Gryaznova E.V., Afanas'ev S.V., Khlap A.A..
“Information culture” and “psychological virtual reality” as the categories of information concept of virtual reality
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 83-92.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.6.27906.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.6.27906
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Abstract: This article makes an attempt to substantiate the possibility for development of the categories of “information culture” and “psychological virtual reality” within the framework of information concept of virtual reality. Special attention is given to the critical analysis of the concept of “psychological virtual reality”, which is widely used in modern philosophical and psychological literature. This aspect of research allows proceeding with the analysis of the problem of transformation of consciousness as a generic quality of a human in terms of the development of information culture. The conducted analysis demonstrates that the advancement of categories of “information culture” and “psychological virtual reality” within the framework of information concept of virtual reality is possible, because the phenomena determined by these categories have informational essence. Studying of consciousness as a form of existence of information culture in terms of the concept of virtual reality will help reaching the problems of transformation as one of the key generic qualities of a human in the conditions of evolution of the modern sociocultural space of the virtual-information reality.
Keywords: virtual information reality, situation, information, information concept, consciousness, psychological virtual reality, information culture, virtual reality, personal information culture, information virtual psyche
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Archetypes and mythologemes as elements of the “open world” phenomenon of the computer role-playing game “The Witcher”
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 46-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.4.26528.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.4.26528
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the review of game production, namely the Witcher universe as a specific form of text, realized as a combination of the phenomena named the “open world”. The object of this research is the application of archetypes and mythologemes of the developing genre of computer role-paying games (RPG). Particular attention is given to the development of game universes, and one of the factors of its development within the genre of role games – the open world phenomenon, which in the author’s opinion, ensures the formation of new mythology and turns the game space into the specific culturological phenomenon, transforming the mass consciousness by creating a variation affect, suggested to a player in terms of using one or another game project, active research of the so-called “seamless world”. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the little-studied aspects of the evolution of mass culture, namely with active use of multiple mythologemes applied in the entire set of game universes, particularly the Witcher, which is a distinct marker of the development of this direction. Figuratively, consideration of the characterized game universe can be interpreted as a marker of development of the entire industry which allows concluding that the modern game industry actively uses a specific form of the reflection of game reality, called an open world. It is based on several elements (effects) that have archetypical nature.
Keywords: contexts, variability, Scandinavian mythology, Witcher, archetypal constructions, cultural landscape, game universes, myth, images, environment
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