Rozin V.M..
Personalistic overtones in the realization of Enlightenment ideas (based on the history of the Illuminati Order)
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 51-57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.69811 EDN: POUOKN URL:
The article considers one of the lines of understanding and realization of Enlightenment ideas, due to the peculiarities of the New European personality. A personality is an individual acting independently and therefore forced to build a world and private self-image that partially does not coincide with the generally accepted ones. Kant associates these features precisely with Enlightenment, with the competence to use one's mind without guidance from someone else. Two social institutions are considered, the young nation-state and the Catholic Church, striving to put the individual, Society and communities under their control and management. The author suggests that society and communities were created in response to the pressure and expansion of these social institutions. The similarities and differences of social institutions and communities represented by unions and orders are analyzed. The relations between these three subjects and social forces (institutions of church and state, Society and communities) were quite tense, there was a struggle between them, the result of which, on the one hand, was the demarcation and separation of zones of influence, on the other hand, the suppression of the enemy, which often turned out to be Society, communities and the individual. In this context, according to the author, a conspiracy discourse is emerging, which the closer to our time, the more it is used against communities and individuals. This struggle within the institutions of the state and the church, as well as in art, is illustrated by the example of the history of the Illuminati. The activities of the Illuminati and other Orders (communities) were directed by a New European personality who, as Kant wrote, aspired to adulthood, which was in contradiction with the desire of the state and the Catholic Church to direct and control the mind and actions of a person. The author believes that the confrontation of the individual, Society and communities with the state and its institutions persists in our time. Of course, we are talking about a certain type of personality, so to speak, Kantian, and not any; there are individuals and communities that support the state.
control, culture, The Order, communities, Society, Institute, personality, the individual, freedom, state
Stozhko N., Sudakova N..
Chemical pollution of the human environment and issues of the development of ecological culture
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 4.
P. 64-75.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.4.43897 EDN: WEDDHS URL:
The subject of the study is the need to form a modern ecological culture in the conditions of growing macroeconomic turbulence and systemic ecological crisis. The object of the study is the state of the modern environment, in general, and its chemical pollution, in particular. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the currently growing chemical pollution of the environment, the cumulative effect of such pollution, issues of ensuring environmental (chemical) safety and ways of forming an ecological culture. Special attention is paid to the institutional and legal aspect of the development of ecological culture in the "nature – society" system and the conditions necessary to prevent further chemical pollution of the environment. The main conclusions of the study are proposals to create a promising strategy (program) for the prevention and elimination of chemical pollution of the environment, to complete the preparation and adoption of an appropriate regulatory framework for dealing with chemical pollution and related risks, to increase public literacy in the field of chemical safety, to develop a new methodology for monitoring, assessment and relief of chemical pollution at enterprises and organizations that are sources of such pollution, as well as on the revision of some principles and norms of modern environmental policy in the field of combating chemical pollution, adjusting its main direction related to the preservation of the "status quo" of the environment towards its reclamation and reproduction. The novelty of the research lies in the development of organizational aspects related to the culture of chemical safety in modern conditions.
ecological culture, human, chemical safety, chemical pollution, habitat, reclamation, natural environment, environment, society, cumulative effect
Shulgina O., Shul'gina D.P., Mikhailenko N.L..
The role of cartographic culture in the development of cognitive, scientific, communicative and creative human activity
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 6.
P. 111-127.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.38505 EDN: NTZCTR URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the role of cartographic culture in the development of cognitive, scientific, communicative and creative human activity. Geographical maps are considered as a phenomenon of world culture and their significant role in many spheres of human life and activity is highlighted. The concept of cartographic culture is revealed. The research is based on literary, cartographic sources, materials of museum expositions and modern cartographic exhibitions, a collection of maps of the authors' personal archive, significant experience in teaching cartographic and geographical disciplines at university and school. The methods of visual and system-structural analysis, comparison, historical and logical are used in the research. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the systematization and generalization of multiple diverse information characterizing the manifestations of cartographic culture, the conditions of its formation, the components of this culture, in proving by examples the importance of cartographic culture in the life of a modern person. The main conclusions of the study: cartographic culture encompasses the ability of a person to understand, know, read maps; have a developed cartographic thinking and a formed cartographic worldview; an idea of the richness and diversity of cartographic works; the ability to create at least at an elementary level thematic cartographic schemes, perceive and recreate cartographic images. The main component of cartographic culture is mastering the language of geographical maps as one of the most important means of communication, having great cognitive, ideological, ideological significance, having visibility, accessibility, information capacity, understandable at the international level.
cartographic thinking, history of cartography, painting, cartography, a means of cognition, research method, means of communication, map language, geographical map, cartographic culture
Meng H..
