Shigurova T.A..
The study of the Mordovian costume: the spiral as a means of shaping the "puloker" bevel
// Man and Culture. – 2024. – № 4.
– P. 155-170.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.4.71322.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.4.71322
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Abstract: The relevance of the study of the ancient nakosnik of the Moksha woman is determined by the importance of studying the Mordovian culture, the history of the Mordovian costume, and the way of creating the nakosnik. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the spiral method of shaping in the metal decoration of archaeological monuments (Kryukovo–Kuzhnovskaya, Elizavet-Mikhailovsky burial grounds) of the Mordovian people. The objectives of the study are to identify in which jewelry the spiral shape was often found, what was the method of forming the Moksha band puloker, how widespread it was when creating a traditional Mordovian costume. The headpiece of the puloker showed a new symbolic accent in a traditional costume. Its simple, reliable form embodied a synthesis of the ancient artistic canon, the stability of the culture of the people and changes in the idea of the ideal female image. The results of the study can bring closer to understanding another complex phenomenon in the medieval history of the Mordovian people, its ethnic identity. The methodology of the work is based on a philosophical and cultural analysis of the materials on the topic of the article, synthesis and generalization of historical and archaeological sources. The novelty of the work lies in the substantiation of the stability of the spiral shape in the metal pieces of the southern archaeological sites of the Mordovian people. As a result of the study, it was found that in the second half of the 2nd millennium AD, stability was observed in the existence of a spiral shape in the metal-plastic of the southern archaeological sites of the Mordovian people. It prevailed in such jewelry as a pendant with a weight, a piercing, a crown, bracelets, rings, shoe jewelry, and an ornament. The author of the article is of the opinion that the puloker was formed in strict accordance with the original tradition of the Mordovian people, using proven and well–known technologies, methods of processing raw materials and inherited spiral shaping techniques in a suit (wrapping – twisting). It appeared as a result of the modernization of the material and thanks to the creative activity of a woman.
Keywords: shape, spiral, braid, headdress, Mordovian-Moksha, women's costume, tradition, method of creation, culture, wire
Alikhova, A.E. (1959). From the history of the Mordovians at the end of the 1st-beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. From the ancient and medieval history of the Mordovian people (Archaeological collection, vol. II.), pp. 13-54. Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house.
Archeology of the Mordovian region: Stone Age, Bronze Age: monograph. (2008). V. N. Shitov [etc.]; under general ed. V. V. Stavitsky, V. N. Shitov; Research Institute for Humanities. Sciences under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. Saransk.
Voronina, R.F. (2007). Lyadino antiquities: from the history of Mordovians-Moksha: end of the 9th – beginning of the 11th century. Institute of Archeology RAS. Moscow: Nauka.
Gurevich, A.Ya. (1984). Categories of medieval culture. 2nd ed., rev. and additional. Moscow: Art.
Zhiganov, M.F. (1976). Memory of Ages: Study of Archaeology. Mordov monuments. people during the years of the Soviet Union. authorities. Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house.
Chuvilkina I.V..
The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Batyushkovo, Dmitrovsky district: XX century and modernity (based on the materials of museum and personal archives)
// Man and Culture. – 2024. – № 4.
– P. 23-40.
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Abstract: In this article, the object of research is the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Batyushkovo, Dmitrovsky district, built in the middle of the XVII century (1666). In the article, the author collects and researche information about the owners of the village and the church for three centuries, describes the events taking place with the church in the XX century. The main details and aspects of the repair and restoration of the church, which took place in 1902 and 1970, are investigated. A special section of the article is a study of the life path of the clergy of the church, the contact of their destinies with political events and repressions of the 1930s. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the publication of data on the restoration of the church. Restoration documents and reports are published for the first time, architects, restorers and icon painters who participated in the restoration, painting of the church, and creating new images for believers are listed. The article contains oral memoirs of residents of the village of Batyushkovo about the existence of the church in the 1930s–1990s, published photographs from personal archives, as well as archives of the Dmitrovsky Kremlin Museum-Reserve, the A.V. Shchusev State Museum of Architecture, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, giving a voluminous idea of the history of the church and its current state.
Keywords: nationalization of property, local history, cultural heritage, restoration, architecture, metric, Dmitrovsky district, temple, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Batyushkovo
Batyushkovo. Central State Archive of Moscow. f. 454/MAO/ op. 3 units ridge 69. Metric No. 357. Archive of the State Museum of Architecture. KP 5299/39, 1-4.
Memoirs of Alexandra Nikolaevna Kalinina (born 1927), a resident of the village of Batyushkovo, a primary school teacher who taught in rural schools in the Dmitrovsky district, and then in schools in Moscow.
Gornostaeva, O. (1902). (photo). St. Nicholas Church. Manor Batyushkovo. 1666 Moscow region Dmitrovsky district. Batyushkovo village. Nikolskaya Church, 1666 Interior. Fragment of the iconostasis. 06.12.1902. State Museum of Architecture. A.V. Shchusev. GNIMA. OF-4891/11.
Gornostaeva, O. (1902). (photo). St. Nicholas Church. Manor Batyushkovo. 1666 Moscow region Dmitrovsky district. Batyushkovo village. Nikolskaya Church, 1666 Interior. Fragment of the iconostasis of the northern aisle. 06.12.1902. State Museum of Architecture. A.V. Shchusev. GNIMA OF-4891/12.
Penkin, B. N. (1913). Populated areas of the Moscow province: From A
Shulgina O., Shul'gina D.P..
Features of the formation of the cultural and landscape environment near the objects of Moscow's natural heritage on the example of the Ramenka River Valley
// Man and Culture. – 2023. – № 5.
– P. 85-96.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.5.43526.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.5.43526
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the formation of the cultural and landscape environment of Moscow. The cultural landscape is considered as a result of the co-creation of nature and man, which is especially pronounced in urbanized space. This can be traced in historical and cultural contexts on the example of the territory located in the valley of the Ramenka River. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient study of this territory, which became part of Moscow only in the middle of the twentieth century and the importance of scientific understanding of modern architectural and landscape transformations. The work is based on literary, archival, cartographic sources, data from their own local history observations. The work uses historical and cartographic research methods, as well as methods of local history observations, system-structural analysis. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the systematization and generalization of multiple diverse information characterizing the history of the formation of the cultural landscape of one of the districts of Moscow; in identifying the factors that determined the peculiarities of the formation and change in time of these landscapes, in assessing the impact of modern architectural and urban planning approaches on the environmental situation. The main conclusions of the study: despite the centuries-old efforts of people to dominate the "nature-society-man" system, with the development of ecological culture, the priority of natural values in the formation of urban landscapes increases; the natural heritage of Moscow is an integral element of its cultural heritage; the construction of modern residential complexes near natural heritage sites, paradoxically, contributes to the improvement of environmental situation, creative improvement of the visual environment.
Keywords: visual environment, factors of landscape change, architectural and landscape transformations, associative landscape, cultural and landscape environment of Moscow, nature as heritage, the history of the formation of landscape, natural heritage, cultural landscape, cultural heritage
The act of the state historical and cultural examination of the land plot subject to the impact of earthworks, construction, economic works on the object: "Residential complex at the address: Moscow, the intersection of the Aminevsky highway with the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railway, the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye district, CJSC. Retrieved from
Armand, D.L. (1975). Landscape Science (Fundamentals of Theory and Logic-Mathematical Methods). Moscow: Thought.
Vedenin, Yu.A. (2000). Associative landscapes of Russia. Forest Bulletin, 5, 35-40.
Vedenin, Yu.A. (2013). Cultural-landscape approach to heritage conservation. Observatory of Culture, 1, 66-73.
Vedenin, Yu.A., & Kuleshova, M.E. (2001). Cultural landscape as an object of cultural and natural heritage. Izvestiya RAN. Ser. Geography, 1, 7-14.
Vedenin, Yu. A. (2018). Cultural and landscape space of
Nadekhina Y.P., Kryukova E.V., Geokchakyan A.G..
"Labor culture" and "cultural revolution" in the USSR. The activity of the CIT in the 1920s - 1930s.
// Man and Culture. – 2023. – № 2.
– P. 15-22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.2.40422.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.2.40422
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Abstract: Today we are witnessing a transition to new forms of work culture, in the context of the transition from an industrial economy to a digital one. Similar processes took place during the formation of the Soviet state. Then, the culture of work was undergoing its transformation from the conditions of the traditional economy to the conditions of the industrial world. Labor institutions created in the 1920s played a special role in these processes. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the process of forming a new work culture through the activities of the Tsitovites, which took place in the conditions of the cultural revolution in the USSR. The relevance of the topic is due to the historical aspect of the consideration of the described problem, not the economic one. The authors turn to the periodical press of the designated period, to archival documents, as well as to modern scientific research. As a result, the authors come to the conclusion that in the 1920s - 30s in the USSR, the processes of formation of labor culture and the cultural revolution went on in parallel and actively influenced each other. In our country, the principles of scientific organization of labor acquire the character of an important tool for speedy progress towards the restoration of the national economy after the devastation of the First World War and the Civil War. The activities of the Central Institute of Labor laid the foundation for a creative approach to labor relations, a special role in this belonged to the director of the CITA – A.K. Gastev.
