, recognition, independence, relation.
Citations count: 2
Labunskaya V.A. —
Dynamics of students’ perception on functional importance of attractive appearance
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 11 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.11.27887 URL:
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The subject of this research is the dynamics of students’ perception on the functional importance of attractive appearance depending on the stage of education and spheres of life activities: communication, friendship; career; academic success; family, romantic relations. Following the tradition of analyzing the functions of appearance, the author considers the dynamics of the effect of the more attractive appearance upon the sense of happiness. Methodology is structured on the basis of developed by the author “Multi-factor model of analysis of the perception of appearance”, which centers around the “value of appearance”, its “functional importance”. Using the created together with G. V. Serikov questionnaire, the author examines the dynamics of measures of agreement with the statements on the effect of more attractive appearance depending on the stage of education of young people in university: 130 students, Bachelors of first and senior years. Data processing contains Manna-Whitney nonparametric U-test; paired sample t-test. The following conclusions were made: 1) The dynamics of perceptions on the effect of more attractive appearance is substantiated by the interaction of such factors as the stage of education and sphere of life activities; 2) In students’ perception, the functional importance of appearance is higher for the sphere of friendship, communication, sense of happiness rather than other spheres of life; 3) The dynamics of measured of agreement with the statements marks the decline in functional importance of appearance for the Bachelor students of senior year; 4) Functional importance of the more attractive appearance for the sphere of communication and friendship does change significantly under the influence of the stage of education.
Citations count: 2
Balakleets N.A. —
Philosophy of War: Tolstoy and Clausewitz
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.1.19646 URL:
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The article examines in the comparative aspect the philosophical foundations of war presented in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" and in Carl von Clausewitz’ treatise "On War". Based on the works of Niccolò Machiavelli, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, M.I. Dragomirov, A.E. Snesarev, R. Aron, J.L. Gaddis, O. Rose, H. Münkler and other thinkers, the author carries out the comparative analysis of the ideas of Tolstoy and Clausewitz, focusing on such aspects of the phenomenon of war, as the definition of its essence, the individual's role in the war, the subjective and objective elements of the military activity.Along with the general theoretical research methods the author uses poststructuralist and hermeneutical methodology as well as the method of comparative analysis of philosophical doctrines.The novelty of the research lies in the explication of the differences in theoretical views on the war of Tolstoy and Clausewitz, as well as in the revelation of "points of convergence" between the two thinkers. Behind the confrontation between Tolstoy and Clausewitz the author finds conflict of Stoicism and Machiavellianism. The special contribution of the author consists in the interpretation of the water metaphors, which are abundantly represented in the texts of "War and Peace" and "On War".
Citations count: 2
Bukhtiyarova I.N., Grudina T.N. —
Image of a family with multiple children from the perspective of public opinion
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 108 - 119.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.5.23041 URL:
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The subject of this research is the image of family with multiple children in the modern Russian society. Special attention is given to the means of formation of an image of family with multiple children. The authors provide analysis of public opinion on such phenomenon that was acquired in the course of sociological study of reproductive behavior of the population. The article examines the reasoning and comments made about the families with multiple children, as well as the support provided to such families at the stage, regional, and social levels. The scientific novelty consists in contribution of the authors into the analysis and generalization of the modern international and Russian research pertaining to the questions of family-demographic policy that reveal the regional and national problems of the large families, influence of public opinion upon the functionality of such type of family in Russia, and analysis of expert opinion on this matter. In the process of analysis, there has formed a perception on the status of family with multiple children in the existing reality, as well as relation of government authorities, social and religious organizations, and population as a whole to them.
Citations count: 2
Mukin V.A. —
The concept of realization of integrity in the university space of Chuvash Republic
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 41 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.1.25141 URL:
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The subject of this research is the concept of realization of comprehensiveness presented in form of a university campus. The object of this research is the university space of Chuvash Republic that captures the informative, constructive and impactful parts of university education modernization. The author meticulously examines the following aspects of the topic: 1) determination of factors and sources of social transformations; 2) substantiation of program method of implementation of university campus; 3) development of the mechanism of realization of the idea of integrity applicable to Chuvash Republic; 4) correlation between university space and social reality of the region. The author uses the experience of program-targeted methodology of organizing control over economic system at the federal and regional levels. The point of the method consists in considering a human as a criterion and purpose of social development; their functional and intellectual potential manifests as the efficiency indexes of the socioeconomic programs. The program method allows combining the hierarchically structured sequence of goals into a single co-organized system. The scientific models consists in implementation of the idea of integrity applicable to university education through merging the subjects of education in accordance with the association model. The relationship of the subjects of university space is regulated by the common strategy of socioeconomic development of Chuvash Republic. The universal program of achieving the common goals is oriented towards the reproduction and augmentation of human capital. The author’s special contribution consists in the suggested way of realization of the scientific-philosophical reflection of the prospects of modern society and possibility of cognizing the programed personal qualities of a human.
Citations count: 2
Viazinkin A. —
Socioeconomic liberation of a person and the problem of sovereign identity in the philosophy of Russian Populism
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 10.
– P. 21 - 27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30783 URL:
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The subject of this research is the problem of socioeconomic liberation of a person in the context of a concept of sovereign entity. Within the social philosophy of Russian Populism, this problem is resolved through the creation of a so-called “philosophy of labor” that defines the key provisions and criteria of the socioeconomic independence of a person. Such “philosophy of labor” is a seamless component of the socio-philosophical heritage of Russian Populism and meant to resolve the problem of both, social and anthropological ideal. For more detailed analysis, the author examines the perception of the ideological heritage of Populism within neo-Populist environment. The novelty of this research consists in the historical-philosophical consideration of the socio-philosophical problem from the philosophical and anthropological perspective, most adequate applicable to the ideological heritage of Russian Populism. The problem of sovereign identity is views through the criteria of “liberation of a person”, among which the emphasis is made on the socioeconomic factor. Based on a number of analytical theses formulated in the article, the conclusion is made that the social and anthropological ideas of Russian Populism should be considered in the context of the concept of sovereign identity, the entity which independence is achieved following the criteria of socioeconomic autonomy.
Citations count: 2
Evseenko E.A., Il'chenko K.I., Kirko V.I., Shadrin A.I. —
Subjective assessment of quality of life of indigenous population of the village of Novorybnaya of Khatangsky group of settlements of Taymyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Municipal District of Krasnoyarsk Krai (based on expedition materials of 2018)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 202 - 214.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31496 URL:
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The subject of this research is the quality of life of indigenous peoples of Northern Siberia residing in one of the settlements of Khatangsky group (village of Novorybnaya) of Taymyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Municipal District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of differentiation of subjective perception of quality of life by various social strata residing in remote localities of the Northern Arctic Zone of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The task lies in application of the developed methodology of comparative analysis of quality of life of the residents of remote settlements of northern and central taiga zone of Siberia. The scientific novelty consists in the use of effective method of assessment of quality of life of the communities living in the severe north conditions and referred to the category of indigenous minorities of the North. In determining differentiation of the various population strata by objective and subjective assessment of quality of life, the author used statistical data and revealed the level of content with labor conditions, employment, household, leisure activities, health and infrastructure.
Citations count: 2
Karpikova I.S., Baeva O.N. —
Employment of senior citizens in the Russian Federation: characteristics of trends and opportunities for implementation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.6.35924 URL:
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Providing employment opportunities for senior citizens in the context of increasing life expectancy of the population is worldwide recognized as a necessary condition for active aging. Solution of this problem is mainstreamed due to raising the retirement age. The goals of this research is to describe the trends in the sphere of employment of senior citizens in the Russian Federation, which includes people of retirement and pre-retirement age, as well as assess the possibilities of implementing work activity of “age” employees. The problem of employment of Russian senior citizens is examined via analysis and systematization of the government statistics and secondary analysis of the data of monitoring and one-time sociological research (Russian monitoring of economic situation and public health, online surveys of employers and job applicants, local regional studies). The acquired results reveal the existing contradiction between the increasing motivation of senior citizens to continue work activity and inability of the system of social production to ensure necessary opportunities for its implementation. The steps taken by the government on providing legal guarantees for employment of the senior citizens, namely people of pre-retirement age, have not yet yielded the desired results. Having analyzed the factors that promote or impede the employment of senior citizens, the authors conclude on the need of the following issues to be addressed as a matter of urgency: interest of the employers in providing employment for senior citizens, and overcoming ageist stereotypes in the society that unreasonably reduce the value of labor capacity of “age” employees.
Citations count: 2
Sharapov R.I. —
The conditions of political mobilization in the Internet
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.10.22073 URL:
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The subject of this research is the combination of stringent conditions for implementation of the successful political mobilization in the Internet. The relevance of this work is justified by the sustainable increase in the number of attempt of using the political mobilization technologies in the Internet. The previous research on efficiency of using the Internet platforms for the purpose of agitation during the period of electoral campaign into the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016 demonstrated that at the present time the representatives of the Russian parties confirm the possibility of agitation of the voters within the online environment. The effective realization of the offline political mobilization requires fulfilling a number of conditions, among which the author highlights the level of democratic freedom of the society, level of relative deprivation of civil society, as well as presence of a unifying idea and precise organizational strategy. The goal of the article consists in discovering whether these requirements vary in realization of the political mobilization within the online environment. The work is first to determine and classify the conditions necessary for organization of political mobilization in the Internet, as well as esteem if they are suitable for the Russian society. In the author’s opinion, only part of the essential conditions is currently fulfilled in Russia, thus the political mobilization in the Runet cannot be effective for the civil society overall at the present stage.
Citations count: 2
Popandopulo O., Shaforostov E.G. —
Formation of professional identity in the process of effective interaction between the civil society institutions and the government
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 9.
– P. 12 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.9.34007 URL:
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This article is aimed at studying the factors of increasing effectiveness of personal activity in the process of formation of professional identity in the modern sociocultural conditions by means of creating a strategy of socializing capabilities of the society. The process of formation of professional identity of a person represents an integrative cross-disciplinary object of research. In a broad sense, its relevance is defined by the need to design a scientifically substantiated model of interaction between the civil society institutions and the government as the leading socialization agents for the purpose of increasing its effectiveness. For social science, relevant remains the objective and comprehensive assessment of the processes unfolding within youth environment, which develop under the influence of global and regional, economic and political, social and legal, cultural and socio-psychological factors. The novelty of this article is determined by the insufficient elaboration of systemic analysis of the indicated problematic, with involvement of modern technologies for structuring and modeling of the social processes and professional socialization of a person. The uniqueness consists in the ability to preliminarily create the essential information base and formalize the acquired knowledge on the expert level. This would allow giving a more accurate assessment to the peculiarities of social processes that contribute to the conscious choice of a profession, and based on that build a model for improving the efficiency of personal activity in the process of formation of professional identity within modern sociocultural environment.
Citations count: 2
Rudenkin D. —
Heuristic potential of Marc Prensky’s theory of “digital natives” in studying the modern Russian youth
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 9.
– P. 9 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.9.30365 URL:
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The pivotal question of this work is the prospects of application of the “digital natives” theory developed by the American sociologist Marc Prensky in studying the modern Russian youth. In the course of the analysis of relevant statistical and sociological data, the author comes to a conclusion that potentially the theory of “digital natives” can quite accurately describe the specificities of mentality and behavior inherent to the Russian youth. A majority of the representatives of the modern Russian youth was growing up in the conditions of rapid digitalization of the society, and became accustomed to using the Internet very actively. Leaning on the data of the personally conducted sociological survey among the youth of Yekaterinburg (N = 1766; 18-24 years of age), the author aims to verify if this peculiar context of moving into adulthood affects their mentality and behavior, as well as to the representatives of modern youth show the evidence of “digital natives” described by M. Prensky. The key conclusion lies in the statement that the mentality and behavior of young people trace the qualities that accordant to M. Prensky’s theory should be characteristic to the “digital natives”. The research demonstrates the high intensity of Internet usage, versatility of Internet activity, and clear tendency to hedonistic practices. All of the aforementioned facts testify to the typical qualities of “digital natives”. The author not only revises M. Prensky’s theory of “digital natives”, but also describes a particular instance of its application for explaining the social processes. The research results may be valuable for the scholars interested in studying the impact of Internet upon social processes and behavioral practices of modern youth.
Citations count: 2
Trynov D. —
Youth political participation: support vs protest
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 298 - 314.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31195 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of factors, trends and forms of political participation of youth. From the perspective of the theory of political participation, the author examines the problems of engagement of youth into political activity, as well as gives assessment to the state of channels of political mobilization of young generation at the present stage of development of political system. The comparison of the motive and method of involvement reveals the differences between the two groups of politically active youth, their specific features as a subject of political participation. Particular attention is paid to studying the impact of social feeling of youth upon the selection of form of political engagement and participation. The empirical framework contains the polling data of the two subgroups of young activists (N=600) of political organizations. The first group includes the activists of pro-government political parties, as well as the members of regional youth parliaments, governments and civic chambers (n=300). The second group of respondents (n=300) includes the activists of “non-systemic” political organizations, serving as the core of modern youth protest. The author’s main contribution consists in the description and comparison of factors defining the choice of strategy for political participation of the activists of sociopolitical organizations. The revealed peculiarities of ideological-political orientations, motivations and indicators of social wellbeing of the young activists demonstrate two different paths – political participation in form of support of the existing government institutions, and oppositional participation, reflected in protest actions.
Citations count: 2
Shentyakova A.V. —
Consolidation of elites and leadership as the factors of identity politics effectiveness
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 9 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31311 URL:
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The goal of this article is the analysis of institutional factors influencing the effectiveness of state identity politics. The subject of this research is the assessment of the role of elite and institution of leadership in implementation of the state politics. The state identity politics is one of the strategic directions of domestic policy, which is focuses on the establishment and maintenance of sustainable and symbolic space in the society. The article generalizes the interim results of the study, which purpose consisted in determination of the most significant institutional factors contributing to a successful implementation of the state projects and programs of identity politics. Methodology is based on the constructivist approach that allows including the political elites, social groups and institutions into the analysis context. Expert interview served as the method of collecting information. The analysis of obtained data allowed determining a set of basic factors that specify the vector and define the dynamics of the course of identity politics. The scientific novelty lies in the suggestion to view institutional factors as the effectiveness criteria. The author gives recommendation on structuring the index for interregional assessment of the performance of state policy.
Citations count: 2
Polyakova A.G. —
Digital sociology and examination of social mechanisms on the Internet space
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 51 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.2.32163 URL:
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The distribution of new types of secondary sociological information actualizes the role of digital sociology and generates new opportunities for the analysis. Digital sociology, as a subject of research, is viewed as an interdisciplinary direction focused on the social effects, which are generated by the advancement of information and communication technologies and phenomena. The existence of such effects is predetermined by the development of a digital environment than involves various actors. Therefore, the computer modeling of social mechanisms receives increased attention, as the study of its results has considerable potential, and groundwork has been laid for monitoring of socioeconomic processes through reconfiguration of the existing information cascades. The methodological framework is comprised of the general scientific methods, including structural-functional and causal substantiation of the patterns, complementarity of the objective and subjective sides of the social processes. Special methods are presented by the analysis of social networks. The research aims to determine the possibility and prerequisites for creating the information system based on the principles of digital sociology and big data, as well as on the network analysis of the processes and phenomena. Thus, the solution of such task, as the examination of social mechanisms projected on the Internet space, prompted the creation of information system founded on the principles of digital sociology, synergy of the authorities and society, as well as contributed to establishment of the basis for the new model of administrative decision-making, which observes the interests of its subject and characterized by the comprehensive operating information support.
Citations count: 2
Prostotina Y.V. —
Gender stereotypes: formation and determinants
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.3.22364 URL:
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This article gives definition to the gender stereotypes, as well as reveals its essence and key properties, based on which identifies its determinants and varieties. The author trace the connection between gender stereotypes and peculiarities of male and female psyche. Determinants of the gender stereotypes should be considered the physical gender, traditional cultural values, and sociocultural dynamics, which can results in modification of the values and formation of the new social statuses and norms. The core of gender stereotypes consists of peculiarities the male and female psyche, behavioral specificities and their manifestation in interpersonal relations in personal life, and mostly, in family. The conclusion is made that gender stereotypes are not just the specified social norms, but also the generalized perceptions of the behavior of men and women that suggest multiple options and combinations of the status and role-based examples. It can be said that the gender stereotypes form at the intersection of biological and cultural factors.
Citations count: 2
Shakhova E.V. —
The peculiarities of manifestation of interethnic relationships in Altai Krai (based on sociological research)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.7.30006 URL:
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The subject of this article is the analysis of specificity of interethnic relationships in polyethnic region in the Russian Federation. The author gives definition to the concept of “interethnic relationships”, indicates its main forms, types and levels; as well as turns attention to the problem of interethnic conflict and lists the factors of its development. The article considers the policy of the Russian Federation aimed at prevention and avoidance of interethnic conflicts in the modern multinational society, as well as at overall development and strengthening of interethnic relations that play an important role in establishing a harmonious civil society. The relevance of studying the peculiarities of manifestation of interethnic relationships in the country and its regions is reflected. The work presents the characteristics of Altai Krai as a multinational region. The key research method is the questionnaire-based survey of population of Altai Krai conducted for three years (2016, 2017, and 2018). The interethnic relationships in Altai Krai as a polyethnic region are characterizes as stable, favorable, with a low level of intolerance. The author determines the three factors influencing the current situation in the area of interethnic cooperation: institutional, psychological and integrative. The presented conclusions may be valuable for the researchers dealing with the questions of interethnic cooperation, as well as the governing bodies engaged in implementation of the state ethnic policy.
Citations count: 2
Kosorukov A.A. —
Advanced technological solutions in the sphere of establishing neuro-digital public administration
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 53 - 66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.6.35675 URL:
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The subject of this research is the advanced technological solutions associated with the transition from digital to neuro-communication technologies in the sphere of public administration. The author explores the current stage of development of the NeuroNet, which is the new-generation information and communication network, which promotes the transition from the data-centrism of digital government towards the intelligence-centrism of neuro-digital public administration. The article also considers the possibility of connecting brain-computer interfaces in the sphere of interpersonal communication, contributing to the formation of neurocognitive level of mass communication, neuro-digital interaction between the government authorities and the citizens. At the same time, one of the crucial aspects of the neuro-communicative environment is the digital equivalents of a human, the Internet of things and objects of material infrastructure, which e shift the management processes to the sphere of virtual and augmented reality. The novelty of the this work consists in disclosure of the applied aspects of implementation of quantum communications in digital infrastructure of public administration, which ensure secure interdepartmental document flow, as well as dialogue with citizens, including on the level of neuro-communications, and allow effectively counteracting quantum hacking. Digital sensorics and technical bionics, combining the capabilities of control of unmanned transport vehicles and robotics, significantly impacting the development of a “smart city” based on the big data and predictive analytics, and reflecting the neural network structure of the digital state, make a considerable contribution to the scientific novelty of this research, and simultaneously actualize the aspect of neuro-communication as personal biodata and biosafety.
Citations count: 2
Kannykin S.V. —
On the issue of socio-cultural specifics of the development of running practices in Russia
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 45 - 66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.3.36759 URL:
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The importance of research on the national specifics of running practices is due to the fact that in a global context, they allow us to identify the most effective of the proven forms of using running to ensure human well–being, and in an ethnic perspective - to better understand the cultural characteristics of a particular society. The subject of this study is the socio-cultural conditionality of diverse running practices that existed earlier and are still inherent in the population of Russia. The author defines their determination by various ideological complexes, social processes and actors, and also analyzes the variations and semantic transformations inherent in running activities in the dynamic field of national culture.
The main conclusions of the study are: 1. In the mytho-religious public consciousness of antiquity (pre-Petrine era), legs as part of the bodily bottom had a negative connotation, which caused mainly negative labeling of running as an attribute of evil spirits. Competitive and ritual running practices were condemned as a manifestation of pagan games and ways to "appease" evil spirits, in carnival folk culture running was associated with the lower levels of the social hierarchy: children and women. 2. The Westernization of Russian society (the period from the reforms of Peter I to 1917) led to the applied use of running practices in military affairs and pedagogy. At the end of the XIX century, running in Russia became a kind of amateur sport, used for health-saving mainly by women, and in a competitive form it exists mainly in the male environment of the Western-oriented intelligentsia of large cities. 3. During the formation and development of the USSR, sports and wellness running was used by the state as an element of eugenics, a way of developing productive forces, a means of cultural construction and agitation. In the post-Soviet period, there is a commercialization, massization and humanization of amateur running in Russia against the background of the crisis of high-performance sports running.
Citations count: 2
Shakhova E.V., Maksimova S.G. —
Interethnic cooperation and social integration of population as interrelated processes (based on the results of sociological research in Altai Krai)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.8.30007 URL:
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The subject of this research is the examination of correlation between the processes of interethnic cooperation and social integration of population. The definitions are given to the concepts of “interethnic cooperation”, “social integration”, and “interethnic communication”. It is noted that for Altai Krai, as a polyethnic region of the Russian Federation, these questions are considered as crucial in the area of public administration. Policy of the Russian Federation and its regions is aimed at the development and strengthening of interethnic relations that play an essential role in structuring a harmonious civil society founded on the principles of the equality of nations. The main research method became the questionnaire-based survey, conducted among the population of Altai Krai in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Interethnic cooperation in Altai Krai is characterized with the low level of tension, prevalence of welcoming and friendly relations that contribute to social harmony. The authors determine a significant correlation between the indicators “the level of interethnic cooperation” and “the level of social integration of population”. It must be taken into account in terms of implementation of the state ethnic policy of the region.
Citations count: 2
Savenkov V.D. —
Functions of blogosphere in the Russian Federation and the United States in the XXI century: similarities and differences
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 16 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.3.25568 URL:
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The subject of this article is the blogosphere of the Russian Federation and the United States through the means of its implementation in the indicated countries. The author examines the peculiarities of using blogosphere as the information, political, social, educational, corporate, and entertaining means of communication. Special attention is given to the differences between the points of view of the Russian and American scholars upon the problem of application of blogs in solution of the diverse social tasks. The following conclusions were made in the course of this work: there is noted higher popularity of blogs, but lesser trust in them as the means of acquiring new information in the United States rather than Russia; more open dialogue between the political opponent groups in the Russian blogosphere; less noticeable role of separate bloggers in creation and coordination of public movements in the United States. The results of this work can be valuable in forecasting the development of new types of media in the aforementioned countries. The scientific novelty consists in the synthesis of information of the multiple field-specific research for determination and comparison of the common regularities of functionality of blogospheres in the Russian Federation and the United States.