The Formation of Chinese Still Life Paintings in the Context of the Interaction of Western and Eastern Artistic Traditions
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 5.
P. 48-61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.5.38791 EDN: HMFHMC URL:
Chinese painting of flowers and birds and Western still life paintings are unique, but they have a certain similarity in the representation of objects of the material world. The artists who created them belonged to different cultures, but turned to similar motives, means of expression, as well as artistic materials and techniques of working with them. Gradually, their interaction intensified, which led to borrowings and changes in artistic concepts. The main problem of this study is the parallels in the evolution of the genre of still life paintings in Chinese and Western European painting from the XVII century to the present — the time of the active development of this genre both in the West and in the East. The aim of the research is to find similarities and differences in the approaches of Chinese and Western European artists when creating works in the genre of still life in terms of background construction, composition, color, ways of expressing the idea, as well as the choice of theme and motif of the image. A comparative characteristic of the work of artists of various periods from Caravaggio and Li Song to Marcus Lupertz and Zhou Shaohua, as well as a number of modern Chinese painters, is consistently given. A comprehensive artistic analysis of paintings by various authors shows that at present we can talk about the search for traditions in the creation of still life in the synthesis of the principles of Western European art and Guohua.
vanity of vanities, symbol, flowers and birds, motive, western European painting, chinese art, comparative analysis, artistic style, still-life, guohua
Alekseev-Apraksin A.M., Li L..
Six schools of Chinese Mahayana
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.2.37718 URL:
This article is an analysis of the Mahayana Buddhist schools that were developed in China due to the development and adaptation of knowledge that came to the country along the Silk Road. Starting with the history of the penetration of Buddhism into the Celestial Empire, the authors offer the reader an overview of the main schools of Chinese Mahayana: Tiantai-zong, Huayang-zong, Chan-zong, Iznitu-zong, Sanlun-zong and Fasyan-zong, noting that they are all studied and practiced to this day. In addition, many of the ideological positions developed in them have formed a kind of frames over time, combining a number of cultural codes of the Chinese ethos. A review of the main schools of Mahayana allowed the authors of the article to show the continuity between Indian sources and Chinese-Buddhist thought, and at the same time demonstrate cultural forms of adaptation and independent development of the teaching. The centuries-old history of the existence of schools reconstructed by the authors testifies to the role of China in the transmission of Buddhism to neighboring countries. The present work reveals the conceptual kinship of Chinese and Russian Buddhism. The study showed such features of Buddhism as the openness of the teaching to new cultures, the lack of dogmatism in it and a number of valuable timeless ideological resources necessary for the implementation of cultural synthesis.
Six schools, Chinese Mahayana, Buddhist School, Fasiang-zong, Sanlun-zong, Jingtu-zong, Chang-tsung, Tiantai-zong, Huayang-zong, Buddhism
Mikheeva V.V..
Private Higher School of Russia: history and current problems of study
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 2.
P. 68-80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.2.37758 URL:
The object of the study is the system of non-state higher education in Russia. The subject is the analysis of historical research devoted to the difficult process of formation and development of a private higher school in Russia in various periods of national history. The methodological basis is the dialectical principles of the relationship between the process and the result, individual, special and general. In addition, there is a systematic approach that helps to identify the state of knowledge of the stated problem. A comparative historical method has also been used to explain the historiographical facts of the history of private education in connection with the historical situation, a retrospective method that contributes to complementing the picture of the development of historical and pedagogical events in our country. Relevance of the research topic. Democratic reforms in Russia in the 90s of the XX century contributed to the creation of conditions for the emergence of a non-state higher school. The State Higher School was unable to respond promptly and on a large scale to the changing situation in the country, the growing interest in education, the emergence of new professions and specialties, the provision of additional earnings to the teaching staff of state universities, etc. In these conditions, the non-state sector of higher education has experienced its rebirth, which is waiting for its reflection. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the conducted research are as follows: the trends in the development of the Russian system of private higher education from the moment of its birth to the present are outlined; the definition of the term "private higher school" is given; conclusions were drawn in the article about the state of domestic knowledge on the history of private higher school.
students, gymnasium, history, historiography, university, school, education, literature, status, reform
Ibragimova A.R..
