Seleznev A.V..
Periodization of history of the All-Union Society “Knowledge” based on the comparative and functional analysis of evolution of its target orientations, organizational foundations and structure
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 17-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.1.25597.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.1.25597
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the evolution of target orientations of the cultural-educational activity of the All-Union Society “Knowledge”, transformation of the conceptual approaches towards integration of the Soviet intelligentsia into nonprofit organization that was called to raise the general cultural level of population, distribute the political and scientific knowledge in Soviet Union. Special attention is given to the question of the impact of target orientations upon the functions realized by the indicated nonprofit organization in Soviet society, as well as upon the organizational foundations and structure of the All-Union Society “Knowledge” itself. Leaning on the analysis of transformation of the goals and tasks, organizational foundations and structure of the All-Union Society “Knowledge”, established in various editions of the Charter of the organization, the author defines the key periods in the history of one or another cultural-educational organization. The author developed the theoretical concept of analysis of the activity of All-Union Society “Knowledge”, having suggested the original periodization of its history divided into three periods: 1947-1954; 1954-1982; 1982-1991. In accordance with the highlighted periods, took place the changes in conceptual approaches towards the educational and organizational activity of the All-Union Society “Knowledge”, understanding of its goals and tasks, which leads to transformation of the organizational foundations and structure of this Society.
Keywords: communist education, the Marxist-Leninist worldview, agitation and propaganda, cultural activity, CPSU, Society Znanie, adult education, mass public organization, functions of the educational organization, lecturers
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