Budko, D.A., Luk'yanova, G.V. (2020). Student’s attitude towards campaign communication (on the example of 2018 Russian presidential election. Sociodynamics, 2, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the attitude of student youth towards particular instruments of campaign communication. Among most commonly used techniques of influencing the citizens’ electoral behavior are the political advertising, mass media materials, debates, announcements of the leaders of public opinion. However, the factors important for making electoral decisions differ one age group to another. In this context, of special interest is the student youth that is more perceptive to modern methods of communication via mobile apps and other Internet technologies. The presented results are based on the data of focus groups studying in Saint Petersburg State University, acquired in the course of research “The factors of formation of absenteeism of student youth in the Russian megalopolis (on the example Saint Petersburg)” conducted in 2018 with technical support of the Resource Center of Sociological and Internet surveys of Saint Petersburg State University. The authors determine the following specificities of political communication prevalent in daily practices of student youth: distrust in such classical methods of campaign communication as debates; more trust in the online mass media rather than traditional; ambivalent stance of media leaders of public opinion; significance of the institution of family in formation of political views and decision-making. The impact of social networks creates a request for a renewed format of communication among students. The information must be easy accessible, appear as the first ling in search request, and presented in a form of standard post with a vivid visual component.
socialization, opinion leaders, debate, political campaigning, presidential election, electoral process, political communication, youth, online media, social networks
Questions of current interest
Rudenkin, D. (2020). Main directions of conceptualization of virtual social networks within the modern social science and the humanities . Sociodynamics, 2, 12–23.
This article carries a theoretical-methodological character. The key goal consists in the revision of theoretical-methodological approaches f social science and the humanities towards analyzing virtual social networks. The author notes that currently within social science and the humanities has formed a strong contradiction between the growing relevance of studying virtual social networks and the absence of viable conceptual foundation for conducting such studies. An attempt is made to overcome such contradiction by referring to the analysis of established vectors of research of the virtual social networks for the purpose of systematization of inherent to them substantive peculiarities. Methodologically, the article is based on the analysis of most cited and resonant theoretical works dedicated to examination of the virtual social networks, published in Russian and foreign sources prior to writing this article. The author concludes that at least four main directions can be determined in the context of relevant research on virtual social networks: socio-philosophical, socio-psychological, communicative, and utilitarian. Despite the fact that these directions do not contradict each other, they suggest different perspective of studying the virtual social networks; therefore, it is difficult to build a holistic representation on the essence of such networks. The scientific novelty of this work is defined by a rare attempt to systematize the relevant scientific approaches towards analyzing the virtual social networks, and proposal of the original classification of such approaches that has not been previously described in the scientific literature.
Methodology analysis, Theoretical analysis, Social media, Virtual social networks, Internet, Social networks, Social networks theory, Digital society, Media theory, Digitalization
Questions of current interest
Babichev, I.V., Demina, S.V. (2020). The activity of nonprofit organization in the current Russian conditions: sociological-administrative aspect . Sociodynamics, 2, 24–34.
The object of this research is the activity of nonprofit organizations in the current socioeconomic conditions established in Russia. Assessment of their activity is conducted for the purpose of identification of factors, trends and stereotypes forming the attitude of Moscow residents on NPO. Particular attention is focused on determining the extent of involvement of the respondents in the work of third sector, analysis of experience of interaction of Moscow residents with NPO, estimation of the level of information awareness of respondents on the activity of NPO and the third sector as a whole. The phone survey of respondents based on random generation of phone numbers became the key method for this research. Sampling includes 1006 Moscow residents of 18 years of age or older. It is established that the expectations of Moscow residents with regards to NPO are associated with the need for solution of the urgent social problems, while the narrow-focused vectors in activity of the nonprofit organizations (independent public control, human rights advocacy, etc.) is perceived as collateral. The author reveals that more than half of Moscow residents give positive assessment to the activity of NPO; however, the presence of negative trends with regards to third sector is also observe – low level of trust, stereotypical perception of its functions. In a number of instances, assessment of the activity of nonprofit organizations is built on the shallow knowledge due to the fact that majority of respondents to not have actual experience of interaction with NPO or sufficient information on their activity.
state, charity, social support, social assistance, nonprofit organization, third sector, municipality, management, trust, social policy
Questions of current interest
Abagero, D.D. (2020). Social mechanism of inclusion of individuals into communication space of the city. Sociodynamics, 2, 35–45.
The object of this research is the communication space of the city. The subject of this research is the social mechanisms and technologies for inclusion of individuals into communication urban space. Analysis and systematization of the existing technologies of inclusion into communicative urban space is realized applicable to a particular city – Moscow. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the current trends of democratization of city planning, growing strive of the authorities of large cities to develop comfort public urban space and attract people to solution of pressing problems. The following methods were applies in the course of study: 1) document analysis and comparative methods in the context of historical-sociological analysis of sociological theories of the city; 2) modeling and structural-functional method in determining the category of “inclusion into communication space of the city” and its components; 3) case method in analyzing the current technologies of inclusion into the urban space of Moscow. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of definition of “inclusion into communication space of the city”, its components, as well as systematization of the existing technologies of inclusion of residents into social space on the example of Moscow. The author considers the modern information and communication technologies as the key determinant of inclusion into urban space.
communicative space of the Moscow, urban planning, urban involvment, communicative space of the city, urban space, urban studies, urban sociology, city, crowdsourcing, information technology
The Dialogue of cultures
Emel'yanov, A.S. (2020). Current state of cross-border communication in the Southwest of Russia . Sociodynamics, 2, 46–63.