Citations count: 2
Rudenkin D. —
The level of development of digital hygiene skills of modern Russian youth: the results sociological research
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.1.37487 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the results of sociological research conducted by the author to reveal the actual degree of development of the skills for the safe use of information technologies characteristic to modern Russian youth. The rapid development of information technologies and their progressive infiltration into social reality contribute escalate new risks and dangers. High activity of the representatives of Russian youth in using such technologies turns the into a risk group vulnerable to the threats of information society. Thus, the question of compliance with the rules of safe use of information technologies is extremely relevant among Russian youth. Over the recent years, this topic gained popularity within the Russian social science and humanities, but mainly on the theoretical level. The author introduces the data of the original research conducted among the youth of Yekaterinburg (N = 504) for empirical diagnostics of the development of their digital hygiene. This study indicated the controversy and development disparity of digital hygiene skills of the representatives of Russian youth. It was established that many of them perceive high Internet activity as a source of potential risks and declare a desire to comply with the rules to reduce such risks. However, the analysis demonstrates that their actual propensity to comply with the rules of safe use of information technologies is limited: some rules are observed by many, but other are often neglected. It implies that the process of development of digital hygiene skills among the representatives of Russian youth is yet not complete: despite the desire to reduce the risks associated with the use of information technologies, many of them are willing to observe only certain rules.
Citations count: 2
Akhmedova A.R., Sterlyadeva N.A., Koda E.A., Oleinikova E.P., Lapteva D.N. —
The Quality of Life of the Population as an Indicator of Social Development (on the Example of a Sociological Study in the Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 26 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.8.38780 EDN: KJPXBD URL:
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The article discusses the main approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of quality and standard of living of the population. The characteristic of the quality of life of the population is given on the example of one of the districts of the Altai Territory. The problem is considered through a number of objective and subjective features. The subject of the work is the quality of life as an indicator of the social development of the Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory. Within the framework of this article, the quality of life is understood as a phenomenon of a socio-economic nature that incorporates elements of the surrounding world, as well as subjective satisfaction with a number of systems of functioning of society, which can be qualitatively and quantitatively sociologically expressed and investigated. The authors identified the main components of the quality of life of the population: the economic condition of the district, social indicators and the infrastructure of the district. Such methods of sociological research as in-depth interviews and questionnaires were used in the work, which make it possible to obtain the greatest amount of information, identify certain patterns and features. The main conclusions of the study are that according to objective indicators, the quality of life of the population is at an average level, and according to subjective indicators, at a high level, which gives reason to form an overall assessment of the quality of life of the population of Kulunda district above average. The hypothesis of determining the assessment of the quality of life is largely confirmed by subjective indicators, because despite a number of difficulties, the population as a whole assesses their own quality of life as good and very good in most cases, moreover, over the past year, a significant part of the population began to live objectively worse. Special attention should be paid to the self-assessment of the quality of life by the population of the Kulunda district, which requires further study.
Citations count: 2
Maximova S., Morkovkina A. —
Indexes of development of civil society in border regions of the Russian Federation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 25 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.4.19854 URL:
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The subject of this research is the prerequisites of establishment of civil society in the following six constituents of the Russian Federation: Altai Krai, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Transbaikal Krai, Kemerovo Oblast, Omsk Oblast, and Orenburg Oblast. The article determines the attitude of population towards civil society, rights and responsibilities of a citizen, level of responsibility for the events taking place in the country, region, city, household; assessment of the level of concord and unity in the society; assessment of the level of commonness with various categories of co-citizens; assessment of the possibility of efficient interaction between the representatives of diverse social groups; level of activeness of participation in different types of public activity alongside the work of public organizations; state of the sociopolitical conditions for development of civil society in the regions. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the main spectrum of the established issues in the area of development of the nonprofit sector of the six regions of the Russian Federation, as well as proposition of the constructive directions of formation and development of civil society. The conclusion are oriented towards the description of peculiarities of development of the civil society, as well as underline the key problems and prospects in activity of the nonprofit sector in the Russian Federation and six border territories from the perspective of population. The priority directions in development of civil society are being revealed.
Citations count: 2
Fatkullina G.R., Karimov A.G. —
Consumer spending of households as the key indicator of quality of life in the Republic of Bashkortostan
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 70 - 81.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.6.29640 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of the materials of Bashkortostan characterizing the main results of sampling inquiry of the household budgets. The authors provide information on consumer spending of households overall, as well as in urban and rural areas. Special attention is turned to the comparative analysis of consumer behavior of urban residents and rural residents. The main expenditure items of the residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan are determined. The authors also analyzed the structure consumer spending in accordance with the consumption purposes, as well as assessment by each household of their financial situation, which also depends on the place of residence. The research method is the analysis of statistical data for 2010-2017 (based on the materials of Bashkortostan). The results testify to certain economic issues in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The acquired data may be used in forecasting the economic situation in the region. The examination of consumer behavior has an important applied meaning for commercial organizations (for the more efficient interaction with the consumers, as well as improvement of, for example, commodities and services).
Citations count: 2
Martyanov D., Martianova N.A. —
Selective moderation in the conditions of virtual public sphere
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 74 - 85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31759 URL:
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A trend away from the traditional media and fall of the era of television augments power of the Internet as a factor of sociopolitical communication. The subject of this article is the selective moderation in the ideologized and institutional virtual communities of the social network “Vkontakte”. Special attention is given to the question of which of the two ideal types – “public sphere” or “echo-chamber” communication in the Russian social networks suits the most. The object of this study is the virtual public sphere. The authors examine such aspects as the conceptualization of public sphere, categories of counter-public spheres, echo-chambers and “safe spots”. The field experiment carried out in 115 virtual communities became the main method for this research. Supplementary became the methods of observation, discourse analysis and network, which allowed conducting classification of the selected resources. The scientific novelty consists in the description of specificity of moderation of virtual communities in accordance with the criteria of prevalent ideological discourse. The conclusion is made that the communication platform of the politicized communities in the social network “Vkontakte” is being moderated; however, in majority of case, such moderation does not imply total exclusion of the critically-oriented users from the discussion. At the same time, the selectiveness of moderation is evident, since blocking of critics is more noticeable than blocking of adepts of the communities.
Citations count: 2
Mamitova N.V. —
Migration Policy of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and Practical Issues
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 73 - 104.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.6.532 URL:
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The article is devoted to the dynamics of development of migration policy in the Russian Federation in general and migration legislation in particular. This creates the need for analysis of the modern condition, development trends, efficiency and law-enforcement practice of migration policy in order to define the problems interfering with the efficient implementation of the migration policy.
Improvement of the legal regulation and law-enforcement practice in the sphere of migration relations of the Russian Federation shall allow to make migration processes more transparent and raise the efficiency of their regulation for the national interests of Russia including observance rights and legal interests of the Russian Federation citizens and countrymen migrating to Russia from abroad.
Migration is one of the most important problems of the human population. Moreover, migration does not mean only a technical movement of people from one place to another. It is a complicated social process that covers many sides of social life. Migration plays a very significant role in the history of the humankind. It influences the processes of occupation of new territories, property development, development of production forces, education and mixing up of different races, languages and nations.
Citations count: 2
Barinov D.N. —
Media virus of fear: the peculiarities of representation of COVID-19 pandemic by the Russian media during the first wave (January – June 2020)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 73 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.2.35066 URL:
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This article reviews the peculiarities of representation of COVID-19 pandemic by the Russian media. The theoretical-methodological framework is comprised of the philosophical and sociological concepts of fear, social emotions, social feeling, as well as information and mass communication theory. The empirical basis employs media content of the Internet resources, media discourse of news broadcast, and the nationwide sociological surveys. The article traces the dynamics of information materials related to coronavirus infection for the period from January to June 2020, which indicates the escalation of fearfulness of the media content. Such dynamics is compared to changes in in social emotions of the Russians, which reflect increase of anxiety and concerns, including the fear of getting infected with coronavirus. It is noted that the leading role in development of the fear of coronavirus is played by the traditional media, such as television. Characteristic is given to the information entropy in mass media, emerging as a result of the absence of accurate scientific records on the novel coronavirus infection. The author highlights the key contradictory theses of the Russian mass media related to coronavirus during the first wave of the pandemic. It is underlined that information entropy is a psychotraumatic factor that promotes mass fears and anxieties, and simultaneously, distrust in the official information provided by media. The peculiarity of representation of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian media is also viewed in the context of interaction between the traditional media and Internet resources. It is demonstrated that the materials on coronavirus posted on the social media are used by the traditional media as a factor of increasing the validity of media content dedicated to coronavirus infection, and as proof of actual threat of the outbreak of coronavirus disease.
Citations count: 2
Tsvetkova M. —
Issues of the reflexive choice of the actors of social policy
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 23 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.17879 URL:
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This article focuses attention on the issues of scientifically substantiated establishment of the actors of social policy. In the author’s opinion, the effective development requires the reflexive mechanism of choosing the actors of social policy based on the models of the inner world of an actor, which will allow planning the actors’ relations from the sociopolitical conflicts towards the manageable confrontation and compromise. The author demonstrates that the positions of algebraic theory of reflection of an actor play a key role on the establishment of the actors of social policy, not as much by the rational qualities, as by the types of reflection. The algebraic theory of reflection of an actor allows examining the social subjectivity from the algorithmic point of view, in other words, we can discuss what type of subjectivity of social policy should be formed. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the analysis of the reflexive structure of the actors of administration will allow choosing the actors of social policy, which possess a reflection on compromise as a framework instrument of the group compatibility and an instrument of actors’ responsibility of social policy. The author proposes to view the reflexive model as the model of managing the social subjectivity, the main concept of which is the reflection on responsible cooperation and conscious compromise of the actor’s relations in the society.
Citations count: 2
Samsonova I.V., Neustroeva A.B., Pavlova M.B. —
Relationship issues between the indigenous people of the North and exploration companies of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 21 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.9.23852 URL:
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The subject of this research is the interrelation between the indigenous communities of the North and exploration companies in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors analyze the legal grounds for regulating relations between the indigenous minorities of the North and subsoil users. The work gives special attention to examination of the role of the traditional types of activities in sustenance, food provision, and employment of indigenous people of the North; analyzes an opinion of indigenous people regarding compensation in case of the negative effect upon the natural resources necessary for the traditional economic activity. The following methods are applied in the course of this study: statistical analysis; analysis of the documents of indigenous communities; expert interviews with the founding parties, heads of the indigenous communities and heads of rural settlements, dwellers competent in social, economic, demographic, cultural, and other sectors of life of the indigenous minorities of the North; as well as method of questionnaire among the members of indigenous communities. The conducted research demonstrates that there exist certain restrictions in development of the relations between the indigenous people of the North and large exploration companies, which first and foremost are associated with the lack of legislative documents at the federal and regional levels. In addition, the authors determine the insufficiency of experience and practice among the representatives of the indigenous people of the North aimed at expressing the interests of their activity.
Citations count: 2
Kosorukov A.A., Kshemenetskaya M.N. —
Digital governance model at the current stage of the development of public administration
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.27232 URL:
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The subject of this research is the digital governance model that replace the Weber model, model of “progressive era”, and model of the new public management. The important components of the subject is the following: 1) open data that represent the numerous set of government data, technologies of their cloud processing, as well as distributed production involving the network of civic activists, use of the advantages of web-based applications “mash-ups” and crowdsourcing platforms; 2) big data as a combination of the modern methods of work with the volume database forming in the various spheres of social life – from security to online education and healthcare. Research methodology includes the historical and analytical methods that reveal the technological features of shifting towards the practice of digital governance. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on examination of the modern empirical sources and foreign experience, the authors analyze the innovative practices of introducing the digital governance model in public administration, including the implementation of open data into the production of government services, use of the new digital platforms and Internet-based applications, as well as big data, including the spheres of security and protection from emergency sitututations, education, healthcare, transport and budget.
Citations count: 2
Trutenko E.V., Linchenko A.A. —
Problematic field of studying public trust in Russia: content analysis of scientific publications
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 42 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.12.36267 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of evolution of research practices and approaches of the Russian scholars towards the problem of trust in Russian society, as well as determination of the key trends and specificity of social trust/distrust in the Russian society. Application of the methodology of content analysis allows analyzing the dynamics of domestic publications, as well as revealing the most relevant vectors of psychological, economic and social research. The most cited publications that outline the key trends in the transformation of public trust in modern Russia are determined. The author observes not only the shift in focus of study of the problem of trust from political to socioeconomic and informational contexts, but also significant differentiation in examination of various aspects of public trust. The novelty of this research lies in detection and classification of the relevant trends in the transformation of public trust in Russia. Public trust alongside public distrust in the government manifest as the basic factor in relation to other socioeconomic and cultural institutions. At the same time, there author observes low differentiation between the images of trust and distrust among Russian population, low level of both interpersonal and institutional trust, as well as tendency towards using the images of the Soviet past as the markers of trust or distrust in the existing social institutions. A disposition towards increase of the role of social networks in the development of the images of trust or distrust is revealed.
Citations count: 2
Kodan S.V., Fevralev S.A. —
Laws of the Kingdom of Poland between 1815 and 1917: formation, sources, and changes
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 246 - 295.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.468 URL:
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This article deals with the origins of, the processes of the formation of, the development of, and changes to the laws of the Kingdom of Poland in the period of its existence as an autonomous ethnic territory of the Russian Empire between 1815 and 1917. The authors show how the division of the Polish state between Austria, Prussia and Russia in the second half of the 18th century brought about changes in the laws of the Polish land. The article considers the introduction of French law - the Napoleonic Code (Civil Code) - and the introduction of the Commercial Code to the Duchy of Warsaw, established in 1807 by Napoleon Bonaparte. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the laws of the Kingdom of Poland and the process of their integration into the legal system of the Russian Empire and the changes to the sources of law, such as the Constitutional Charter of 1815 being replaced by the Organic Act of 1832, changes in the civil law, the preparation and publication of the Penal Code in 1847.
Citations count: 1
Fenvesh T.A., Zabelina E.Y., Kostyaeva E. —
Study of Stigmatization of People with Mental Illnesses among Young People
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 9 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.3.39751 EDN: NFZXIL URL:
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The subject of the study is the problem of stigmatization of people with mental illnesses. Currently, the problem of stigmatization of people with mental illnesses reaches a fairly high level. First of all, this tendency is expressed in a dismissive, and sometimes even contemptuous attitude towards neurodifferent individuals associated with fears, fears and prejudices regarding the behavior of persons with an established mental diagnosis. We are talking about attributing to mentally ill people the ability and willingness to commit various crimes, including serious ones, and vice versa, society often assigns to mentally healthy criminals the presence of a mental disorder that they did not have. The novelty of the study lies in a two-way process that aggravates the process of stigmatization: on the one hand, modern medicine allows more accurately diagnosing various mental disorders and selecting adequate treatment so that the life of an individual does not differ or almost does not differ from a person who does not suffer from similar disorders. On the other hand, the same modern world, the pace of life and the level of stress provokes the appearance and development of mental disorders, as evidenced by both twenty-year-old and modern studies.
The main conclusions based on the results of the study in this paper:
there is a fairly high level of interest in the student society to the topic of mental health in general, a relatively loyal attitude towards neurodifferent individuals. For people who treat mentally ill people less loyally, the main motive for stigmatization is fear, fear due to the "unpredictability" of the behavior of people with severe mental disorders. It is also important to note that a significant part of the respondents claim that in Russia the level of mental education, the quality of medical care and the level of support for people with mental illnesses, measures aimed at integrating such people into society are not of sufficient quality.
Citations count: 1
Ivanov S.Y., Ivanova D.V., Chvyakin V.A. —
"Virtual" human capital and professional adaptation of young people
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.6.43494 EDN: SQWKAC URL:
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The subject of the study is the process of reproduction of human capital and consumer choice of young people. The object of the study is the human capital system, taking into account the consumer choices of young people. The authors study in detail such aspects of the topic as the differentiation of employment among young people, the social and labor values of youth in the conditions of consumer society and exposure as a system of expectations and requirements imposed on the individual regarding the norms of her social roles. Special attention is paid to the analysis of official statistics describing youth employment as a social group. Attention is drawn to the interest of young people in new technologies that provide a full production cycle, which meets the expectations of this age group of human capital. The main conclusions of the study are:
- the active phase of the formation of the labor market of young professionals involves ensuring a balanced supply and demand. Of particular importance are measures to coordinate the volume and structure of training specialists with the needs of the labor market. This is achieved by streamlining information about available vacancies, as well as encouraging employers to create additional jobs for young people;
- as part of the change in the employment structure, it is planned to create new types of youth employment. At the same time, one of the key areas of the state's activity is seen in stimulating the development of entrepreneurial activity among young people, credit benefits, and deepening institutional reforms.
A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is to determine the directions that correspond to the expectations of youth as the most active resource of human capital.
The novelty of the research lies in the concretization of the process of human capital formation in Russian society, taking into account the professional adaptation of young people.
Citations count: 1
Zaitsev A.V., Akhunzyanova F.T., Zyablikov A.V., Maksimenko A.A. —
Digital transformation of the public sphere: from offline communications to online dialogue between government and society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 96 - 108.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.10.44184 EDN: LTUJHO URL:
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The subject of this article is modern innovative trends occurring in the context of communication between Russian state and municipal authorities and civil society. The essence of this transformation, taking place in the conditions of the digital information society, lies in the progressive reconfiguration of the “traditional” public sphere into a digital public sphere, civil society into a digital civil society, and the usual offline dialogue between government and society into a digital online dialogue. Unfortunately, many of these changes until now remain a completely unexplored and poorly researched aspect of info-communicative reality. The main goal is to clarify the ontological foundations of both the digital transformation of the public sphere and the reconfiguration of discursive practices from offline dialogue formats of communication into a digitalized online dialogue between government and society. The main methods that the authors used when writing the article are a systems approach, a structural-functional method and discourse analysis. The result of the work done is the conclusion that the digitization of the media, the rapid development of Internet communications and the digital information society at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries allowed the public sphere to enter into the process of digital transformation. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it specifies the infocommunication trend aimed at increasing dominance in the public sphere of digital online communications in the format of intersubjective interaction between government and society.
Citations count: 1
Baimov A.G. —
Military clergy: social obstacles on the path of establishment
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 20 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.12.24933 URL:
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The subject of this research is the military clergy, which implies the ministers of traditional religious confessions of the Russian Federation who hold the rank of the assistant commander working with the religious servicemen in the structure of the General Office in coordination with personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The author examines the professional qualities of military chaplain: level of education, relation to military service, experience of ministering in religious organization, and age – for determining the constraining factors in formation of the corps of military clergy in the modern Russian army. In order to achieve the set goal, the author comprised the social portrait based on the acquired in the course of interviewing and the publically available data. For comparing the results, the author applied the secondary analysis of the materials from earlier published works of other researchers. This article is first to consider the social problems that slow the process of restoration of the institution of military clergy, as well as publish the statistical data that can be valuable in subsequent works on history, sociology, and other disciplines.
Citations count: 1
Popov E.A. —
The algorithm of studying art in sectoral sociology
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.3.25492 URL:
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This article presents the algorithm designed for a sociologist in studying art and its diverse types and forms. The difficulty of sociological studying of art can be explained by the peculiarities of the object of research, among which are expressiveness, artistry, and some other that significantly complicate the comprehension and interpretation of art. The algorithm helps to solve the complicated issued faced by a sociologist; he must step by step assess a social aspect of the existence of art, describing the various aspects of its interaction with human and society. The proposed algorithm approximates a sociologist towards the opportunity to acquire important results and demonstrate that art remains an intrinsic part of spiritual life of a human. The research is structured based on the interpretative approach that allows acquiring heuristic data on the specificity of studying art within the framework of sociological knowledge. The following conclusions are made: sociology must develop a precise algorithm for studying art, which helps a sociologist to avoid the common mistakes in conducting a corresponding research; in sociological studying of art, the focus should be made on social measurement of the existence of art.
Citations count: 1
Gurarii A.D. —
Liberal arts higher education today: stealth crisis on a global scale
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 10 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.7.29179 URL:
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The object of this research is the organization of higher education is Russia, United States, and Germany; while the subject is the system of organization of liberal arts higher education therein. The article presents a brief overview of historical context that directly influenced the existence of fundamental differences in the approaches towards managing American, German, and Russian education overall, and particularly the specificity of liberal arts education and training of specialists in the humanities. The author conducts a detailed analysis of the current situation of liberal arts disciplines within the value paradigm of enrollees and their parents. For conducting a comparative analysis, the author uses regulatory documents, official statistical data, and analytical articles. Particular emphasis within the framework of comparing educational system in each of the aforementioned countries is made on determining the best organizational practices in liberal arts education for pursuing an optimal path of modernization and further development of humanities in the conditions of the ideology of pragmatism, which tacitly overshadowed the value of the knowledge of humanities subjects. The acquired results of cross-country research can be applied in modernization of curriculum in the humanities in the Russian universities.
Citations count: 1
Saryglar S.A., Maksimova S.G., Cherepanova M.I., Molodikova I.N., Kupriyanova I.V. —
Migration security of border areas of the Russian Federation (on the examples of sociological research)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 189 - 201.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31459 URL:
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In the era of intense migration processes, when migration is a catalyst for multiple socioeconomic changes and challenges, especially relevant become the questions of migration security, particularly in Russia with dozens of border regions. The subject of this research is the personal migration security (of migrants and population). The goal consists in the analysis of migration security of migrants and local population in border areas of the Russian Federation; identification of the factors of personal migration security based on the results of sociological research. The sociological surveys conducted in 2017-2018 in border regions of Russia (Altai Krai, Murmansk Oblast, Orenburg Oblast, Pskov Oblast, Rostov Oblast and the Republic of Dagestan) among population (n=3771) and migrants (n=784) serve as the empirical framework. The authors’ special contribution consists in formulation of the original definition of migration security and its review through personal, social and state security. The article analyzes the security of migrants and security of local population, highlights the peculiarities of both, determines the factors of personal security.
