Salchinkina A.R..
Regimental holidays and the anniversary of His Imperial Majesty's Own Сonvoy in the space of historical culture of the Kuban and Terek Cossacks
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 4.
P. 145-154.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.4.71210 EDN: VJMRJR URL:
The study of interpretations of historical events from the perspective of a certain social group or society as a whole, as well as the mechanisms of formation and transmission of ideas about the past is a promising subject field of modern historical research. The author analyzes the annual regimental holidays and 1911 jubilee celebrations of His Imperial Majesty's own Convoy from the perspective of the concept of historical culture. The focus of the research is on the values and ideas about their past of the Kuban and Terek Cossacks, which are the core of the Cossack Guard (Convoy). The study of the festive commemoration of the Convoy through the prism of the concept of historical culture is conditioned by the need to find effective mechanisms for preserving and modeling the collective historical memory of the modern Cossacks, including through the practice of celebrating memorable dates. Being a historical study, the work was based on historical-genetic, historical-comparative and historical-systemic methods using an interdisciplinary approach. The novelty of the work is determined both by the unexplored nature of the research issues and by the introduction into scientific circulation of new archival material stored in the funds of the State Archive of the Krasnodar Territory. The analysis of the festive events of the Convoy revealed not only similar elements to the festive culture of the Russian army as a whole (parade, liturgy and prayer service, ceremonial march, informal part for officers and lower ranks), but also distinctive features characteristic of the Cossack Guard (the highest presence, jigging, Cossack songs and dances). It was concluded that festive commemoration, which was based on retro-orientation, ritualism, collectivity, corporate value orientation and emotionality, played an important role in the development of the historical culture of the Kuban and Terek Cossacks serving in the Convoy.
historical culture, The Terek Cossacks, Kuban Cossacks, The Imperial Convoy, military rituals, festive celebrations, anniversary, regimental holidays, festive celebration, The sovereign chiefs of the Convoy
Shcherbakov M.U..
Methods of interaction of Russian conservatives with society and government. The question of the status of the Grand Duchy of Finland at the beginning of the XX century
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 3.
P. 27-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.3.70614 EDN: UVRFFK URL:
The subject of the study is the change in the methods of interaction of the Russian conservative trend with society and government structures within the framework of the anti-Finnish discourse in the early twentieth century. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the return of the "Finnish question" to Russian journalism after the assassination of Alexander II by the People's Deputies and a sharp change in the internal political course of the government; the influence of right-wing monarchical organizations (especially the "Russian Assembly") on the spread of anti-Finnish sentiments in Russian society and senior government circles; the actualization of the "Finnish question" in the context of the actions of the tsarist government by incorporation of the outskirts. Special attention is paid to the transition of anti-Finlandic sentiments from the plane of public controversy on the pages of Russian magazines into the practical activities of Russian officials to limit the autonomous rights of the Grand Duchy of Finland. The main content of the research methodology is the study from the point of view of objectivity and historicism of materials giving an idea that the strengthening of anti-Finlandic sentiments among representatives of the right-wing radical spectrum of the Russian social movement, which was caused by revolutionary shifts in the life of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) disagreements over the status of the Grand Duchy of Finland became part of the ideological and practical confrontation between different social groups in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century; 2) the vector of Russian policy regarding the autonomous rights of Finland is changing, and this problem is again becoming part of the information agenda, mainly in conservative publications. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is to identify the reasons for the change in the nature of the discussion of the status of Finland in the context of serious changes in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the events of a crucial historical stage, when the activation of the revolutionary and national liberation movement caused a tendency to strengthen pro-monarchist groups seeking to counter the destructive anti-state challenges in the national issue of the idea of preserving the state.
incorporation, right-wing monarchists, status of Finland, anti-Finnish sentiments, the national question, Russian conservatives, Russification of Finland, the Finnish question, Russian journalism, Finnish separatism
Sivkina N.Y., Borisova E.Y..