Intercultural communication in the space of social interaction
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 2.
P. 81-90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.2.37961 URL:
The article is devoted to the problems of intercultural communication related to solving the problem of real achievement of consolidation in modern society. In this regard, special attention is paid to the analysis of the phenomenon of social interaction, which is traditionally mixed with the communication process. The article highlights the reasons for this confusion and its negative social and cultural consequences. Various levels and situations of social interaction that determine the nature and content of possible intercultural communications are also considered. The basis of the research methodology was the identification of various levels of social interaction as conditions for intercultural communication: micro-level, meso-level, macro-level and mega-level. The study of the levels of social interaction shows that the main problems in intercultural communications arise due to the mixing of these levels in the process of a particular communicative act. The main conclusions of this study are that it is the mixing and non-discrimination of the communicative and behavioral space that is the main cause of many modern social conflicts and confrontations. In the modern information society, virtual communications are increasingly dominating, creating an imitation of any social activity. To get away from this imitation, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive mutual study of the cultures of communicants involved in intercultural communication, which includes not only the development of relevant "cultural texts", but also the study of the processes of real social interactions in their relationship (or in the absence of such) with the processes of communication.
the content of intercultural communications, the nature of intercultural communication, the condition of intercultural communication, consolidation, culture, social, situation, social interaction, cross-cultural communication, communication
Bocharova M..
Visual state symbols of Japan during the Meiji era
// Man and Culture.
2021. № 4.
P. 73-90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.4.35261 URL:
This article is dedicated to the visual state symbols of Japan of the late XIX century (national flag, personal seal of the emperor, order and medal of honor, and military insignia). The aforementioned symbols are viewed as the attributes of the status. First institutionalized graphic symbols in the history of the country have emerged under the influence of European culture and actualized elements of the ”old” Japanese culture, primarily from the emblems “mon” used to decorate and identify an individual or a family. This article explores the mechanisms of their emergence, as well as the mechanisms of evolution and introduction into the cultural environment based on the material of print mass-market production (postcards and Ukiyo-e woodblock prints). The author’s main contribution consists in comprehensive analysis of the state symbols of Japan of the late XIX century as the attributes of the status, which has been conducted for the first time. The flag, order and emblem of the emperor were used to demonstrate their direct affiliation to the department, as an attribute of a festive event, or indicate their authority. The research also employed postcards as a rarely used source for studying political symbols, or used in the context of ideology alone. The visual images of print production illustrate the reality of using state symbols, as well as within the framework of artistic techniques expand their use as the symbols.
national symbol, visual culture studies, mark, japanese culture, standing, Meiji period, postcards, woodcut, flag of Japan, awards
Bykovskaya A.V..
The image of enthroned goddess in coroplast of the Early Hellenistic Bosporus
// Man and Culture.
2021. № 3.
P. 46-68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.35728 URL:
The subject of this research is the analysis of the composition of Bosporan terracotta with the image of enthroned goddess of the Early Hellenistic period (the late IV century BC – the late II century BC). The research material involves the figurines from the collection of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve of this type of iconography. Terracotta from the prewar excavations of the museum, as well as a number of figurines from the excavations in Porfmy are being published for the first time. The goal of this work is to highlight and analyze the characteristic traits of iconography of the enthroned goddess in the Bosporan coroplast, as well as their reveal their sacred meaning. Special attention is given to interpretation of the depicted attributes, which allow identifying the deity. Analysis of iconography testifies to the spread of the cult of Cybele in the III – II centuries BC. In the ancient coroplast, the image of this goddess is associated with such attributes as a tympanum, a young lion, and a cup. Such details can be traced in the Bosporan terracotta. However, by the turn of the III – II centuries, perhaps under the influence of the ideas of autochthonous population of the region, emerges a specific local iconography: new attributes, such as medallion with the head of a young line and a cone). Replication of the new image in the coroplast works underlines the popularity of the cult of the syncretic female deity among the overall population of the Bosporus.
Demeter, coroplasty, terrcottas, Mirmekion, Pantikapaeum, Bosporus, enthroned goddess, Cybele, cone, spindle
Tuzovskii I.D..
