Audiovisual culture and art
Semenchuk, S.A. (2019). Form of self-representation: acting work of B. V. Barnet in the films “Dark Is the Night” (1944) and “Secret Agent” (1947). Man and Culture, 6, 1–7.
The subject of this research is the acting jobs of B. V. Barnet of the 1940’s. Film director Boris Barnet, who started his path as an “actor-model” at the Lev Kuleshov’s workshop, and was active in the movies during the 1920’s. However, the two major roles he played in the movies Dark Is the Night” (1944) and “Secret Agent” (1947), in which he appears in an unusual role of German Officer, in other words as an “enemy”. The shift in paradigm of the actor’s path of B. Barnet is viewed in the context the early period of his works, biography, and the history of moviemaking. For achieving the set goal, the author apploes the semiotic, contextual, historical-comparative and anthropological approaches. The conclusion is drawn on the crucial differences in creating the characters played by Boris Barnet in his films: the role in “Dark Is the Night” is the key work in acting filmography of the master; while the role in “Secret Agent” is rather a production requirement, which does not fully reflects worldview of the film director.
critical reception, Kuleshov's workshop, wartime cinema, The Second World War, soviet avant-garde, self-presentation, soviet film production, method acting, soviet cinema, enemy image
Question at hand
Mikheeva, A. (2019). Russian Orthodox parish in modern Sweden. Man and Culture, 6, 8–23.
This article is dedicated to studying the role parish of Saint Sergius of Radonezh Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy in Stockholm in the process of adaptation and integration of the Russian migrants into the new to them society. The author takes into account the context of the modern religious situation in Sweden, including the development of the Russian Orthodox congregations outside Stockholm, as well as the history and current state of the Russian diaspora in the “country of Vikings”. It is analyzed how the determined by the American scholar Charles Hirschman functionalities of religious congregation such as “shelter”, “respectability” and “resources” are being implemented in the parish under review. The experience of the parish of Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy in adaptation of the Russian migrants in Swedish society is explored for the first time; so is the attention given to worship service, choice of singing repertoire in the context of the topic. The conclusion is made that the parish of Saint Sergius of Radonezh plays typical for the religious congregation role in adaptation of migrants of first and second generations. It contributes to socialization, as well as overcoming of frustration, identity crisis, sense of isolation and similar psychological states (through functionalities shelter”, “respectability”, and partially, “resources”). Parishioners and clergy see their mission in preservation of the Russian culture and language: those who left motherland become patriots. This somewhat impedes the integration of the Russian Orthodox migrants into the Swedish society. The uniqueness of the parish of Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy is described in interaction with the people, motherland and worship practice.
Orthodoxy in Sweden, Russian diaspora, religious situation, Russian Orthodox Church, contemporary Sweden, migrant integration, adaptation of migrants, Russians in Sweden, religious minority, Orthodox parish
Culture and cultures
Vecherina, O. (2019). Representation of corporeality in Tamil Saiva-bhakti canon. Man and Culture, 6, 24–34.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of corporeality and transformation of the model of body in Tamil Saiva-bhakti. The author examines the notional variations of these practices presented in texts of the canon “Panniru Thirumurai”. Description of the path to God as individual practice of a single bhakt comprises the content of Manickavasagar's “Thiruvasagam” (8th book of the canon), while the meticulous description and classification of different variations of the path with detailed recommendations on the improvement of adept’s body are contained in Thirumoolar's “Thirumanthiram” (10th book of the canon). Using the comparative analysis of texts of the canon, the author reveals the formation of the new model of body of the bhakt, which led to changes in the ritual and iconography of temple’s adornment. It is concluded that in the writings of Tamil bhakti poets of the VI-IX centuries has been formed a new representation on Shiva and the new model of adept’s body. The own body initially was perceived as an obstacle in the path to liberation. The extreme forms such attitude obtained in the works of Manickavasagar. Thirumoolar described the new model of adept’s body as the key instrument for achieving mukti. Further development of this model led to advancement of the yogic and alchemic practices in the tradition of Siddhi for acquisition of body that is immortal, perfect, and not subject to corruption. Visionary representations of bhakts led to the drastic transformation of iconographic system of Shivaist temple, realized by Chola Dynasty rulers in the X-XII centuries. Tamil bhakts created a universal complex of spiritual practices, focusing on the work with body, as well as consciousness – through the transformation of body. Such practices not only retained their relevance and practical implementation, but also became widely known outside the region.
spiritual practices, psychotechnics, corporeality, body, bhaktàs, śaiva bhakti, yoga, siddhi, enlightenment, grace
Architecture and design
Chang, X. (2019). Environmental design and cognate disciplines . Man and Culture, 6, 35–46.