The Family of Philip II of Macedon: the culturological approach of ancient authors
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 142-151.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.40599 EDN: LVSTOC URL:
Philip II of Macedon had an unprecedented number of interethnic marriages and seven children born in these unions. His matrimonial activity met the requirements of politics. However, the works of ancient authors contain a large amount of contradictory information concerning the family of Philip II. Attempts by ancient historians to retrospectively explain the situation of the royal children and wives often make it difficult to recreate the true picture of what happened. The ancient authors were representatives of a different culture, a different era, different from the time of Philip's reign. Therefore, modern researchers still do not have a single opinion regarding the marital relations of the Macedonian king and his family, which confirms the relevance of this topic. The purpose of this article is to clarify the role of members of the royal family at the court of Philip, and the factors that influenced their participation in political affairs. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Athenaeus, Plutarch, Pompey Trog and Diodorus Siculus, as well as the works of modern authors. The methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of systematization of materials, as well as the comparative historical method and the method of studying cultural memory were used in the work. For the first time, the article attempts to consider the history of the family of Philip of Macedon, systematizing all available references in the sources. In addition, the authors analyze the material in the context of the ancient perception of the world. As a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that all ancient historians were not only influenced by Greek customs and customs and the traditional dichotomy of "Hellenes-barbarians", but also wrote their works under the impression of contemporary political events. These circumstances influenced the desire of historians to rationalize and explain the events that took place in the family of the Macedonian king. The culturological approach allowed the ancient authors to focus only on important events from their point of view, which did not always correspond to reality.
matrimonial politics, hellenes-barbarians, Alexander the Great, rationalization of history, ancient authors, children of Philip II, inter-ethnic marriage, Philip II of Macedon, Macedonia, cultural approach
Lapina Y.S..
Social and cultural space as a factor of the musical culture's formation
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 152-159.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.40821 EDN: FJUWXR URL:
The paper is devoted to the consideration of the social and cultural space as a factor of the musical culture's formation on the example of Barnaul city in the 18th–19th centuries. It gives some possible definitions of the term “social and cultural space”, and also consider their semantics and characteristic features. In the paper, the principles of the social and cultural space dynamics are characterized and its relation with cultural needs is revealed. Based on the interpenetration of social and cultural orders, the social and cultural space in the process of its development has a significant impact on the cultural needs of society, consisting in the development of new cultural forms. The advantageous environment developed in Barnaul of the 18th–19th centuries due to economic and cultural ties with the capital St. Petersburg contributed to the qualitative and dynamic development of the musical culture's subsystem. Due to numerous contacts with the capital, Barnaul also played the role of a cultural center in relation to rural settlements, and it is greatly facilitated by the process of active urbanization. The state policy towards Barnaul, and also high interest of the local population, together, had an effective impact on the formation of such a social and cultural space in the region, which later itself became a catalyst for the development of cultural life and, in particular, local musical culture.
urban environment, urban culture, cultural institutions, cultural needs, cultural forms, spatial approach, musical culture, social and cultural space, provincial culture, culture of Barnaul
Dubovikov A.M., Lepeshkina L.Y..
Spiritual and moral qualities of the Ural Cossacks in family and marriage relations (the 18th – early 20th centuries)
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 160-172.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.70152 EDN: FGWFBC URL:
The subject of the study is the spiritual and moral qualities of the Ural Cossacks, most clearly manifested in family and marriage relations. On the basis of the analysis of family and marriage traditions of the Ural Cossacks it is possible to construct an image of a Cossack warrior, ready to desperately defend his Homeland. The study of historical aspects of the development of folk traditions becomes especially relevant in the conditions of the modern worldview crisis. Archival materials and a variety of local history literature (works of I.I. Zheleznov, N.A. Borodin, V.N. Vitevsky, V.G. Korolenko, A.V. Gnedenko, etc.) were used for the preparation of the article. Methodologically, the article is based on the cultural approach, which allows us to understand the reasons for the stability of Cossack traditions throughout the centuries. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the spiritual and moral qualities of the Ural Cossacks, manifested in the family and domestic sphere, are considered as an indicator of the Ural Cossacks' attitude to military service. In the everyday culture of the Ural Cossacks in the 18th – early 20th centuries, under the influence of historical factors, such human qualities as responsibility, respect for elders, freedom-loving, collectivism, domesticity and avoidance of honour-defying sexual contacts became valuable. The importance of these qualities has not been lost until now, which is confirmed by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The need of society and the state for real heroes, as the Ural Cossacks were considered to be, becomes especially acute when national threats increase. The article concludes on the role of spiritual and moral qualities of the Ural Cossacks in preserving their unique culture.
identity, military service, values, spiritual and moral qualities, tradition, family, family and marriage relations, everyday culture, The Ural Cossacks, Homeland
Bezverkhy D.V..