Citations count: 1
Beskov A. —
From seeking God to polytheism: the concept of “gods” in the works of modern Russian-speaking musicians
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 44 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.8.32005 URL:
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The subject of this research is the semantic content and peculiarities of the concept of “gods” in lyrics of the Russian-language musical bands and performers for the past 50 years. The frequent mention of gods in modern songs counters to the dogmas of the traditional monotheistic religions and have state support. The author believes that such contradiction between the normative and government-approved Abrahamic religions and innovations introduced by mass culture deserves due attention. Within the framework of research conducted in November of 2019, the author analyzed the song lyrics that contain reference to gods, based on the platform – a popular online resource that features the lyrics of Russian-language songs. Having reviewed all relevant results, the author formed an array of texts, and based on their content analysis revealed a number of patterns that describing usage of the concept of “gods”. The analyzed materials demonstrate that in the Soviet songs, gods were mentioned only in a figurative sense; but presently, they can be depicted as an element of reality, and the Lord of monotheistic religions – just one of the existing gods. It is worth noting that word “gods” transformed into a common interjection, which is reflected in the works of multiple popular young musicians. These processes, which did not really attract the attention of researchers, give a pause for thought – whether the theological doctrines of Abrahamic religions had major impact upon mass consciousness of the Russians is great, or their viability in modern Russia is substantiated by the strong government support.
Citations count: 1
Zakharova A.E. —
Ethnolinguistic identity of the Dolgans of Taymyr (based on the results of sociological study)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 8 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.12.37146 URL:
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Ethnic language is the crucial component of national culture of the ethnic group, as it is simultaneously the prerequisite and the condition for the existence of ethnos. The subject of this research is the ethnolinguistic consciousness and ethnic identity of the Dolgans of Taymyr. The article examines the choice of language as native, the level of linguistic competence, the scope of use of the Dolgan language, the command of other regional languages, the questions of linguistic continuity, and other processes that reveal the dynamics of ethnolinguistic self-consciousness. The article provides the results of field research conducted in 2021in Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District of Krasnoyarsk Krai, including in the settlements Khatanga and Popigai, which are the place of compact residence of Dolgan people. Based on the results of quantitative and qualitative sociological studies, as well as the analysis of modern scientific research, the conclusion is drawn on the leading positions of native language as the crucial ethnic identifier, and stable position of the Dolgan language as the master language of communication in these localities. The development and sustainability of the traditional way of life, spheres of employment, and traditional culture of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North is the major institutional barrier for the linguistic shift that entails the loss of ethnic languages. The education system in native languages of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North along with the sociocultural sphere are also the key factors for preservation of native languages, traditional way of life, and unique cultural values of the Dolgans of Taymyr.
Citations count: 1
Dubinkina K.A. —
Millenium Declaration: Has There Been a Progress over the Past 10 Years?
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 38 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.10.779 URL:
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At the Millennium Summit held in 2000 the General Assembly of the UN adopted the Millennium Declaration in which the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) were stated. These 8 goals concern the most actual problems of modern society – poverty, hunger, children's and maternal mortality, distribution of diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and malaria, gender inequality, environmental situtiation, lack of access to education, insufficiency support by international community of the least developed and developing countries. The Millenium Development Goals are to be reached by 2015. To get a better idea of progress in achievement of these goals, the author of the article outlined particular subregions on the world map because the level of social and economic development of countries varies even within one region. At the present time there are less than 3 years left till the due date mentioned in the Millennium Declaration, 2015. Progress in achievement of goals is obvious, however, it goes more slowly than it was planned. What is the probability of successful implementation of the most ambitious UN program in history?
Citations count: 1
Leontyev G.D., Leontieva L.S. —
The dialectics of freedom and property in society of real utopianism
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 56 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.4.25198 URL:
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This article analyzes the peculiarities of implementation of the ideas of socialism in practice. Transformation of the philosophical-political and socioeconomic foundations of the state is revealed through the interdependent phenomena of economic “assumption” and freedom. Such subject angle of research is explained by the fact that any political regime strives for self-preservation, and any society assesses the efficiency of its functionality in accordance with the parameters of the quality of life, primarily the level of welfare and civic freedoms. Thus, the goal of the article is to examine the key directions of practical implementation of the fundamental ideas of freedom and property during the period of the establishment of socialism and after it. The peculiarities of civic self-fulfillment and economic “assumption” are analyzed with the help of dialectical method, systemic and comparative-historical approaches, using the statistical and sociological data. A conclusion is made on the differences in interpreting the concept of social property and individual freedom in the theory of Karl Marx, as well as practice of real socialism. The author determines a common feature in the processes of redistribution of property of the early and late XX century, which is the confluence of government and property, and thus the alienation of citizens not only from the results of their work, but also the sphere of public policy. The author concludes on prolongation of the period of “real utopianism” in development of the Russian society as a result of presence of the relevant dystopic tendencies. In political-administrative sphere – this is the fluctuations between the bureaucratic authoritarianism and authoritarian bureaucracy; while in economic sphere – the consolidation of the government-monopolistic, bureaucratic-speculative (pseudo) capitalism.
Citations count: 1
Martyshenko S.N. —
Analysis of the factors that affect social wellbeing of student youth in Primorksy Krai
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 59 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.11.27351 URL:
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The subject of this research is the social wellbeing (main trends, influencing factors) of student youth in Primorsky Krai over the period of 2017-2018. Relevance of this topic is associated with the fact that for Primorsky Krai of particular significance is the problem of distribution of migration moods caused by the feeling of discontent with the socioeconomic situation in the region. Special attention is given to the examination of social expectations of the students pertinent to future employment and level of wages after graduating the university. The study is based on the analysis of data of the online surveys on the basis of Google platform of the students of Far Eastern universities. The acquires results on the assessment of social wellbeing of student youth of Primorsky Krai testify to the dissatisfaction with the quality of living, fairly high level of weariness from anticipating changes, inflated consumer expectations, overriding importance of material stimuli, readiness to temporary labor migration. The latter factor in Primorsky Krai is aggravated by the fact that the initial financial base of primary family significantly lags behind the financial base of central regions.
Citations count: 1
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A. —
Relevant issues of the development of inclusive education in Russia: the experience of sociological research
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 49 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.28902 URL:
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The subject of this research is the inclusive education in the Romanov School in Moscow. The authors examine the concept of inclusive education within the modern pedagogical science, as well as analyze the opinions of various participants of educational process regarding the most substantial problems in the advancement of inclusive education. Particular attention is turned to the problems of the advancement of inclusive education in Russian based on the conducted sociological study for assessing the results of surveying students, teachers and parents on the topic of inclusion in the Russian education system using the example of the Romanov School in Moscow. The following research methods were applied: analysis of scientific literature; synthesis, generalization, and systematization of materials; mathematical processing of results; comparison and analysis; normative approach; questionnaire; empirical-theoretical method – description and graphic method. The main conclusion lies in determination of the problems in the area of inclusive education in the Romanov School by surveying the participants of educational process. The authors’ special contribution consists in the creation of questionnaires and conducting individual polling of students, teachers and parents on the subject matter. The scientific novelty consists in description of the specific issues of inclusive education on the example of actual educational facility.
Citations count: 1
Leushkin R.V. —
Network forms of self-organization and management of social systems in the context of informatization and virtualization of modern society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 256 - 268.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31707 URL:
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This work examines the specificity of virtual socio-communication space and the forms of social and political self-organization emerging within it. Due to expansion of information and communication technologies, the modern social space is subject of the processes of virtualization and informatization. On the one hand, these processes lead to the establishment of grounds for future information society; while on the other, cause a number of undesirable consequences such as information warfare, cyberterrorism and information pollution. The understanding of structural characteristics of information society, namely the emerging within it forms of management and self-governance of social systems, would allow preventing the negative effects of informatization. The research leans on the social systems theory of N. Luhmann, classification of communication types of M. Mcluhan, wave model of society of A. Toffler, concept of power of M. Foucault, and post-structuralist concepts of J. Baudrillard and G. Deleuze. The process of informatization of socio-communication space of society leads to the emergence of new forms of political organization and self-organization of social systems, establishment of virtual and network forms of governance. The main peculiarities of these forms of governance include: deterritorialization, rhizomaticity, cybernetization. Despite the difficulty in determination of the network forms of governance, the author observes more and more indirect criteria of their existence, which increases the need for studying their fundamental characteristics.
Citations count: 1
Roslyakova M.V. —
Emotional labor as a factor for increasing efficiency of professional activity of the government employees
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 9.
– P. 56 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.9.33597 URL:
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One of the criteria for assessing the efficiency of public administration is citizens’ content with the quality and accessibility of the rendered public services. Negative results of public assessment reduce ' confidence of the citizens in the government, and may affect the personnel decisions in public service. The customer-centric approach requires changes to the professional culture and competences of the employees. The goal of this research is to reveal the potential of application of emotional labor theory for improving efficiency of public service. It is suggested that the professional activity of government employees demands emotional labor, which implies emotional modulation in accordance with formal requirements for creating a positive impression among citizens in the context of interaction with the government authorities. The author used analytical and comparative methods to describe the specificity of emotional labor in the professional activities of government employees. The article reviews the characteristics of emotional labor given by A. Hochschild in relation to the professional group of government employees, which underline the need to manage emotions in interaction with citizens, as well as reveal positive and negative consequences of emotional labor. The conclusion is made that for increasing efficiency of professional activity the government employees, it is necessary to improve the principles of work of government bodies, as well as train personnel on new skills. The obtained results may be valuable in elaboration of the programs for training government employees, creation of competence models, and their appointment to certain positions. Application of the concept would allow taking into account the potential risks, conducting preventive and educational work among government employees in order to improve their performance.
Citations count: 1
Bakhtin V.A. —
The role of ethnocultural factors in the development of medical tourism
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 64 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34833 URL:
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The subject of this research is the eth0culture of medical tourism. On December 17, 2020, during a large press conference, the Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance for the development of domestic tourism. There is much concern about the citizens’ health, which raises the question on the promotion of domestic and inbound medical tourism, which is many ways lags behind the outbound medical tourism. Attraction of foreign citizens to the healthcare centers in Russia is one of the priority tasks of the National Project “Healthcare”. In this regard, there are new approaches that are not yet implemented. It implies that medicine is a part of culture, thus cannot but be unaffected by traditions and national mentality. To a great extent, the development of positive attitudes towards medical treatment in Russia depends on ethnocultural adaptation of medical tourists. Moreover, there is a consistent group of patients oriented towards the services of ethnomedicine. There are virtually no research dedicated to ethnomedicine within the framework of sociological interest in Russian literature, which actualizes the projection of approaches presented in the foreign sources onto polyethnic diversity of Russia. The aforementioned arguments stress the need for scientific examination of the possibility of using ethnocultural factors in promotion of medical and healthcare tourism. In the categorical field of medical sciences it cannot be implemented due to the absence of the corresponding problematic and terminological apparatus. However, the sociology of culture allows studying the problem from medical, culturological, and ethnological perspective, since it possess the methodology of scientific synthesis of all listed areas of knowledge. The research of ethnocultural factors of medical domestic and inbound tourism, which suggests not only a geographical change, but a change of ethnic environment as well, defines the novelty of this work and actualizes the conclusions on the proposed measures with regards to utilization of ethnocultural component in this sphere.
Citations count: 1
Efimochkina N.B., Mamedov A.K. —
Morality in the dynamics of socio-cultural contexts
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 28 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.4.37792 URL:
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The article is devoted to the dynamics of morality and the peculiarities of its functioning in various social fields. The interdependence of the cultural code of the epoch, the peculiarities of its reading and the transformation of moral matrices is investigated. The authors highlight the peculiarities of changing moral values in the digital age. The influence of digitalization on the behavior of users in the Network is shown. The issues of image formation in the Internet era, the impact of digitalization on the individual, the readiness of society for the achievements of the digital revolution are touched upon. It is said about the importance of compliance with ethical standards in the World Wide Web by all actors using IT innovations. The emphasis is placed on the psychological readiness of society members for digital scientific and technical achievements. Special attention is paid to the role of ideology, agitation and propaganda in the digital information space, their influence on the development of the ideological principles of citizens. The importance of the formation of moral values of Internet users is noted. The ways of prevention or possible resolution of social conflicts and risks associated with the ethical side of the use of information technologies are proposed. It is stated that under the influence of the Global Network and the constant improvement of information technologies, the ethics of individual behavior in society is gradually transformed. The article presents the results of the author's sociological research, which makes the conclusions of the article scientifically sound.
Citations count: 1
Kannykin S.V. —
Urban running practices, their determinants, transformations and influences
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 50 - 70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.5.38037 URL:
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The hypothesis of the study is that running in urban space has a specific socio-cultural dimension, containing both an invariant part inherent in urban running in general and a peculiar set of value-normative attitudes of the individual. The subject of this research is a two-pronged process: the influence of the urban environment on the social and existential parameters of running, as well as the reverse influence of mass urban running in all its varieties both on the urban environment and participants, and on society as a whole. The methodological basis of the research is the socio-cultural approach. The social institutions that currently determine the regular group running of citizens belong to all spheres of activity in society: economic (running tourism), social (holidays with a carnival-game component), political (campaign runs), spiritual. Street running can be considered as a way of "appropriating" urban space; urban running allow one to clarify the depths of one's "I", prepare for activity in a highly competitive urban environment, provide a bodily and emotional completeness that is unattainable outside of running. Mass running practices create their own semantic fields in the context of each city, marked with monuments, names, events and legends; street running is a form of synoikism, linking urban areas into a single spiritual space, carries out a festive transformation of the city, makes a significant contribution to the development of the economy, contributes to the gentrification of territories and branding of the city. The habitus of modern urban running as a social practice can be represented by the following dispositions: solidarity, healthy lifestyle, women's emancipation, socialization, involvement in the environmental movement.
Citations count: 1
Kalyuzhnaya D.E. —
Modern actors in the global politics and the transition to the sustaintable development.
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 45 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.5.664 URL:
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The article is devoted to the problems of transformation of international political actorship due to globalization processes and global political orientation towards sustainable development. The author of the article considers that global political processes are political manifestations of natural global evolution processes, which take place at the mega-level, which to a great extent predefines the main tendencies of development of structure and system of goals of the global political actors. However, the overview of modern political reality shows that international cooperation due to the sustainable development strategy faces significant difficulties at the stage of transition from the simple managerism to the real pragmatic policy, the need for which is now better recognized by the global community. The dominating state-centric approach reproduces the political model of non-sustainable development, which is characterized by archaic prerequisites of political realism, spontaneous formation of system, and growing threats to global security. The efforts towards the formation of sustainable future presuppose a complex approach to the activities in the three key spheres: economics, social sphere and environment. Speaking of actorship, it means general target-setting and following uniform sustainable development principles in addition to technical interaction of specialized actors (which is also quite important). That is why, it is so important to form united institutional platforms for the interaction of a large number of actors being involved into one global project. The convergence of the sustainable development concept and the global security issues are capable of forming the nucleus which shall serve as a basis for the real changes in the elements of national security principle, while so far it rather serves as an obstacle in the way of sustainable development cooperation and is an anachronism.
Citations count: 1
Atlaskirov A.R. —
Employment Attitudes of Graduates of Higher and Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 49 - 57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.9.38930 EDN: CEDWPQ URL:
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International expert councils single out the transformations taking place in the labor markets under the influence of the achievements of information and technological progress as one of the most significant risks of sustainable development. Experts note that the process of division of labor between people and artificial intelligence will lead to the release of significant labor resources. These processes are fraught with serious risks for social stability in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The purpose of the presented work is to study the labor attitudes of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of Kabardino-Balkaria. The conducted research showed that a systemic problem of training personnel for the regional economy is manifested in the republic. Career guidance, which, if applied effectively, can serve as one of the key factors in the socio-economic development of the region, is poorly organized. A significant part of the youth of the republic does not receive up-to-date information about potential directions for the development of the economy and the labor market, and the vocational guidance lessons themselves do not arouse their interest. This leads to the fact that many graduates do not show the desire to continue working in their profession. It was also revealed that among graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the region there is a widespread desire, after graduation, to start an entrepreneurial activity and work for themselves, which indicates a decrease in the importance of paternalistic behavior patterns among the population of the region, especially among young people.
Citations count: 1
Dinh H., Baltueva S.V. —
The peculiarities of migration process from Vietnam to Irkutsk Region
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 35 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.11.21712 URL:
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Migration has become a global issue, thus, the examination of various aspect of migrants’ life remains relevant in modern sociology. The object of this research is the migrants from Vietnam residing in the Irkutsk Region. The subject is the peculiarities of key aspects of life of the Vietnamese migrants. The article reveals the questions associated with the socio-demographic characteristics of the Vietnamese migrants, specificities of their professional activity, and living standards before their arrival to Irkutsk. The work considers the living conditions at the present time and the interaction problems between the migrants and local residents. In addition, the author explains the migration status and further intentions of the migrants, using the semi-structured and detailed interview among the participants of the study. In conclusion, the author provides a brief review of the key aspects of migrants’ life in general and their impact upon the adaptation of Vietnamese migrants in Irkutsk. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is the first to fully examine the history of evolution of the Vietnamese diaspora, main aspects of adaptation and specificities of the migration process from Vietnam to Irkutsk Region. The research results can be valuable for studying the issues of adaptation of the Vietnamese migrants.
Citations count: 1
Kozyreva L.D., Zverkova S.A. —
Transformation of the social ties of youth in information society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 94 - 104.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.4.22732 URL:
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The subject of this research is the social ties of youth in the modern information society. The article substantiates the necessity and importance of examination of the process of transformation of the social ties of youth that takes places under the influence of the modern information technologies. The author determines the methodological foundations of the study of social ties formed on the basis of ideas of the classical and modern sociological theory. Using the empirical research in form of survey and in-depth interview, the article demonstrates the transformation of all parameters of the social ties – strength, character, intensity, orientation, etc. The author conducted the online surveys among youth on the topic of “Transformation of “power” of social ties within the information society” (February – March of 2017, which comprised the empirical foundation of this research. In 2014, the author also conducted the surveys “Youth in the information society: “role movements”” and “Real and virtual social capital of youth in the information society”. In analysis of the impact of information communication technologies upon the social ties, were determines the three types of modern youth: “online youth” (prefer using the information technologies all-round) – 58%; “offline youth” (mostly do not use the technologies in daily activity) – 3%; and “semi-online youth” (target use of information technologies for achieving success in real life, or in the area of leisure and education, but at the same time, prefer working in virtual space) – 39%. The performed analysis of the information communication practices and their impact upon the social ties of youth allowed identifying the risks associated mostly with the growth of Internet addiction, various behavioral deviations, isolation within the social network systems, and chance for the complete sever of ties in the reals, as well as virtual space. The author formulates the propositions aimed at preventing the development of pessimistic scenario.
Citations count: 1
Smyslova O.Y., Nazarenko V.S., Linchenko A.A. —
Assessing the effectiveness of the state information policy of the Russian Federation in the field of increasing the level of trust in financial institutions: regional aspect
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 20 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.11.68970 EDN: ASCWEA URL:
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This article is dedicated to elaboration and testing of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of state information policy in the field of increasing the level of public trust in financial institutions at the regional level. Based on the practice-oriented concept of state information policy in the field of increasing public confidence in financial institutions, the main theoretical principles and criteria were analyzed. A system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of this state information policy at the regional level was also presented. The conducted cluster and correlation analysis of the regions of the Central Federal District made it possible to rank them according to the level of socio-economic well-being, which allowed us to identify the Lipetsk, Ryazan and Moscow regions as objects for further testing of the elaborated methodology. In the proposed methodology, effectiveness assessment indicators were grouped into four blocks: 1) strategic planning and programming; 2) methodological and personnel support; 3) implementation of information policy; 4) effectiveness of government programs. The application of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of state information policy measures in the field of increasing public confidence in financial institutions in the regions showed its average level in all three regions we selected. It was concluded that regions should more flexibly and effectively distribute their activities across all components and stages of the implementation of information policy, from planning (including long-term planning) for the implementation of these functions, to organizing monitoring of the effectiveness of ongoing activities.
Citations count: 1
Brushkova L. —
Social promotion as a means of representation of values of a healthy lifestyle in Russian society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.2.25311 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of representation of values of a healthy lifestyle in the social promotion video ads in Russia. Several various components of healthy lifestyle are being highlighted, and analysis is conducted on their portrayal in advertisements (type of health, advertisement image, emotional effect, level of health, character and format of reflection of health issues). The videos of social promotion representing the values of a healthy lifestyle are analyzed in the context of relevance of the issues raised therein that pertain to the Russian society and comparison of this data with statistics of sociological research and expert opinions. The conducted research allowed the author to conclude that there is a certain decrease in the activity of social promotion in the work of forming and spreading values of healthy living in the Russian society, even though there is a pressing need for it. The emerged “vacuum” is partially filled by commercial advertisements, which “exploits” values of healthy lifestyle primarily for commercial purposes.
Citations count: 1
Barinov D.N. —
Crisis phenomena in social life as a source of emergence of social fears
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 20 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.27435 URL:
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This article analyzes the influence of crisis phenomena of social life upon the mentality of population. Crisis phenomena are viewed as one of the fundamental factors of the emergence of social fears. The author discusses the role of social conflicts and competition in the context of the emergence of social fears. The theoretical basis of the research contains works in the area of sociology and philosophy dedicated to the problematic of fear, study of social crises, and theory of risk society. Based on the concept of trauma, the crises phenomena are considered as disastrous events, generating the growth of social fears. In the course of this research, the author uses the work of the nationwide sociological studies demonstrating the shifts of mood resulted by the escalation of risk processes in the society. It is underlined that the crises phenomena in various spheres of social life shatter the institutional order, disturb the predictability of the system of social relations and interactions, as well as sustainability of social binds. On the background of growing uncertainty as a characteristic of social life, the author observes not only the increase of anxiety and fear, but also the establishment of the “culture of fear” that reflects vulnerability of the majority of groups within the risk society. Conflicts and competition intensify the effect of crisis phenomena upon the population wellbeing; contribute to formation of the specific fears among various social groups, as well as transformation of fear repertoire.