This article examines the interrelation between environmental design and cognate disciplines, such as design of architectural environment and landscape architecture. The research is structured on the sources of Russian and Chinese authors. The article consists of five parts. The first one explores the classification of environmental design and cognate disciplines in educational systems of Russia and China. The second part describes the peculiarities in development of the academic discipline “Environmental Design” in the aforementioned countries. The third and fourth parts underlined the similarities and differences between environmental design, landscape architecture, and design of architectural environment. The key research method became the comparative analysis, applied in studying the various areas of activity, as well as systemic analysis for examination of educational structures of different countries. In the course of this study, the author talks about the “artistic” specificity of environmental design as an academic discipline, referred to education in the field of “art” in Russia and China. The disciplines “Design of Architectural Environment” and “Landscape Design” are included in the fields of “Practice of Engineering” and “Agriculture”. Despite the fact that the three disciplines reviewed by the article consider environment as a culture and value space, dissimilarities in their classification in the context of educational system form the difference between them with regards to preparation of students.
Environmental approach, Agriculture, Engineering, Art, Landscape architecture, Design of architectural environment, Environmental design, Environmental protection, Aesthetics, Imagery
Culture and authority
Rutsinskaya, I. (2019). Classification of Stalin’s images in Soviet art of postwar era. Man and Culture, 6, 47–53.
Works of the Soviet visual art of the 1940’s – early 1950’s, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, were incorporated to a rigid hierarchical system. The highest position within it belonged to images of the chieftain. The requirements of the official order, same as personal pursuits of the artists-Stalinists, predetermined the creation of the largest amount of storylines for demonstrating all guises of Stalin-the commander and Staling – “the great organizer of victory”. As a result was formulated a distinct visual narrative, which main episodes are easily susceptible to classification. The article is first to explore the most popular storylines and compositional patterns, which visualized the myth of Stalin – brilliant strategist and commander. The sources for this research became the widely known and practically unknown oeuvres of the Soviet painting and graphics of the Stalin era, majority of which are not in the center of attention of art historians and culturologists. Iconographic transformation of Stalin’s images are viewed in unity with stylistic changes of artworks of the postwar period.
graphics, painting, images, military commander, Stalin, socialist realism, Great Patriotic War, iconography, leader, classification
Culture and cultures
Khabibullina, Z.R. (2019). The practices of implementation of digital technologies in Islamic society (on the example of Hajj). Man and Culture, 6, 54–58.
This article is dedicated to the problem of innovativeness of traditional religions and their compatibility with the technological novelties. On the example of Hajj – one of the major Islamic rituals, the author examines the use of digital technologies in realization of the annual pilgrimage of the Muslims. Emphasis is made on studying the process of using the Hajj-related mobile applications that allow the believers and nonbelievers to connect with the religious action in the virtual space. Mobile interface allows each user to receive information on religion, sacred texts, stamping grounds, as well as contains theological interpretation of the rituals, audio and visual content. The research was carried out in the Islamic segment of Internet; the author conducted content analysis of the information and discussion content pertinent to Hajj. The acquired results testify to the expansion of virtualization of Islam along with the use of digital technologies in the conservative religious field. The popularity of digital images, social networks, “virtual Hajj” among the Internet users contribute to the increase of communicative and discussion activity in Islamic society with regards to the questions of “veracity” and need for using information technologies by the believers.
Medina, Mecca, digital technology, virtualization, Umra, Hajj, Islam, Muslim, digitalization, Internet
Audiovisual culture and art
Lysova, N.A. (2019). Television method of historical reconstruction and reality show in a documentary TV series genre as a form of preservation of cultural memory. Man and Culture, 6, 59–67.