Keywords: Bogdanov, management schools, Bessalko, proletkult, Gastev, cultural revolution, labor culture, NOT, labor institutes, laboratories of CIT
Ashenova T.M. Cultural revolution in the system of public education in Soviet Russia // Russia in the period of revolutionary transformations (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the revolution in Russia). Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference. Omsk Law Academy. 2017. S. 77-82.
Bulanova M. B. A. K. Gastev and P.A. Sorokin: at the origins of the sociology of labor / / III Gastev readings. Collection of articles of the International scientific-practical conference. Moscow, 2022, pp. 32-38.
Burganov R.F. Scientific organization of labor: history and modernity // Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2011. No. 44 (251). pp. 59-64.
Buchkina E.A. Reading hut as an instrument of cultural policy during the cultural revolution // Education and cultural space. 2020. No. 2. S. 55-61
Bulletin of the CIT.-1923.-No. 8, March 25
Bulletin of the CIT.-1923.-No. 10, May 20
Bulletin of the CIT.-1923.-No. 11, June 25
Gunoev I.S. Work culture: in search of a methodological research par
Karagodin A.V., Bulavintseva E.V..
Comprehensive source studies in the service of historians and local historians: new information about the estates of the Southern coast of the Crimea in the XIX – early XX century. and their owners (by the example of studying the area of Magarach).
// Man and Culture. – 2022. – № 6.
– P. 128-150.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.37220.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.37220
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the history of the cultural landscape of the Southern coast of the Crimea of the XIX - beginning. XX century. and new methods of its study. This topic has been on the periphery of Russian historiography for a long time, but in recent years it has attracted the attention of both professional historians and local historians. Their joint efforts are aimed at localizing former estates and resorts, establishing the names of their owners and guests, reconstructing the visual appearance of cities and towns, studying the history of everyday life, identifying socio-economic, socio-cultural factors that influenced the course of the resort development of the YBK in the "imperial" era. This should serve to establish a more fair idea of the value of historical and cultural monuments, often "invisible" among modern buildings, to spread historical knowledge, to educate residents of the Crimea and its guests.
The novelty of the undertaken research lies in its historiographical and methodological perspective. The review of the authors' actual achievements in the reconstruction of the history of the cultural landscape of the Southern Coast of Crimea, in particular, the Magarach locality (starting from the turn of the 1830s, when a colony of enlightened noble winemakers was established there by decree of M.S.Vorontsov, and up to 1920), is accompanied by an analysis of the source and methodological arsenal, which made it possible to achieve success in liquidation "white spots". These are, first of all, methods of complex source studies that significantly increase the informational impact of sources of various types (written, visual, material) and types, as well as the armament with modern methods of historical research – digital cartography, work with GIS systems, databases of digitized visual data.
Keywords: cultural landscape, Southern Coast of Crimea, Late Imperial Russia, local history, complex source studies, digital cartography, geographic information system, history of winemaking, Magarach, Yalta
Putevoditel' po goram Kryma. Izdanie Yaltinskogo otdeleniya KKGK pod redaktsiey deystvitel'nogo chlena KKGK i Yaltinskogo otdeleniya V. A. Merkulova. S-Peterburg: Tipografiya M.D.Lomkovskogo, 1903.
Partikulyarnye pis'ma A. I. Kaznacheeva M. S. Vorontsovu, 1828–1837 gg.// Rossiyskiy Arkhiv. Istoriya Otechestva v svidetel'stvakh i dokumentakh XVIII-XX vv. M.: Studiya «TRITE»; Ros. Arkhiv, 2010. T. XIX. S. 338–341.
Osmanskiy reestr zemel'nykh vladeniy Yuzhnogo Kryma 1680-kh godov. Sostavitel' A. V. Efimov. Moskva: Institut naslediya, 2021. T. 3. S. 218–220.
Pamyati Ivana Tuchkova. 24 sentyabrya 2018 g. URL:
Nashchokina M.V. Stilisticheskie predpochteniya v tvorchestve arkhitektora Vladimira Vladimirovicha Shervuda// Dinastiya Shervudov v istorii i kul'ture Rossii (pod red.Yu.R.Savel'eva). M: Svyaz' Epokh. Kuchkovo pole Muzeon, 2017. 502 s.
Moskvich G. Illyustrirovannyy prakticheskiy putevoditel' po Krymu. 13-e izd. Odessa: Tip. L. Netiche, 1904. 416 s.
Montandon Sh. Putevoditel' puteshestvennika po Kry
Usov A.A..
Traditional House-Yard Complex in the Historical Settlements of the Terskoye Pomorye (Based on the Materials of Expeditions to the Village of Varzuga)
// Man and Culture. – 2022. – № 6.
– P. 47-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.39447.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.39447
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Abstract: The article presents the preliminary results of the architectural and ethnographic survey of the Varzuga settlement. The subject of the study is the traditional complex-houses in the cultural landscape of the rural historical settlements of the Terskoye Pomorye. The purpose is to determine the place and role of the house in the space of a modern Pomorye settlement; to identify the architectural and structural features, layout and decor of the dwelling as an ethnomarker of Russians in the North and the Arctic. The research is based on empirical material obtained during expedition survey in 2022 in the Tersky district of the Murmansk region. Also, it is based on the application of the author's methodology of the Doctor of Sciences (Culturology) A.B. Permilovskaya on architectural and ethnographic survey of wooden architecture objects. The author concludes that the Varzuga dwelling is a more compact version of the “brus” (beam), which is found in the settlements of the southern coast of the White Sea. The main constructive difference is that the “back” hut here is adjacent not to a cold barn, but to a significantly reduced utility yard, and has its own “main” facade overlooking the back of the house. However, in general, even a significantly rebuilt house retains its place as a factor in the formation of the cultural landscape of the settlement, bears the features of the continuity of ancient carpentry traditions, and in its laconic decor contains cultural meanings that reflect the mentality of the local Pomors population.
Keywords: house-yard complex, folk archirecture, Terskoye Pomorye, traditional culture, traditional decor, architectural and structural organization, rural historical settlement, dwelling, Russian North, Arctic
Opolovnikov, A. V. (1983). Russian wooden architecture. civil architecture. Moscow: Iskusstvo.
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Permilovskaya, A. B. (2022). Onezhskoye Pomorye: New Results of Surveying the Cultural Landscapes of the Russian North and the Arctic in the Context of Historical Memory (2018-2020). In Kenozero readings – 2021 (pp. 69-79). Arkhangelsk: Kenozero National Park.
Usov, A. A. (2021). Features of the formation and transformation of the cultural landscape of the historical settlements of the Onezhskoye Pomorye. Culture and art, 11, 1-21. doi: 10.7256/2454-0625.2021.11.36850.
Chibisov, B. I. (2018). Lapps population of the Novgorod land in the XV – the first third of the XVI century. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series “Humanitarian and Social Sciences”, 4, 26-25. doi: 10.17238/issn2227-6564.2018.4.26.
Bernshtam, T. A. (1978). Pomory. Leningrad: Nauka.
Permilovskaya, A. B. (2015). Cultu
Gordienko E..
Vietnamese Tutelary Spirits (Thành Hoàng): History Of the Cult and its Current State
// Man and Culture. – 2022. – № 5.
– P. 62-76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.5.38950.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.5.38950
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Abstract: This article discusses the cult of the tutelary spirits (thành hoàng) in Vietnam. These are spirits venerated as patrons of villages, rural communities and urban areas in Vietnam are expected to protect area against calamities, disasters, epidemics, wars, etc. These are mythical, historical and pseudo-historical characters who have merits to the area and its inhabitants. The veneration of them is rooted in the traditional culture. It is an integral part of the Vietnamese folk religion (tín ngưỡng dân gian Việt Nam). The spirits of the area are included in the pantheon of numerous deities and spirits (thần) worshipped by the Vietnamese nowadays despite the anti-religious policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam (in the second half of the 20th century).
The article describes reconstruction of the history of the cult and a description of its current state. The milestones of its development are considered: the formation of the cult during the Late Lê dynasty (1428–1788), development trends during the Nguyễn dynasty (1802–1945), which included the period of colonization of Vietnam by the French, the decline of the cult in the second half of the 20th century in socialist Vietnam, the revival of the cult and the entire religious system with the beginning of economic reforms and the democratization of public life in the 1980-90s, and finally, the modern flourishing of the cult and the features of its adaptation to modern conditions. The definition of the historical forms of the cult allows to identify the dynamics in its development and describe the inevitable transformations of the cult in the 21st century, which often are not realized by the bearers of culture, who perceive the cult as an ancient unchanging tradition.
The cult has not previously been studied by Soviet and Russian orientalists. I propose the first systematic description of the history of the cult and an assessment of its current state.
Keywords: Asian Studies, Far East religions, syncretism, deities, folk religion, guardian spirits, spirits cult, tutelary spirits, Vietnam, spirits veneration
Alekseev, V.M. (1958) In Old China: Travel Diaries 1907 / Introd. by V.V. Struve and V.M. Stein. Moscow: Oriental literature.
Alimov, I.A. (2008) Demons, Foxes, Spirits in the Texts of Song China. St. Petersburg: Nauka.