Glazovo estate and other estates of the Bazhenovs near the town of Kashira in the first third of the 19th century.
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 4.
P. 26-40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.4.43719 EDN: UENOOP URL:
The Glazovo estate in Kashirsky uyezd, Tula province (now the village of Staroye Glazovo, Venyevsky district, Tula Oblast) holds a special place in the biography of the great Russian architect and painter Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov (1738-1799). It was here that the architect regularly lived during his disgrace after his removal from the construction of the Tsaritsyno estate in the second half of the 1780s and in the early 1790s, and it was in the village of Glazovo that Vasily Ivanovich was reburied from the Smolensky cemetery in St. Petersburg in 1799 according to his will. In the present article the author continues the study of the estate's history and aims to highlight the history of the Bazhenov's estates near the town of Kashira in the first third of the 19th century until their complete sale in 1837, finally clarifying a number of important issues of the Glazovo estate's history. The novelty of the study lies in the publication of many previously unknown facts and documents, which the author discovered during his work in the archives of Tula, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. For example, for the first time an inventory of the Glazovo estate's buildings (1823) is given, the fact of V. I. Bazhenov's burial in the Glazovo cemetery is finally confirmed and the fate of the estate stone St. Nicholas Church, which the architect founded in 1784 and could not complete, is also clarified. Clarification of these issues is important both for the study of Bazhenov's life and work and for the history of Russian art and architecture.
Bazhenov's grave, necropolistics, local history, Glazovo estate, architect Vasily Bazhenov, Tula province, history of Kashira, Kashirsky uyezd, source studies, archival documents
Romanova E.N., Pokatilova N.V..
The concept of «culture» in the scientific biographies of the repressed scientist G. V. Ksenofontov during the Soviet nation-building period
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 3.
P. 50-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.3.40699 EDN: SFJCOF URL:
In the study the personal history of the repressed intelligentsia of Yakutia, the name of the outstanding scientist and socio-political figure Gavriil Vasilyevich Ksenofontov (1888-1938) occupies a special place not only because of the tragedy of his personal fate, but also the actualization and significance at the present stage of his most conceptual ideas, which, like their author, have their own scientific destiny. For the first time, research of this type became possible thanks, on the one hand, to the invaluable layer of archival sources identified in the handwritten heritage of G. V. Ksenofontov, on the other hand, to the methodology of a comprehensive study of the biographical narrative in the intellectual tradition of the first Yakut humanities scholars within the framework of modern approaches to intellectual history. For the first time in the unpublished manuscript legacy of G. V. Ksenofontov, a special circle of ideas is highlighted, the most indicative in the aspect of the formation of his integral intellectual program. In his scientific notes of 1934-1937, G. V. Ksenofontov increasingly refers to the multidimensional concept of «culture», perceived as a whole as a complex mechanism of a complex producing principle associated with ethnic identity and national identity. In this regard, in the statements and research of the scientist of recent years, there is a steady interest in methodological research and the conceptual basis of related humanities disciplines. We will focus on their review and justification in the broad context of G. V. Ksenofontov's ideas about «culture», the reasons for their appearance in his scientific tools in this paper, which determined the subject and purpose of the study.
national institute, dialogue of cultures, language and culture, intellectual tradition, historical memory, poetic function, oral culture, nomadic culture, intellectual-reformer, eurasianism
Shapiro B..
Boots and spurs: symbolic items of Russian cavalry in the reminiscences of Russian cavalrymen
// Man and Culture.
2021. № 3.