In this day and age, the problems of preservation of cultural memory and heritage alongside actualization of cultural experience become more and more relevant. As a response to the trends of “obliviousness”, culture’s self-regulation mechanisms become mainstream, enhancing the value and semantic aspect of the traditions. The author operates the concept of “cultural memory”, interpreted following J. Assmann, as a particular form of revival and translation of cultural meanings and values of the past onto the present. The subject of this research is the currently popular artistic method of historical reconstruction with the elements of reality in a documentary TV series as one of the key forms of preservation of cultural memory. The article is based on the use of axiological and cultural-functional approaches that allow revealing the functional value of such TV projects for social and cultural processes in the life of modern society. The novelty consists in examination of the popular TV projects, structured in accordance with the genre of documentary TV series, employing the method of historical reconstruction and elements of reality as a form of preservation of cultural memory. The effectiveness of such projects is ensured by the specific synthesis on the one hand, and the inherent to modern mass visual culture penchant for the unique and fascinating images; while on the other hand – the use of such quality in formation of the historically authentic situations of real actions of participants of the projects, sincere experiencing of the clash of life pattern and peculiarities of relationship characteristic to the past. Thus, the content of cultural memory attains embodiment in the materials that possess visual effectiveness, and at the same time, translate authentic meanings of historical events relevant for preservation of cultural identity in the modern world.
documentary television series, television industry, communicative representative practices, cultural heritage, cultural interpretation, collective oblivion, cultural memory, historical reconstruction, artistic reception, reality show
Culture and cultures
Loshchenkov, A.V. (2019). Institute of Buddhist Dialectics: traditions and modernity. Man and Culture, 6, 68–83.
The subject of this research is the history of establishment of the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics and the system of Buddhist education therein. The author provides a compendium of topics, as well as titles of the texts identifies by the collection of Tibetan texts published in the digital resource Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. The fundamental sources and commentarial literature are determined. It reveals the prospects for profound study of the Gelug tradition common in the countries of Trans-Himalayan region. Mongolia, Russia (Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tyva). The author determines the specificity of extra-sectoral teaching of Buddhism and the peculiarity of tantric education in the context of philosophical curriculum. Methodology combines the classical textological approach and contextual analysis, taking into account the Buddhist commentarial tradition. For solving the set tasks, the author applies textological methods for precise description of the structure of education. The novelty of this research is defined by introducing into the scientific discourse of the previously unstudied system of education and textbooks essential for obtaining the Rime Geshe degree in Buddhism, which curriculum included not only Gelug texts, but also two other traditions of Tibetan Buddhism – Nyingma, Kagyu, and Sakya. This is the only institute offering the education of such type. This allows its graduates to act as interpreters of verbal teachings, as well as texts of all traditions of the Tibetan Buddhism. The research carries special value for developing a curriculum of Buddhist education in secular educational institutions.
abhidharmakosha, madhyamaka, prajnaparamita, pramanavartika, buddhist education, vinaya, tantra, nyingma, kagyu, sakya
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Fedorov, S.I., Yakovlev, A.I. (2019). Transformation of the culture of life sustenance of modern Yakuts (on the example of hunting). Man and Culture, 6, 84–90.
This article raises the question of current socio-cultural processes, namely transformation of the traditional culture of Yakuts. This process captures all areas of daily life – from chores to leisure and festive activities. Practically all aspects of human life are subjected to transformation; however, the field observations demonstrated that in the Central and Western parts of Sakha Republic remains an “islet”, which is not overly affected by the transformation – the hunting. The article explores the questions regarding hunting activity of the Yakuts based on the ethnographic and field materials, accumulate in the territories of Olyokminsk, Vilyuysky, Verkhnevilyuysky and Nyurbniksky districts of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The study provides an ethnographic review of hunting methods, as well as certain rituals and pretenses associates with hunting activity in Yakutia. The authors also give characteristics to the changes in the traditional industry, as well as the attitude of modern hunters to their activity.
cult traditions, traditional culture, transformation, game hunting, commercial hunting, hunting activity, hunting, rituals, rite, Yakuts
Sociology of culture, social culture
Tsydypova, L.S. (2019). The names of gold mines of Barguzinsky District in the late XIX – early XX centuries: typological aspect. Man and Culture, 6, 91–97.