Antoshchenko, V.I. (1997) Thành hoàng – Venerated Tutelary Spirits as one of the Sacred Pillars of Supreme Power in Vietnam / Report at the III Russian-French Scientific Symposium "State Ideology and Traditional Religions of Southeast Asia", 08.10.1997 (manuscript).
Bùi Quang Thanh (2017) The Originality of Vietnamese Folklore: from the Awareness of the Roots and the Psychology of Turning to National Origins – to the Tradition of Honoring Famous Figures. In: Culture and Art of Vietnam. Moscow: Forum.
Gan Bao (2004) Notes on the Search for Spirits / Transl. from Classical Chinese by L. Menshikov. St. Petersburg: Azbuka-klassika.
Gordienko, E.V. (2021) “We Order to Worship Spirits so that they Patronize and Protect”: Royal Decrees on Tutelary Spirits as Part of
Lavrov D.E..
Exhibition activity of the Palekh lacquer miniature craft (1923-1939)
// Man and Culture. – 2022. – № 4.
– P. 36-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.4.36873.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.4.36873
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the exhibition activity of the masters of the Palekh lacquer miniature. The author has chosen as a chronological period the first fifteen years of the existence of this fishery – from its inception in the first half of the 1920s to the beginning of the Second World War. The subject of the study, therefore, is an analysis of the exhibition practices of the Palekh art craft of the pre-war period (1923-1939). The article shows the importance of the exhibition activity of the Palekh lacquer craft at all stages of this brief, but nevertheless extremely eventful period. The purpose of the article is to show the importance that the exhibition activity had for the success and public recognition of Palekh as a new and quickly became the most famous lacquer craft in Russia. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the fact that, using historical-typological and structural research methods, as well as a historical-systematic approach, the author analyzes the most important domestic and foreign shows of the 1920s - 1930s, at which the products of the Palekh lacquer miniature were exhibited. The author emphasizes an important circumstance: the very formation and strengthening of the Palekh lacquer miniature craft in the first half and mid-1920s was caused precisely by the success of the prototypes exhibited at the largest exhibitions of that time, such as the All-Russian Exhibition of 1923 in Moscow, as well as the International Exhibition in Paris of 1925. At the same time, it is shown that Palekh's products continued to be successful at the shows (the exhibition "10 years of October" in 1927, the Soviet Exhibition in New York in 1928, the International Exhibition in Paris in 1937 and many other exhibitions analyzed in the article). Thus, it is the justification of the success of the exhibition activity of the Palekh lacquer miniature craft as an important factor of its public recognition that is the main conclusion of the article.
Keywords: soviet lacquer miniature, exhibition activities, exhibition, russian lacquer miniature, lacquer miniature, Palekh, folk art, russian folk culture, applied art, decorative and applied art
Bakanov I. M. Moi kompozitsii. V kn.: Paleshane. Zapiski palekhskikh khudozhnikov o ikh zhizni i tvorchestve, napisannye letom 1932 g. i illyustrirovannye imi samimi. M., Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo pisateley, 1934. S. 109-124.
Bakushinskiy A. V. Iskusstvo Palekha. M., Academia, 1934. 270 s.
Vikhrev E. F. Palekh. Yaroslavl', Verkhne-Volzhskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1974. 232 s.
Vystavka «Iskusstvo Palekha». Katalog. M., Iskusstvo, 1939. 128 s.
Vystavka narodnogo tvorchestva. Katalog vystavki v zalakh Gosudarstvennoy Tret'yakovskoy galerei. M. – L., Iskusstvo, 1937. 128 s.
Vystavka palekhskikh lakov. Eksport kustarno-khudozhestvennykh izdeliy i kovrov. Yanvar' 1932. S. 20-21.
Golikov I. I. Skvoz' buri epokhi. V kn.: Paleshane. Zapiski palekhskikh khudozhnikov o ikh zhizni i tvorchestve, napisannye letom 1932 g. i illyustrirovannye imi samimi. M., Moskovskoe tovarishchestvo pisateley, 1934. S. 77-100.
Gromadnyy uspekh sovetskoy vystavki. Russkiy golos. N'yu-York. 15.02.1928.
Gromakovskiy M. Iskusstvo drevnee i vechno molodoe. Po stran
Wang S..
Modern Chinese painting on military themes: "new realism" and loyalty to traditions
// Man and Culture. – 2022. – № 4.
– P. 46-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.4.38497.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.4.38497
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Abstract: In the contemporary art of China, a special role belongs to painting on a military theme. Its formation began in connection with the need to keep a visual chronicle of the revolutionary struggle for the New China, the assertion of its status in the eyes of the people. Initially, realism was chosen as the main artistic method. By the turn of the XX and XXI centuries, as a result of the influence of modern art trends, a "new realism" emerged. The subject of this article is the pictorial work of contemporary Chinese artists who dedicate their paintings to military subjects and themes. He pays special attention to the art criticism analysis of the formal and substantive side of the paintings of the late XX – early XXI centuries. The main conclusion of the study is the establishment of the fact that under the influence of the so-called "new realism" Chinese painting associated with images of war, army, navy, has changed in the direction of images relevant to the era, as well as methods and techniques of image construction. However, at the same time, it should be noted that there is still a connection with traditions, which allows us to characterize the process of evolution of the Chinese school of battle painting. The novelty of the article is the introduction to the scientific circulation of Russian art criticism of a series of paintings by Chinese masters devoted to military topics. In general, the battle genre in Chinese painting is associated in the work with the formation of the People's Republic of China and is considered in a political and socio-cultural context.
Keywords: traditions, China, realistic art, painting, neorealism, contemporary art, batalistics, military theme, innovation, exhibition
Yuan Fan (2017). The study of realistic painting in Chinese realities. Studies of Art education. No. 3, pp. 13-15.
Yungan Ya (2022). Features of the embodiment of the military theme in Chinese and Belarusian painting of the 1950s-1970s. Art and Culture. Vol. 45. No. 1, pp. 41-46.
Wang M (2018). The evolution of artistic means in Chinese painting on a military theme (the second half of the XX century). Culture. The science. Creativity, pp. 128-131.
Shue V (2018). The military theme in the paintings of Chinese artists of the second half of the XX century. The problem of finding an artistic language. Art and dialogue of cultures. Collection of scientific papers of the XII International Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference. Edited by S.V. Anchukov, T.V. Gorbunova, O.L. Nekrasova-Karateeva. 2018. – St. Petersburg: Limited Liability Company "Book House", pp. 89-94.
Tun Tun (2012). A brief discussion of the artistic characteristics of Chinese oil paintings on military-historical subjec
Loshchenkov A.V..
Classes and texts in the curriculum of Drepung Loseling Monastic University
// Man and Culture. – 2021. – № 6.
– P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.6.36985.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.6.36985
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Abstract: This article examines the system of education in the philosophical college of Drepung Loseling Monastic University (India), introduces into the scientific discourse a full list of subjects and titles of the texts with their identification by the collected works of Indian and Tibetan authors posted on the digital platform TBRC (Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center). The primary sources and commentarial literature are determined. The learning process begins with the preliminary study of logic and epistemology, proceeding with the five great treatises that are core of the curriculum. The article combines classical textual approach and contextual analysis, with consideration of the Buddhist commentarial tradition; as well as methods of analytical comparison, structural and content classification. The novelty of this research lies in introduction into the scientific discourse of the previously unexplored system of education and its study guides. It is established that the monastery relies on the study guides compiled by Panchen Sonam Drakpa, as well as other prominent Tibetan authors – Je Tsongkhapa, Gendun Drub and Sherab Sangpo. The main method for digesting the material is the debates. Although with immigration of the Tibetans to India and reestablishment of Loseling College the curriculum structure was preserved, there are also innovations due to adding several grades and classes on the grammar and history of the Gelug School.
Keywords: Abhidharmakosha, Madhyamaka, Prajnaparamita, Pramanavartika, Panchen Sonam Dakpa, Buddhist Education, Drepung Loselling, Vinaya, Debate, Buddhist Philosophy
bLo bzang bstan 'dzin 'jigs med ye shes rgya mtsho. bCa' yig blo gsal 'jug ngogs kyi zur rgyan dang 'brel ba'i kha snon yig cha ‒ Kirti Monastery, 2012. ‒ 347 p.
Chzhe Tsonkapa. Bol'shoe rukovodstvo k etapam puti Mantry (Nagrim Chenmo) / Ch. Tsonkapa ‒ SPb.: Nartang (Izdanie A. Terent'eva), 2017. ‒ Tom 1, 2 ‒ 1712 s.
Panchen-lama Pervyy Lobsang Chok'i G'yaltsen. Obnazhennoe rukovodstvo po etapam puti k Probuzhdeniyu – put' blazhenstva, vedushchiy k vsevedeniyu / L.Ch. G'yaltsen ‒ Novosibirsk: Dzhe Tsonkapa, 2013. – 114 s.
URL: W1KG20783%7CI1KG20835%7C1%7C1%7C1%7C168 (data obrashcheniya: 01.10.2021).
URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.10.2021).
URL: (data obrashcheniya: 04.11.2021).
URL: (data obrashcheniya: 04.11.2021).
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Alekseeva L.S..
