Questions of current interest
Troshkina, I.N., Karashpai, S.M., Sat, A.V. (2020). The dynamics of family structure as a leading factor of decline in birth rate (on the example of Tuva Republic and Republic of Khakassia). Sociodynamics, 6, 1–18.
The goal of this research is to examine family structure due to the decline in birth rate in Tuva Republic and Republic of Khakassia in the early Xxi century. The authors attempt to reveal the factors affecting the decline in birth rate, and determine other components of the dynamics of family structure (number of families, family size, parenthood status). The object of this research is the transformation of the structure of family institution, while the subject is the dynamics of current family structure in the two republics. The article reviews the leading factor of the dynamics of birth rate. The authors’ special contribution consists in covering the problem of decline in birth rate as a result of transformation of family structure in the regions of Southern Siberia. The scientific novelty lies in studying the regional component of decline in birth rate under the influence of a set of factors, including the transformation of family structure. The area of application of the research results is the activity of ministries and departments, as well as special courses in the university on the discipline Familistic. The following conclusions were made: 1) birth rate is affected by various factors, such as education of women, urbanization level, financial situation in family, household structure; 2) state of the key components in the dynamics of family is characterized by the increase in a number of households, reduction in their size, complication or simplification of family structure, prevalence of one-child and growth of the portion of two-children families.
number of families, family size, family structure, factors, Khakassia family, Tuva family, state of private households, birth rate, family complication, Modern family
Social studies and monitoring
Karpikova, I.S., Kanunnikova, A.A. (2020). The development of social technologies for senior citizens: problems of implementation and assessment (on the example of in-patient replacement technology “foster family for seniors”). Sociodynamics, 6, 19–32.
This article is dedicated to certain aspects in development of social services for senior citizens. Demographic trend of aging of the population actualizes solution of the questions related to livelihood of senior people, among which is the development and implementation of new types of social services and technologies meeting the essential need of senior population. On the example of in-patient replacement technology “foster family for seniors”, the article explores the relevant issues of implementation of such social technologies. High demand for such life order of the senior citizens, and obvious advantages of economic and sociocultural characteristics in relation to the traditional forms of in-patient facilities, substantiate the need to expanding the scale of its utilization and carrying out research on the problems and results of its implementation. Analysis is conducted on the example of Irkutsk Region, using the methods of qualitative semi-structured interview with the participants of foster families and expert assessments, ensuring implementation of the technology. The a special role of assessment of the quality and results of implementation of social technology in the aspect of its development is determined. The author highlights the vectors of control and assessment of results of implementation of the technology and function of their subjects, which include: senior citizens living in foster families; members of foster families; personnel accompanying foster families; experts and heads of the structures of social service and social protection involved in the process of implementation of foster family technology for senior population.
quality assessment, quality of social services, life form, social services, foster family technology, inpatient replacement technology, social technology, senior citizens, social protection, social service
Political participation
Kachusov, D.A. (2020). The state of public city protection movements (on the example of Barnaul) . Sociodynamics, 6, 33–41.
The subject of this article is the city protection movement in Barnaul. On the background of strengthening of authoritarian trends in political life of the country, takes place reorientation of the vector of civil activity from solution of the political problems of federal scale towards the local social issues. Namely the local public movements become an important element in the society of separate cities that allow the interaction between civil activists, society, and municipal authorities. The advancement of Internet and social networks greatly contributed to broadening of the audience of city protection communities, growth of opportunities for their influence upon public consciousness and government authorities. Assessment of the size, publication activity and staff composition of the city mono-problem communities in social networks in the key method for studying the city public movements. The research determined the presents of a number of organizations in Barnaul oriented toward the general questions (preservation of historical center of the city, protection of park zones, etc.), as well as solution of particular problems. The author also underlines a large portion of youth (below 30 years of age) among the members of city protection communities. Despite the fact that currently the social database is restricted, members of the communities actively participate in city life, using the Internet as an environment for public self-presentation and channel for communication with population, government, and mass media.
city protection movement, citizens ' self-organization, network communities, social networks, urban communities, civic initiatives, local self-government, urban comfort environment, civil activity, social movement
State and civil society
Neznanova, V.S. (2020). Legal framework of interaction between government authorities and civil society (on the example of Saint Petersburg). Sociodynamics, 6, 42–48.