This article is dedicated to analysis of the names of gol dmines of Barguzinsky District in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Based on the archival records of Barguzinsky District, the author examines over three hundred names, considering their location, area, owner information and registration date for the plot. The study of the names of gold mines of Barguzinsky District is conducted in the context of typological tradition of cultural geography. The author carries out the classification of names, determines the differentiating factors of nomination of sociocultural space in private gold mining; examines the interrelation between the subject of gold mining through the prism of the names of mines. The characteristic features of naming the mines in the context of cultural landscape are demonstrated. The growth of mining sites alongside the expansion of types of their nomenclature is noted. The analysis of the names of mining sited underlines the importance of gold mining with regards to strengthening increasing the size of the Barguzin Jewish community, as well as the growing role of gold industry in life sustenance of the Jewish and Russian peasants. The increase of their number reflects the expansion of gold mining areas and is directly related to migration process of the late XIX century. The repletion of name indicates massive increase in the number of the owners of gold mines and their role in the formation of toponymy. The system of creation of new names borrowed the native toponymies of the region to a lesser extent. Majority of them emerged as a result of reinterpretation of the name by a native speaker.
life support, migration, Barguzinsky County, name, goldmine, Jewish community, topological tradition, kultural landscape, areal, group
Applied culturology
Larionova, A.V., Meshcheryakova, E.I., Liventsova, E.Y., Fakhretdinova, A.P., Kostyukova, T.A. (2019). The problems of formation of environmental identity among education migrants (on the example of Tomsk). Man and Culture, 6, 98–105.
The subject of this research is the techniques for integration of education migrants into the new sociocultural environment of the city and university. The authors review the problem of formation of environmental identity as a condition of increasing education migration in the region. The goal of this study consists in determination of factors substantiating the cluster of education migrants to the new sociocultural environment on the example of Tomsk universities. The research objectives are defined by examination of peculiarities of perception by education migrants of the city of Tomsk, as well as techniques of their adaptation to the new sociocultural environment. The author’s special contribution lies in consideration of the vectors of sociocultural adaptation of education migrants in the region. Based on the results of two-stage research, the author highlights the appealing and negative factors for increasing education migration to the region, as well as determines the strategies aimed at the development of comfort environment of the city as an educational space.
Tomsk, sociocultural environment, students, adaptation, city environment, identity, educational migrants, integration, programs, host population
Culture and cultures
Khoroshikh, P.P. (2019). Tynzyan throwing on a trochee in the construct of initiation in traditional culture of Evenks . Man and Culture, 6, 106–113.
This article is devoted to the research of physical initiation as an element of traditional culture of indigenous peoples of the Russian North. The physical initiation as a sign of transitioning of boys to young man and later a man, takes place in the process of commanding the traditional household skills of the representatives of the North, one of which is throwing a tynzyan (belt lasso) on a trochee. Confirmation of the physical skills can testify that the future man is capable of surviving in the harsh environment of the Far North. The upbringing process of the young generation is accompanied by transfer of knowledge, as well as skills of throwing the lasso as a type of household management activity. The initiation process includes not only practice of physical skills, but also ability to fashion the lasso for throwing, which takes place in the process of passing down knowledge from father to son. For confirmation of their status, a child demonstrates the ability to throw the lasso in the course of various competitions, which are a part of the process of ethnopedagogical activity and allows assessing the level of preparedness. The results of the field research demonstrates that the competitions are organized differently for different age groups. Additionally, this research actualizes the attention to the processes of influence of the nature upon the culture of the North.
growing, youth, initiation, traditional culture, khorey, maut, evenks, North, rite of passage, sport
Culture and cultures
Yaylenko, E. (2019). Titian’s “Penitent Magdalene” from the collection of Palatine Gallery: from Holy Scripture to Pietro Aretino. Man and Culture, 6, 114–121.