P. 85-95.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.35669 URL:
The subject of this research is the artifacts of material culture of Russian cavalry as a specific form with the capacity of symbolic and semantic content. The goal of this work lies in comprehensive examination of the process of symbolization of certain forms of material culture of Russian cavalry. The research employs archaeological material, historical journalism, memoir literature, including the works of the representatives of white émigré, such as Russian military-historical magazine “Le passé militaire” (Paris, 1952-1974) and literary-publicistic “The New Journal”. For obvious reasons, emphasis is placed on the symbolism and semantic aspect of the problem, despite a fair share of nostalgization and mythologization of historical reality. Most common principles ofresearch methodology are based on the culturological concepts of the representatives of Moscow-Tartu Semiotic School of Y. M. Lotman, B. A. Uspensky (reinterpretation of the Russian cultural history in the context of binary opposition), and V. N. Toporov (reconstruction of the archetypes of Russian culture). First and foremost, it refers to the possibilities of semiotic approach towards history, the object of analysis of which is interrelated historical texts and historical contexts. Such perspective on the problem has not been previously articulated in the historical culturology and history of culture. The history of material culture of the Russian cavalryman is described from the standpoint of culturological methodology of cognition for the first time. The conclusion is made that the process of poetization, mythologization, and symbolization of items of the Russian cavalry received demand in the extreme conditions of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries (the last years of the empire). The acquired results can be applied in the sphere of museology, which is focused not only in preservation of the artifact of material and intellectual culture, but also on fulfillment of their historical-cultural potential and historical uniqueness to the maximum.
military rituals, cavalry, Russian Imperial Army, uniform, History of costume, History of material culture, symbolization, History of Russian culture, military history, Lermontov
Karagodin A.V., Petrova M.M..
Novyi Mishor – first country-style resort on the South Coast of Crimea (1898-1920): reconstruction of sociocultural history
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 4.
P. 103-127.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.4.32969 URL:
The subject of this research is the history of the first of country-style resort appeared on the South Coast of Crimea at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries on the lands of country estates of New Mishor belonged to Shuvalov-Dolgorukov family. The phenomenon of country-style construction on the South Coast of Crimes, which starting point was the foundation of the Novyi Mishor, is viewed in the context of the processes of economic and sociocultural modernization of Russian society, formation of self-identification mechanisms of the emerging “middle class”, and new urban culture. Special attention is given to the period from 1917 to 1920, when the cultural figures left the capital and resided in the villages of Novyi Mishor. Based on examination the body of historical sources, many of which introduced to the scientific discourse for the first time, the author formed the database of villages and countryside residents of Novyi Mishor. A vast array of archival funds, reference literature, sources of personal provenance (memoirs, correspondence), and visual sources was attracted in the course of research. The novelty of consists in establishment of identities and social status of the residents of country resort of Novyi Mishor, determination of a range of sources for its further research, reconstruction of chronology of the development of this resort, details of everyday life and mentality traits of the residents, among which were the prominent figures of culture and art of Russia of that time – writers, actors, painters, scholars, and philanthropists.
socio-cultural approach, complex source studies, Novy Miskhor, dacha, history of Russian culture, Southern Cost of Crimea, history of everyday life, history of leisure, historical database, late imperial Russia
Knyazev P..
Charles Davenant (1656-1714) – English pamphleteer and politicians
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 3.
P. 17-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.32772 URL:
The subject of this research is the biography of the English thinker, pamphleteer and politician Charles Davenant (1656-1714). The author examines Davenant’s life and activity, as well as factors that affected his career and determined the peculiarities of his writings. Different stages of his biography, particularly participation in the political struggle of England of the late XVII – early XVIII centuries are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the role of Davenant as the author of pamphlets and political treatises. The evolution of his views throughout a lifetime is being traced. In the course of this research, the author applies historical-biographical method, reconstructs his life circumstances, specifics and results of activity of the thinker in the context of his era. The novelty is defined by the relevance of studying C. Davenant’s heritage within the framework of English culture of the turn of XVII – XVIII centuries. The biography of Charles Davenant is still not covered within the Russian literature; as well as foreign authors did not give due attention to his career. The conclusion is made that Davenant’s career significantly influences the content and theme of his works. The acquired knowledge and experience from working in the departments of commerce and finances led him to development of the technique of “political arithmetic”. It is also noteworthy that Davenant’s political alignment shifted in accordance with his career pursuits, which should be taken into account in further analysis of his views.
political arithmetic, political thought, historical biography, English Enlightenment, intellectual history, pamhleteering, British culture, British history, Charles Davenant, economic thought
Sokolov O..