This research is dedicated to examination of the main peculiarities of development of cross-border communication in the Southwest of Russia. Attention is focused on cross-border cooperation between Russia and Ukraine, which in recent times due to a number of political and cultural-civilizational factor has undergone significant transformations. The goal of this study consists in analysis and discussion of the key indicators of cross-border cooperation (migration, economy, communication) in the Southwest of Russia. The main vectors in relationship between the two countries include cross-border migration, cross-border economic cooperation, and cross-cultural communication. On each vector of development of cross-border communication, the author conduct comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of mutual movement of citizens, trade turnover, character of cross-cultural and information-educational communication, as well as analysis of cross-border policy of two countries regarding the determination of institutional barriers impeding its development. In the course of research, the author identifies the negative trends of cross-border communication of two countries, as well as proposes a number of strategies on transformation of the current state of affairs, namely the advancement of “soft power” technologies and mechanisms of “public diplomacy”. It is underlines that cross-border communication in the area of cultural and information cooperation between Russia and Ukraine should lean on the shared historical experience and cultural-civilizational commonness.
folk-diplomacy, turnover, immigration, cross-border migration, cross-border contribution, cross-border communication, soft power, culture, public sentiments, South-West Russia
Social studies and monitoring
Leontyev, G.D., Leontieva, L.S. (2020). Praxeology of social utopia: protest-project-practice. Sociodynamics, 2, 64–73.
This article analyzes the phenomenon of utopia as a social alternative in the aspect of its praxeological specificity. Confidence in the idea of the utopian due and despair, justified by dissatisfying real, comprise the existential basis of protest state of mass consciousness. The ideological stimulus to social protest becomes the utopian project that produces a trend to practical development of ideal sociality. Systematic functionality of these praxeological elements of utopia substantiates the goal of determining the specificity of correlation between anti-system protest, socially-constructive project, and practice of social transformation. Anticipatory reflection of reality in utopia reveals the synergetic principle of determination by future, according to which the utopic constructs as trends already exists in the present. Their activation on the level of individual and public consciousness is common for the situation of social entropy and chaos; and socio-utopian ideal manifests as an attractor of protest movement. Faith in its realization is explained by the “Principle of Hope” of Ernest Bloch; while precaution for the risks of “social engineering” is reflected in the ideas of Karl Popper and Karl Mannheim. The conclusion is made on the dual nature of praxeological element of the utopia. The first aspect implies that utopia is an anti-system protest as the denial of real, and simultaneously, it is a socially-systemic project as creation of “better”. The second aspect of dualism means that utopia is a project that transforms public consciousness, and a practice that transforms social being. The presence of direct correlation between the intensity of development of utopian ideas and the level of sociopolitical self-organization is established. The reverse correlation is characteristic for the political ideology. Along with humanistic optimism of the utopia, the author determines the risk of “denying denial”: practical implementation of utopian project formed within the framework of social protest, denies the utopia itself.
Social self-organization, Ideology, Practice, Government, Social protest, Project, Ideal, Utopia, Dystopia, Alienation
Migration and adaptation
Cherepanova, M.I., Maksimova, S.G. (2020). National security in the border regions of Russia: naturalization of migrants in the accepting communities. Sociodynamics, 2, 74–92.
The subject of this research is a set of conditions and factors for naturalization and adaptation of migrants of six border regions of Russia. The object of this research is the migration process. Analysis of subjective assessment of migrants regarding the purpose and time of their stay in Russia is presented. The author describes the specificity of solution of organizational-administrative issues related to migrants’ stay in the region; forecasts and plans; status of migrants, degree of content with basic aspects of life in the region, level of confidence in basic social institutions, motivation to acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation. Research methodology includes the assemblage of structural-functional, riskological and political-legal approaches in the context of the phenomenon of globality of cross-border migration. The scientific novelty consists in the description of migrants’ adaptive potential in the new economic and sociocultural communicative space in accordance with the data on six border regions of the Russian Federation. Sustainable factors inherent to adaptation models of migrants in cross-border territories are highlighted. It is concluded that there are two basic processes ongoing in the regions. The first one is more evident and focused on the prevalence of cultural and national values of the accepting society among the migrants, and thus leading effective adaptation. The second one is associated with maladaptive process – using accepting environment as a temporary economic and technological resource, lack of recognition of its cultural and value norms, reproduction of own traditional norm, and rejection of the attempts of acculturation.
interethnic tension, interethnic relations, national security, ethnic identity,, naturalization,, enclave,, acculturation, adaptive strategies, adaptation,, interethnic conflict.
Human and citizen
Artamonova, V. (2020). The phenomenon of flow state in the motivation of computer gamers. Sociodynamics, 2, 93–103.
In examination of reason why people play videogames, multiple authors lean on the theory proposed by the Professor of Psychology Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – the concept of flow (flow state). The author is known for his research in the area of happiness, creativity and subjective wellbeing. The so-called “effect of immersion” is described by complete absorption and endeavor to success. Presence in the flow state is not limited by a specific sphere or process; it is applied to all fields of activity that an individual is involved in. The article provides a definition to the concept of “flow”, indicated the main conditions and characteristics of flow state, as well as explores the model of flow state. The relevance of studying motivation of computer games is reflected. Motivational qualities of the users within the framework of the “flow” concept are outlined. The author analyzes the case of a gamer who attempt to improve his skills in videogame, with consideration of results of the process depending on correlation “capabilities / complexity of the task”. The types of motivation of computer gamers are determined.
eudaimonic experiences, flow, condition characteristics, computer games, player motivation, flow condition, inclusion effect, autotelism, Roger Caillois, eSports