The subject of this article is the painting “Penitent Magdalene” by Titian (middle 1530’s, Florence, Palatine Gallery). The key research goal lies in demonstration of the origins of artist’s message and determine the its potential literary prototype. Raising the question in such form is substantiated by the explicit erotic intonations expressed in the painting, which do not quite align with the religious content of Titian’s work, unless it implies the contrast juxtaposition of the erotica and piousness of the conscious stylistic device. Thus, the author attempts to find a possible literary prototype that would contain similar contrast. The research method consists in the search of conceptual parallels between the content of Titian’s “Penitent Magdalene” and Pietro Aretino’s “The Humanity of Christ” (1535). The main result lies in determination of the essence of artistic method of Titian in painting the “Penitent Magdalene”, which consists in the stylistics device of contraposition borrowed from P. Aretion. Its application, reflected in contrast juxtaposition of the successful harlot to her own image as a repenting sinner, allowed justifying the presence of erotic motives in the painting as an expressive antithesis to her soul’s aspiration towards God.
antithesis, Pietro Aretino, Penitent Magdalen, Titian, art, Venice, Renaissance, courtesan, portrait, erotica
Culture and cultures
Denisova , Z.M. (2019). Montage within Russian art of the late XX century. Man and Culture, 6, 122–128.
The object of this research is the artistic phenomenon of montage. The subject of this research is the manifestation of montage in the Russian art of the late XX century. Emphasis is made on the film editing principles in the various forms and degrees were present at all historical stages of art evolution. Vivid manifestation of film editing principles in the XX century, on the one hand, is a result of a long and gradual development of its entire history. At the same time, namely the conditions prevailing within national art of the XX century, allow it to form as an independent artistic phenomenon. The author views the manifestations of montage in different spheres: poetry, literature, music and painting. The article examines a special “comprehension of the course of time” that resulted in the formation of poly-temporal structures of film editing; the trend among artists towards multifaceted depiction of human personality; as well as the authors’ endeavor to psychologization. The author concludes that the peculiar spiritual-intellectual environment of the late XX century contributed to the extensive presentation of film editing principles. The conducted analysis reveals the attributes common to montage type of structuring an artistic composition. This is the disconnection of artistic text, syntactic isolation of montage structures, activation of inner monologue, use of reminiscences, arrangement of form “from the end”, inner unity of mosaic construct, etc. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the phenomenon of montage within national culture of the late XX century for the first time ever is viewed in the spectrum of the various types of arts. Based on the conducted analysis, the author formulated the general principles of its functioning.
temporary multidimensionality, scientific and technological revolution, work, artistic creation, installtion, text, associativity, space-time, psychologization, meaning
Culture and cultures
Pupysheva, N.V., Boronoev, V.V. (2019). Pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine: the impact of external stimuli upon pulsation. Man and Culture, 6, 129–135.
The subject of this research is the pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine, its ability to catch the changes in pulsation in the points of palpation on radial artery of a human for establishing diagnosis. A competent specialist in pulse diagnostics is capable to determine through the palpation of three points on each carpal bone the condition of the patient’s twelve inner organs, three systems and seven tissues of the body. The precision of this method gives an opportunity to diagnose the condition of these organs and systems using the digital equipment. The object of this research is the means of soft manipulation using particular stimuli that cause predictable response of the body, which could be capture by the pulse-diagnostic equipment. Thus, a convenient stimulus is the light of certain wave length that causes response in pulsation, related to particular organs and tissues. The article provides a brief description of the results of test pulse measurements when exposed to light. For such experiments were selected the blue and red colors located on the opposite ends of the visible range of light spectrum; both colors relate to certain organs as it is described in the literature on Tibetan medicine. The effect of light demonstrated that the principles of pulse diagnostics, depicted in the classical works, may be verified using the instrumental methods. Similar experiments contribute to the development of software for pulse-diagnostic equipment, which proves the possibility of objectification of pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine and elaboration of digital device that may become an additional tool in the clinical practice.
stimuli, test measurements, pulse diagnostic device, palpation points, dhātu, mahabhūta, pulse diagnostics, Tibetan medicine, light of different colors, objectifying pulse diagnostics
Culture and cultures
Kananerova, E.N. (2019). The problem of collectivization in Baltic Republics within the Soviet historiography of 1970’s – 1980’s. Man and Culture, 6, 136–151.
