Questions of current interest
Kosorukov, A.A. (2020). The technologies of augmented reality in the area of public administration. Sociodynamics, 1, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the technologies of augmented reality that allow increasing the efficiency of public administration. The author examines the concept of augmented reality and its differences from virtual reality, as well as peculiarities of functionality and ways of creating augmented reality (marker-based, markerless, projection, and odometric). One of the essential aspect of the subject of research is the innovation management mechanisms on the basis of augmented reality, including digital office on rendering public services, digital profiles and government officials, digital documents, automated workplace for a government official. Research methodology includes administrative and analytical methods revealing the specificities of implementation of augmented reality in the sphere of public administration. The novelty of this research consists in integration of the management and technical capabilities of augmented reality within the framework of digital public administration – ranging from interaction of citizens with voice assistants, work with digital documents, visualization of large volumes of data, training of government officials to ensuring public and cyber security, designing and managing infrastructure projects.
public security, visualization, digital administration, public services, virtual reality, electronic government, augmented reality, public administration, infrastructure, digital profile
People and work
Didkovskaya, Y.V. (2020). Working youth of the industrial regions of Russia: the image of social future as a development factor of innovation potential. Sociodynamics, 1, 12–25.
The subject of this research is the impact of integrated sociocultural factors, namely the image of social future, upon fulfilment of innovation potential of youth. As the innovation potential of youth, the author reviews a number of traits, characteristics and skills that allow the younger generation to perceive and develop the novelties, feel the need in them, be ready to mastering novelties in technology and management. The image of social futures implies a set of subjective representations of a social actor containing the ideals of social development, social expectations and life strategies. The presented results are based on the data of questionnaire-based survey among youth employed in the industrial sector of six industrial regions of Russia (N=1050). The study demonstrates that a significant number of young employees show proclivity for innovation activity, master and implement new technologies, and would like to offer and develop their ideas and projects. However, the fulfillment of innovation potential of youth in the referred regions faces major obstacles of internal and external character. Among the external barriers are named disinterestedness of a business in innovations, absence or lack of state programs of incentivizing youth projects. The internal barriers include low level of motivation towards innovation activity. According to the acquired results, motivation towards innovation activity substantially depends on sociocultural factor – social wellbeing of all employees, and particularly, their stance on the social future. Overall, the expectations of negative events prevail over the expectation of positive ones; the negative social expectations of young employees mostly pertain to the economic sphere.
professional development, human capital, social moods, innovative activity, social expectations, social future image, industrial regions, working youth, innovative potential, industrial enterprises
Social studies and monitoring
Danilova, Z.A., Batotsyrenov, E.A. (2020). Environmental risks in the Baikal Region. Sociodynamics, 1, 26–33.
The subject of this research is the value judgment of environmental risks in the Baikal Region. The article reflects the respondents’ assessment of environmental situation in the region; examines the degree of risk of ecological threats, the ecological behavior of people, the level of responsibility with regards to nature protection activity; comprises the ratings of ecological threats and describes measures for their reduction. It is established that unlike the country overall, the regional population are more sensitive to ecological problems; the majority of people blame government structures in worsening of environmental situation. At the same time, the regional society is characterized with environmental pessimism, and somewhat alienation from nature. The information base for this work serve the results of public opinion poll conducted by the authors in 2017 in Baikal Region, as well as the materials of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center on ecological situation. The scientific novelty consists in articulation of the problem and introduction of new materials into the scientific discourse. The environmental risks of Baikal Region have not been previously become the subject of expert research. The pendulum of social moods due to worsening of ecological situation on the shore of Lake Baikal reaches peak values. In the conditions of environmental threats, there is no efficient government control over the rational natural resource management and preservation of such unique natural object as the Lake Baikal.
behavior, population, society, risks, ecological situation, ecology, region, assessment, rating, environmental protection measures
Social studies and monitoring
Gareeva, I.A., Turkulets, S.E., Sokolskaya, M.V., Obruchnikova, S.R., Turkulets, A.V. (2020). Determinants of social stigmatization in student environment (on the example of university students of Far East). Sociodynamics, 1, 34–42.
The subject of this research is the examination of social stigmatization and identification of the determinants of stigmatization of modern student youth. The goal of this work lies in revelation of the determinants of stigmatization in student environment on the examples of university students of Far East. The questionnaire-based survey was conducted on 388 persons for studying the problems of stigmatization and its substantiation among students in the cities of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. The first stage of research is based on the method of overt observation, which allows acquiring primary information of the existences of stigmas in student environment. Statistical methods was used for collecting and processing of the material. Social stigmatization in student environment negatively affects the process of socialization of student youth and is due discrimination of the various forms of social interaction. It is revealed that the possibility of overcoming stigmatization in realization by the students of their life strategies is not quite high and substantiated by uncertainty about the future and absence of long-term life plans. The obtained conclusions may be used in the course of educational process in higher educational institutions, as well as by branches of government and local self-governance in solving the questions of youth policy in the Far Eastern Federal District.
students, student environment, deviant behavior, determinants, stigma, social stigma, attribute, labeling, marginality, Far East
Humanitarian projects
Ovcharov, A.O., Ovcharova, T.N. (2020). Social engineering as management process: conceptual context. Sociodynamics, 1, 43–52.
The subject of this research is social engineering as the change management activity on the macro-level. The content of social engineering is revealed through the analysis of concepts: change, future, design, and innovation. The relevance of question on the state as a strategic subject engineering social changes is underlined. The authors pursue correlation between the large-scale national projects and global engineering by means of designing image of the future. Design and innovations are viewed as a technology and result of social engineering respectively. The need for creation of integral national system of innovation development with involvement of new subjects-innovators is substantiated. The scientific novelty consists in the original approach towards supporting social engineering through determination and semantic saturation of the four concepts, the main of which is the concept of “change”. The uniqueness of this work lies in new interpretation of the notion of “design” as a technology of social engineering that is substantiated sociological and anthropologically through the procedure of externalization. It is emphasized that change management requires attention to the development of social futurism strategy.
externalization, engineering, social futurology, future, change management, change, global projects, social engineering, innovation, development