Citations count: 1
Neustroeva A.B. —
Satisfaction of readers with the quality and availability of library services in National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 106 - 113.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28354 URL:
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The object of this research is the satisfaction of visitors with the quality and availability of services rendered in National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The author examines the role of monitoring and assessment in improvement of quality of the information and library services; carefully reviews such aspects as the methods of monitoring the visitors’ content with the quality and availability of library services, quality indicators of library services, problems and difficulties experiences by the visitors. Special attention is given to the results of survey conducted among the visitors of National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The author develops the system of monitoring and quality assessment of the work of library that allows identifying the expectations and problems faced by the readers. The research demonstrates that the library visitors were fully satisfied with the convenience of enrolment; benevolence, competence and politeness of the employers; comfortability of library attendance. The most discontent among visitors was caused by the fullness and quality of the library stock, promptness and rapidness of receiving the necessary information.
Citations count: 1
Sushko V.A., Vasenina I.V. —
Religiousness of the modern Russian youth as a factor of family values formation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 122 - 137.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.28692 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of theoretical approaches to structuring the conceptual model of empirical study on the impact of the religious values of Muslim and Orthodox youth upon their attitude towards starting a family and marriage. The authors determine the types of youth based on their attitude towards family and marriage that demonstrate the character of influence of religiousness upon the value orientation of youth in modern Russia. Sociological studies signify the decrease of religiousness worldwide, however, it continuous to play an important role in the society. A number of research demonstrated that the decrease in the level of religiousness (adherence to religious norms); modernization of the religious traditions (multifacetedness of individual religious combinations; weakening of the organized belief systems, religious migrations, individualization of religion), which substantiates the relevance of this topic. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Sociology of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; the respondents, total of 500 people, identified themselves as Muslims (240) or Orthodox (260), their age varied from 17 to 30. The questionnaire contained the open-ended and close-ended questions. Based on the analysis of empirical data, the authors traced the character of changes in value orientation with regards to family and marriage depending on the level of religiousness, the role of internal and external factors of social environment; as well as revealed the mechanism of their influence. The authors define the importance of youth religiousness as a factor of formation of their attitude towards family and marriage, as well as build the probability model of its formation.
Citations count: 1
Antonovich I.V., Kuzhim N.V., Nedosekova E.S., Borovinskaya Y.K., Chudova S.G. —
Research priorities of modern students of sociology of a regional university (on the example of Altai State University)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 228 - 236.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31712 URL:
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This article examines the scientific research activity of students-sociologists in the context of development of regional sociology. Since Russian is a multiethnic country with diverse climatic conditions and peculiarities of development of separate regions, the examination of regional peculiarities of development of sociological knowledge is considered a relevant topic. The subject of this work is the research priorities of modern students of sociology in a regional university. The problem of youth involvement into science and formation of scientific research interests of this social group is important for the development of Russian science. The study was conducted via the method of content analysis of all releases of compilation of scientific articles of the faculty of Sociology of Altai State University “Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity”. The authors analyzed 352 articles of students and master’s degree students. It was determined that most often the students of sociology study the problem regarding the Russian society overall; the spheres of education, family, politics and youth problems also enjoy popularity. In top five are also the topics associated with theory, methodology of sociological knowledge, and problems of sociology of culture. The majority of articles carry theoretical character; but if they contain an empirical part, it is usually the original research of authors of the articles, rather than secondary data analysis. The research results may be valuable to other scholars engaged in this problematic.
Citations count: 1
Bezgin V.B. —
Alcohol in the everyday life of the Russian village (late 19 to early 20th centuries)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 421 - 453.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.549 URL:
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This article provides an analysis of the drinking traditions in the daily life of the Russian village in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries using a wide range of archival and ethnographic sources. It clarifies the attitudes of the peasant population to alcohol consumption and establishes the causes and the extent of alcoholism in rural areas. The article also considers the role and the importance of wine in the public life of the village, in family life, and in the legal customs of the village. The conclusion is that urbanization and modernization helped the spread of drunkenness in villages as well as the growth of deviant peasant behavior. Alcoholism in the village was a problem of marginalized individuals, people who had lost touch with agricultural work. A communal way of life, the economic interests of the peasant household, and the devout nature of the majority of rural residents were all factors which prevented alcoholism in the Russian countryside. Moreover, the temperance movement of the early 20th century was the natural reaction of the peasants towards the hard drinking behaviour of Russian villagers.
Citations count: 1
Selivanova Z.K., Andreev A.L. —
The role of teaching history in the formation of students’ spiritual world (on materials of sociological research)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 135 - 144.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.9.21472 URL:
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The subject of this research is the determination of university students’ relation to the teaching of history, teaching quality, as well as assessment of the important historical events with respect to the object of national pride. The goal of this work consists in examination of the role of history teaching in formation of spiritual world of the students. The object of this research is the students of humanitarian and technical higher educational institutions of Moscow. Based on the acquired empirical data, the authors meticulously analyze the evaluation of the quality of history teaching in universities and schools, students ' attitudes toward the various historical events in the context of national pride, what are the sources of historical knowledge and with whom to discuss the problem of assessing the historical events. The article applies the method of sociological survey, involving 1,236 students of humanitarian and technical universities. The results demonstrated that the students of humanitarian and technical universities have high demand for obtaining knowledge and understanding of history. It is concluded that the teaching of history carries a positive impact upon the formation of historical consciousness and historical memory, as well as formation of personal culture, spiritual world of civic responsibility and patriotic feelings. More than 82% of respondents assess the quality of history teaching as satisfactory; 25.6% of respondents believe that the school quality of teaching of history is excellent; for comparison, only 15.6% of respondents consider such in university as excellent.
Citations count: 1
Martynova A. —
Impact of the country of origin of goods or services upon the consumer behavior
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.6.26345 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the country of origin of goods or services as an important criterion in consumer choice. The author considers the history of establishment of such vector of research, as well as main conclusions made over the time. The article determines the key directions of research on the topic “an effect of the country of origin”, and the importance of development of this aspect at the present time. Conclusions are made on the attitude of the Russians towards Russia as the country of origin of the goods. The author conducts an online survey, which contained the 14-element scale described in this article. It confirmed the results of the previous research on the “effect of the country of origin”. The author underlines that the Russians are willing to demonstrate patriotism by choosing the goods manufactured domestically in order to support the national producers. However, the consumers are not satisfied with the quality of manufactured products. The higher is the level of difficulty of manufacturing, the more consumers prefer to buy foreign products.
Citations count: 1
Boronoev P.G. —
Social ill-being as a factor of suicidal behavior of minors in the Republic of Buryatia
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 10 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28148 URL:
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This article examines the social ill-being as a factor of suicidal behavior of the minors. The author analyzes the factors of social ill-being of population in the Republic of Buryatia, as well as its impact upon suicidal behavior of the minors. Over the recent years, there have been recorded 39.6 cases of suicide per 100,000 people, which is double the nationwide average. It ranks 4th among the 85 subjects of the Russian Federation by the frequency of suicides. It is determined that one of the factors of social ill-being is the low level of personal income in the republic, income inequality, and presence of categories of people with income below subsistence level. The survey data among the school students demonstrates the correlational link not only of the unlawful behavior, asocial lifestyle, but also the consistent depressive emotional state with the socioeconomic factors. The acquired important applied and theoretical positions on the social nature of suicidal behavior are of particular interest from the perspective of psychology, sociology and social work.
Citations count: 1
Chudnova O.V. —
Management of stimulation of work of the teachers of modern higher school based on the Porter Lawler Model of Motivation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 13 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.3.28826 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the questions of management of the system of motivation and stimulation of work in a modern higher school. Its relevance is substantiated by the need for qualitative replacement of such category of employees within academic-pedagogical environment, by attracting the most talented, competent, and professionally accomplished personnel, because this is the key to successful development of the entire system of higher education. Despite the wide array of research dedicated to human resource management, the questions of the effective motivation of pedagogues towards the quality of educational process and structured with consideration of specificities of this category of employees and realities in a modern higher school, remain insufficiently studied. Based on the analysis of the key aspects in activity of faculty members in Russian universities, the author covers the major problems associated with the development of effective system of motivation and stimulation of academic-pedagogical personnel. As a method for improving the system of stimulation, the author suggests using the Porter Lawler Model of Motivation adjusted to the current realities of the facilities of higher professional education.
Citations count: 1
Golovushkin D.A. —
On the advent of the Reformation: COVID-19 pandemic as a predictor of social and value transformations
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 42 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.8.32948 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the problems and prospects of the expected/commenced social and value shift, which was stimulated and legitimized by the COVID-19 pandemic. For a long time and on different levels (universalism/particularism), the modern world has been seeking the new system of “individual – society – state”, as well as the corresponding value basis. Being simultaneously a global and individual challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic allows launching and testing the available “projects of the Reformation”, as well as laying the foundation for the future projects. This is the sort of “shimmering in the near distance”, version of the “disciplinary revolution”, which allows officially speaking of the “new world”. However, in order the “motivation” for the new social reality is “for conscience, rather than fear”, it requires the value revolution (“revolution in theology”), which would formulate and offer the new normative attitudes. In this regard, the use of the conceptual framework of the “Reformation” and its patterns leads towards the comprehension of importance of the value foundation of the expected / commenced social transformation. Even of greater importance is the understanding who forms this value foundation. The article does not provide specific answers to the questions which new system of “individual – society – state”, new ethos or “new religion” entails the COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences of such “revolutions” manifest later on and are rarely predictable. This article aims to be the “optics” that allows seeing the inner and the outer the context of the COVID-2019.
Citations count: 1
Kurysheva A. —
Formation of career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 49 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.6.33230 URL:
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The subject of this research is the career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. The object of this research is the educational space for formation of career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. The author examines the formation of IT educational space in Saint Petersburg. The goal consists in conducting a systemic analysis of educational space for the formation of career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. The research was carried out in Saint Petersburg in 2018, included 12 expert interviews with HR and IT specialists. The paper reviews such elements of educational space of information technologies as schools specialized in physics and mathematics, school and student Olympiads and contests, educational initiatives created by the leading IT companies of the city. The scientific novelty lies in introduction of educational IT space. At the first level it consists of the created back in Soviet time physical-mathematical schools and school Olympiads, which are also a step to higher education. The student environment has informal organizations: interest clubs, tournaments and contests. Namely in such educational space, young scholars in the area of computer technologies make their career choices.
Citations count: 1
Kolobaev S.A., Katanskij S.A. —
Overcoming the phenomenon of “closed doors” in career building within the framework of natural selection
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 13 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.7.34610 URL:
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The economy and society currently pose a question of career building of in the significant social groups. Job market is characterized by the emergence of new professions along with a range of new competencies developed at the intersection of various disciplines. Educational institutions do not always prepare their students for real life, and therefore, a graduate or a person with work experience challenge to find employment. In light of the non-transparency and non-uniformity of the job market, as well as devaluation of the continuity of knowledge and experience from the university to the employer, quire ambiguous criteria are imposed upon the potential employee. As a result, large and complex projects can be completed with irrelevant specialists, and persons with work experience and a desire to continue their career building may be left out. Based on the socio-psychological analysis, the author proposes the term of the “closed door phenomenon”, which literally means subjective and objective obstacles in entering a significant social group and striking roots therein. The article offers a definition of the “closed door phenomenon” as a set of behavioral patterns of a person and responses of the reference social groups. The article explores the origin, phenomenology, and key aspects of career building problems, which are referred to as “closed door phenomenon”. Classification of the proposed solutions is carried out. The author describes the socio-psychological mechanisms of interpretation and correction of unfavorable psychological and professional phenomena in career building within the framework of natural selection.
Citations count: 1
Trinadtsatko A.A. —
Employment situation of persons with disabilities in Russia during the the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 23 - 47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.3.35095 URL:
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The object of this research is the transformation of the institution for employment opportunities of the persons with disabilities in the context of modernization of the state social policy aimed at increasing the level of their social integration. The subject of this research is the employment situation of persons with disabilities as a result of the transformation of the institution for their employment opportunities. The goal consists is to determine how the changes in the mechanism of functionality of the institution for employment opportunities of persons with disabilities affected their employment situation during the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. The author notes that as a social phenomenon, disability is the consequence of physical and social barriers formed by the society towards its citizens, which do not correspond to the accepted standards of a normal person. The assistance to employment inclusion of the persons with disabilities, as a condition for their successful social adaptation and integration, is one of the priority vectors in social policy of the state. The main results consist in the following: determination of the towards an increase in the share of persons with disabilities of working age on the background of the continuing decline in their overall number; emergence of positive changes in functionality of the mechanism of the institution for employment opportunities of persons with disabilities, namely the growing number of disabled people employed by the job center; no effect of these changes upon the employment situation of the persons with disabilities of discredited stigmatization. The author believes that the transformation of the institution of employment of the persons with disabilities affected only thee category, which does not have external manifestations of disability. The persons with visible disabilities still do not feel the positive impact of changes in the institution of employment. The novelty of this research consists in establishing correlation between the increase of the share of employed persons with disabilities and changes in the institution for employment opportunities and proving the fact that these changes have no effect upon the employment situation of persons with disabilities of discredited stigmatization. The scientific value of the acquired results lies in broadening the range of research fields towards the problem of employment of persons with disabilities of discredited stigmatization.
Citations count: 1
Sitnikova A.A. —
Modern Practices of Forsight Research of the Future of Social-Anthropological Systems Including Ethnocultural Groups of Northern Regions of the Russian Federation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 44 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.9.13405 URL:
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In the present article the principles of carrying out modern forsight research are considered. In introduction the forsight research place in a circle of other operations with forecasting of the future, such as is defined: forecasting, science fiction and planning. Advantages of forsight research before them as most scientific and reliable approach to anticipation of future scenarios of development of certain phenomena in mankind life are listed.The second section of article is devoted to the description of modern techniques of carrying out forsight research. The statistics of the most used Forsythe's methods according to data of the European research of 2007 is given, the short description and a scope of the most applied methods is the review of literature, the bibliometric analysis, Delfi-oprosa, critical technologies, a method of carrying out expert panels, brainstorming, development of scenarios of the future, SWOT analysis, etc. is submitted. The scheme of the most traditional combinations of several methods for carrying out complex forsight research is provided.The third section of article is devoted to creation of strategy of use of methods of forsight research for studying of social and anthropological systems and ethnic and cultural populations. The main method of research is the analytical and critical review of scientific sources. As a result of the review of methods of the forsight analysis a certain methodological strategy of forsight research of northern regions of the Russian Federation is offered. In this part that now culturological forsight researches are at a formation stage is fixed, some basic principles of methodological strategy of culturological forsight research are formulated. In addition in article the range of the existing forsight research methods which have to be applied to studying of ethnocultural systems is allocated. In particular, the importance of carrying out civil panels that distinguishes forsight research of ethnocultural system from other areas of its application is emphasized (politicians, the industries, economies, etc.). Also in article the range is offered those for carrying out expert panels on studying of the future of ethnocultural systems.
Citations count: 1
Probin P.S. —
Russian education reformation in the view of the present state of labor market: ways of interpretation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.3.14556 URL:
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The object of research in this article is the new three-tier Russian education system that appeared in our country after its joining Bologna process. The matter of research is new generation’s competitiveness in labor market under crisis. Particular author’s attention is paid to comparing the former and the current higher education systems and to students’ motivation for continuing their studies in the period of obvious shortage of vacancies. The method of research in this article is comparative and cross-social analysis of the former and the present Russian higher education systems as well as empiric material gathered in interviewing students, entrants, their parents, colleagues and inductive generalization of it with following deductive conclusions. The principal author’s conclusions are the following statements. 1) Efficiency of an education system can be judged only by the demand on graduates in labor market. 2) New Russian education system has advantages, though there is a serious issue of its being unclear for laymen. It concerns the status of its programmes and diplomas received after their completion. 3) Students’ motivation for continuing studies primarily depends on financial and career profit brought to them by a diploma. However under shortage of vacancies a desire to store up diplomas “just in case” may emerge. 4) Demand on an educational programme under market depends on how competitive the potential diploma is, on the other hand, vice versa, competitiveness of diploma is determined by the number of people who have it. Time will show what is prior. The novelty of the article consists in its viewing pedagogical aspects of curricula from economical point of view namely in the aspect of competitiveness of graduates nowadays.
Citations count: 1
Tinyakova E.A. —
A humanitarian project: how to raise the level of research
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17600 URL:
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The subject of this research is postgraduate education presented by doctorate and postgraduate studies, while the object is to distinguish the difference between the intensive postgraduate education that serves the educational process in the higher school and secondary professional education, and the development of the scientific knowledge that gives new ideas to the life practice. The relevance of the reviewed problems falls onto the advancement of the information process. The established system of postgraduate education exceeded the information volume required for the progression of science, thus it results in the Higher Attestation Commission’s reduction measures concerning the postgraduate education. The main conclusion consists in determination of the two ways of development of postgraduate education: for the more intensive cognition of the selected specialty, and for the advancement and promotion of the new ideas. The scientific novelty lies in the proposition to divide the postgraduate education into two levels: namely scientific (where the new scientific ideas are being developed), and the postgraduate education for educational process on the higher and secondary educational facilities.
Citations count: 1
Boltaevskii A.A., Pryadko I.P., Vas'kina O.M. —
Planet of an urban type: present and future of civilization
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.18043 URL:
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The subject of this research is the modern civilization, which ever increasingly acquires and anthropogenic character. A number of researchers refer to its present state as critical, but all complex dissipative systems in its establishment go through the points of uncertainty, in which the future state of the system becomes unpredictable, while the magnitude of chaos reaches the maximum. The XXI century is being defined as an era of cities, but there are significant differences in development of these cities in the developed and developing countries. The authors give a general summary of the key trends of development of global civilization, as well as identify the key challenges of time and possibilities of adequate answer to these challenges. In the industrial era the city became the space of a strict segregation of people. The urban space divides people, and becomes the arena of sharp social, ethnic, and religious conflicts, producing the grounds for deviant behavior. The urban lifestyle also leads to aggravation of environmental problems. The project of garden city even in the modern post-industrial era remains utopic.
Citations count: 1
Dzhalaya L. —
Forming factors of the models of life trajectory of the students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.12.21850 URL:
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The subject of this research is comparative analysis of the factors that determined the life strategies of the indicated social groups. The object is the students of universities of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol, in other words, the specific social groups. The goal of the works is the regional peculiarities (including such factors as globalization and ethnocultural background of mentality of these social groups) of formation of the models of life strategies among the students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol. The hypothesis of research is the sociocultural factors (ethnicity, political preferences, historical-cultural thesaurus, educational census, professional motivation, etc.) influence the establishment of the most positive models of successful future of student youth of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol. Among the sociocultural factors, the most effective is the factor of mentality (traditionalistic, neo-traditionalistic, mentality of European modern). The author applies the method of written interview in form of survey, which carried sampling character and was conducted in December of 2015 – January of 2016. The work determined and examined the models of formation of life strategies among the students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol: “live like everyone else”; “status-instrumental”, “pro”; “hedonists”, “pragmatics”. Based on the analysis of factors and their socio-philosophical interpretation, the author is able to highlight the following regional peculiarities that affect the models of the future for students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol: ethnic, behavioral, landscape.
Citations count: 1
Gorbunova A.A., Borisova O.V., Maksimova S.G. —
Socioeconomic situation of the region as a factor of social security of the population (based on the materials of sociological research in Altai Krai)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 101 - 107.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.28452 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of population assessment of socioeconomic situation in the region and the key issues in various spheres of social life. Special attention is given to determination of the peculiarities of perception of personal security in the context of socioeconomic wellbeing of Altai Krai. In the course of this research, the author analyzes the mains aspects of socioeconomic development of the region (based on the statistical data), as well as determines the key social issues in Altai Krai. It is revealed that the assessment of problems and threats is also substantiated by the place of residence of the respondents. The main research methods is the analysis of statistical data and questionnaire-based survey of the Altai Krai population carried out in 2018. The results of sociological research, realized by the collaborative team from Altai State University, testify to the fact that the perception and content with personal security are related to the subjective assessment of socioeconomic situation in the region and self-assessment of the level of material wealth. The acquired data can be valuable in forecasting and modeling of the social risks and security in the context of development of the modern regional society.
Citations count: 1
Tuzbekov A.I. —
Social networks as a resource in researching the activity of "treasure hunters" (an example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 126 - 133.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31139 URL:
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The subject of this research is the activity of "treasure hunters" in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Based on the analysis of various data, the author comes to the conclusion that the communities in sovial networks may be a valuable source of information in researching the activity of grave robbers in the region. Three groups in the most popular Russian network “VKontakte” were selected; using the various software products, the author establishes the average portrait of subscribers of these communities, determines the relics most often subject to raiding, assess the possibility of forming small or large groups for the joint search of treasures by the “treasure hunters”. The methods of netnography and methods of studying virtual communities developed by A. C. Garcia, A. I. Standl, and J. Bechkoff, and S. Cui are applied for achieving the set goals. Virtual communities of "treasure hunters" of the Republic of Bashkortostan are analyzed for the first time. The author established that the social networks are a valuable source in studying the activity of tomb robbers; "treasure hunters" actively promote the illegal search of treasures; social networks promote the illegal search of archaeological objects.
Citations count: 1
Linchenko A.A. —
Moral-historical discourse as a factor of achieving social harmony
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 29 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31636 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of moral-historical discourse and its role in achieving social harmony. Leaning on the Russian and foreign works dedicated to the problem of the moral assessment of history, as well as the writings of Habermas and Luhmann, the author analyzes the specificity of the modern moral-historical discourse in the context of symbolic politics. The application of praxeological approach towards the values of historical consciousness allows conducting comparative analysis of the place and role of moral interpretation of the past within the scientific-historical, socio-publicist, socio-political, cultural and educational discourses. The novelty of this study lies in the socio-philosophical analysis of the role of moral-historical discourse as a factor of achieving social harmony. It is determined that the moral-historical discourse is an important condition in the process of achieving social harmony and is not reduced only to the ethical questions of historical science. In this case, social harmony manifests as a product of symbolic politics implemented by various actors within the framework of social discourses.