The object of this research is the evolution of Soviet historical paradigm, while the subject is the development of the Soviet historical science in the context of studying postwar collectivization in the Baltic countries in1 970’s – 1980’s under the conditions of re-Stalinization. The author examines the political factors of the development of historiography of collectivization in the Baltic republics, a special place among which belongs to the end of “Thaw” and termination of the revision of Stalinism in 1970’s – 1980’s. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the topic and assessments in the works of Soviet scholars. The conclusion was made that the agrarian historiography of collectivization in Baltic countries is characterized with unilateral interpretation of the official documents, subjectivism, and limited inquiry of archival data. Within the framework of Soviet paradigm has formed a circle of the forbidden topics, which studying was a threat to its destruction. The author’s special contribution consists in determination of contradiction between the similar statistical records and ideologized conclusions on the nature of collectivization and “dekulakization” in the Baltic republics. The novelty is defined by the fact that the author is first to conduct the analysis of the Soviet historical writings in terms of the modern paradigm, leaning on the experience of studying collectivization of the 1930’s by the historians of V. P. Danilov School of Science.
peasant resistance, dispossession, collectivization, agrarian reform, paradigm, scientific school, historiography, MTS, political departments of MTS, consolidation of collective farms
Culture and authority
Gribov, R.V. (2019). Managing culture in the USSR on the example of human resource policy in oil and gas industry of Saratov region (1960-1980). Man and Culture, 6, 152–157.
The subject of this research is the transformation of management culture of the USSR under the influence of human resource policy. The goal of this article is to analyze the key features of the management culture and determine the gap between the economic goals and management priorities in historical perspective of the Russian society based on the example of formation of human resource policy in the oil and gas industry of Saratov region during the 1960-1980s. The change in the state structure or technological system is accompanied by transformations in not only management practices, but also deeper symbolic structures pertaining to such notion as management culture. The main conclusions of this research are associated with determination of potential barriers, which impeded formation of efficient economic situation in the oil and gas complex of the stated period: 1. absence of qualified personnel in the conditions of constant changes of the material and technical base; 2. transfer of best personnel to development of West Siberia and countries of the socialist camp as part of socialist duties; 3. constant involvement of personnel in non-core activities (subbotniks, congresses). Due to bureaucracy, lack of quality forecasting and inefficient usage of resources, the socialist system lead to the decay of traditional for Russia management system.
ideology, personnel potential, Saratov region, mentoring, professional education, personnel policy, oil and gas complex, managing culture, tradition, historical perspective
Culture and Cult
Odintsov, A.M. (2019). Synthesis of secular and ecclesiastical influence on the process of creation of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Man and Culture, 6, 158–163.
This article examines the secular and ecclesiastical influence on the image of the Orthodox temple, which formed and complemented it during the time of its construction. The subject of this research is the impact of cultural-historical context of the XVIII-XXI centuries upon the capital cathedral of the Orthodox men’s monastery – the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The object of this research is the main temple of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra as a historical and cultural site. Special attention is given to determination of the sources of artistic distinctness and transformation of adornments throughout the period of existence of the site as the basis of restorative practices (on the example of a particular temple). Such analysis may become the foundation for methodological recommendations on restoration of the objects of cultural heritage of religious designation. The author concludes that the claccisistic cathedral obtained its image due to the activity of the Empress Catherine II and Archbishop Gavriil (Petrov), conveying the supporters of different worldviews – secular and sacral – the spirit of symphony and mutual reconciliation. Examination of the artistic distinctness of the cathedral and its present popularization allows understanding the non-liturgical (universal cultural) significance of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and contributes to carrying out comprehensive scientific restoration.
art history, restoration, Orthodox clergy, Russian Orthodox church, cultural heritage of Russia, church architecture, architecture, Alexandr Nevsky Lavra, monasticism, conservation of monuments
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Fedorova, A.R., Sleptsova, A.A. (2019). Reflection of the image of mammoth in spiritual culture of the peoples of Yakutia . Man and Culture, 6, 164–170.