The Crusades in the Arab Discourse on Palestine (1917-1948): cultural aspect
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 3.
P. 52-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.33315 URL:
In the late XX – early XXI century, the Arab discourse on the issue of Palestine remains saturated with references to the Crusades (1099-1291), and likening the current tribulation of the history of Palestine to the medieval events. Modern historiography traces the growth in popularity of such reminiscences beginning from 1948, while modern literature practically has no mentions of the used of the “anti-Crusades rhetoric” by the Arab cultural figures prior to this data. The object of this research is the mobilization of historical memory in Arab culture of the first half of the XX century; the subject is reference to the topic of the Crusades in the Arab literary texts of 1917-1948 dedicated to the Palestinian issue. Analysis of literary works of the Arab cultural figures of the early XX century demonstrated that way before Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949, such events as Balfour Declaration (1917) and Arab revolt (1936-1938) were being actively compared by the Arab poets and dramaturgists to the era of the Crusades. In the period from 1917 to 1948, the author highlights the following types of references of the Arab cultural figured to the era of the Crusades in relation to the Palestine issue: blaming of Europe for conducting a new Crusade, manifestations of which were declared the activity of the mandate administrations and arrival of the Jewish settlers; reminding of failure of the Crusades, which should have served as the warning for the modern Europeans; revival of heroic memory of the Palestinians in confrontation of the European crusaders in the Middle Ages, which should have inspire the contemporaries to fight for their land.
Islam, the image of the Other, colonialism, Crusaders, History of Arab countries, The Crusades, Palestine, nationalism, poetry, theatre
Karagodin A.V., Petrova M.M., Glubokov A.I..
Seafront villas “Mechta” and “Kseniya” in Simeiz on the Southern Bank of Crimea: fate of the buildings and their creators on the background of the “age of extremes” (1900 – 1990s)
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 3.
P. 73-93.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.33467 URL:
The subject of this research is the history of two recognized landmarks of the Southern Bank of Crimea – villas Seafront villas “Mechta” and “Kseniya” in the rural locality Simeiz near Yalta. The were erected in the early XX century, and since then are the center of attention for admirers of the relics, residents and guests of this resort town, and its urban development dominant. For the first time in historiography, based on the newly introduced archival sources form museum collections, as well as the sources of historical memory, is reconstructed the sequence of transfer of ownership of land parcels, on which both buildings are erected. The author also discovers the names of the people who commissioned construction of both villas, as well as their architects. The work describes the fate of buildings, their owners and descendants after arrival of the Soviet government and nationalization of private property on the Southern Bank of Crimea. The scientific novelty consists not only in the conducted documental reconstruction of the fate of two historical and cultural landmarks of the late XIX – early XX century, which description hat lots of gaps in the historical, art and local lore literature, but also in placing this reconstruction into the context of examination of Russia’s sociocultural modernization in the beginning of the XX century, formation of new social strata with characteristic to them new culture of leisure and aesthetization of life. The revealed by the author sources and information contribute to preservation of Russian cultural heritage, as well as can be applied by the historians in the area of social history, history of culture, history of leisure, and history of mentality.
sources of historical memory, history of late Imperial Russia, Simeiz, Southern Coast of Crimea, dacha, history of leisure, history of architecture, history of Russian culture, ego-history, complex source studies
Sukhodolskaya E.S..
Role of culture in preservation of ethnic identity of Armenians in the V century
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 3.