The subject of this article is the process of interaction between the government and civil society. The goal is to prove that a promising legal framework for the development of dialogue between the government and civil society exists not only in Russia overall, but in separate regions as well. The author achieves the set goal by analyzing the evolution of civil society in Russia and understanding peculiarities of the process of interaction between the government and civil society in Saint Petersburg. The article leans on the data provided by the center “Strategy”, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Civic Chamber of Saint Petersburg , “Center for the Development of Nonprofit Organizations”, etc. The scientific novelty consists in determination of peculiarities influencing the process of interaction between the government and civil society in Saint Petersburg. The main conclusion lies in the statement that Saint Petersburg has a decent legal and social framework for further advancement of interaction between the government and civil society: presence of normative legal base for regulating such interaction; presence of a relatively large number of registered nonprofit organizations in Saint Petersburg; active work of a number of nonprofit organizations reflected in mass media; existence of community boards on the territory of Saint Petersburg. Overall, Saint Petersburg offers all conditions for effective interaction between the government and civil society.
Public Chamber of the RF, government, NPO, third sector, democracy, constitutional state, civil society, Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, Center Strategy, non-profit sector
Social studies and monitoring
Kurysheva, A. (2020). Formation of career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. Sociodynamics, 6, 49–56.
The subject of this research is the career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. The object of this research is the educational space for formation of career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. The author examines the formation of IT educational space in Saint Petersburg. The goal consists in conducting a systemic analysis of educational space for the formation of career strategies of young scholars in the area of computer sciences. The research was carried out in Saint Petersburg in 2018, included 12 expert interviews with HR and IT specialists. The paper reviews such elements of educational space of information technologies as schools specialized in physics and mathematics, school and student Olympiads and contests, educational initiatives created by the leading IT companies of the city. The scientific novelty lies in introduction of educational IT space. At the first level it consists of the created back in Soviet time physical-mathematical schools and school Olympiads, which are also a step to higher education. The student environment has informal organizations: interest clubs, tournaments and contests. Namely in such educational space, young scholars in the area of computer technologies make their career choices.
career orientations, scientific career, Academic science, computer science education, career scientists, educational space, young scientists, career strategies, professionalisation strategies, life strategies
Social studies and monitoring
Karimov, A.G. (2020). Deprivation approach towards assessment and analysis of poverty among working population in the region. Sociodynamics, 6, 57–65.
This article presents some results of studying the problem of poverty among working population from the perspective of deprivation approach. The author analyzes the used approaches towards assessment of poverty, substantiates the viability of deprivation approach and its potential utilization for more comprehensive research of households within the poverty level in the current Russian conditions. The article displays the advantaged of deprivation approach that consists in its linkage to the average living standards in the country, and possibility of assessment of flaws in meeting a wide variety of needs of the households and an individual. A list of deprivations according to which was distinguished the group of population within poverty level is described. The author determines essential differences in assessments of the representatives of “working poor population” distinguished on the grounds of deprivations from other groups of respondents. The conducted analysis allowed revealing the alienation of the group of poor people based on deprivations from the entire population, their essential exclusion from the everyday life of the society. The author underlines that poor people distinguished on the grounds of deprivations are limited not only financially and in sources for overcoming financial difficulties, but the problem of their poverty also worsens by psychological peculiarities of such people – constant deprivations form the “psychology of a poor man”, characterized by insecurities, complacence, and no desire to strive for improvement.
Social inequality, quality of life, standard of living, living wage, region, deprivations, Deprivational approach, The working poor, poverty, Material difficulties
Humanitarian projects
Fedorova, M. (2020). Religious identity in the modern digital world. Sociodynamics, 6, 66–79.
The subject of this research is the religious identity of Russian youth in the conditions of modern digital society. The author analyzes the factors of transformation of identification processes, examines the characteristics of religious identity, as well as defines the specificity of religious discourse within the Internet environment. The author believes that the main cause of the changes in religious consciousness and identity becomes rapid digitalization of all spheres of social life. This problematic gains relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic, forced self-isolation and transition towards remote work using the information and communication technologies. The author assumes that religious identity should be viewed from the perspective of its inclusion into a broader phenomenon – cyberidentity. An original definition of cyberidentity is proposed. The key factors of its formation, such as social networks and messengers, computer gamed, Internet memes, etc. are determined. The article leans on the analysis of information from websites of religious organizations, different groups in social networks, messengers and video hosting. The main source form empirical data became the results of large-scale research of dynamics of value orientations of youth of Nizhny Novgorod Region that was carried out from 2006 to 2019. The author concludes that currently it may appear that secular trends are growing, while the interest of youth in religion declines. This is conferment by the data acquired from mass surveying, interviewing, and analyzing the content of social networks. However, secularization processes have contradictory, nonlinear and unpredictable character. Within the Internet space, the dialects of religion and secular not just being retained, but reflected in the categories of digital society. In the digital post-secular society, religious identity becomes a part of the more global identification processes. It sets particular goals for the traditional religions, which are forced to adapt to civilizational challenges.
post-secular society, secularity, cyber identity, the Internet, religious organization, youth, digital society, religious identity, social network, value orientation