The object of this research is the image of mammoth in spiritual culture of the peoples inhabiting Yakutia. Mammoth fauna has always, in one or another way, affected the social, economic and even political spheres of people’s life, and of course, it left an imprint on the spiritual life in form of the myths, legends and mythical images. These representations played a substantial role in spiritual culture of the peoples of Yakutia; therefore, this article attempts to view them in the folklore of mammoth archetype as a part of ethnic culture. There is scattered data regarding the representations of different peoples on mammoth fauna. Usually, such myths are described with the entire range of folklore of a particular ethnos, and were not viewed comprehensively in the common context. The novelty of this research consists in the attempt of collection, systematization and analysis of information on the role of mammoth in folklore of the peoples of Yakutia, as well as identification of the categories of images reflecting the traditional representations on mammoths and their regional peculiarities. It is concluded, that the representations of mammoth among the peoples of Yakutia can be divided into two categories: more realistic eastern (the Ykaghir and the Chukchi), and more mythical western (the Yakut, the Even, and the Evenks). For all of the listed ethnoses, mammoth is an important and sacred animal, who has chthonic traits, but also carries the religious mediation functions.
Myth, Spiritual culture, Folklore, North, Legends of the mammoth, Mammoth, Arctic, Chthonic being, Shamanism, Tusk
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Yaylenko, E. (2019). Nulla mulier buona: the image of ideal wife based on the data of moral-ethical treatises of the Renaissance Era. Man and Culture, 6, 171–189.
This article examines the views upon the designation of women and their social status, as well as how it reflected in the content of moral-didactical treatises of the Renaissance Era. The following works serve as historical sources for this study: Giuseppe Passi “On the Defects of Women” (1599), Lucrezia Marinella “Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men” (1600), Moderata Fonte “On the Merit of Women” (1591), as well as other authors who comprised compendiums on the proper household management and parenting. The method of scientific research consists in determination of fundamental theses characterizing the common regard of women, which is clarified in comparison with other historical sources. The novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the content of the moral-didactical and domestic treatises that helps revealing the realities of routine life of a woman in the Renaissance era is used as a historical source. Since many of the compositions were authored by women, it allows understanding their own perspective on their social status.
Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella, Giuseppe Passi, education, marriage, woman, treatises, Italy, Renaissance, Lodovico Dolce
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Nazanyan, K.G. (2019). Hieromonk of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery Antony (Sorunkov) (1859-?) and his contribution to preservation and study of church antiquities. Man and Culture, 6, 190–197.
The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the revived interest to the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church and its history. The study of preservation of the national cultural heritage by the Orthodox clergy is based on the analysis of personal contribution of the priest of Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. The subject of this article is the ideas and projects proposed in the early XX century by Hieromonk Antony (Sorunkov). The object is the sociocultural activity of the church minister. The author examines the biographical facts of the monk, verified by the archival and museum documents that reconstruct the described events. The application of activity approach towards studying the history of culture allows revealing the personal behavioral strategies, as well as analyzing the problem of interrelation of the collective and personal in the context of Russian Orthodox Church, conceptual grounds and historical forms of preservation and examination of cultural heritage. The author’s special contribution consists in the analysis of all discovered documental testimonies regarding the Hieromonk Antony (Sorunkov), which could simulate the events that influences the priest as a future journalist and antiquarian. Inability to humbly response to the surrounding injustice, the desire to reform the established order, and enthusiasm for contemplative-conservatory aspect of life led to the fact that his to build the museum never materialized. Currently, part of the personal museum of Hieromonk Antony is exhibited in the museums of Saint Petersburg and Cherepovets, illustrating the peasant monastery routine of the Russian North.
church local study, Orthodox clergy, church antiquities, cultural heritage of Russia, Russian orthodox church, museum studies, museum, Russian North, monasticism, church archeology
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Petrenko, M.S. (2019). V. M. Shukshin and the fellow villagers: clash of images of the rural world (on the materials of the film “Happy Go Lucky”). Man and Culture, 6, 198–205.
The object of this research is the image of Siberian village in V. M. Shukshin’s film “Happy Go Lucky”. The subject of this research is the clash of constructs of the rural world of film director and his fellow villagers in the context of social problems with which Shukshin was concerned. The author views the film as a tool for designing a new reality, based on which the film director was trying to visualize his own thoughts and express them through the images. The goal consists in determining the key conceptual problems that caused Shukshin’s concern, and compare with the perception of his fellow villagers. The results of the conducted research lies in detection of the various vision of rural world, which generated the clash of images of the Siberian village and the conflict in understanding of social problems by Shukshin and his fellow villagers, by means of which the writer-filmmaker attempted to reflect the specificity of Siberian village and highlight the negative consequences of social transformation taking place in the village during the 1960’s.
fiction, visualization, construct, patriarchal, urbanization, village, cinema, Siberia, Shukshin, documentary
Music and music culture
Shirieva, N.V. (2019). Choral compositions of Sofia Gubaidulina in the Russian and foreign research. Man and Culture, 6, 206–215.