Citations count: 1
Kharchenko I.I., Arsentyeva N.M. —
Paradoxes of the professional orientation of youth: what is of top priority – interests and self-realization or needs of the economy
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 86 - 102.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31800 URL:
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This article examines the situation with career orientation of youth from the two perspectives: 1) as a school activity on professional orientation of students; 2) as a stage of professional self-realization of youth that starts massively in high school. Further formation of the occupational trajectories of youth is traced in the questionnaire-based survey carried out among senior students. The goal of this work lies in analysis of the factors affecting the processes of professional self-identification of school students, as well as their professional sustainability. The job market situation is viewed as an essential regulator of professional sustainability of graduates of the system of vocational education. The scientific novelty consists in the fat that the occupational orientations of youth were compared to requests of the economy with regards to development of high-tech industries. In terms of the relatively good assessment by high schoolers of vocational guidance at school, the author underlines its low effect on the choice of profession. At the same time, wide proliferation receives the postponed choice of profession (the amount of undecideds raised up to 50%). An opinion is substantiated that the determination of interests of school students when it comes to career orientation should become the major dominant in their future occupational trajectory. The occupational trajectories within the real segment of the economy most often is formed as a compromise, where the interests are not dominant. The research results may be valuable for the experts in the area of sociology, pedagogy and management.
Citations count: 1
Babintsev V.P., Gaidukova G.N., Shapoval Z.A. —
The problem of sociocultural constants within the instable social reality (regional aspect)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 94 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.5.32951 URL:
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It is substantiated that social instability and riskiness, as a result of inertial influence of disjunctive processes of 1990’s, represent the characteristic features of the modern regional development. The article explores the phenomenon of sociocultural constants, which manifest as the values, conventionally accepted norms and behavioral patterns, leaning on which the members of regional community could build their life strategies and establish interpersonal and intergroup communications. It is underlines that formation of the system of such constants can underlie the reproduction and development of regional communities. In methodological aspect, the article is based on the theory of social anomie (value instability of society), as well as theory of social risks, according to which risk more often becomes a leveling norm of everyday presence in the instable social environment. It is substantiated that the indicators of social uncertainty of regional development consists in: high dynamics of social transformations; exaggerated role of random factors; frequency of crisis situations in the development of social system; strengthening of dissipative character of evolution of the society. Leaning on the analysis of limited capabilities of formal-bureaucratic management model to overcoming disjunctive processes and ensuring social stability, a conclusion is made on possibility of sociocultural constants to take on a “communicational” role and provide to the members of regional community grounds for continuous social dialogue. Based on the accumulated in Belgorod Region experience, the author proposes a potential way for stabilization of social reality using the sociocultural constants.
Citations count: 1
Karimov A.G. —
Peculiarities and dynamics of resource potential of the “working poor” (on the example of a sociological research conducted in the Republic of Bashkortostan)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 59 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34690 URL:
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The object of this research is the “working poor” as a social working group. The subject of this research is resource potential of the “working poor”. On the example of sociological study conducted in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the author reviews particular characteristics of resource potential of the “working poor”. Analysis is carried out on the main types of formalization of labor relations and terms of employment of “working poor”. The author reveals the trends in the dynamics of financial situation and pay level of the members of households participating in the survey, as well as considers additional sources of their income. The article analyzes subjective assessments of respondents regarding their affiliation to social classes, living conditions, as well as availability of durable goods in households. The following conclusions were formulated:
1. A relatively low economic activity and minimal level of entrepreneurial activity have remained; insignificant number of “working poor” have a second job.
2. The conducted analysis demonstrates worsening of the financial situation of households that participated in the research (approximately one third of respondents cannot afford to buy clothes). Salaries of the majority of respondents does not exceed the republican average.
3. Decent living conditions are complicated by the fact that every fourth “working poor” does not own the place they live.
4. Although availability of cars and durable goods shows a slight increase, its also indicates the growth of debt load
5. The positive trends include a relatively high physiological potential and level of education of the respondents, which allow reckoning on the prospects of growth of their labor potential.
Citations count: 1
Ismailov N. —
John Locke's Concept of Justice
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 10 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.9.37332 EDN: CGZRDJ URL:
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The article explores the main ideas of the concept of justice by John Locke, one of the most prominent representatives of the social and political philosophy of Modern times. The article considers the contractual theory of the origin of the state and the concept of justice in the context of the relevance of the realities of the modern world. D. Locke's concept of justice is investigated in the light of the enrichment of this problem. The author considers D. Locke's views as a reflection of the realities of social life of this era and tries to identify in them ideas that can be used in the realization of justice in modern society.
The author explores D. Locke's concept of justice from the point of view of a materialistic understanding of history, the unity of various spheres of public life, the relationship of causal and functional relationships, in the context of the dialectic of economics and politics, from the point of view of the relationship and interdependence of needs, interests and moral values. The concept of D. Locke is considered as a pronounced contractual theory. The socio-political views of D. Locke in the light of the concept of justice seem interesting and original. The concept of D. Locke has its merits, for example, the position on the priority of the idea of the public good over the private selfish interests of an individual, the position on the need to correspond to the mind of individual interests and freedom. The unconditional merits in his research can be attributed to the further enrichment of contractual theory, his interpretation of the concept of fair equality and property rights. This interpretation was a reflection of new historical realities. D. Locke's ideas remain relevant in the context of modern socio-political realities and require further research.
Citations count: 1
Nikulin V.V. —
Bolsheviks and Party Ethics: Standards of Behavior, Social Control and Inter-Party Everyday LIfe (the 1920th)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 26 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.8.13062 URL:
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Object of research is the problem of a moral condition of Bolshevik party in the 1920th years and attempt of the guide of Bolsheviks to develop behavioural norms of party members in various life and political situations united in a peculiar party behavioural doctrine under the general name "party ethics".It is claimed that the necessity of development of behavioural norms was caused by active moral degradation of party which began during civil war. In the years of war at party members, especially in a key element, the feeling of exclusiveness and indispensability and as a result - permissiveness arose and became stronger, and the bulk of the population which was exposed to violence from all directions, in turn has a complex of subordination, indifference, fear of party functionaries. In such social and psychological situation, the authority of party promptly fell. Already in the early twenties in the management came to a conclusion that it is necessary to stop "liberties" of the first postrevolutionary years development and deployment in life of the laws of behavior including set of a ban for party members in their introduction on party Wednesday and a strict requirement of performance.In 1924 the morals are finally approved as party category and become a form of social control over party members of Bolsheviks, and subsequently and over all society. Process of development and deployment of behavioural norms in everyday life, the attitudes towards them of rank-and-file members of party and citizens is analyzed. It is proved that practice of development and application in the 20th years of standards of party ethics showed all their artificiality and remoteness from real life. Former moral values were replaced with the tough materialistic theory, narrow and materialistic political realism, Bolsheviks a little that offered new that would be perceived by the people at once and unconditionally. The neglect to heritage of ancestors, culture of the past was available. Rigid confrontational stereotypes took root. There was a devaluation of the ethical standards, because of loss controlling behavior of the person of many norms. On the practical level introduction of standards of party ethics in everyday life wasn't led to essential change of behavioural stereotypes in everyday life. Growth of corruption, lawlessness, household hooliganism observed for 1920 years among party members were the certificate to that.
Citations count: 1
Zamaraeva Y.S. —
Peculiarities of Ethnic Migration in Socio-Cultural Perception (the Aanalysis of Results of the Experiment Carried Out According to the Method 'Serial Thematic Associations'
// Sociodynamics.
– 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 63 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.9.13407 URL:
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The subject under research is the social, sociocultural, social and psychological features of perception of ethnic migration at a host which is represented by social group of youth and students. Now processes of ethnic migration are followed by the crisis phenomena in social psychology, including xenophobia and a migrant-phobia. Specifics of the social and psychological environment accepting have to be studied and understood as the factor promoting or interfering positive welfare communications of migrants and the population of regions of the Russian Federation. Approbation of a method of associative experiment was at the same time carried out, its opportunities for studying process of ethnic migration are investigated. The main method of research - interpretation of results of empirical research on Nazarov and Sokolov's technique "Serial thematic associations". The method of the state-of-the-art review of information and expert sources, critical analysis of actual scientific researches was applied to increase of reliability of results of interpretation. Scientific novelty of research consists that the main characteristics of an image of the ethnic migrant in the youth and student's environment of the city of Krasnoyarsk are for the first time revealed. Migration is a peculiar impulse for activization of processes of cultural and ethnic identichnost at representatives of a host. Thereby migration influences not only an economic and social situation in regions of the Russian Federation, but also on the cultural and world outlook. The conducted empirical research allowed to open the maintenance of the generalized image of the modern migrant at recipients of special type - students which social structure, as a rule, reflects social structure of future Russian society
Citations count: 1
Moskvich Y. —
Diverse, and flexible strength of a changing world: the purpose and evolution
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.4.15047 URL:
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The article analyzes the global challenges and possible responses to them. Discusses the new adaptation mechanisms to global change such as "flexible consciousness", "flexible skills", "flexible cooperation", "flexible / soft power" to resolve the existing global problems. Explores the nature of innovation and the importance of "flexible strength" conducive to its creation. The process of formation of an innovative society as a basis for a new global flexible force, preventing the negative effects of the accelerated development of the non-linear world.
Citations count: 1
Znamenskiy D.Y. —
State scientific-technological policy of the Russian Federation: definition and approaches towards the research
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 47 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.6.18254 URL:
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The subject of this research is the state policy of Russian Federation in the area of science and technologies. The author thoroughly examines various approaches towards the determination of such category, and underlines the issue of insufficient research within the framework of political science. Indeed, the majority of works dedicated to the questions of state scientific-technological policy has been published by the representatives of other social sciences – economics, sociology, history, and juridical science. Special attention is given to the methodology of research of the state scientific-technological policy. The author’s main contribution consists in the following: substantiation of the position according to which the state scientific-technological policy should be interpreted not as a unilateral state activity, but as a result of cooperation between the authority and the various institutions of civil society (including scientific community); substantiation of the legitimacy of implementation of the systemic dynamic approach towards the research of state scientific-technological policy.
Citations count: 1
Tsvetkova M. —
Reflection in term of the selection of respondents in public opinion research
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 14 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.8.18960 URL:
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This article reveals the aspects of correctness of sociological research and the importance of reflexive mechanisms in this matter. Sociological research in the way how it is conducted and how it is treated by the institutions of public opinion, do not explain the logic of selection of individual respondents' opinion and explain the logic of aggregating individual opinions (preferences) in the public opinion. Therefore, the methodology of sociological research should be the search and definition of the populations that are at least intuitively have analytical knowledge about the studied issue.The author proposes to use the reflexivity of respondents which imply the ability of the subjective reflection of the object as a criterion for the selection of respondents in the model of sociological studies. Reflexivity is the primary and most specific parameter of the actor in terms of ensuring the adequacy of subjective images of the environment.Thus, the interviewed group of respondents shall be selected by the highest value of the coefficient of reflexivity, as a fundamental capacity of the individual correctly and fully construct external world.
Citations count: 1
Boronina L.N., Senuk Z.V., Bogatova P.V. —
The experience of project evaluation of the socially oriented non-profit organizations of Sverdlovsk Region
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 90 - 101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.9.21298 URL:
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This article examines the experience of tendering procedure and evaluation of projects introduced by the socially oriented non-profit organizations of Sverdlovsk Region for receiving the government subsidy for their implementation in 2016. The work analyzes the results of evaluation of the winning projects with assistance of the developed by the authors in the Ural Federal University parametric method of evaluation of projects. The authors provide the results of expert survey of the members of tendering committee about the flaws of methodology and procedure of evaluation of the projects, as well as difficulties faced by the experts during the course of evaluation. The article also presents the results of survey of the project developers from the associates of the non-profit organizations who introduced their projects for the contest in 2016. The conducted analysis has recorded a low quality of the presented projects, which is substantiated by two factors: lack of the project-conformable parameters of evaluation in the applied methodology, as well as imperfection of the form of project description in the materials of tender application. The conducted evaluation alongside the results of survey of the experts and developers of the projects testify to the need for amending the form of application and desirability of implementation of the parametric evaluation of the projects in practice of the future similar contests.
Citations count: 1
Vinogradova I.A., Ivanova E.V., Blinova A.O. —
The University's "Third Mission": Exploring the Potential of University Campuses in Interaction with Urban Communities
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 33 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.2.39553 EDN: FPBHGO URL:
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City universities play a leading role in the formation of the educational, socio-cultural, intellectual environment of the city. At the same time, a new paradigm of interaction between universities and citizens is being formed as part of the implementation of the idea of "cities as communities of citizens", when urban communities become full-fledged subjects of city development along with city authorities. In this regard, the subject of the study was to identify the potential of the university in interaction with urban communities. Research methods: survey, focus group interview with elements of brainstorming. The study involved representatives of various urban communities of Moscow (N=170), students, teachers of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (N=358). The results of the study. The priority areas of interaction between university campuses and urban communities can be identified as: educational (counseling and support of citizens, courses, clubs, webinar programs, clubs for children and adults, lectures; popularization of topics at the request of communities; supervision and care); diagnostic; research; volunteer; sports and recreation; infrastructure; cultural and leisure; expert; development of the city's infrastructure. When building such interaction, it is important to take into account: regulatory and legal aspects of providing university infrastructure to urban communities and attracting teachers and students to implement educational programs for citizens of different ages; the financial side of interaction with urban communities; requests from urban communities; psychological and organizational aspects of interaction with urban communities; interaction with municipalities and representatives of district administrations, educational and other organizations working with the public and interested in the resources of the university.
Citations count: 1
Filipova A.G., Skrypnikova E.M., Abrosimova E.E. —
Features and types of self-presentations in educational video blogging
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 46 - 62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.11.69015 EDN: HAKZVE URL:
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The rapidly developing video blogosphere attracts a diverse audience, including children and young people. The latter consume both entertaining and educational content. The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to the increased digitalization of education, as well as the development of educational video blogging. The purpose of our study is to analyze the self-presentations of educational video bloggers and their typology.
Empirical research materials are represented by texts of expert interviews with teacher-bloggers (N = 10) and focus groups with schoolchildren (N = 69), as well as direct videos posted on the channels of 48 educational bloggers (240 in total). Analysis of the video, accompanied by the study of scientific literature and expert statements, made it possible to identify two main and four additional types of self-presentation of educational video bloggers – «expert», «practitioner», “entrepreneur”, “creative type”, “insider”, “experimenter”. Among the criteria for identifying these types: emotional techniques; use of teaching tools and techniques, including technical ones; linguistic means; expression of one's own position; dialogical; background design, choice of clothing, etc. The description of each type of self-presentation is accompanied by examples from selected cases of English-speaking and Russian-speaking educational bloggers. Typology can be used both for self-reflection by the authors of educational channels and for research in this area. Subsequently, the typology will be verified using the factor analysis method on the described sample of 240 educational videos.
Citations count: 1
Ilina G.N., Tagibova A. —
Management of gender conflicts within transnational corporations
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 26 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28359 URL:
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This article contains a general overview of gender situation in labor sphere, examines the main reasons of gender conflicts within transnational corporations, as well as analyzes most typical gender conflicts at the top management level that received coverage in mass media in the three different countries – the United States, Great Britain and Russia. The object of this research is the subjective perception of conflicts situation formed by each party to the conflicts. Special attention is given to determination and analysis of different perspective of the opponents upon conflict situation, as well as their behavioral strategy. In the course of this work, the author applies the Christopher Mitchell's conflict triangle model, also known as “ABC Triangle” (Attitude-Behavior-Context) that allows observing all the aspects playing a role in a conflict situation for each party of the conflict. The examined conflicts clearly illustrate that the declaration of equal opportunities for males and females in the economic sphere does not always reflect the actual situation. Leaning on the conducted analysis and results of the recent research, the authors give a number of recommendations in overcoming the gender inequality in the sphere of labor relations. The authors also describe the innovative practices on establishing corporate culture and corporate environment that reduce gender tension and contribute to prevention of gender conflicts within transnational corporations.
Citations count: 1
Leontyev G.D., Leontieva L.S. —
Praxeology of social utopia: protest-project-practice
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 64 - 73.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.2.30089 URL:
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This article analyzes the phenomenon of utopia as a social alternative in the aspect of its praxeological specificity. Confidence in the idea of the utopian due and despair, justified by dissatisfying real, comprise the existential basis of protest state of mass consciousness. The ideological stimulus to social protest becomes the utopian project that produces a trend to practical development of ideal sociality. Systematic functionality of these praxeological elements of utopia substantiates the goal of determining the specificity of correlation between anti-system protest, socially-constructive project, and practice of social transformation. Anticipatory reflection of reality in utopia reveals the synergetic principle of determination by future, according to which the utopic constructs as trends already exists in the present. Their activation on the level of individual and public consciousness is common for the situation of social entropy and chaos; and socio-utopian ideal manifests as an attractor of protest movement. Faith in its realization is explained by the “Principle of Hope” of Ernest Bloch; while precaution for the risks of “social engineering” is reflected in the ideas of Karl Popper and Karl Mannheim. The conclusion is made on the dual nature of praxeological element of the utopia. The first aspect implies that utopia is an anti-system protest as the denial of real, and simultaneously, it is a socially-systemic project as creation of “better”. The second aspect of dualism means that utopia is a project that transforms public consciousness, and a practice that transforms social being. The presence of direct correlation between the intensity of development of utopian ideas and the level of sociopolitical self-organization is established. The reverse correlation is characteristic for the political ideology. Along with humanistic optimism of the utopia, the author determines the risk of “denying denial”: practical implementation of utopian project formed within the framework of social protest, denies the utopia itself.
Citations count: 1
Andreenkova A.V. —
Comparative social research as a special type of social research
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 105 - 111.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.11.31024 URL:
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The subject of this article the theoretical-methodological analysis of peculiarities and characteristics of the comparative social research on the basis of population survey, distinguishing it among the broader circle of social research – monographic, mono-object and longitude. Over the two recent decades, the amount of comparative cross-national and cross-cultural studies is constantly growing, so is the field of their application in the research process, state administration, and informing the public. For determination of the peculiarities of comparative research, the author conducted a comprehensive documentation analysis of the eighteen largest edgy comparative projects, as well as scientific literature on the methodology of comparative research for the period from 1950 to 2019. The article demonstrated that the comparative social research have certain specificities with regards to subject-object relations, functional and designated purpose, and methodological-procedural aspects. The logics of structuring the comparative research is characterized with introduction of the additional stages and procedures meant for ensuring data comparability from the various countries and cultures. Among them is the preliminary testing of the concepts in different sociocultural conditions, translation of questionnaire to different languages, harmonization of socio-demographic variables. Only gradual implementation of these stages allows acquiring reliable and accurate empirical data for the scientifically substantiated cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons.
Citations count: 1
Ildarhanova C.I. —
Paternity as a socially constructed phenomenon: gender aspect
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 162 - 169.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31492 URL:
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The goal of this work consists in studying paternity as an important social phenomenon constructed on the basis of social norms, values, patterns, stereotypes and roles. The subject of this research is the determination of framework of the “male” and “female” parenthood and determination of their role upon the process of upbringing. The research is conducted with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research in terms of the scientific project “Generative Behavior of Russian Men and Women in the Conditions of Demographic Crisis: Volga and Northwestern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation (comparative analysis) No. 19-011-00644. Methodology leans on the gender approach, which allows carrying out a comparative analysis of studying the phenomenon of paternity from biological and social perspectives. The novelty of this article consists in recommendation to disengage from the formal representations of the role of father in parenting and change the perception of society and the state, thus increasing prestige of a father. The author notes that gender stereotypes and norms may harm and limit men in parenting.
Citations count: 1
Kashchaeva M.V., Marakulin D.A. —
Ethnic communities as a factor of counteracting extremism
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.3.31639 URL:
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The subject of this research is the activity of ethnocultural organizations on prevention of extremist behavior among members of ethnic communities. The object of this research is the processes of functionality of the following communities within the social space of Altai Krai: Center of Ethnic Culture “Vaynakh”; Altai Regional Social Organization “Tajik Diaspora”; Altai Regional Social Organization “Center of Uzbek Culture – Batyr”; Local Ethnocultural Autonomy of Kazakhs “Asyl Mura”; Altai Regional Ethnocultural Organization – “Azerbaijan”; Altai Regional Social Organization “Union of Armenians of the Altai Krai”; as well as Local Jewish Ethnocultural Autonomy. To determine the specificity of the socio-cultural, legal, economic and confessional adaptation of the members of ethnic communities, the authors used the method of focused interview, which allowed determining the position of the leaders of ethnocultural communities with regards to the aforementioned indexes, as well as acquire relevant information pertaining to prevention of extremist behavior. The article presents the analysis of the influence of ethnocultural organizations upon the process of social, legal, economic, and confessional adaptation of the representatives of ethnic communities. A hypothesis is supported that the problems of adaptation in the designated spheres produce strive towards extremist behavior. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the empirical framework is comprised of results of interviews of the leaders of Jewish, Armenian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tajik, and Chechen, and Azerbaijan ethnocultural organizations of Altai Region.
Citations count: 1
Kannykin S.V. —
Olympic endurance running and the spirit of athleticism
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 67 - 80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.6.33234 URL:
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The subject of this research is the metaphysical aspects of Olympic endurance running in relation to formation of an athlete as a harmoniously developed personality. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the need for elucidation of spiritual grounds of running as the most universal form of physical activity of an athlete. As a meaningful movement that takes place in cultural space, running is considered a social phenomenon and has transcendental dimension, since it is derived from the mental attitudes of the agent, impacting the agent and the social group the agent belongs to, as well as humanity overall. Namely endurance running, which suggests high incidence and agonal duration, allows us determining certain mental and willed attitudes of athletic (i.e., humanistic-oriented, Olympic) sports activity. The novelty of this research consists in the review of metaphysical foundations of running through the prism of the ideological grounds of Olympism. It is noted that of all the Olympic sports, endurance running is existentially rooted in a human, as humans outstrip all mammals namely in long-distance running. Olympic endurance running translates such social value attitudes as patriotism, sacrifice, self-cognition, commitment to one’s avocation, nobility, and honesty. An athlete formed through the Olympic running practices is oriented towards achieving kkalokagathia, as endurance running requires durable, optimized motor action, which ensures stable psychosomatic concentration, i.e. harmony of the spiritual beginning with the bodily.
Citations count: 1
Dzagurova N.K. —
Gender aspects of everyday life of a modern Ossetian family
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 52 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.12.34700 URL:
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the gender aspects of everyday life in a modern Ossetian family.
The subject of the study is the historical and cultural context that contributed to the formation and modernization of behavioral practices of everyday domestic work, power and role distribution in the modern Ossetian family.
The object of the study is models of intra-family gender behavior.
The paper uses the method of system analysis, which allowed us to consider gender relations in the family as system-forming elements of social relations. The use of the comparative historical method made it possible to comprehend the general patterns of the development of gender relations and to identify the prerequisites and mechanisms for the formation of a certain gender order in chronological order.