Global holiday as a cultural phenomenon of the Digital Age
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 4.
P. 33-48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.4.31767 URL:
The subject of this research is modern celebratory culture in the context of impact of globalization processes upon festivities. The author explores a new phenomenon that emerged in the early XXI century – a “global holiday” within the framework of sociocultural transformations related to transition of humanity towards the Digital Age, and formation of the global information space. Special attention is given to the following aspects: creation of media and post-mythological global holidays of the Digital Age, and transformation of the traditional holiday into new metanational forms. The methodological foundation for studying the holidays that received the status of "global" in modern culture became the adaptation of “head page method” applied in sociological, cultural and futurological research and sociocultural monitoring, including overt observation. The conclusion is made that modern culture marks the formation of several types of global holidays that carry metanational character: the first group includes media-produced holidays associated with post-folklore and post-mythology of modern society, or represent celebratory events as award ceremonies in the field of politics, art and science; the second group includes ethnic traditional holidays that received the global status (Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, Mexican Day of the Dead, Holi “Festival of Spring”, etc.). The phenomenon of global holidays should be taken into account in creation of the national strategies of cultural policy, and the global holiday itself may become one of the "soft power" tools in the Digital Age.
holiday, celebration, traditional culture, glocalization, globalization, Infromation Society, Digital Age, media culture, post-folklore, post-mythology
Gribov R.V..
Cultural inversion of the concept “social responsibility” on the example of activity of “Saratovneftegaz” branches during the 1950’s – 1980’s
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 1.
P. 81-89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.1.31504 URL:
The article is retargeted due to the fact that a similar text was published by the author earlier: R.V. Gribov Cultural inversion of the concept of “social responsibility” on the example of the activities of the units of “Saratovneftegas” in 1950-80. // Culture and civilization. 2019.No 6A. T. 9.P. 33-42. DOI: 10.34670 / AR.2020.46.4.004
The subject of this research is the historical experience of interaction between industrial complex and social infrastructure. The object of this research is the oil and gas sector of Saratov Region in the 1950’s – 1980’s. The author examines the formation of the national tradition of social responsibility; interaction of the national culture of production with liberal tradition; specificity of civilizational base of national culture in the aspect of responsibility depending on cultural environment; methods of organization of living floor space by enterprises; regional aspects of the question of organization of production. In the course of this study, the author used the methods characteristic for historical-culturological approach: comparative, statistical, and retrospective. Having analyzes the materials from state archives along with archives and museums of enterprises, the author concludes on the existence of two stages in formation of the concept of social responsibility of enterprises. Analysis of the activity of enterprises of oil and gas sector in the period from 1950’s to 1980’s allows underlining substantial cultural differences in interpretation of social responsibility in the conditions of Russian reality and liberal tradition.
human resources, social politics, oil and gas complex, Saratov region, cultural inversion, liberal tradition, social responsibility, company, industrialization, staff potential
Tsurikov V.I..
The influence of the geographical and natural environmental factors upon Russian mentality
// Man and Culture.
2016. № 4.
P. 15-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.4.20350 URL:
The subject of this research is the impact of the natural conditions, in which the Eastern Slavic people have live and cultivated land, upon the formation of certain features of the Russian economic mentality. The author analyzes the role of the landscape specificities and geographical factors of the Eastern Europe concerning the establishment of peculiar attitude of the first settlers towards the surrounding space, as well as their place of residence and property. The specific environmental conditions necessitated the farmers towards the unequal work rhythm in the course of year, which later spread over the entire lifestyle of their descendants. Nature and climate dictated to the first settlers and their successors the difficult living conditions in the woody and swampy lands, forcing them to concentrate on farming and husbandry, which impeded development of the trade-economic relations, thus prolonging the economic lag behind Western Europe. The research is conducted primarily within the framework of the historical method, which allows determining the inner logic and prerequisites for education and strengthening of the certain mental characteristics. The main conclusion consists in the following: the popular among Eastern Slavic people fire–fallow form of cultivation forced the farmers to lead the migrating lifestyle, under the influence of which the mental characteristics of the migrants have formed.
Economic lag, Farming, Migrants, Famers, Fire-fallow cultivation, Climate, Natural conditions, Geographical factor, Eastern Slavic people, Russian mentality