P. 117-126.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.33576 URL:
The subject of this article is the cultural activity of Armenians in the V century aimed at preservation of national unity in the conditions of loss of statehood and exacerbated situation of population of the Eastern and Western Armenia. The object of this article is the Armenian leaders of the V century who impacted cultural development of the region of that time. Detailed analysis is conducted on such aspects of topic, as creation of national witting system, proliferation of education and emergence of national literature, development of architectural thought. Special attention is paid to the role of the Church in cultural development, as well as the appeared momocanons, which became the legal framework for the secular and ecclesiastical life. The scientific novelty of this research is defined by a new trend in historical science related to the study of ethnic identity. In medieval studies, this topic is of special importance, since peoples and states of that time often experienced the loss of sovereignty and statehood, which complicates the processes of ethnic self-identification of population. The work analyses the sources that describe cultural development of Eastern and Western Armenia, which allows speaking of the degree of preservation of national identity of the people, their unity against the threat of assimilation and loss of uniqueness. The made conclusions underline the significance of cultural development for the formation, preservation and development of ethnic identity of the people under a threat of assimilation or mandatory integration.
Council of Chalcedon, Middle Ages, Culture, Sassanian Iran, Byzantine empire, Christianity, Armenian writing, Armenia, Vardanank, Ethnic identity
Yaylenko E..
Nulla mulier buona: the image of ideal wife based on the data of moral-ethical treatises of the Renaissance Era
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 6.
P. 171-189.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.28171 URL:
This article examines the views upon the designation of women and their social status, as well as how it reflected in the content of moral-didactical treatises of the Renaissance Era. The following works serve as historical sources for this study: Giuseppe Passi “On the Defects of Women” (1599), Lucrezia Marinella “Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men” (1600), Moderata Fonte “On the Merit of Women” (1591), as well as other authors who comprised compendiums on the proper household management and parenting. The method of scientific research consists in determination of fundamental theses characterizing the common regard of women, which is clarified in comparison with other historical sources. The novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the content of the moral-didactical and domestic treatises that helps revealing the realities of routine life of a woman in the Renaissance era is used as a historical source. Since many of the compositions were authored by women, it allows understanding their own perspective on their social status.
Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella, Giuseppe Passi, education, marriage, woman, treatises, Italy, Renaissance, Lodovico Dolce
Nazanyan K.G..
Hieromonk of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery Antony (Sorunkov) (1859-?) and his contribution to preservation and study of church antiquities
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 6.
P. 190-197.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.28993 URL:
The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the revived interest to the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church and its history. The study of preservation of the national cultural heritage by the Orthodox clergy is based on the analysis of personal contribution of the priest of Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. The subject of this article is the ideas and projects proposed in the early XX century by Hieromonk Antony (Sorunkov). The object is the sociocultural activity of the church minister. The author examines the biographical facts of the monk, verified by the archival and museum documents that reconstruct the described events. The application of activity approach towards studying the history of culture allows revealing the personal behavioral strategies, as well as analyzing the problem of interrelation of the collective and personal in the context of Russian Orthodox Church, conceptual grounds and historical forms of preservation and examination of cultural heritage. The author’s special contribution consists in the analysis of all discovered documental testimonies regarding the Hieromonk Antony (Sorunkov), which could simulate the events that influences the priest as a future journalist and antiquarian. Inability to humbly response to the surrounding injustice, the desire to reform the established order, and enthusiasm for contemplative-conservatory aspect of life led to the fact that his to build the museum never materialized. Currently, part of the personal museum of Hieromonk Antony is exhibited in the museums of Saint Petersburg and Cherepovets, illustrating the peasant monastery routine of the Russian North.
church local study, Orthodox clergy, church antiquities, cultural heritage of Russia, Russian orthodox church, museum studies, museum, Russian North, monasticism, church archeology
Petrenko M.S..
V. M. Shukshin and the fellow villagers: clash of images of the rural world (on the materials of the film “Happy Go Lucky”)
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 6.