Monastic and temple sacristies during the prerevolutionary period
// Man and Culture. – 2021. – № 3.
– P. 155-160.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.35752.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.35752
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Abstract: Throughout many centuries, the Russian Orthodox Church has been creating and preserving inestimable historical and cultural heritage, including the works of the ancient Russian art, ceremonial ware, and other artifacts. The second half of the XIX century marks the surge in preservation of monuments, and the Church takes active part in such activity. For the purpose of preservation of ecclesiastical antiquity were established the church museums. In the pre-revolutionary period, the museums functioned on the premises of theological academies and seminaries, dioceses, temples and monasteries, and other structural divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church. The group of church museums of that time is poorly studied. The subject of this research is the sacristy collections of temples and monasteries. On the example of sacristies under the major temples and monasteries of Novgorod, Pskov, Yaroslavl and Rostov, the article provides a retrospective overview of the activity of the large museums of antiquities. Based on the survived description of sacristies, the author analyzes the content of their collections. The content of such compilations was affected by the cultural and commercial ties of the cities. For example, the Novgorod sacristies preserve the items associated to the spread of Orthodoxy in Rus’, while the Yaroslavl museums of antiquities feature the monuments of later period. Based on the activity of the aforementioned collections, the conclusion is made that they carried out the functions of discovery, preservation, study, and translation of cultural heritage. Therefore, the prerevolutionary monastic and temple museums of antiquities performed the role of church museums. Further development of the group of church museums on the premises of temples and monasteries was hindered by the historical transformations of the XX century.
Keywords: monastery museum, church museum, monuments of church antiquity, historical and cultural heritage, collecting, heritage, Russian Orthodox Church, sacristy, ancient storage, museum collection
Pokrovskiy N. Tserkovnaya starina na VII yaroslavskom arkheologicheskom s'ezde. 1888 g. 32 s.
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Pokrovskiy N. V. Zametki o pamyatnikakh Pskovskoy tserkovnoy stariny. M.: Svetil'nik'. M. 1914 g. 24 s.
Narbekov V. A. Novgorodsko-pskovskie tserkovnye drevnosti na XV Vserossiyskom arkheologicheskom s'ezde v Novgorode. Kazan'. Tsentral'naya Tipografiya. 1912 g. S. 15.
Alekseeva L. S., Gorbatov A. V. Tserkovnyy muzey v dorevolyutsionnyy period: etapy i faktory stanovleniya // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2018. № 2 (74). S. 5–9.
Izvestiya o zanyatiyakh sed'mogo Arkheologicheskogo s'ezda v Yaroslavle 1887 g. Yaroslavl'. 1887. 160 s. S. 2–4.
Kananerova E.N..
The Problem of Collectivization in Right-Bank Moldavia in Soviet Historiography
// Man and Culture. – 2021. – № 3.
– P. 69-84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.35816.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.35816
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Abstract: The object of research, the results of which are presented in this article, is the Soviet historical paradigm in its development. The subject, in turn, is defined as the achievements of Soviet historians in the study of post-war collectivization in Right-Bank Moldova. The author dwells in detail on how objective and subjective factors influenced the development of historical science in Soviet times.
The article examines in detail the evolution of topics and assessments in articles, monographs and collective generalizing works devoted to the history of the republic as a whole. When working on the article, both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, typologization and idealization) and special historiographical methods (periodization method, historical-genetic, historical-systemic, comparative-historical) were used В В В В В В The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that the author analyzes the works of Soviet historians from the standpoint of the modern historical paradigm, the foundations of which were laid by the scientific school of V. P. Danilov.
Based on the results of studying the Soviet historiography of collectivization in Right-Bank Moldova, the following conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, the main problem of Soviet historians was limited access to archival documents.
Secondly, the agrarian historiography of this problem is often subjective and interprets information from available archival documents and various statistical information in line with generally accepted Soviet ideological attitudes.
Thirdly, as in the case of the study of collectivization in 1920-1930, topics related to violations during collectivization, "dispossession" remained under an ideological ban. Fifthly, the specifics of the historiography of collectivization in Right-Bank Moldova became a significant attention of historians to this problem in the second half of the 1960s and 1970s, which is connected, according to our assumption, with the rule of L.I. Brezhnev, who in 1951-1952 was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP(b) of the MSSR and led the consolidation of collective farms in the republic.
Keywords: consolidation of collective farms, historiography, cooperation, collectivization, machine and horse rental points, agrarian reform, Right - bank Moldova, scientific school, paradigm, MTS political departments
Kananerova E.N. Problema kollektivizatsii v zapadnykh rayonakh BSSR v sovetskoy istoriografii // Chelovek i kul'tura. – 2021. – № 1. URL:
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Tragediya sovetskoy derevni. Kollektivizatsiya i raskulachivanie. 1927–1939». T. 1.-M., 1999.-459 s.
Medvedev A.I. K voprosu o provedenii politiki likvidatsii kulachestva kak klassa v Pravoberezhnykh rayonakh Moldavskoy SSR// Nauchnaya sessiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava i sotrudnikov universiteta. – Kishinev, 1965. – 291 s.
Nyurnbergskiy protsess. T.2. – M., 1958 – 687 s.
Voennaya ekonomika SSSR v period Otechestvennoy voyny. – M., 1947. – 341 s.
Anisimov N.I. Razvitie sel'skogo khozyaystva v pervoy poslevoennoy pyatiletke. – M.,1952. – 352 s.
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Rodionova D., Gusev S.I., Tolkalova Y.I..
Actualization of cultural heritage by museum means for the visitors with hearing impairment
// Man and Culture. – 2021. – № 2.
– P. 72-81.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.2.35540.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.2.35540
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the actualization of cultural heritage by museum means. The object of this research is the adaptation of persons with hearing impairment, namely the experience of Russian museums. Museum plays a significant role in the processes of sociocultural adaptation, self-identification and social inclusion of the people with disabilities, possessing a unique set of criteria, ability to accumulate and transmit cultural potential. The active participation of museums in solution of sociocultural problems in many ways determines the vector of further development of museology, implementing modern cultural practices. The authors believe that working with the hearing-impaired visitors requires reconsideration of the traditional ways of presenting museum information and development of the new forms of interpretation of exhibition material. The conclusion is made that museum personnel should orient towards the individual peculiarities of each visitor, taking into account their capabilities in selecting the channel of museum communication, forms, methods and approaches. Museum personnel should plan their work jointly with the pedagogues, rehabilitation specialists, social workers, psychologists, and persons with disabilities directly. Each museum should be provided with the necessary conditions for working with children of each disability category. Namely this underlied the development of the concept of museum tour “We Can Hear You Through The Eyes” on the premises of Kuzbass State Museum of Local Lore.
Keywords: sign language translation, the museum, Exhibition, disabled, hearing impairment, excursion, museum funds, heritage, museum environment, Information Technology
Van'shin S. N., Van'shina O. P. Sotsiokul'turnaya reabilitatsiya invalidov muzeynymi sredstvami. M.: GDM, 2013. 99 s.
Rodionova D. D., Pobozhakova A. A. Opyt raboty muzeev Kuzbassa s lyud'mi s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov'ya // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2019. № 46. S. 165-171.
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Bulgakova V. V. Vzaimodeystvie s litsami s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov'ya v rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh muzeyakh v kontse XIX– nachale XX vv. // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury. 2016. № 34. S. 158-169.
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Illarionov V.V., Maksimova A.A..
Forgotten rituals of white shamans
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – № 6.
– P. 141-149.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34222.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34222
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the repertoire of the white shaman I. A. Suzdalov-Sapalay. The object of this research is his shamanic rituals. Chronologically, the study covers the first half of the XX century. Methodological framework is comprised of the empirical method of description; general logical method of analysis by chronological principle; synthesis of the rites as a part of Aiy rituals. The method of synthesis, analysis and description of shamanic rites reveal certain pages of the ancient religious beliefs of the ancestors of Sakha people. The article examines the repertoire of shaman Sapalay – Ivan Andreevich Suzdalov, born in Abyysky District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors introduce into the scientific discourse the unique materials on Yakut shamanism. A detailed description is given to the rituals of the last Aiy shaman (white shaman) I. A. Suzdalov-Sapalay, docymented by the folklorists-collectors. The heritage of Ivan Andreevich Suzdalov-Sapalay reveals new nuances of the forgotten early religious beliefs of the Yakut people. His description of the rites gives representation on the worldview, faith, afterlife, three souls of human being, and rituals of the Yakut people.
Keywords: shamanism, repertuar, deity, shamanic spells, folklorist, ritual, tradition, shaman, shamanic rite, traditional belief
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Alekseev-Apraksin A.M..
Generation dialogue: fire and ice of cultural transformations
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – № 6.