The paper presents models of everyday intra-family gender behavior, formulated criteria on the basis of which these models are determined. The stages of historical and cultural formation of modern gender aspects in the context of the formation and modernization of intra-family behavioral practices are determined. Based on the analysis of the empirical base of the study, the prevailing models of intra-family gender behavior in the modern Ossetian family are determined. The reasons for the low prevalence of egalitarian attitudes in the region are outlined. It is concluded that despite the external presentability, the modern Ossetian family remains a carrier of gender asymmetry, maintaining the status of the norm regarding the "double employment" of women.
Citations count: 1
Ovrutskiy A.V. —
Social aspects of the national brand (demonstrated on the brand of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 27 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.2.34946 URL:
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The subject of this research is the social content of the national brand of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Research methodology is based on interpretation of marketing as a new general social theory. In this context, the author examines branding and brand management technologies as social technologies of formation of the identity, integration, and social behavior management overall. Applicable to the national brand, the aforementioned provision is valid for both, domestic (citizens of the country) and external (citizens of other countries) target audiences. Structural components of the national brand include: ) the main message of the brand; 2) the components that form national identity (values shared by majority of the citizens); 3) national products; 4) gallery of the visual images, which on the one hand represent national values, while on the other – the unique visual “keys” for understanding the character, history and future of the nation; 5) brand discourse – a set of textual verbal forms of the national brand; 6) heroic spirit of the brand (persons who have the brand-building capacity); 7) audio discourse – a combination of audio brand-building characteristics; 8) event driven brand-building communications. The conclusion is made that the national brand of Azerbaijan is currently at the turn changing concepts, which indicates the transition of the country towards a new stage of development. The author highlights the four concepts of the national brand of Azerbaijan. The first is historical, which resembles the concept of “petroleum” and characterizes the industrial period of development. The second is ornamental, attributed to the archetypal branding (Azerbaijani rug ornaments). The third is “the Land of Fire”, similar to the ornamental by the nature of used symbols and the mechanism of influence. The fourth concept is referred to the postindustrial images. It is assumed that the national brands can be an interesting and heuristic object of analysis of the social processes of represented territories.
Citations count: 1
Sidorov A. —
Public inquiry in the periods of social turbulence (based on the materials of sociological research in Tomsk)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 22 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.11.36950 URL:
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This article discusses the questions associated with the impact of social turbulence and exacerbation regimes upon the society. The topic is viewed in the context of the effect of behavioral deviations upon public administration from the perspective of the need for changing its content in the conditions of escalation of crisis situation. The author verifies the hypotheses on the shift of value orientations of the population from the rational plane to the irrational, as well as the formation of public inquiry for the “strong” state. The article aims to identify the attitude of Tomsk population towards the global and local agenda of rapid processes through assessing their own behavior and appeals to the government institutions on the examples of situations caused by outbreak of coronavirus pandemic and transformation of real estate market in the city. Research methodology employs documentary analysis, formalized interview, statistical data processing, and logical inductive-deductive inference. The article obtains new empirical data related to the behavioral assessment of the population in the conditions of social turbulence and its effect upon the formation of public inquiry. The main result consists in indicating the need for transformation of the system of public administration in the periods with nonlinear dynamics and high speeds in implementation of the policy of strengthening the regulatory impact upon maintaining the spheres most affected by the crisis. The presented materials are valuable for the employees of government and administrative branches, as well as researchers dealing with the problematic of social turbulence.
Citations count: 1
Ageev V. —
Corruption Management as a Local Level: Restriction of Rights and Freedoms of Municipal Officials
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 243 - 268.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.2.426 URL:
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The author of the article states that local corruption management by means of restricting rights and freedoms of municipal officers is one of the anti-corruption mechanisms. It helps to realize the principle of openness and publicity at local self-government authorities. Restriction of rights of persons who undertake the public and municipal service allows to guarantee efficiency of professional activities performed by state authorities and prevents acts of misfeasance and ensures that an official enforces civil rights.
Citations count: 1
Znamenskiy D.Y. —
State Institution and Civil Society in the Process of Estabishing Priorities of National Research and Development Policy
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.10.9489 URL:
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The article is devoted to the nature of participation of various institutions of civil society in formation of the national research and development policy in modern Russia. This is a subject matter of the scientific research conducted by the author. In this regard the author raises a problem of publicity of state policy in general and research and development policy in particular.Describing the main approaches to formation of priorities of national policy, the author develops V. V. Lobanov's idea. Lobanov defined political, subjective and objective approaches to the problem. The current approach used by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is described by the author of the article as a 'national and administrative' approach representing combination of the objective approach with certain elements of the subjective approach. Further the author of the article describes the role of institutions of civil society in formation of the national research and development policy and as well as the role of the government as a moderator of this process. Analyzing views of a number of researchers who studied the problems of development of civil society, the author makes a conclusion about insufficient degree of openness and publicity of the specified process. In particular, the author stresses out very insignificant role of political parties, weakness and small number of specialized NPOs and the lack of a good dialogue between the state institution and academic community concerning definition of priorities of the national research and development policy and reformation of Russian science.
Citations count: 1
Kabanov P.A. —
Victimological characteristics of corruption crime in the Respublic of Belarus: analysis of statistical data for 2007-2012.
// Sociodynamics.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 10 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.2.10950 URL:
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The object of studies includes official quantitative statistical data characterizing the situation with the corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus for the period from 2007 to 2012; official statistical data characterizing victims of corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus for the period between 2007 and 2012.; official statistical data reflecting social and demographic characteristics of victims of corruption crimes in the Republic of Belarus for the period of 2007 and 2012; tendencies characterizing the victimological element of corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus; social consequences, characterizing the situation in the sphere of corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus. The author used the issues of victimologic characteristics of the corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus for the period of 2007 to 2012 based upon the data provided by the official statistics of the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. As a result of the study it was found out that in the Republic of Belarus they organized reporting, which characterizes quantity characteristics of registered crimes and data on the persons who have committed these crime, and the amount of damage from their acts, and also data on their victims is being reported, which allows to provide statistical analysis of corruption crime, its negative social consequences and the victimologic characteristics of the victims. The statistical analysis showed that the most of victims of corruption crimes concerns corruption theft, abuse of public position, a large number of natural persons suffer from abuse of competence and bribery, while there is a small number of victims of failure of the officials to take necessary actions. Mostly the victims of the corruption crimes are citizens of Belarus, and a number of foreigners among the victims is insignificant. The typical "portrait" of a victim of corruption crime in Belarus is as follows: it is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, male, age 18 to 49, worker or a person with no permanent source of income.
Citations count: 1
Astasheva M.V. —
Historiographical review of studies on the regional cultural identity
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 75 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.4.15051 URL:
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The subject of study is the complex of publications of current research on the issue of regional cultural identity. Discusses some scientific articles, where this problem the most comprehensive. The aim of the article is a historiographical review of research on new regionalism, the new social practices of identification and identity. On the basis of historiographical review in the future is expected to develop effective strategies to address the methodological processes of regional identity and self-identification in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The main focus of research is concentrated in the context of social constructivism.Research Methodology - a critical analysis of scientific literature devoted to regional identity and self-identification. Allocated significant ideas and methods of modern scientific modeling processes characteristic of the new regionalism.
Citations count: 1
Ursul A.D. —
Russia in BRICS: the Concept of Sustainable Development
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.5.15266 URL:
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In his article Ursul stresses out that the global summits on sustainable development took place in Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg which is the evidence that BRICS acknowledge the importance of the implementation of a new strategy of civilization development. The implementation of the concept of sustainable development is what in many ways connects BRICS, however, this collective activity of the aforesaid countries have been scarcely mentioned in the academic literature. Sustainable development is viewed as the global strategy to solve the main socionatural contradiction between the growing needs of human and the inability of the biosphere to satisfy these needs. The researcher shows that the Russian Fedeation has already started to conduct the successive transition to the sustainable development. This transition guarantees a balanced solution of socio-economic tasks, environmental and natural-resources potential issues and satisfaction of needs of the present and future generations. However, today's definition of this kind of development differs from what it was initially. Today this concept is broader and based on the systems approach. The author focuses on the need to extend the scope of the concept of sustainable development so that it would include the most areas of human activity. The author suggests that in broader terms sustainable development should mean a secure type of evolution oriented at preservation of civilization and biosphere, their co-existence and co-evolution. Special attention is paid to the relationship between security and development as well as the guarantees of the main forms of security by the means of sustainable development. In his article Ursul has mostly used the futurological predictivem, noospheric and other methodological approaches to futures studies as well as the comparative, evolutionary historical and interdisciplinary scientific approaches. In his research Ursul describes the main contents, peculiarities and prospects for Russia's transfer to the sustainable future which would be oriented at creation of the global noosphere. The author's idea to create the national idea based on the country's secure and sustainable future in a globalized world as it was offered by the author before is also discussed in the present article. To a large extent BRICS is guided by the global strategy of sustainable development. Official documents adopted as a result of the six summits carried out in these major rapidly developing countries are a good proof of that. It is also assumed that BRICS is gradually becoming the leader of the implementation of sustainable development strategy in the global community as a new non-traditional international organization capable of making a great contribution to the preservation of civilization and biosphere and satisfying the need of the humankind to survive.
Citations count: 1
Yakimov K.A. —
The Image of the 'Enemy of the People' in the Komsomol Propaganda of 1937
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 65 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.7.15642 URL:
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The subject of this study is the Komsomol propaganda forming the image of an "enemy of the people" as well as the perception of the image in the ranks of the Young Communist League and non-union youth in 1937. In his study Yakimov has examined the constituents of the collective image of the "enemy of the people" in the Komsomol propaganda. On the basis of documents from the "Komsomol" funds of the State Archive of Socio-Political History of Tambov region (GASPITO), the researcher has described the mechanism of formation of the image of the "enemy of the people" among young people, analyzed the main reasons for the prosecution, revealed the effects of kinship and ideological ties with persons who were declared the "enemies of the people." The methods used in this historic study can be divided into the following two groups: the group of general scientific methods that includes description, analysis, synthesis, generalizatio and deduction; the group of specific historical methods that includes the concrete historical, comparative historical and retrospective methods. The scientific novelty of the work is caused by the fact that the study of the image of "the enemy of the people" was conducted on the resource-based archival documents of the Komsomol. It is shown that one of the key aspects of ideological propaganda in the Komsomol was the concept of the "enemy of the people". In that period that name was given to many of the former leaders of the Bolshevik Party as well as of the countries with fascist regimes. The Komsomol propaganda greatly contributed to the consolidation of the Soviet youth for the purpose of fighting against "enemies of the people" and to the strengthening of repressive policies in many Komsomol organizations.
Citations count: 1
Sertakova E.A., Avdonina E.Y. —
Forced migration and its reflection in the cinematic art
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 106 - 116.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17747 URL:
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The subject of this research is the cinematographic image of the forced migration in today's globalized world. We consider a number of works of cinematographic art dedicated to migrant workers, migration, conflicts and contradictions, as well as the diverse palette of migration of social communications. Modern cinema takes on a number of important social functions. Figures of cinematographic art simulated image of a migrant as a person who is miserable, helpless, suffers, and requires care and attention. The authors try to overcome prejudices movies racism, radical forms of nationalism. The main method of this research is the analysis of the works of cinematographic art, and the interpretation of the acquired results from the perspective of migration. Scientific novelty consists in the use of materials of the artistic cinematographic works in order to exemplify the scientific topic on the forced migration. The modern cinematography realizes its social meaning and holds an active position in the formation of a positive image of a migrant. One of the major problems of migration from the modern cinematography point of view, is the racial and ethnic intolerance.
Citations count: 1
Kolesnik M.A. —
Peculiarities of perception of the Russian ethnos among youth of Krasnoyarsk according to the results of the associative experiments using the word “Russian”
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 59 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.4.18270 URL:
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The subject of this research is the specificity of perception of the Russian ethnos among the modern youth. The relevance of this research is associated with the orientation of social sciences upon the subjective images of the actors and observers of the important social processes. Cultural memory, as well as historical memory is fixed in the certain sustained images. The detection of the content, meaning, and the personal concepts of these images is essential for understanding the dynamics of social processes, cultural and social values, which predetermine these processes. Images and values that comprise the psychological reality of a person form a specific type of social behavior. The biggest associative groups of words reflect the main spheres, in which the students have established their opinion on what is Russian – national food, specificity of nature and environment, art and folklore. We can also define the spheres that are not much associated with the understanding of Russian – military and social spheres, natural resources, economics, politics, and history
Citations count: 1
Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. —
About the system of social monitoring based on the qualitative data on the status of Russian society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 39 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.5.18966 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the methodological approaches and assessment of possibilities of establishment of the national system of monitoring Russian society based on the qualitative data. Within the framework of interdisciplinary studies, the authors conduct an analysis of the modern foreign and Russian experience of using the qualitative data for the monitoring of social development. The article examines the barriers that impede the knowledge content of the existing mechanisms of management of social development associated with achievement of the public consensus on the models of the desired future, choice of the targeted indexes of development, and principles of assessment of success. Special attention is given to the approaches of structural functionalism, as well as to the ideas about the society as a self-developing system, the key characteristics of which are stability and adaptivity. The conclusion is made that the new global challenges led to the change in conceptual ideas about the essence and goals of social development and the corresponding modification of the metrics of progress, in which an ever bigger role is being played by the quantitative data and the subjective assessments of people. The conducted analysis demonstrates the in modern Russia there are all necessary structural elements for establishment of the system of coordination and realization of the targeted model of society, as well as the constantly acting national system of social monitoring (using the qualitative data on the status of society) as an essential element of the system of state strategic administration.
Citations count: 1
Kosorukov A.A. —
Corporate citizenship as a form of social partnership between government and business in public sphere
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 45 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.10.21739 URL:
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The subject of this research is the corporate citizenship as a new form of social partnership between government and business in public sphere. Special attention is given to the principles and norms of the activity of “corporate citizen” that takes not only the socioeconomic responsibility pertinent to society and territory of the country in the context of his activity, but also the more extensive sociopolitical responsibility that touches upon the entire range of problems faced by the government and society. The article also considers the question about the practice of establishment of corporate citizenship in modern Russian, issues and prospects of the transition from government control over corporate social responsibility towards the more multifaceted landscape of administration, corporate self-control, socially responsible investment, adherence to the ethical and international norms of corporate citizenship. Methodology of the research includes the historical method, expert evaluations and polls, analytical reports. The scientific novelty consists in comparative analysis of the foreign practice of corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship, as well as examination of the problems and prospects of establishment of the corporate citizenship in modern Russian considering the peculiarities of its historical development, necessity for the existence of paternalistic model of social security and interaction with the nongovernmental organizations, practice of socioeconomic partnerships and agreements with the regional authorities and business, as well as regional strategy of long-term socioeconomic development.
Citations count: 1
Leontyev G.D. —
Trajectory of the utopic: from obligatory to essential
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 126 - 136.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.4.22751 URL:
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The phenomenon of the utopic is examined as a universal intention of social and individual being, as the constant of human consciousness. Based on the systemic, structural-functional approach, it is substantiated that the axiological, gnoseological, and project-praxeological foundations of the utopic explain its structure. The elements of structure of the utopic discourse contain the following: utopic ideas, which form in accordance with the “principle of reciprocity” and realized in the ideal; utopic consciousness as manifestation of the dialectics of the recessionary and stabilization social-value consciousness; transformative activity that incites when the ideas become the regulators of social relations and postulate the corresponding norms of mental activity. Such structuredness allows studying the phenomenon of utopia in its integrity and interconnection of the structural elements; in other words, the social intentionality of the “tradition of E. Bloch” is not opposed, but rather intersects with the “tradition of T. More” and practically oriented “line of K. Mannheim”. Analysis of the conceptual orientation of the functions of the utopic consciousness allowed focusing attention of the discursive and normative-regulatory essence of the utopia, the content of which forms through the critical comparison of the social given and the ideal normative, obligatory and essential. The conclusion is made that utopia exists in the social space as an integral discursive-regulatory phenomenon.
Citations count: 1
Evseenko E.A., Kirko V.I., Malakhova E.V., Shadrin A.I. —
Assessment of living standards of the population of northern Krasnoyarsk Krai on the example of Tyukhtetsky District – places of residence of the Chulyms referred to as indigenous peoples of the North
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 12 - 28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.8.23888 URL:
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The subject of this research is the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of Northern Siberia – the Chalyms, who dwell on the territory of the village settlements of Pasechnoye and Chindat of the Tyukhtetsky Municipal District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of differentiation of the various social segments residing in the remote district of northern Krasnoyarsk Krai in accordance with the objective and subjective assessment of their living standards. The task lies in approbation of the developed methodology of comparative analysis of living standards of the remote districts population of the northern and central taiga zone of Siberia. The main methodological base is comprised by the group of theoretical scientific methods, associated with the analysis of empirical data as a result of questionnaire, survey, observation, and interview of the indigenous peoples of the aforementioned territories. The scientific novelty is defined by the development and testing of the efficient method of apprehension and assessment of living standards of the population living in the harsh northern conditions and referred to as indigenous peoples of the North. In the context of differentiation of the various social segment using the objective and subjective assessment of the quality of life, the author applied the statistical data, as well as determines the level of content with the quality of education, safety, activity of the local self-government, financial wellbeing, quality of rendered services in the area of culture, environmental situation in the region, and level of healthcare quality.
Citations count: 1
Biltrikova A.V., Zhalsanova V.G., Breslavskii A.S. —
Socioeconomic situation and interethnic relations in the Republic of Buryatia
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 38 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.9.24180 URL:
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The subject of this research is the impact of the established socioeconomic situation upon the interethnic relations in the Republic of Buryatia. Despite the fact that throughout the long period of time, interethnic relations retain stability, demonstrating a fairly high level of tolerance in the Republic comparing with some regions, the threats of conflicts do exist. And among them, is the unfavorable economic situation in the regions, characterized by the low indexes of region’s socioeconomic development. Buryatia is a beneficiary region, which of course, negatively affects the level and quality of life of the population, and does not contribute into the propitious development of interethnic relations. The article provides the results of study aimed at creation of the expert panel on assessment of the interethnic and Interconfessional relations in the Republic of Buryatia. The authors analyzes the expert evaluations regarding the nature and level of influence of the economic factor upon the interethnic relations. Socioeconomic situation does not manifest as a decisive factor of interethnic relations. However, it is noted that the formulation of national projects of economic development that allow improving the socioeconomic situation, will make its input into optimization of the interethnic relations.
Citations count: 1
Sterliadeva N. —
Typical conflicts in modern pedagogical communities (on the example of Altai schools)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.7.26186 URL:
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This article is based on the materials of sociological study conducted in Altai Krai in 2017. The subject of this research is the typical conflict in pedagogical communities. The goal consists in determination of current factors that lead to the emergence of conflict situations in pedagogical communities. The author believes that that quality of educational process depends on the relationship established among pedagogical staff. Examination of the conflicts, its prevention and constructive resolution contributes to establishment of mutual understanding and respect among pedagogical staff, which undoubtedly elevates the quality of educational process. The conducted sociological study allowed determining the key causes and forms of the manifestation of conflicts in educational facilities, the level of conflict management literacy of the pedagogical staff, as well as the behavioral strategy of a person in a conflict situation. The author concludes that currently, the pedagogues do not possess the sufficient knowledge on conflict management, which could be helpful in resolving a conflict situation from the perspective of a professional. The improvement of the conflict management literacy requires special advanced training courses that will provide opportunity for studying the various techniques for optimization the process of conflict resolution, and certainly encourage a more constructive conflict resolution. The results of analysis can be valuable for the representatives of school administrations in their professional activity.
Citations count: 1
Savenkov V.D. —
Social media as blog platforms
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 9 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.6.26488 URL:
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The subject of this research is the blog hosting sites and social networks in the Russian Federation and the United States as the platforms for blogging. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topuc as the peculiarities of application of the various Internet services with social components and other forms of content. Special attention is given to the differences between the blog platforms, social networks, and their use in the indicated countries. The following conclusions were made: part of the bloggers have switched to a new format of social networks, for example Facebook due to the broader audience, simplicity of use, and ample opportunities for popularizing their content; the traditional blogging finds its application in separate fields when its transition to the social network platforms is unreasonable or undesirable for the author, however most of them ended up transitioning over to the social networks. The results of this scientific work can be used for the purpose of forecasting the development of other types of new media in the reviewed countries. The scientific novelty consists in the synthesis of information of multiple field-specific research for determination and comparison of the use of social media and blog hosting sites in the Russian Federation and the United States as the platforms for placing the content.
Citations count: 1
Koptseva N.P., Kirko V.I., Petrova K.I., Pimenova N.N., Khudonogova A.E., Fil'ko A.I. —
The assessment of quality of life by the indigenous minorities of the North of Taymyr Dolgano-Nenets District of Krasnoyarsk Krai (on the example of the village of Potapovo)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 47 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.10.27689 URL:
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The subject of this research is the quality of life of indigenous minorities of Northern Siberia – the Enets, locally residing in the remote village of Potapovo of North of Taymyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal Disctrict of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The goal of this article lies in differentiation of the subjective perception of quality of life by the various population groups that reside in the remote villages of the Northern Arctic Zone of Krasnoyarsk Krai; as well as in application of the developed methodology of comparative analysis of quality of life of the residents of remote village districts of northern and central taiga zone of Siberia. Methodological base contains the set of theoretical scientific methods, analysis of empirical data as a result of survey, observation and interviewing the indigenous minorities in their place of residence. The scientific novelty consists in implementation of the effective method of assessment of quality of life of the communities that live in the severe northern conditions and relate to the category of indigenous peoples of the North. In determining the differentiation of various population groups in accordance with the subjective and objective assessment of quality of life, the authors used the statistical data and identified the level of satisfaction with the quality of education, level of security, work of the local government, material wealth, quality of services in cultural sphere, environmental situation in the district, and quality of health services.