P. 198-205.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.31436 URL:
The object of this research is the image of Siberian village in V. M. Shukshin’s film “Happy Go Lucky”. The subject of this research is the clash of constructs of the rural world of film director and his fellow villagers in the context of social problems with which Shukshin was concerned. The author views the film as a tool for designing a new reality, based on which the film director was trying to visualize his own thoughts and express them through the images. The goal consists in determining the key conceptual problems that caused Shukshin’s concern, and compare with the perception of his fellow villagers. The results of the conducted research lies in detection of the various vision of rural world, which generated the clash of images of the Siberian village and the conflict in understanding of social problems by Shukshin and his fellow villagers, by means of which the writer-filmmaker attempted to reflect the specificity of Siberian village and highlight the negative consequences of social transformation taking place in the village during the 1960’s.
fiction, visualization, construct, patriarchal, urbanization, village, cinema, Siberia, Shukshin, documentary
Shapiro B..
Russian cavalry at the turn of centuries: Belle Époque or Fin de Siècle?
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 5.
P. 82-93.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.5.30802 URL:
The turn of the XIX and XX centuries is one of the most controversial periods in the history of Russian cavalry, since its development was affected by the two conterminous cultures: Belle Époque reflecting the idea of revival, and Fin de Siècle naturally associated with the decadent moods of cultural crisis. The conflict of two antithetical trends marked several vectors of development, which have severely aggravated by the end of the XX century. The so-called accelerator for the development became the loss in the Russo-Japanese War, which escalated the pessimistic moods. Research methodology is based on the historical-systemic method, used for covering the topic as a combination of interrelated events, occurrences and objects that form a specific form of the Russian military culture. Method of periodization is applied for indicating the stages of historical evolution of this form of culture. The work is structured in accordance with the problematic-chronological principle of discussion. The materials are introduced into the scientific discourse that allow tracing the historical development of the Russian cavalry at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, as well as declare it as a cultural form, subjected to the same conflict of the turn of centuries as the other “peaceful” forms of culture. The research results allow considering the history of development of the Russian cavalry in the context of cultural crisis not only as a part of the Russian military history, but also as a part of cultural history of the country.
Officer's Cavalry School, military cavalry, Belle Époque, World War I, Russo-Japanese War, military history, Nicholas II, Brusilov, Cossacks, horse history
Lepeshkina L..
The images “own” and “alien” in life cycle rites of the Volga Germans in the 1920’s
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 3.
P. 36-46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.3.29800 URL:
This article is dedicated to life cycle rites of the Volga Germans in the 1920’s. The timeframe is selected due to its contrariety, which can be characterized as the struggle between the previous cultural values and socialistic ideals. The key question in the analysis of German ritualism is the reflection of the category of “own” and “alien”, which manifest as the centerpieces for the ritual scenario. They clearly define the symbolism of life circle rites designating the real and sacred. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the life circle rites of the Volga Germans are analyzes as the clash point of the “own” and “alien”, impacting the worldview of the German colonists and predetermining their fate. From the structural perspective, the article contains a brief characteristic of the concept of “own” and “alien”, description of the ways of manifestation of both in life circle rites of the Volga Germans, as well as examination of the German ritual texts considering the presence of these categories. The results demonstrate that the system “own – alien” influences the perception of the elements of other cultures by Volga Germans. The theoretical significance of the article consist in expansion of representations about the life circle rites of Volga Germans. The materials may be used for preparing the targeted programs for preservation of cultural heritage of the Volga Region.
daily culture, life cycle rites, traditions, them, us, cantons, the Volga region, the Germans, ritual text, fear of the unknown
Evseev V.N., Makasheva S.Z..
Traditional costume of the Starozhily of Ob-Irtysh North (late XIX – early XX century)
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 2.
P. 63-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.2.28172 URL:
The subject of this research is the traditional costume of the descendants of the Russian Settlers of Eastern Siberia – Starozhily, namely Ob-Irtysh North, which elements have been formed for over three hundred years by the XIX century. The author examines such factors of development of the festive and casual, female and male clothing as the natural and climatic peculiarities, elements of other ethnic groups emerging in a certain environment and substantiated by the communication with other indigenous peoples of Ob North, as well as the influence of fashion at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. Based on the historical-typological method, the author applies systemic approach towards the description of traditional elements and specificities of costume of the Starozhily of Ob-Irtysh North, verifying with the reference to the studies of experts of everyday life and culture of the population of Ob North of this time. Folk clothing of the Starozhily of the Northwestern part of Trans-Urals inherited mostly the traditions of Northern Russian type of clothing, retaining the national elements of casual and festive garments. Casual and work clothing was greatly influence by the costume of indigenous peoples of the region, mostly it regards to winter clothing of indigenous communities, which generated a mixed (polyethnic) type of winter clothing of the Starozhily. The ceremonial costume did not undergo any transformations. Festive garments retained national traditions; however, at the turn of the centuries it was losing the distinct national attributes. The cause lied in the new realities of life and culture: polyethnic composition of regional population, fashion dictate (in clothing), variety of imported clothes at the northern market, as well as the ability to choose manufactured clothes.