– P. 150-162.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34235.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34235
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to determination of the role of “generation dialogue” in development of the world culture. The author substantiates the ontological status of this phenomenon, which exists in the Oriental and Western, ancient and modern cultural space. It is demonstrated that the concept of “generation dialogue” is broader than the concept of “cultural universals”, introduced by social and cultural anthropologists in the XX century, since it not only incorporates not only fundamental comparability of ethnic cultures and possibility of comparative analysis, but also allows working with any modern forms of self-organization and determining the principal cause of the existence of culture. The main goal of this research consists in the analysis of cultural inheritance and transmission of knowledge. The key regimes of cultural development indicate two foundations of cultural dynamics dichotomous by means of implementation: 1) one ensures acquisition and arrangement of the accumulated knowledge, including classification and improvement of users interface, being realized in acceptance and preservation of all kind, beautiful and valuable left by the predecessors; 2) the second is aimed at destruction of the traditions, alienation from the native, including neglect, borrowings, and creative synthesis of the miscellaneous. The latter contributes to revitalization of culture. Such form of intercultural dialogue is illustrated by the modern Benedict Abbey of Saint Willibrord in Doetinchem, which is known for Zen meditation practices by the Catholic monks and parishioners. The general conclusion is made that having the ontological status, the generation dialogue contributes to the development of culture in space and time. Dichotomous regimes of realization of this dialogue employ the incompatible means of revival of cultural memory. The article demonstrates that the determined mechanism of generation dialogue are universal and archetypical, although complicate the reality in different ways. Their balanced coexistence is essential for the full-fledged cultural development in the present time and foreseeable future.
Keywords: creative destruction, smart culture, сhristian Zen, culture genesis, memory topology, meaning of the history, modes of cultural development, cultural universals, ontology of the culture, saving found
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Zakharova A.E..
Traditional culture as the main marker of the ethnic identity of the Arctic peoples (on the example of the Anabar national (Dolgan-Evenki) ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – № 6.
– P. 105-115.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34739.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34739
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the content and form of preservation, transmission of traditional culture as the most important marker of the ethnic identity of the Arctic peoples. The article presents the results of field research conducted in 2020 in the Anabar National (Dolgan-Evenki) ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), including in the village of Yuryung-Khaya, which is the only place of compact residence of Dolgans in Yakutia. The cultural landscape of this region, including the ethno- and linguistic cultures of Dolgans, Evenks, Evens, Nganasans, Ents, Nenets, is characterized by the mutual influence of long-term ethno-cultural contacts and their reflection in cultural traditions. В The analysis of the results of the sociological survey showed that the majority of respondents (60.2%) believe that the choice of nationality is determined by: firstly, culture and traditions, secondly, native language (26.9%), thirdly, history and territory (10.4%). Based on the results of quantitative and qualitative sociological research (questionnaires, informal interviews, psycholinguistic experiment) and based on the analysis of modern scientific research, the conclusion is made about the leading positions of culture and traditions as the most important ethnoidentifiers and the determining role of traditional economic and cultural activities in the process of ethnic self-identification of indigenous peoples.
Keywords: national dress, traditional food culture, ritual culture, sociological research, evenki, dolgans, indigenous small peoples, traditional culture, ethnic identity, Khatango-Anabar region
Vinokurova E.P. Kul'turnaya politika v Respublike Sakha (Yakutiya) : etnokul'turnye i geokul'turnye osobennosti : dissertatsiya ... kandidata kul'turologii : 24.00.01 / Vinokurova E.P; [Mesto zashchity: Mosk. gos. un-t kul'tury i iskusstv].-Moskva, 2011.-206 s.
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Drobizheva L.M., Shchegol'kova E. Rossiyskaya identichnost' i mezhnatsional'nye otnosheniya // Gosudarstvennaya natsional'naya politika Rossiyskoy Federatsii: ucheb. posobie dlya spetsialistov v sfere natsional'nykh i religioznykh otnosheniy / [V.A. Tishkov (otvetstvennyy redaktor), L.M. Drobizheva, V.A. Mikhaylova, A.Yu. Polunova, T.Ya. Khabrieva] — M.: Prosveshchenie, 2020. S. 100-121.
Drobizheva L.M. Depolitizatsiya etnichnosti: mezhdu iskusheniem novymi teoriyami i sotsial'noy praktikoy // Rossiya reformiruyushchayasya: ezhegodnik: vyp. 18 / otv. red. M. K. Gorshkov – M. : Novyy Khronograf, 2020. S. 202-22
Khotko B.S..
Traditional religious practice of Abkhazians as the way to preserve ethnos in the conditions of globalization
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – № 5.
– P. 89-94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.5.31528.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.5.31528
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Abstract: This article examines the phenomenon of preservation of the traditional cult practices of Abkhazians in the current context. The key tasks of this research include studying ritualism in terms of the traditional beliefs (religion) of Abkhazians, creation of the “scenario” of ritual practice, and assessment of the relevance and role of this phenomenon in life of the modern Abkhazian ethnos. The conclusion that the cult practice manifests as a form of Abkhazians’ identity, a so-called cultural core, and allows the ethnos to preserve itself in the conditions of globalization and multiple destructive modern trends that destructive for the ethnos. The main results of the conducted research consists in the statement that the modern Abkhazian society marks dominance of the traditional values and beliefs (religion), against the background of which are implemented Christian or Islamic practices. Traditional religion is perpetuated, holistic, regulated by the institution of priests and the true faith of the entire Abkhazian ethnos. Reliability of the research is substantiated with the author's expedition materials, acquired as a result of expedition work in 2013-2017.
Keywords: priests,, identity,, globalization, traditional faith,, cult practice, traditional culture, Abkhazians, sanctuaries, Anih, sacred space
Apsnypress Elektronnyy resurs. Rezhim dostupa: 27.11.2019 g.
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Dianov S.A., Dianova Y.V..
Geocultural branding of the city: “Verkhokamskaya Manor”
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – № 4.
– P. 128-140.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.4.33134.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.4.33134
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Abstract: This article gives a perspective on geocultural potential of the city of Vereshchagino of Perm Region, which is appropriate to use for implementation of creative scenarios in development of modern urban environment. The object of this research is the urban cultural landscape, while the subject is a promising brand image “Verkhokamskaya Manor”. In 2023, the city, which in the popular scientific publishers received a name of the “Western Gates of Ural”, would celebrate the 125th anniversary. The article analyzes the problems typical to a provincial city, such demographic, communal, and sociocultural. It is suggested to introduce a progressive color palette into the visual image of urban environment. Special attention is given to historical and cultural aspects of the development of phenomenon of asceticism on the Vereshchagin land. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that Vereshchagino has a unique chance to become a comfortable city for living, a spot for the people who maintain and restore socio-historical uniqueness of economic structure of the country though active ascetic practices. This author's initiative is based on the theory and methodology of geocultural branding of cities and territories (D. N. Zamyatin). The described brand image “Verkhokamskaya Manor” includes visible and hidden meanings of creativity and asceticism, which manifest as mental basis in the author's strategy model of geocultural branding of the city of Vereshchagino.
Keywords: asceticism, creative action, cultural landscape, cultural resources, Vereshchagino, small town, geocultural branding, homestead, coloristic, creation
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Dianova Y.V., Dianov S.A..
Funfair past and present for geocultural branding of Ural cities
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – № 3.
– P. 60-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.32836.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.32836
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the funfair past and present for geocultural branding of Ural cities. The object is the geocultural potential of small historical Ural cities – Irbit and Krasnoufimsk. In the course of study it was established that in modern urban space there are noticeable creative initiatives that demonstrate an alternative vision of image of the city and its local communities (production, consumer, artistic). It is underlined that geocultural resources of the city is a fusion of particular natural-landscape and sociocultural resources that permanently “provoke” arrangement of a situation for a creative action – determination of latent capabilities of these resources and their subsequent utilization for the purpose of testing new promising suggestions, are useful for artistic self-expression, as well as mending an effective strategy for geocultural branding of the city. Solution of the indicated problems leans on the concept of geocultural branding of the city and territories in the forma that it was described in scientific writings of D. N. Zamyatin, as well as on the theory of creative city of C. Landry, namely the thesis on creative action. The scientific novelty consists in demonstration of potential application of the concept of geocultural branding to a funfair action. Shifting away from the traditional understanding of designation of funfair, its recognition as the generator of “creative energy” of the city, the center of cultural and artistic activity of the people, allows finding consensual solutions between the local authorities, business communities and creative groups.
Keywords: image resources, cultural landscape, creative city, geocultural resources, Ural city, fair, creative action, branding, Irbit, Krasnoufimsk
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Khokhlov, A. N. Kitayskie tovary na Irbitskoy yarmarke vo vtoroy polovine XIX v. – nachale XX v. / A. N. Khokhlov // Obshchestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae. – 2015. – № 2 (45). – S. 645-652.
Rod'kin, P. E. Brend-identifikatsiya territoriy. Territorial'nyy brending: novaya prag
Karelina N.A..
Aboriginal tourism a one of the steps towards preservation and development of the culture of Canada’s indigenous population
// Man and Culture. – 2019. – № 4.