Citations count: 1
Tonkikh N.V., Koropets O.A. —
Female remote employment: specifics, problems and efficiency criteria
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 63 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28080 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the problems of expansion and specifics of female remote employment and its efficiency. The authors determine the economic, social and subjective efficiency criteria of the remote employment. The economic criterion implies the popularity rate of remote employment estimated based on the sociological poll of the heads of organizations. The social criterion includes the satisfaction of employers with the implementation of remote employment; the original formula for its calculation is proposed. The subjective criterion demonstrated the content with distance employment among women. As a result of empirical study, the authors estimate the rated values of separate criterion efficiency indicators. Methodological base contains the modern concepts of employment, particularly the theory of work-life balance. The authorial model of analysis of the impact of female remote employment upon the development of the institution of parenthood serves as the methodical framework for this article. Based on the content analysis of resumes of the applicants and vacancies for the remote job seekers, the authors determine the gender specifics of popularity of the remote female employment. The results of the narrative interview of women who work remotely allowed receiving a subjective assessment of its efficiency. The drawn conclusions allow having a new perspective on organization of remote work for women alongside the selection of government instruments supporting female employment.
Citations count: 1
Popov E.A. —
Legal competence of future sociologists
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 58 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.11.30747 URL:
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This article is dedicated to consideration of various aspects of the formation of legal competence of future sociologists. The author draws parallel between the legal competence and legal culture, legal knowledge, legal reflection, and legal education. Emphasis is made on the need to take into account the interaction of sociologists with professional legal experts in assessment and decision-making of the relevant social problems, as well as in the empirical research of legal reality. Legal competence is viewed as a combination of instruments (or professional competencies) essential for solving the tasks on examination and analytical generalization of issues in the legal life of the individual and society. The research methodology leans on the system analysis of legal life issues, as well as the results of the sociology of law. Different ways of such interaction along with its impact upon improvement of the level of legal competence of future sociologists are demonstrated. At the same time, the specificity of formation of such competence is associated with pedagogical, worldview and methodological aspects of the professional becoming of sociologists. The article underlines the advantages and difficulties in studying legal reality by sociologists; examines potential of the sociology of law with regards to formation of legal competence of future sociologists. The author also describes the experience of some Russian universities in formation of legal competence on the level of requirements of the federal education standard, equally with consideration of the peculiarities of Bachelor and Masters Programs on Sociology.
Citations count: 1
Topchiev M.S. —
The impact of religious factor upon the formation of marital and family relations in the border region (on the example of Astrakhan Region)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 63 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.3.31390 URL:
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The analysis of processes that significantly affect the formation of future families, namely in the border region, as well as crisis phenomena in marital and family relations, demonstrates that religion is one of the important factors influencing these processes. Religious differences is one of the paramount and most complicated aspects that impacts mutual understanding and communication. Within the framework of family relationships, religious differences along with the cultural play a crucial role. The authors set a goal to determine the influence of religion upon the formation of marital and family relations within the environment of modern student youth. The conducted sociological survey involved the representatives of different nationalities and religious confessions (V=400 of the respondents – residents of Astrakhan and Astrakhan Region), which also allowed analyzing the impact of various factors, including religious, upon the formation of values of a modern young family. It is also worth noting that the acquired results testify to the fact that the majority of respondents hold an opinion on the insignificance of religious affiliation of a person in consummation of their own marriage. Since in most instances an interfaith marriage suggests conversion of one partner into religion of the other, the obtained data confirms that more it is a man who initiates such transition.
Citations count: 1
Ravochkin N.N., Bobrikov V.N. —
Networks of modern intellectuals in pursuit of overcoming crisis trends: theoretical-applied aspect
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 7.
– P. 74 - 90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.7.33460 URL:
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This article examines the role of networks of intellectuals in the aspect of seeking ways to overcome the current crises (primarily political-legal) trends. The object of this research is the networks of modern intellectuals. The authors clarify the concept of the networks of intellectuals, review the structural elements and relationship models between the participants. Leaning on the contemporary scientific material, the article describes most popular relationship strategies between the users of the networks of intellectuals and the government. Practical examples of relationships between the U. S. and European intellectuals along with the key difference in the applied strategies are analyzed. Among the main conclusions, the authors note the peculiarities of interaction inside and between various networks of intellectual; however, confrontation between the opponents appeared to be most constructive. Networks of intellectuals can be formed and function for several centuries and on the territories of multiple countries, launching functional chains presented by the developed ideas and concepts. The applied analysis demonstrate that intellectuals of the United States and Europe (despite commonality of views) adhere to different behavioral strategies in their relationship with the authorities: being in management structures or holding a position of independent experts respectively.
Citations count: 1
Trofimova I.N. —
Human resource training for digital economy: current problems and targets
// Sociodynamics.
– 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.10.33619 URL:
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This article reviews the problem of training a new generation of specialists in the sphere of information and communication technologies. Relevance of the problem is substantiated by the tasks for overcoming technological gap and human resourcing for the digital transformation of national economy. The theoretical and methodological framework is comprised of the provisions that reveal complex and contradictory nature of the digital transformation process due to being affected by various social, cultural, economic and political factors. The key role is assigned to the educational institutions intended for formation of the new set of knowledge, competences and values. The goal consist in determination of factors that define staff requirements of the information and communication technologies sector (ICT. It is demonstrated that targets in human resource training for the information and communication technologies sector rely on the overall evaluation of economic situation and do not take into account a number of specific factors. It is underlined that the key characteristics of the Russian ICT sector consist in its heterogeneity and dependence on the general trends in the economy and job market, and staff shortage is substantiated by the outcome of previous stage in the development of ICT sector and specificity of the country's economy. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of differentiated approach towards determination of the need and requirements of training of digital personnel in the context of isolated branches, regions and development trends of with regard of information and communication technologies.
Citations count: 1
Rudenkin D., Trynov D.V. —
Manifestation of interest of the Russian youth for politicized content on the Internet: towards the holistic analytical model
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 51 - 61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.10.35223 URL:
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This article is written in the theoretical-methodological genre. The key goal lies in the revision and systematization of versatile analytical hypotheses proposed by social and human science in order to explain the interest of Russian youth in politicized information content on the Internet. It is noted that the current analytical practice faces a fundamental contradiction between the prevalence of reflections of the scholars on the significant role of the Internet in development of the political moods and attitudes of the Russian youth audience and the absence the well-established scientific representation on the reasons why there is a need to search for political information namely on the Internet. This article aims to clarify this contradiction. Theoretical-methodological analysis is conducted on the disparate ideas used by social and human science to explain and interpret the heighted interest of Russian youth in the online politicized content. Procedurally, the work leans on the analysis of relevant current scientific literature for the period from 2015 to 2020 dedicated to examination of the patterns of Internet behavior and political culture of modern Russian youth. The conclusion is made that there are several versions that explain the heightened interest of Russian youth in politicized information on the Internet, which logically correspond with each other, but are usually not being generalized. Having summarized these versions into a single analytical model, the authors indicate the key reason for the heightened interest of Russian youth in political information on the Internet is the low level of trust in the traditional media, which forces them to seek the alternative sources of information on topics of concern online.
Citations count: 1
Rouvinsky R.Z., Rouvinskaya E., Komarova T. —
Public perception of the practices of digital profiling and social score: the situation in Russia and China
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 56 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.12.36824 URL:
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This comparative research is dedicated to the attitude of the residents of PRC and Russia towards the practices of digital profiling and social score (ranking / grading) that are currently being implemented worldwide. Analysis is conducted on the results of interviewing the Chinese citizens, as well as sociological survey carried out among the Russian residents. The interviewing of the Chinese citizens was conducted in two stages: September 2020 via questionnaire in a written form; and March 2021, through the web platform CrowdSignal. The survey of the Russian residents was carried out from September 8, 2021 to October 26, 2021 in the form of filling out a printed questionnaire, as well as through the web platform. The conducted interviews demonstrate a high level of confidence of Chinese youth in the practices of collecting and processing personal information that were adopted in China, as well as the government initiatives on implementation of the score mechanisms in public administration. Unlike the Chinese citizens, the Russian residents including youth, to a considerable extent are inclined towards distrust in the government and namely private commercial companies with regards to their method of collecting and use personal information. A significant part of the Russian residents have not yet made up their mind on digital profiling and social credit system, or are cautious of such innovations.
Citations count: 1
Popandopulo O. —
Professional orientation of young people as a factor of effective development of the labor market
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 44 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.4.37162 EDN: UZZEFG URL:
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Professional orientation of young people, carried out by specialists of the state employment service, is one of the main tools for regulating the employment market. In domestic and foreign practice, there are many works devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the professional identity of young people and the impact of professional orientation on the labor market and society as a whole. However, one can observe the problem of the lack of a comprehensive socio-philosophical analysis of the effectiveness of youth vocational guidance technologies within the framework of the state employment service. In this regard, the subject of the study is the role of professional orientation of young people in the process of forming the employment market. Based on the results of the socio-philosophical analysis of the studied social phenomenon, the existing organizational and managerial problems in the process of providing public services for professional orientation were identified. Therefore, within the framework of the study, the factors contributing to the improvement of the managerial activities of specialists in the field of youth employment promotion were analyzed and identified. Thus, the results obtained can be applied by specialized specialists of state and municipal administration in order to increase the effectiveness of professional orientation of young citizens. The implementation of the results of the research into practical activities can contribute to a more rational distribution of labor resources and solve the problem of youth employment.
Citations count: 1
Fakhretdinova A.P., Larionova A.V., Gorchakova O.Y. —
Civil-political activity of youth: general characteristics and peculiarities of its manifestation in the Internet environment
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.37559 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of civil-political activity of youth. The relevance is substantiated by instability of meaning-forming ideals, loss of identity (including civil) by young people, change of values in public and individual consciousness in the conditions of social transformation and sociopolitical contradictions. Emphasis is places on people’s interaction with the dynamic and rapidly changing world in the era of digitalization, globalization, and sociopolitical instability, which entails the emergence of destructive manifestations in various forms of civil-political activity. The goal lies in determination of the peculiarities of civil-political activity and examination of the motives and methods of engaging youth in offline and online practices of civil-political activity. The empirical base of this research involves 639 university students in the city of Tomsk. The acquired result elucidate a range of important issues regarding the desire of young people to be engaged in political life of the country and show interest in political events. The article outlines the main forms of civil-political activity, most common of which are voting in elections, participation in online petitions and online protests. The article considers the most effective practices of online civil-political activity from the perspective of youth: creation of content on political topic, involvement of young influencers to political issues, inclusion of youth in solution of socially and politically important issues of society and rewarding them for being active, establishment of independent youth communities for free communication on political topics, etc.
Citations count: 1
Zaitsev A.V. —
The Principle of Feedback and Institutionalization of the Dialogue Between the State Institution and Civil Society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2012.2.125 URL:
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The present article describes the process of institutionalization of the dialogue between the state institution and civil society in modern Russia. The emphasis is made on the theoretical and methodological basis of institutionalization of the dialogue-oriented interaction between the state institution and civil society. Dialogue between the state institution and civil society in modern Russia is compared to the civil dialogue in the EU. The author of the article also describes the mechanisms of feedback in the process of communication between the government and society.
Citations count: 1
Esina N.S., Nesterova R.V. —
The Factor of Corruption in the System of National Security of the Russian Federation
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 59 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.6.711 URL:
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In recet years the Russian Federation has been on the list of countries with the highest level of corruption. The Degree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 460 of April 13, 2010 on 'The National Strategy of Anti-Corruption Enforcement and the National Anti-Corruption Plan 2010 - 2011' proves that 'corruption is a true threat to national security'. However, the detailed analysis of the 'National Security Strategy 2020' No. 537 of May 12, 2009 shows that the present policy paper does not contain a section about the strategy of anti-corruption enforcement. In fact, the document does not mention this problem at all. This explains why there is no particular source that would register corruption as the threat to national security. The authors of the present article hope that the introduction of the anti-corruption measures described in the article will help to create a more stable situation in our country and eliminate the threat to Russia's national security.
Citations count: 1
Aleinikov A.V. —
System Conflicts in Russia: Conceptual Grounds for Analysis. Article II
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.8.5109 URL:
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The second part of the article analyzes tendencies of repetition of particular institutional schemes and historical sources of conflict interactions and actual experience in conflict resolution at the Russian society. Based on the conceptual analysis of the 'cold' and 'warm' societies, generalized model of political processes in non-Western societies and 'limited access procedures', the author of the article describes the conflict model of society, types, structures and peculiarities of invariant conflict situations as well as the combination of developed and usable methods of conflict resolution and a number of stereotypical scenarios of conflict behavior. The analysis of social, psychological and political mechanisms of conflict resolution has allowed to define the two types of conflict style of the transitional society. The variety of all national systems of conflict institutionalization can be presented in the form of the political and social continuum reflecting the ability of societies to adjust to conflicts or even manage them for their own benefit. The problems experienced by the Russian society now are caused by the absence of such a political and social continuum. Conflicts are not managed rationally. They may seem to be 'resolved', but actually they are just suppressed.
Citations count: 1
Reznikova K.V., Pimenova N.N., Kistova A.V., Seredkina N.N., Zamaraeva Y.S. —
Management of the Siberian territory branding in light on the “new regionalism”
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 137 - 161.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.1.17395 URL:
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The subject of this research is the processes of perception of brands of the Siberian territories among student youth of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. There is a certain amount of representative visual images, embodied in one or another trademark. Often, the purpose of trademarks consists in reconstruction of the image of a specific region. This article talks about Krasnoyarsk Krai, as well as trademarks that are based on the regional thematic. Branding of Krasnoyarsk Krai is examined in the context of theories of “new regionalism”, which in turn serves as a certain alternative to the processes of cultural and political globalization. In order to gather the primary marketing information with regards to determination of the emotional attitude of the respondents towards the territorial branding, was applied one of the most wide-spread marketing methods – method of inquiry in a written form. The most strong connection between brands and visual images with the territory, has those businesses, events, and phenomena, that either use symbols of the recognized daily life of the regions, or directly present in the people’s everyday life, or are associated with the most expressive, popular, and fundamental bases of the regional identity (image of Surikov).
Citations count: 1
Orlov A.D., Safonov A.L. —
Crisis of power as a sociocultural phenomenon
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 29 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.6.18278 URL:
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The topic of this article is the problem of social foundations of power which are being understood as readiness and interest of society towards subordination and cooperation with the government structures. This topic has been chosen due to the problem of ethnocultural fragmentation of the modern nations in the conditions of globalization. The crisis of power is being viewed as a phenomenon of sociocultural nature. The methodological basis of the suggested approach towards the issue of the foundations of power consists in examination of the nation and ethnos as the culturally differentiated and ontologically diverse social groups, in which an individual participates simultaneously. The problem of crisis of power is being explored due to the problem of ethnocultural fragmentation of the post-industrial society. A necessary condition for the existence and reproduction of nation is national culture, which by the virtue of group identity forms the foundations of authority. It is demonstrated that power, as a property of social structure, is connected with the participation of an individual in the important to him social group, the identification with which establishes the foundations of authority and is tightly linked to the cultural affiliation different for the ethnos and nation. One of the forms of ethnocultural fragmentation of modern society is multiculturalization as a policy of rejection by the modern state from the prioritized support of the unified national culture, which stimulates differentiation of the modern nation on ethnic and religious congregations, and thus establishes the alternative to government systems of the relations of power.
Citations count: 1
Osipova N.V. —
Sociocultural determinants of the extremist behavior
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.6.19100 URL:
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The author focuses attention on the objective analysis of the sociocultural environment, as well as formulates the main characteristics and principles of sociocultural analysis. The article presents the scientific analysis of mass consciousness from the sociological perspective. The key indexes that affect people’s behavior and consciousness, namely the quality and level of life, level of education, culture, professional skills and knowledge, state and dynamics of health, are being determined. The author reveals the factors of formation of the extremist orientations and analyzes the sociocultural determinants of mass consciousness. The core methodological approaches towards the solution of the stated problem could be found in the context of socioeconomic reforms. The main conclusion consists in the analysis of mass consciousness, which manifests as a regulator of the mass forms of behavior, as well as in the explanation of a mechanism of emergence of the extremist views. The specificity of such analysis lies in the examination of society as a sociocultural system. The article formulates goals in the field of theoretical development of the issues of extremis within the practice of educational work.
Citations count: 1
Nikulin V.V. —
Class structure of the Soviet society and socio-legal status of a person in Soviet Russia over the period of 1920’s
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 9 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.2.20696 URL:
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This article discusses the process of establishment of a new social-class structure of society that is based on the idea of strict organization of society according to the class affiliation and confrontation between the classes. The author identifies the mechanism of social selection, as well as the main criteria for determination of a social class. Considerable attention is devoted to the socio-legal implications for the status of the individual division of society into antagonistic classes. In particular, the article analyzes the legal and political grounds for the deprivation of electoral rights of the citizens. Legal precedent alongside the legal consequences of deprivation of rights for different social groups is demonstrated. The author examines the practice of implementation of class principles within the Soviet criminal policy during the period of 1920's, as well as proves that the Soviet penal system was built mainly on the idea of strict differentiation of society according to social status. As a result, the punishment was based not on the combination of person's wrongdoing or type of crime, but rather the nature of the group to which he belonged to; and this can be defined as legal discrimination on the basis of class differentiation. The conclusion is made that the hierarchically structured system of social-class communities determined the unequal social status of different social groups, which significantly reduces the possibility of the person's participation in political and public life, influenced their financial situation, and to determines the unequal legal status.
Citations count: 1
Kannykin S.V. —
Socio-Cultural Factors of the Emergence and Activity of Running Clubs in the USSR
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 50 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.2.39709 EDN: HLZBJR URL:
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The subject of the study is the socio-cultural determinants of the genesis and functioning of the running clubs of the USSR in the period 1968-1991. The objectives of the work: to determine the prerequisites for the emergence of the running club movement in the USSR; to reveal the essential features of the club as initiative clubs for the self-organization of amateur runners; to identify the external and internal functions of running clubs. The source base of the research was both scientific publications and the memoirs of the organizers and the first participants in the activities of the KLB in the USSR presented on the Internet. The methodological basis of the work is a philosophically oriented socio-cultural approach, within the framework of which the study of complex social and cultural relations in the area of origin, functioning and influence on Soviet society of the activities of running clubs, as well as the methodological technique of constructing a genetic "ideal type" by M. Weber is carried out. The main prerequisites for the emergence of the KLB are seen in the traditions of leisure running practices of pre-revolutionary Russia; the Soviet TRP complex; the development of physical culture and sports public organizations; problems generated by the NTR; the impact of Western running culture. From the perspective of determining the essential features, KLBS are considered as initiative leisure clubs focused on ensuring the maximum efficiency of using running to achieve the therapeutic, healing and personality-building goals of their participants. The mission of the KLB was the improvement of man and society through running practices, the assertion on their basis of enduring humanistic values: health, kalokagatiya, social activity, self-development. The innovation of the KLB in the functional aspect was the development of super marathon running in the USSR, the mass involvement of women in running activity, the development of methods of recreational running for various groups of the population, the cultivation of veteran running amateur sports, the unification of running and artistic practices in the framework of entertainment events.
Citations count: 1
Koblyakova I. —
Comparative Analysis of the Audience of the Medical Organization's Communities in Social Networks and its Patients
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 22 - 35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.3.39904 EDN: NEOJIT URL:
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Interaction with patients, the quality of communication with them by medical professionals affect the results of treatment. In the digital era, new formats and channels of interaction are emerging, which are successfully used by medical organizations in the process of communication with consumers of medical services – patients. Among a wide range of online tools, social networks have become a phenomenon. The subject of the study is the communication of a medical organization with patients in social networks. The purpose of this article is to analyze the audience of medical organization communities in social networks using the example of a specialized federal medical center in St. Petersburg to determine how the characteristics of the audience of social networks correspond to real patients of a medical institution. This study is based on the analysis of cancer incidence statistics in Russia, content analysis of the communities of a medical organization specializing in Oncology in social networks. Author studies the role of social networks and online interaction in the era of digitalization. Using methods of analysis and synthesis, content analysis, systematization, generalization, a judgment is formulated on the compliance of the audience of medical organization communities in social networks with the real characteristics of patients. It was revealed that the audience of thematic communities of a specialized medical center in social networks corresponds to the characteristics of real patients of the institution, as well as morbidity statistics in the country. The results of the study can be applied by medical organizations in the process of building a communication process with patients. The novelty, uniqueness of the work and the contribution of the author to the consideration of the question posed consists in conducting a comparative analysis of the demographic and geographical characteristics of real oncopatients and subscribers of thematic communities in social networks.
Citations count: 1
Dudieva M.N. —
Youth unemployment in the EU: new challenge of modernity
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 68 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.4.22547 URL:
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This article examines the phenomenon of youth unemployment in the European Union. It is underlined that the socioeconomic phenomenon that is directly dependent on demands of the market, under the circumstances of current instability causes concern for the fate of millions of the young residents of Europe. The author gives special attention to the analysis of positions of the youth in South Europe, where has developed the most dramatic situation throughout the entire history of the EU. The text contains references to a number of documents that regulate the questions of youth policy and employment at the supranational level. The author provides statistical data alongside analysis of the indexes of Eurostat on the number of unemployed among various age groups. The conclusion is made that in the established difficult situation on the job market, which faced the young professionals, besides the tense economic circumstances, an important role is played by the social aspect of the question, as well as the national peculiarities of the state. It is determined that due to the low level of competitiveness because of lack of education and other reasons, the process of restoration of the previous indexes of youth employment will require time and significant costs.
Citations count: 1
Varaksina N.V., Varaksin S.V., Zamyatina O.N., Koda E.A., Zamyatin I.D. —
Assessment of the dynamics of the quality of life of the population of the Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 8.
– P. 33 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.8.44100 EDN: XXOEER URL:
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The article deals with the topical issue of the quality of life of the rural population on the example of the Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory. The methodology of quality of life research is based on structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism. The study of the quality of life was carried out by both qualitative and quantitative methods, and the components of the quality of life themselves were based on both objective and subjective levels. Methods such as a questionnaire survey of the population, an expert survey in the form of an in-depth interview, a focus group, and document analysis were used in the work. This article presents the results of a sociological study in the period from 2022 to 2023, which allows you to track the small dynamics of the quality of life of the rural population, to detect real changes associated with objective and subjective parameters. The novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of the quality of life of the rural population of a particular municipality, which allows us to study the issues of the quality of life of the population at a deep level, both at the empirical level and at the level of theoretical generalizations. The results of the sociological research showed that a number of objective components of the quality of life have noticeably increased compared to the previous year, as for the subjective component, we can also state some improvement, since the population feels real care about itself in the person of the district administration, village councils and the government of the region.