The works of Sofia Gubaidulina comprise the best pages of the anthology of modern music. Despite the growing scientific interest towards oeuvres of S. Gubaidulina, not many studies are dedicated to her choral compositions. The goal of this analytical review became the determination of the range of musicological approaches to studying the composer’s choral music, which regardless of the existing discrepancies, contributed to the creation of holistic research image of this vector of Gubaidulina’s works. The results of research, conducted in accordance with genre principle, lead to demarcation of the questions raised by art historians into two blocks – theoretical and practical, as well as detection of evolution of the role of choir depending on the scale of composition. The author concludes on the prospects of studying the choral compositions of Sofia Gubaidulina due to the specificity of choral texture that requires meticulous theoretical attention and generates an entire complex of choirmastering and performative objectives.
Night in Memphis, Hommage à Marina Tsvetayeva, Aus dem Stundenbuch, Sonnengesang, choral music, Sofia Gubaidulina, Jetzt immer Schnee, Alleluja, Johannes-Passion, choir
Music and music culture
Savitskaya, E. (2019). Symphony, instrumental music concert, concerto grosso in rock music: to the questions of genre interpretation and development. Man and Culture, 6, 216–225.
This article is dedicated to the questions of interpretation of instrumental genre in art music (concerto grosso, suite, instrumental music concert, symphony) in the context of stylistic dialogue with rock music started at the turn of the 1960’s – 1970’s. The compositions “at the intersection” of rock and art music, attributed by the composers (primarily rock musicians) as “symphony”, “concert”, etc. are analyzed. The author explores the stylistic peculiarities, and determines that in most cases the methods of formation and development of musical content characteristic to the rock music, such as rhythmic and melodic ostinato, dynamic pick up, and timbre variation, come to the fore. Attention is given to the questions of the unity of cycle, intonation and structural lings in the particular musical compositions. Research methodology combines the musicological and historical-culturological approaches; leans on the works of M. Arnovsky, T. Didenko, V. Konen, V. Syrov, A. Ysuker and other scholars. The author introduces into the scientific discourse new material from the field of rock music (In Spe - Typewriter Concerto in D Major, Kostarev Group – Concerto Grosso #1); determines the specificities of genre interpretation of the famous pieces (Deep Purple – Concerto for Group and Orchestra). The conclusion is made that the compositional principles of rock music and the sound material withstand the “dialecticity” of the classical sonata allegro, although the functional load of the parts of sonata-symphonic cycle retains most of the time. However, the pre-classical types of multi-frequency composition and the related principles of concentration, contrast and playing acquire an important meaning.
progressive rock, music form, suite, style, genre, rock music, sonata-symphonic cycle, concerto grosso, symphony, concerto
First person view
Vinyukova, N.V. (2019). Priest at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries: Iosif Ivanovich Fudel through the eyes of contemporaries. Man and Culture, 6, 226–241.
This article examines the published and unpublished reminiscences on the protoiereus and publicist Iosif Ivanovich Fudel (1864-1918) – a figure who played a noticeable role in Moscow cultural life, however, neglected by the researchers. The subject of study became the image of I. I. Fudel in witness testimonies. The goal is to reconstruct the portrait of I. I. Fudel and his social roles in perception of the memoirists. The author attempts to trace his personality traits and vectors of activity important to his contemporaries, as well as characterize people’s attitude towards him and peculiarities of their perception. Testimonies of the contemporaries allow reconstructing the daily life of the extraordinary priest of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries – he personified a father, a mentor, a friend, a confessor, and a writer. The author depicts a vivid portrait of multifarious personality of father Iosif for everyone remembering the church minister as the ideal of righteous and strenuous life.
public thought, The Russian Orthodox Church, religious and philosophical societies, intelligentsia, intellectual biography, Lev Tikhomirov, Sergey Fudel, memoir, microhistory, Joseph Fudel