– P. 20-25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.4.30482.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.4.30482
Read the article
Abstract: The subject of this research is the development of aboriginal tourism in Canada as one of the priority directions towards preservation and development of the cultural heritage of its indigenous population. Aboriginal tourism in Canada is define by the activity of such tourism agencies and organizations, which mostly belong to the representatives of indigenous people – First Nations, Métis, Inuit, managed and/or controlled by them. Special emphasis is made to the economic indicators of such type of tourism industry, as well as the core activities of aboriginal tourism agencies, their concept and development trends from the perspective of sustainable development of the territories used for preservation and promotion of the traditional cultural practices and language of the First Nations communities. The conducted research demonstrates the sustainable development of aboriginal tourism in Canada, escalating interest of tourists and the indigenous population. One of the key factors contributing to such increase becomes the tourists’ intention to obtain new cultural experience and knowledge, along with the desire of aboriginal communities to improve their socioeconomic situation and promote further preservation of the traditional economy and native culture. Therefore, the author underlines the annual increase in employment rate among the representatives of indigenous population and the range of tourist activities implemented by them. Such experience is of special practical importance for the creation of regional programs for support and development of the indigenous minorities of Russia.
Keywords: Aboriginal culture, Inuit, Métis, First Nations, Indigenous peoples of Canada, Ethnic tourism, Aboriginal tourism, traditions, cultural heritage, tourist activities
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Urmina I.A..
Modern information technologies as a resource of translation of sociocultural knowledge
// Man and Culture. – 2019. – № 3.
– P. 47-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.3.27534.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.3.27534
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the modern state of sociocultural space, including on a global dimension. The author examines the problems of knowledge acquisition by the young generation, in a heterogeneous and chaotically vectored information flow, coding and decoding of ambiguous meanings of the object of cultural-historical heritage. Formation of the model of inheritance as a choice by different generations of its various parts is analyzes. The field of scientific knowledge is viewed as a combination of the accumulated by humanity systematized objective knowledge. The article examines the role of science focused on the rational, substantiated, and reliable knowledge of people about their circles and themselves, which intersubjectively, may be divided and translated by the people in communicative processes. The author also assesses the importance of cultural heritage, including scientific, which for the new generation is just an illustrative information, unrelated to the current realities, requiring actualization – the rational acquisition for the purpose of using in solving the vital tasks. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of possible introduction of communicative potential of the electronic and digital technologies into the practice of transmission of the cultural heritage. It is underlined the such technologies should not replace the narrative ways of translating sociocultural and scientific heritage, and its development should consider the fact that the primary and permanent qualities of classical science until the XXI century in modern science were complemented by the secondary that lead to reassessment of the quantitative methods and classifications.
Keywords: deconstruction of cultural texts, scientific heritage, stratification of society, representative model of culture, sociocultural meaning of heritage, information technologies, scientific cognition, Sociocultural knowledge, significance of heritage, meaningful context
Dzhon Neysbit. Megatrendy. Izd-vo AST, 2003. 384 s.
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Iakovleva E..
Gastronomic improvisation: porridges in Tatar cuisine
// Man and Culture. – 2019. – № 1.
– P. 57-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.26550.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.26550
Read the article
Abstract: The object of this research is the Tatar national cuisine. The analysis of its recipes in the menu of Tatar people recorded in the XIX century alone led to the conclusion on the significant amount of porridges and porridge-type dishes in the first-course and second-course meals, as well as a variety of baked goods used as filling. Porridge making of Tatar people has ancient roots, which is substantiated by their agricultural activity, growing grain and legumes. The popularity of porridges in everyday and festive menu is the indicator of the nutrition value, as it is rich with protein, carbs and vitamins. Cooked in a large kettle over an open fire porridges become a powerful cultural symbol of bringing people together, fruitfulness, prosperity and abundance. The author puts forwards a hypothesis that the Tatar delicacy chak-chak made out of flour, eggs and honey epitomizes grain and becomes a symbolic substitution of porridge during the teatime.
Keywords: agricultural cult, symbolism, grain, holiday, everyday life, Tatar national cuisine, kasheobraznost, porridge, flour delicacy, chak-chak
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Iakovleva E..
Reconstruction of gastronomic code of the Tatar national cuisine
// Man and Culture. – 2019. – № 1.
– P. 68-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.26945.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.26945
Read the article
Abstract: The object of this research is the analysis of specificity of national cuisine of the Tatars of the Middle Volga Region and Trans-Urals of the late XIX – early XX century for the purpose of determination of its gastronomic code. It formation was strongly affected by the natural-geographic, cultural-historical and religious factors. In accordance with the recipes, gastronomic code of the Tatar people contains a certain set of food products, their combination, and cooking technique; it also reflects the life stance of the nation, which considers food as divine gifts, luxury and blessing. This is demonstrated in folk wisdom and hospitability of the Tatars, who have respect for the cooking process and tasting of food. Gastronomic code was structured at the intersection of the intuitive, emotional and rational, material and spiritual, which formed the image of food of the Tatar people. The indicated problematic is viewed by means of the cultural-historical analysis and studying of recipes that allow confirming the hypothesis on the existence of gastronomic code in the culture of the Tatar people of the Middle Volga Region and Trans-Urals of the late XIX – early XX century. The author makes an attempt to reconstruct their gastronomic code, determining its main components. The presented material can be valuable for the future research on gastronomic code of the Tatar national cuisine, dynamic of its development, as well as correlation between the culture and tradition of the nation.
Keywords: meat dishes, nomadic food traditions, products of long storage, gastronomic code, Tatar national cuisine, food, flour baked products, bread, potatoes, kitchen equipment
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Belozor A.F..
Cultural security as the foundation of cultural identity
// Man and Culture. – 2019. – № 1.
– P. 80-86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.28819.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.28819
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Abstract: The goal of this research is to reveal the significance of cultural security of a carrier of certain religious and ethical values as the foundation of their cultural self-determination. The article analyzes the essence of the phenomenon of cultural security, its role and place within the national and global security. The author describes the gravity of considering the factors of cultural identity and multiculturalism in development of the strategy of global security. Special attention is given to the importance of realization of the own cultural security by the carriers of various cultures living in the same country. The author presents the analysis of different scientific approaches towards the content of the concept of “cultural security”. Terminological chain of “cultural identity”, “cultural threat”, “multiculturalism” is also introduced into the content of research. The object of this publication is the cultural security, while the subject is the impact of cultural threats upon the cultural self-identity. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of the poly-object specificity and subject field of cultural security, as well as its influence upon the formation by an individual of their cultural identity. The author concludes that the correlation between the culture, cultural self-identity and security is the fixative link within the processes of social life. In this case, culture manifests as a competent element of national and international security due to is multi-aspect character. The realization by the representatives of national minorities and titular nation of the security of their cultures, traditions, material and religious heritage is the key factor for preserving the conflict-free situation in the country, as well as establishment of the spiritual and ethical unity of the citizens.
Keywords: emancipation, cultural deversity, cultural heritage, cultural identity, cultural security, cultural threat, security, culture, securitization, intercultural dialogue
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Fedorova S.N..
Characteristics of the model of ethnocultural tourism in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – № 6.
– P. 42-49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.6.28451.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.6.28451
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Abstract: The article examines the problem of ethnocultural tourism in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), which goal lies in the analysis of theoretical aspects and practical provisions that reveal the specificity of the regional ethnocultural tourism, adjustment of the acquired results for preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of cities of the republic, as well as the use in tourism for its future improvement and development. This work presents the only aspect of research – the model of ethnocultural tourism in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Methodological foundation contains the principles of systemic-structural, cultural-geographic, historical, civilizational, and culturological approaches. The scientific novelty lies in determining and characterizing the resource potential of the types of ethnocultural tourism of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) as the culturally and socially effective forms of using the preserving the natural-cultural heritage in the modern conditions. The specific attributes of ethnocultural tourism are described.
Keywords: Olonkho, resource, cultural heritage, model of ethno-cultural tourism, ethno-cultural tourism, Ysyakh, functions, forms, cultural wealth, natural objects
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Zhigaltsova T..
Village of Vorzogory – historical settlement of Onezhskoye Pomorye of Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – № 5.
– P. 21-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.5.27570.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.5.27570
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Abstract: This article examines the historical settlement Vorzogory of Onezhsky District in Arkhangelsk Oblast as a subject of historical-cultural heritage of the European North and Arctic during the process of formation of the community and traditional culture of the Russian subethnos – the Pomors. The work is conducted within the framework of scientific project “Comprehensive Research of Establishment and Transformation of the Historical-Cultural Heritage in Ethno-Social Dynamics of the European North and Arctic” based on the archival and expeditionary material. The theoretical-methodological foundation of the study in accordance with its interdisciplinary character contains a set of methods: systemic, historical-typological, cultural-historical, sociocultural, ethno-culturological, architectural-art, historical-archive, architectural-ethnographic exploration of the historical settlements of Onezhsky District. As a result of this study the author determines the peculiarities of spatial organization, typology “pogost with villages”, toponymic and planning structure of the historical settlement Vorzogory of Onezhsky District; describes the historical-architectural attributes of the cult and housing architecture of the village of Vorzogory; analyzes and adapts the materials of special expedition to Onezhsky District in Arkhangelsk Oblast (2018); collects and analyzes the new archival sources from the State Archive of Arkhangelsk Oblast and Research and Development Center of Preservation of Historical Monuments and Culture of Arkhangelsk Oblast.
Keywords: cultural heritage, wooden church, spatial planning, architectural ensemble, historical settlements, vernacular architecture, traditional culture, cultural landscape, Onezhskoye Pomorie, the Arctic
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Danilova O.N., Kayak A.B..
Representation of the heritage of proto-design of costumes of indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East in information-creative space of Pacific Rim: glocalizational context
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – № 4.