Special attention should be paid to the need to extrapolate the methodology of this sociological study to other areas of the Altai Territory, which allows the relevant competent authority to track point-defined problems and promptly resolve them.
Citations count: 1
Barinov D.N. —
“Ontological security” and its limits in the modern society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 75 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.9.23996 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the problem of “ontological security” in modern society. The introduced by A. Giddens term of “ontological security” reflects one of the fundamental conditions of social life, which ensure the continuousness of daily interactions and the form the necessary for the ordinary life sense of security. The subject of this research is the macrosocial factors and conditions that generate the uncertainty of ordinary life, as well as manifest as the indicators of limits of the “ontological security”, the overlap of which disturbs the sense of security. The research leans on the idea in such unsurmountable social system as the society, due to the efficiency of objective factors complicating the system’s management, retain the conditions for emergence of the spontaneous processes that are not completely covered by the network of institutionally codified relations, and manifest as the foundation of deformation of the “ontological security”. The analysis of factors and prerequisites of erosion of the “ontological security” is based on the sociological tradition of critical analysis of the society that allows formulating the “diagnosis of modernity” (E. Fromm, U. Beck, A. Giddens, A. Touraine, J. Habermas, and others). A conclusion is made that in the modern dynamically developing society, operate the factors that instigate the emergence of uncertainty, which undermines the foundations of the “ontological security”. Among these factors are: the social changes, crisis phenomena in social life, irrational aspects of social life, complication of society and formalization of social relations, boundaries of the social and ordinary cognition.
Citations count: 1
Starikova M.M. —
Housing inequality in the region (on the example of three cities of Kirov Region)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 78 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28369 URL:
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The subject of this research is the housing stratification in cities of the region. Relevance of this topic is substantiated primarily by the social consequence that emerge as a result of housing differentiation. Due to the fact that housing ranks among the vital needs, its quality directly correlates with the quality of life, level of development of the region, and desire to either stay of migrate from the specific locality. Within the framework of this article, the author presents the results of empirical sociological study of housing inequality conducted in the three cities of Kirov Region: Kirov, Kirovo-Chepetsk and Vyatskiye Polyany. Methodology is based on consideration of the expert opinions of realtors, statistical data and representations of population on their housing status. The comparative analysis of housing quality in microdistricts of the three cities. Particular attention is given to self-reflection of the respondents with regards to assessment of their housing facilities. The article provides classification and “portraits” of microdistricts of the cities in accordance with the actual (objective) indicators of housing quality and subjective (estimated) and situational indicators of housing relations. On the basis of classification, the author makes the charting of microdistricts of the cities under consideration by the indicators of housing inequality. The analysis of public opinion illustrated that certain central microdistricts of the cities of Kirov Region significantly yield in housing characteristics to the suburban microdistricts, due to the fact that the central city zone is mostly presented by housing development of the Soviet era deteriorating due to the lack of funding for full repair or reconstruction. The author determines the differences in objective indicators of housing quality and subjective assessments of the residents depending on microdistricts of the cities, which testify to the phenomenon of “housing patriotism” in poor microdistricts.
Citations count: 1
Koretskaya M.A. —
Nation as the carrier of sovereignty and the boundary of political theology
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 10 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.1.28868 URL:
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The subject of this research is the existing in the current political discourse representation about nation as the carrier of sovereignty. The task consists in explication of genealogical link between the concept of nation and the conceptual field of political theology. Special attention is given to the critical analysis of the proposed by Judith Butler redefinition of nation as a public group that transforms their vulnerability into political power and source of sovereignty. The concept of sovereignty is problematized on the basis of Giorgio Agamben’s concept of sovereign power. The author raises a question on the boundaries of political theology in modern reality. Methodological grounds contain the performative interpretation of the social and political (J. Butler, J. Alexander), genealogical method of M. Foucault, criticism of political theology of G. Agamben. The main research results consist in the following: substantiation of performative interpretation of the concept of nation; explication of philosophical and political context of the proposed by Judith Butler hypothesis that these problems are the aftermath of questioning the dependence of the concept of nation from the logic of political theology. The article describes the genealogical scheme of transformation of representations about nation as the source of sovereignty, since the origins of medieval theology of power to the present forms of representative democracy, as well as demonstrates the link between the idea of sovereign nation and the problems of exclusion and violence.
Citations count: 1
Klimenko L.V., Posukhova O.Y. —
Gender peculiarities of professional identity in medical dynasties
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 9.
– P. 27 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.9.36560 URL:
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Despite the fact that female employees prevail in modern healthcare system, medicine retains gender differentiation in terms of distribution of authority, career trajectories, pay grade, etc. Such gender bias impedes balanced professional development of the medical personnel, affects their work motivation, and commitment to the profession. Medical dynasties are an important link in reproduction of human capital and preservation of the professional ethos of the medical practice. Therefore, this article explores gender peculiarities of professional identity of the hereditary physicians. The object of this research is the dynasties that have developed in medical environment with at least three generations of medical personnel. The empirical base for studying medical dynasties consists of 20 autobiographical narrative interviews (11 women and 9 men). Territorial localization of the informants is Volgodonsk, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov, Irkutsk, and Ufa. Interviews with the representatives of professional dynasties demonstrate that the process of professional identification of male physician is characterized by the strategy of self-fulfillment and self-assertiveness through work; while female physicians manifest coping strategies (if pertains to surgery particularly), as well as adaptation strategy. At the same time, namely women often reproduce conservative gender stereotypes in the professional sphere.
Citations count: 1
Kerimov A.D. —
Some problems with the theory of strong government
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.560 URL:
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Recently, in many, if not in most countries, there has been gradually taking root a solid understanding, both in theory and in the popular consciousness, of the necessity of creating a strong and powerful state with well-functioning institutions which can provide adeuqate guarantees of civil rights and liberties and create conditions for successful reform. This author of this article believes that at the current stage of historical development of mankind is especially urgent need for a scientific concept of a 'strong state' and its subsequent implementation. This article provides a number of ideas for a broad outline of an integrated scientific concept of a strong state, and thus the answers to two fundamental and dialectically interrelated questions: what are the signs of a strong, effective, and capable state; and why such a state is necessary today.
Citations count: 1
Borisenkov A.A. —
Political Authority as a Political Substance
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 193 - 217.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.6.806 URL:
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The article is devoted to the meaning and kinds of political authority, the relation between political authority and state authority and the role of political authority in state management. The author shows that the political authority and state authority are the two differet kinds of public authority, each of them having its own purpose and method of enforcement. Noteworthy that these two kinds of authority can be closely linked when we talk about the political authority as a part of the state system. The author substantiates the position that the public authority in itself is the institutionally executed social force. The author also describes the relation between the political authority and political institutions, in particular, governmental political institutions building up the state substructure. The author underlines the role of these institutions in the overall system of state management. Based on the definition of the political authority, the author formulates the main law of political development.
Citations count: 1
Izluchenko T. —
Globalization of religious consciousness: factors and tendencies of development
// Sociodynamics.
– 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 69 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.6.15272 URL:
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The article offers the author's approach in interpretation of correlation processes between globalization and religion. The author makes a research of changes in religious conscience, identifies the circumstances of religiosity globalization and influence degree of multiculturalism ideas and politics of integration. The religious conscience is considered as globalizing in the contemporary terms. The religions get new characteristics that never had before, it means the syncretism of religious and secular values. The author points out a danger for preservation of religion in combination of religious and secular ideas with condition of abdication the first in favor of second. Also, the author highlights that globalization of religious conscience is a natural process, a feature of contemporary stage of religion evolution within the framework of globalization processes.
Citations count: 1
Rostovtseva M.V. —
The problem of intolerance in modern society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 13 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.6.18113 URL:
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The subject of this research is the intolerance as a special form of interaction between people which manifests in various modification of non-acceptance of another. The author criticized the traditional definition of tolerance and suggests a new definition that implies the attitude towards “another” as an equal to yourself. Attention is focused on the fact that an intolerant attitude is primarily aggressive and conflict. The author determines several types of intolerant relations: insult, humiliation, expression of disregard; prejudice, ethnocentrism; harassment, intimidation, threats; racism, nationalism,, exploitation, fascism; xenophobia in form of ethnophobia, migrant-phobia; segregation, repression, etc. The main causes of formation of the intolerant attitudes are being examined. The author gives a new definition of tolerance as a special form of relations “acceptance” among people, as well as detects the causes of the emergence of tolerance which are associated not only with the peculiarities of socialization and education of an individual, but also the inner psychological and physiological peculiarities of an individual. The role of the government in formation of the intolerant attitudes within the social environment is being demonstrated.
Citations count: 1
Popov E.A. —
Civilization and Culture: the "Centralization" of Values
// Sociodynamics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 41 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.1.39568 EDN: FEXJAP URL:
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In this article, the emphasis is placed on identifying some points of conjugacy of culture and civilization, while the problem is that quite often such a relationship is discussed at the level of generalization of certain research positions, but it still needs a more objectified reception. On this basis, the question of the relationship between culture and civilization is considered through the mechanism of "centralization" of values. Thus, it is through this mechanism that it is possible to establish the most clear criteria for the conjugacy of culture and civilization, while showing how value structures are subject to transformation as a result of such a relationship, the main conclusions of the study are the following: 1) some methodological possibilities of identifying the conjugacy of culture and civilization are analyzed; emphasis is placed on civilizational and value-interiorization approaches; 2) some nuances of value structuring of the modern development of culture and civilization are identified; 3) the mechanism of "centralization" of values is considered as the most effective way of differentiating values in the space of culture and the space of civilizational development; 4) under The "centralization" of values is understood as the redistribution of values in the conditions of cultural and civilizational development of modernity (the very concept of "centralization" of values was introduced by the Dutch researcher Annamaria Hagen); 5) in order to characterize value transformations, the results of the World Values Survey are used.
Citations count: 1
Dianina E.V. —
Russian and foreign systems of management of the students’ career orientation: comparative analysis
// Sociodynamics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 10 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.3.22349 URL:
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This article provides a comparative analysis of the foreign and Russian (on the example of Moscow) system of the youth career orientation. Special attention is given to the examination of the career orientation management system in foreign countries, where it is structured based on the powerful theoretical-methodological foundation that constantly undergoes improvements. According to the opinion of multiple researchers, the foreign system of the youth career orientation surpasses the Russian in many criteria. Due to the fact that Moscow offers extensive opportunities and favorable conditions for implementation of the advanced foreign experience of career guidance practice with the youth, the professional self-determination gains special importance for the capital city. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the necessity for further improvements in the system of social management of career guidance in Moscow region. Such activity must carry a systemic character that is expresses in state regulation, precise determination of duration of the career guidance, application of innovative forms and methods of its realization, as well as preparation and attraction of the qualified specialists in this field.
Citations count: 1
Tumskiy S.V. —
Positive provocation in sociocultural sphere. The difference between positive and negative provocation.
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 27 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.9.25341 URL:
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The subject of this research is the positive provocation, its essence, types, structure, causes, riskiness, as well as the models of positive provocation in sociocultural environment. The object of this research is the provocations, the subject of which desires to achieve positive result for itself and the object of provocation. The author examines the various cases of application of provocation in the areas of philosophy, art, literature, education and social advertising; as well as the diverse models of the use of positive provocation in postmodern society. A conclusion is made that it is caused by the desire of provocateur to motivate the object of provocation for actions, beneficial to both, the subject and the object. The scientific novelty lies in systemic consideration of the forms of positive provocation at the various social levels; as well as in substantiation of conclusion that the positive provocation can be of altruistic nature and carry social importance, is not a method of causing distress, and requires a high level of reflexivity form the provocateur. The relevance of this article is justified by the broad distribution of prevocational practices in modern world and the need for their examination in the negative and positive aspect. The author formulates the definition of positive provocation, and concludes that the instruments of positive provocation at the microsocial level are trust, dishonesty, concealment of true intentions; while at the macrosocial level – the emotional pressure. The positive and negative provocation are ambivalent: negative can become positive, or the other way around, depending on the circumstances.
Citations count: 1
Krasilshchikov V.V. —
On some aspects of sociocultural preferences of the students of Russian universities
// Sociodynamics.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 17 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.7.26385 URL:
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This work is dedicated to determination of the certain dominant positions of the Russian student youth in description of the preferable sociocultural image of Russia. The object of this research is the Russian university students in the age group between 17 and 35 (2,701 respondents altogether) engaged in the thematic university groups created within the social network “VKontakte”. Average age of the respondents composed 20.17 years old in Moscow and 20.06 years old in the regions. Due to divergence in the distribution of youth ideals and their contrariety in the Russian polycultural society, the description of the preferable sociocultural image of Russian gains particular relevance. The collection of information was conducted over the period from March to May of 2017 by means of the developed by the author electronic survey (SN-survey) among the participants of thematic groups of Russian universities from 20 different regions within the framework of the social network “VKontakte”. The suggested method allowed establishing that the sociocultural preferences of the Russian student youth are oriented towards the market relations and democracy. However, there is a serious counterbalance to such position, and thus a high level of sociopolitical risks in realization of the market and democratic reforms in the country. The author points at significant differences between the allocations of female and male respondents residing in the Russian regions.
Citations count: 1
Valiullina E., Shiller V.V., Borovikova Z.V. —
Tolerance as a factor of interethnic relations
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 16 - 23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.4.29495 URL:
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This article presents the research results of ethnic, social and personal tolerance in the context of socio-psychological factors of interethnic relations. As a complex multilevel structure of interpersonal relations and multiculturalism, interethnic relations stems from studying the ethnic identity. General tolerance of a person represents a set of interaction and mutual influence of the personal, social and ethnic tolerance. The increasing personal, ethnic and social tolerance naturally leads to increase of the overall tolerance of a person. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the typology of tolerance is conducted on the basis of psychodiagnostic method “Index of Tolerance” (G. U. Soldatova, O. A. Kravtsova, O. E. Khuhlaev, L. A. Shaygerova). The authors made the following conclusions: increase in the indexes of ethnic tolerance does not influence increase in the level of social tolerance, and vice versa. Tolerant attitude towards the representatives of other ethnic group or confession does not guarantee positive and welcoming relationship with the people belonging to other social group, political party, or age category.
Citations count: 1
Saryglar S.A., Maksimova S.G. —
Specificity and practices of social integration of the migrants from CIS countries in Russian border regions
// Sociodynamics.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 13 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.6.29994 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of social integration of the migrants from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Russian border regions. The goal of this work lies in determination of specificity of social integration of the foreign migrants in Russian border regions, as well as the factors of social integration of the migrants in the accepting society. The article provides the results of the studies conducted in 2018 in Russian border regions (Altai Krai, Amur Oblast, Astrakhan Oblast, Volgograd Oblast, Tuva Republic, and Khabarovsk Krai), involving 334 foreign migrants from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kirgizia, and other countries. The method of questionnaire was used for collecting information. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the analysis of peculiarities of social integration of the migrants in Russian regions through such indicators, as the acquisition of social norms and values of the local population, as well as the code of conduct, knowledge of history and culture of the accepting society, relationship with the diaspora representatives in the region. The author’s special contribution lies in determination of the absolute and relative factors of social integration of the migrants based on structuring the regression model.
Citations count: 1
Loboda P.E., Prokudina R.O. —
Interdisciplinary study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family and marriage institutions
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 37 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.6.35580 EDN: YCLYVI URL:
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The object of the study is the family. The subject of the study is the institute of divorce. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the role of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the institution of divorce. The analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the directions of state development in the field of economics, demography, as well as regulation of family relations is carried out. The article reveals the content of the psychological aspect. In particular, it is said about the formation of psychological tension that arose due to the need to stay in a confined space for a long time. As a result, stress begins in subjects, which affects not only the psychological state of a person, but also the physical one, it can reduce immunity and resistance to coronavirus. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is to establish the indirect role of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dissolution of marriages. The main conclusion of the study is that coronavirus cannot be considered as an independent cause of marital divorce, but it aggravates the negative trends that occur in every family. Despite this, an increase in the number of divorces is inevitable, so it is necessary to take measures to optimize this process. A significant contribution was made by innovative changes in the field of notary in 2021. One of the innovations was remote notarial actions. Thanks to this, the notary actively implements electronic technologies in its activities, allowing not only to speed up the passage of all stages of the procedure, but also to increase the security and reliability of legally important information. Such changes have had a positive impact on the existing system, since they have made it the most simplified and convenient.
Citations count: 1
Zimina E.V., Sedykh O.G. —
Implementation of the alternative form of social service “foster home or senior citizens” in Irkutsk Region: empirical study of the problem
// Sociodynamics.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 72 - 85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.11.36959 URL:
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The object of this research is the senior citizens, who are the objects of close attention of the corresponding government bodies, institutions of social and medical care, nonprofit organizations, and social entrepreneurs. It is revealed that despite joint efforts of the government and society aimed at maintaining the quality of their lives, senior citizens, for various reasons, often find themselves lonely, deprived of the care of their families. Therefore, the subject of this research is the alternative form of social service for senior citizens – foster home. The article examines the social, economic, psychological, and sociological aspects of implementation of such service. Special attention is given to the concept of foster home for senior citizens, as a form of organization of life, which implies sharing living space and household of citizens who concluded a foster home agreement. The article explores such aspects as the procedure for creating foster families, basic statistical data, regional peculiarities, social and economic effectiveness. The studied indicators reveal the factors that impede the creation of more foster homes. The authors’ special contribution lies in systematization of the key indicators of social effectiveness of foster homes: improvement of psychological state of senior citizens, mending family relationships, joint overcoming of different household problems, mutual respect and help, living in a home environment, and revival of the traditions of family and community care for older generation.
Citations count: 1
Linchenko A.A. —
The Memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in the regional Internet space: the experience of discourse analysis
// Sociodynamics.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 38 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.5.37965 URL:
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This article is devoted to the discourse analysis of the comments of regional news sites and public publications about the commemorations of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Based on the application of the methodology of Siegfried Yeager's critical discourse analysis, the peculiarities of the perception of official memorials dedicated to the memory of the Great Patriotic War in the Internet space of the Tula and Tomsk regions were analyzed. The sources for the analysis were comments from users of social networks, Internet blogs and news sites of the two regions in the period 2015-2021, dedicated to Victory Day (May 9), the Immortal Regiment campaign, topical regional commemorations of the Great Patriotic War, as well as mentions of individual pages of family memory and events of war heroes. Despite the fact that sociological surveys of recent years show the preservation of the memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 as the most important historical event and ideological reference point in the mass historical consciousness, the study of the perception of war memorials on the Internet shows a further increase in the devaluation of historical meanings of the Russian memorial culture and the departure to particular versions of historical memory (family, local social group). The tendency of fragmentation and transformation of perception of the past in the regional Internet space was revealed. The analysis of a sample set of comments indicates the persistence of the trend of sacralization of war heroes, veterans and family memory of them in the mass consciousness, as well as attempts to contrast family commemorations of Victory Day and official events and actions of the authorities. In both areas, the fact of using the discussion of the May 9 commemorations and the "Immortal Regiment" campaign as a symbolic framework for criticizing the domestic and foreign policies of the current government was recorded. At the same time, most of the critical comments are situational in nature and are related to topical regional socio-economic problems.
Citations count: 1
Kirillova A.I. —
Cultural Interaction: Integration, Assimilation and the Educational Role of Society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 53 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.1.319 URL:
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In this article the authors differentiate inclusion of migrants into the social structure (integration) and culture (assimilation) of the host society. The authors described social characteristics of migrants with different levels of integration and assimilation and showed the contradictory nature of the process of integration of migrants from Central Asia in Russia. The article also discusses the role of religion and education in solving the problem of inter-ethnic interaction.
Citations count: 1
Tinyakova E.A. —
The Most Topical Issues of Modern Russian Education
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 200 - 245.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.519 URL:
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The article deals with the most common issues of Russian modern education: social, cultural and financial competence of a teacher, quality of learning at different stages of education, objective assessment, pragmatic aspect, information difficulties of growing system of education, dialogue between civil and religious educations and their fruitful interaction. The article also studies efficiency of testing and ways to improve relations between teachers and students. First-year students from the Russian State University for the Humanities and students of different years from the Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities particpated in the research. Special attention was paid at information difficulties of modern education, differentiation between syllabus and curriculum, on one hand, and a need to comply to common standards, on the other hand. Readers do not have to share the author's opinion, they should try and develop their own solutions of the aforesaid problems. The discussion is mostly focused on higher education.
Citations count: 1
Tsar'kov I.I. —
Paternalistic Form of Political Integration (From the History of Political and Legal Teachings)
// Sociodynamics.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 294 - 346.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.4.561 URL:
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The present artile is devoted to the process of formation of institutions of the political domination and political consolidation in primary (ancient) civilizations as well as the history of Russia. This process is described by the author as the process of realization of a particular model of relations between the two political elements of the society: the sovereign, executives and subjects. The author of the article studies the main organizational principles of a bipolar society and the system of seniority of political elements that is being formed based on these principles. Noteworthy that the main condition that makes the consolidation possible is the informal principles of unity. The 'informal unity' is characterized with the absence of the mediation element in intra-persoal communications which creates the ground for a constant opposition between the center and remote districts. In the process of informal political consolidation the center and remote districts build the socio-political environment . On one hand, remote districts may create a threat for the cental government but on the other hand, they are direct successors of power. In the structure of the political domination of the informal unity, the centre and remote districts play the roles of the sovereign and his immediate subjects.
Citations count: 1
Leushkin R.V. —
Virtual social capital: the place and role in the modern society
// Sociodynamics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 67 - 76.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17641 URL:
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This study examines this kind of social-being entity, as social capital. The study focused on its virtual form of existence, that is, the phenomenon is similar in its properties and on the level of existing virtual social communication. First of all, problematized the general aspects of the existence of this phenomenon and its place in modern society, the main functions and properties. Virtual and traditional forms of social capital are subject to a comparative analysis, the material on the network (digital), and its historically early versions. The study uses socio-constructivist approach, the theory of social communication N. Luhmann and M. Maklyuen, the concept of social capital P. Bourdieu, F. Fukuyama and R. Putnam. This study presents the social-ontological properties of the virtual social capital as being-entity. The study shows that this entity plays a crucial role in the development of virtual social communities, primarily in the degree of stability of virtual teams of their effectiveness in carrying out practical tasks. It is shown that the volume and the development of virtual social capital is one of the fundamental factors in shaping the future of the information society.