– P. 22-30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.4.26819.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.4.26819
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the transformation process of the heritage of proto-design of costumes of indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East in the conditions of globalization, which required examination of the current local differences of the culture of indigenous peoples, their ethno-national traditions, genesis and conditions of preservation of the mechanisms of translation of ethnocultural heritage from generation to generation. Therefore, the author uses the term of “glocalization” that allows in contrast with the macro-scale globalizational dynamics of events, study the problematic of Pacific Rim and specificity of sociocultural processes taking place within this regional space at the micro-level. Methodological foundations is the concept of cross-cultural and cross-civilizational interaction, as well as a number of analytical instruments, including the concept of “information and creative space”, which in the course of this researched proved its theoretical and applied purposefulness and universality. The use of this concept contributed to the efficient carrying out of comparativist analysis of the problematic of inheriting the proto-design of costume of indigenous peoples. Within its framework, the author was able to determine the sociocultural trends and mechanism of inheriting the principles of formation of the objects of costume’s proto-design in the area of ethno- and eco- design of a modern costume. This defines the innovative importance of research, which also demonstrated the instrumentality and optimal theoretical-methodological significance of sincresis of the indicated methodological patterns.
Keywords: patterns of costume shaping, information-creative space, syncrysis, glocalization, ethno- and eco-design, protodesign of a suit, mechanisms of inheritance, socio-cultural heritage, heritage transformation, ethnonational culture
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Smirnova E.A..
V. V. Magar’s spectacle “Othello” (Sevastopol Academic Russian Dramatic A. Lunacharsky Theatre, 2011)
// Man and Culture. – 2017. – № 4.
– P. 59-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.4.23894.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.4.23894
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The subject of this research is the poetic style of the spectacle “Othello” created by Vladimir Magar in 2011 in the Sevastopol Academic Russian Dramatic A. Lunacharsky Theatre. The article analyzes the main peculiarities of the theatre director’s artistic manner: creation of the atmosphere of a game and romantic two-worldness; use of multicomponent literary-dramaturgical basis of performance; mounting composition and music structure; combination of various ways of actor’s existence, leitmotif system, etc. The author examines the role of scenography, music, and other components of a dramatic act. The work applies the comparative-historical method, personal spectator’s experience of the author and analysis of print media dedicated to the spectacle. Works of the Sevastopol theatre director Vladimir Magar are absolutely unstudied, and this article manifests as a continuation of research of the poetic style of his spectacles. The analysis of poetic style of the spectacle “Othello” is essential for comprehending the key principles of Magar’s directing activity. The research of his directing manner helps restoring the obscured pages in the history of Russian theatre.
Keywords: Romantic two-worldness, Mounting composition, System of leitmotif, Directing storyline, Directing methodology, Spectacle “Othello”, Giuseppe Verdi, Sevastopol Theatre, Boris Blank, Vladimir Magar
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Nazanyan K.G..
Trends in establishment of the system of historic preservation in Russia during the late XIX century: the role of Orthodox clergy
// Man and Culture. – 2017. – № 4.
– P. 73-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.4.24147.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.4.24147
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Abstract: This article examines the gradual realization of the need for preserving the relics of ancient times among the secular expert and representatives of the Orthodox clergy, as well as the steps made by the state and Russian Orthodox Church (as a part of government) regarding the conservation of ancient church monuments in the XIX – early XX centuries. The analysis of literary sources allows drawing a conclusion about the creation of a unified system of historic preservation, which was previously impeded by the Russian revolutionary events of 1917. The article names the causes that hindered the establishment of the national system of historic preservation. The scientific novelty is characterized by the analysis of the indicated sources and literature: from the periodical press of the XIX century until the contemporary research. The author introduces into the academic discourse the fact about the activity of unrenowned personalities of clerical hierarchy.
Keywords: church local study, church heritage, church antiquities, Orthodox clergy, Russian orthodox church, cultural heritage of Russia, historic preservation, North of Russia, museum, church archeology
Bilanchuk R. P. Tserkovno-istoricheskoe i statisticheskoe opisanie Vologodskoy eparkhii 1850–1880 gg. i razvitie istoriko-tserkovnogo kraevedeniya // Russkaya kul'tura na poroge tret'ego tysyacheletiya: khristianstvo i kul'tura. Vologda, 2001. S. 88.
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Berdinskikh V. A. Prikhodskoe dukhovenstvo Rossii i razvitie kraevedeniya v XIX v. // Vopr. istorii. 1998. № 10. S. 135.
Yakovtsevskiy G. Neskol'ko slov o prichinakh ischeznoveniya drevnostey v sel'skikh tserkvyakh // Novgorod. eparkh. ved. 1904. № 24. S.1608–1612; Nepein S. A. Drevnekhranilishche v Vologde // Ist. vestn. 1903. № 7. S.242–261.
Bogoslovskiy N. Svyashchennik Sergiy Arsen'evich Nepein i ego deyatel'nost' po izucheniyu i opisaniyu Vologodskogo kraya // Vologod. eparkh. ved. 1914. № 14. S. 338–344.
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Shurupova E. E. K probleme stanovleniya istoricheskogo kraevede
Bleikh N.O..
Educational trends in the work of the founder of Ossetian literature Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov
// Man and Culture. – 2017. – № 2.
– P. 64-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.2.23080.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.2.23080
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Abstract: The subject of this article is the creative heritage of Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov. Based on the archival research and documentary materials examined his life and educational legacy. The author carefully examines the pedagogical beliefs of the thinker, who not being a pedagogue, made a significant contribution into the spiritual heritage of the Caucasian nations. Special attention is turned to his views on questions of national education in South Ossetia: the expansion of chain of schools, didactic principles of teaching, training of national personnel. Methodology if this work is presented by the philosophical terms of correlation between the social development and education regarding the historical and social consituation of pedagogical thought, as well as tole of personality in history. The conducted research demonstrated that Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov was a critic of the existing system of education and upbringing of the young citizens, offering his original view upon the structure of the new school. The conclusion is made that the idea of Kosta Khetagurov on the development of school learning are still relevant and have great practical value.
Keywords: culture, enlightenment, mountain peoples, educational views, national education, literary activities, Kosta Khetagurov, North Caucasus, intelligentsia, education
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Methods of actualization of the historical-cultural and natural heritage in activity of university museum
// Man and Culture. – 2017. – № 1.
– P. 72-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2017.1.21095.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2017.1.21095
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The subject of this research is the work of university museum “Archeology, Ethnography, and Ecology of Siberia” pertaining to actualization of the objects of historical-cultural and natural heritage in form of ethnographical and entomological collections of the museum, which in turn are viewed as the object of this research. The goal of the article consists in determination of the peculiarities of actualization of heritage within the framework of cultural-educational activity of the museum, as well as substantiation of the approaches, methods, and recommendations that contribute into optimization of the activity, when the collections based on museum methods are included into the modern sociocultural space. Analysis of actualization of museum collection as a whole, considering the specific characteristics of ethnocultural and natural heritage, is based on the systemic methodological approach. Scientific novelty of this article manifests in the necessity of identification of opportunities to include the various types of heritage into the modern museum space, as well as improve the theoretical base on actualization of such heritage with regards to the museum practices. The research reveal the extensive opportunities and prospects of actualization not just the ethnographical materials, but also entomological collections.
Keywords: fixation, modeling, reconstruction, methods, actualization, cultural heritage, collection, Museum, cultural and educational activities, presentation
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Establishment of the historical and cultural value of objects of historical and cultural heritage, part 1: organizational and methodical problems
// Man and Culture. – 2016. – № 6.
– P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.6.20712.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.6.20712
Read the article
Abstract: This research is dedicated to the relevant issues of organization of the methodical provision of state measures on establishment of the historical and cultural value of the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of architecture). The problems are being examined in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of culture and history)" of people of the Russian Federation”. The attention is focused on the initial stage of identification of the valuable historical and cultural heritage – substantiation of a decision by the regional authorities of state preservation of the monuments regarding the inclusion of the objects into the list of the identified objects of cultural heritage. The methods of this work include the study of the existing federal legislation and organization of practical work of the government authorities in the area of the objects of cultural heritage. The author determines that there is now developed system for establishment of value of the objects pf heritage for the purpose of its implementation at the initial stage of decision-making by the regional authorities of preservation. The article explains the need for formulation of the formalized the methodical provision for establishment of the value of the object. The author expresses propositions on the improvement of the forms of efficient work regarding the establishment of the historical and cultural value of an object that has signs of the object of historical heritage.
Keywords: historical and cultural examination, expertise, historical and cultural value, architectural monuments, monuments of culture, objects of cultural heritage, historical and cultural heritage, list of identified objects, signs of the object of heritage, register of the objects of heritage, legislation on heritage
Shorban E. A. Problema kriteriev otbora pamyatnikov arkhitektury KhKh veka // Problemy okhrany i sovremennogo ispol'zovaniya pamyatnikov arkhitektury. Mezhdunarodnyy kollokvium IKOMOS ESSR. Tallin, 1985. 216 s.
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Slabukha A.V..
Establishment of the historical and cultural value of objects of architectural heritage (part II): criteria and method in the modern expert practice
// Man and Culture. – 2016. – № 6.
– P. 9-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.6.20767.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.6.20767
Read the article
Abstract: This research is dedicated to the methodical issues of the establishment of historical and cultural value of the objects of cultural heritage in accordance with the Federal Law “On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of culture and history)" of people of the Russian Federation”. The work is focused on the question of methodic of the appraisal at the stage of decision-making by the regional authorities about the inclusion of the object (monument of architecture) into the list of the identified objects of cultural heritage”. There have been established various ideas about the criteria of the historical and cultural value of the monuments, however, there is no generally accepted methodic of their appraisal. Based on the research experience, the author presents the certified expert methodic for establishment of the historical and cultural value of a monument, which contains the complex of value characteristics and criteria of the appraisal. It can be relevant for substantiation of a decision regarding the inclusion of the object into a list of the identified objects of cultural heritage; and as a result – into the public register of the objects of cultural heritage.
Keywords: historical and cultural examination, expertise, historical and cultural value, architectural monuments, monuments of culture, objects of cultural heritage, historical and cultural heritage, list of identified objects, signs of the objects of heritage, register of the objects of heritage, legislation on heritage
Federal'nyy zakon ot 25 iyunya 2002 g. № 73-FZ «Ob ob'ektakh kul'turnogo naslediya (pamyatnikakh istorii i kul'tury) narodov Rossiyskoy Federatsii».
Poryadok opredeleniya predmeta okhrany ob'ekta kul'turnogo naslediya, vklyuchennogo v edinyy gosudarstvennyy reestr ob'ektov kul'turnogo naslediya (pamyatnikov istorii i kul'tury) narodov Rossiyskoy Federatsii v sootvetstvii so stat'ey 64 Federal'nogo zakona ot 25 iyunya 2002 g. № 73-FZ «Ob ob'ektakh kul'turnogo naslediya (pamyatnikakh istorii i kul'tury) narodov Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (utverzhden prikazom Ministerstva kul'tury Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 13.01.2016 № 28).
Alekseev Yu. V., Somov G. Yu., Shevchenko E. A. Gradostroitel'noe planirovanie dostoprimechatel'nykh mest: monografiya: v 2 t. Tom 1. Osnovy planirovaniya. M.: Izd-vo ASV, 2012. 224 s.
Alekseev Yu. V., Somov G. Yu., Shevchenko E. A. Gradostroitel'noe planirovanie dostoprimechatel'nykh mest: monografiya: v 2 t. Tom 2. Metody i priemy planirovaniya. M.: Izd-vo ASV, 2012. 176 s.
Bondarenko I. A. O reabilitatsii istoriko-kul'turny
Rusanov V.V..
Confessional Challenge as a Mean of Self-Identification (the Case Study of the Altaian Nation)
// Man and Culture. – 2015. – № 6.
– P. 95-104.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.6.16888.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.6.16888
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Abstract: In the present article the author considers ways of national self-determination of the Altai people within the movement of Burkhanism. Under the influence of historical events, the national choice of Mountain Altai moved from aspiration to ethnic self-determination on the religious base, to national politically registration of idea of independent Mountain Altai. The author, considers the deep reasons and a confessional situation in the foreign environment. Specifics of the public relations of the population of Mountain Altai at the beginning of the XX century are opened. The interrelation of events in the context of historical memory and national and cultural mentality of the Altai people is shown. Proceeding from nature of modern historical and legal knowledge, the author aspired to organic compound of elements of the social analysis, cultural and anthropological approach. The general scientific principles of historicism and objectivity were the basis for research. Scientific novelty is that in the offered research, the religious way of self-identification in the territory of Mountain Altai, is presented as uniform - continuous ethnonational search. Ways of national self-determination of the Altai people at the beginning of the XX century, are considered not only in a complex that earlier wasn't undertaken, but the main thing – with reflection of internal essence of the occurring events and the phenomena.
Keywords: aliens, Burkhanism, denomination, shamanism, Orthodoxy, Altai, religion, self-determination, religion, ethnos
Rusanov V.V. Puti natsional'nogo samoopredeleniya altayskogo naroda v pervoy chetverti XX veka: Diss. Abakan, 2004. 176 s.
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Nasyrov R.V., Vasev I.N., Sinkin K.A., Moiseeva O.G., Rusanov V.V., Kulikov E.A. Pravosoznanie Rossiyskogo obshchestva. Tipologicheskaya kharakteristika: kollektivnaya monografiya. Barnaul, 2013. 254 s.
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Faritov V.T..
Pushkin and Nietzsche: Perspectives of comparative literary and philosophical studies
// Man and Culture. – 2015. – № 3.
– P. 100-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.3.15186.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.3.15186
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Abstract: This article discusses the prospects and trends of comparative literary and philosophical study of creative legacy A.S. Pushkin and F. Nietzsche. The parallels to the world outlook of the Russian poet and the German philosopher identified by comparing the facts of life and work; attitude to antiquity, atheism, paganism and Christianity; views on human rights and modern culture. The purpose of the comparative study is explication of the philosophical significance of Pushkin's poetic world in the context of Nietzsche's ideas as the founder of the non-classical paradigm of modern philosophy. The article used the methodological principles and guidelines of such approaches as comparative literature, deconstruction and hermeneutics. The result of the study is the explication of common motifs in the outlook of Pushkin and Nietzsche. The philosophical significance of Pushkin's poetry is revealed not only on the basis the national philosophical thought (Soloviev, V. Rozanov, D. Merezhkovsky, etc..) but also in the context of European philosophy. Thus, disclosed prospects for identifying global significance of Pushkin.
Keywords: Christianity, culture, hellenism, philosophy, poetry, Nietzsche, Pushkin, atheism, man, Dionysus
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Preservation of national and cultural identity and the search for new forms of emigration in the
// Man and Culture. – 2014. – № 4.
– P. 58-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.4.14130.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.4.14130
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Abstract: The article discusses the main activities for the conservation of the national cultural identity of Russian emigrants of 1920–1930. Caught in a cultural environment, the Russian diaspora was forced to create new patterns of behavior are often conflicting with the former way of life that threatened social fragmentation, conflict with other countries, denationalization. Deep concern about the thinking part of the Russian diaspora loss of national ideals, national and cultural traditions determined the active search for spiritual scrapie. In today's Russian historical memory of the recent experience preservation of national and cultural identity of Russian emigrants of 1920–1930 may help to understand the best ways to the development of society.Retrospective method allows you to restore the historical space, against which there was a process of conservation of national and cultural identity.The role of Russian traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church in the formation and maintenance of national and cultural identity of immigrants. Highlighted several levels that make up the identity of the Russian emigrants, which allowed them a long time to maintain identity in a cultural environment: verbal, psychological and structural level and the cultural value of awareness. The role of the Russian emigration "cultural bridge" between Western civilization and Russia.
Keywords: Russian Orthodoxy, Russian civilization, Russian emigrant diaspora, National mentality, National and cultural identity, Mission, Collectivism, Dialogue of Cultures, Self-identity, Subanthropology approach
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. Natsional'no-kul'turnaya identichnost' v kontekste filosofskoy traditsii dialoga kul'tur // Filosofskaya mysl'. - 2013. - 10. - C. 183 - 244. DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2013.10.8848. URL:
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Ethnical Singularity of Anthropomorphic Images Presented in Samara Clay Toys
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– P. 56-72.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.6.7996.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.6.7996
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Abstract: The author of the article analyzes anthropomorphic images in clay toys in terms of their mental ethnic features and semantics. These are the souvenirs made by modern craftsmen who live in the Samara Region. Their artwork reflects the polyethic composition of the people living within the Volga Territory. The analysis is made by using the methods of cultural research, ethnography and history. The following three classifications of the toy are offered: depending in the form, structure and decorating technique.
Keywords: art history, clay toys, plastic material for sculpture making, Samara craftsmen, cultural research, archetypes, anthropomorphic images, ethnic images, ethnic culture, regional specific features
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Swedish Model of Relations Between Church and State
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Abstract: Peculiarity of the Swedish Church is its acive participation in implementation of state programs such as preservation of cultural legacy, elimination of consequences after crises and catastrophes and care about graveyards regulated by the government. Participation of the Swedish Church in implementation of these projects helps the Church to retain its influence and reputation in the society despite global secularization ongoing in the world now.
Keywords: law studies, relations between church and state, religious organization, church law, theology, Lutheranism, Protestantism, Evangelical Lutheran Church, diaconicon, religious studies
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Dialogue of Cultures between Russian and French Civilizations: Names and Fortunes
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– P. 147-165.
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DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.1.523
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Abstract: The article is devoted to symbolic figures in a dialogue of cultures between Russian and French civilizations. These are such authors and poets as Fyodor Tyutchev, Aleksey Tolstoy, Ivan Bunin, political leaders Mikhail Stakhovich, Vyacheslav Tenishev, philsopher and theologist Sergey Bulgakov, philanthropists and educators the Tenishevs. Their activities are associated with the Bryansk and Orlov regions. The author of the article describes their contribution to development of cooperation between Russia and France in culture, sciene, social sphere and politics.
Keywords: culture, dialogue, civilization, cooperation, art, literature, philosophy, social studies, Russia, France
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