muzhskaya odezhda, nacional'nyj kostyum, tradicionnaya odezhda, starozhily, russkie, XIX vek, Ob'-Irtyshskij Sever, zhenskaya odezhda, obuv, ehlementy odezhdy
Serebryakova E.G..
The value of social action in axiology and self-consciousness of the Soviet nonconformists of the 1960’s – 1970’s
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 2.
P. 73-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.2.29182 URL:
The object of this research is the self-consciousness of the Soviet liberal intelligentsia of the 1960’s – 1970’s. The subject of this research is the axiology of community, implemented within the social behavioral practices. The goal lies in characterizing the basic value within nonconformist axiology. The author believes that such value was the socially responsible action. For achieving the set goal, the author determines the semantics of the concept of “socially responsible action” in self-consciousness of the Soviet nonconformists; reveals the motivation for social actions; as well as assesses the role of social actions in axiology of the community. The research materials contains the reminiscences and diaries of intelligentsia of the “Thaw” era. The conclusion is made that the “action” is a meaning-making concept in axiology and self-consciousness of nonconformists; its semantics implied the generous and selfless action, driven by responsibility of fate of the country, and the desire to demonstrate their civic engagement. The category of “action” allowed the nonconformists to identify themselves and the members of the community. The propensity to a responsible action was considered as fundamental person’s social characteristics that defines their behavioral model, goals and aspirations of the individual and collective activity.
historical consciousness, thaw era, dissidents, nonconformism, soviet liberal intellectuals, axiology, social action, cultural reference points, nonconformists, moral principles
Shapiro B..
Russian cavalry in the age of Frederick the Great: cultural conflict or a cultural dialogue?
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 1.
P. 41-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.1.28891 URL:
The development of cavalry art of the XVIII century closely relates to the achievements of the Prussian military system. The subject of this research is the dynamics of development of the Russian cavalry that took place under the influence of ideology of Frederick the Great – inventor of the most powerful European cavalry of the middle and the end of the XVIII century. Russia was significantly influence by his ideas as well, but it depended on the attitude of a ruling monarch towards the Prussian militarism. The sources for this study became the military-administrative and military-charter documents of the XVIII century. Methodological foundation is the comparative-historical method. Variable comparisons allowed determining and analyzing the common and the peculiar in organization of cavalry in Prussia and Russia at different stages; its organization is attributed with the phase of eventful history. The conducted analysis demonstrates the positive and negative sides that emerged in Russian cavalry as a result of Prussian influence. Thea author concludes that it is hard to overestimate the importance acquired by the reception achievements of Frederick the Great in Russia – it determined the foundation for the development of the national cavalry art in the next half of the century.
Peter III, Frederick II, Prussian militarism, dialogue of cultures, cultural conflict, history of Russian culture, Catherine II, Paul I, Russian army, cavalry
Tsareva E.S..
Cultural-educational societies in the Yeniseisk Province and their involvement in the region’s musical life of the late XIX – early XX centuries
// Man and Culture.
2017. № 4.
P. 35-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.4.23811 URL:
The subject of this study is the cultural-educational societies of Yeniseisk Province as a local form of self-organizing social processes. The object is the musical life of the cities of Yeniseisk Province of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The goal of this article consists in analysis of the activities of a number of cultural-educational societies of Krasnoyarsk Krai (music admirers, care for elementary education, volunteer firefighters, sobriety), as well as understanding of its impact upon the establishment of the region’s musical platform. Leaning on the wide range of unpublished scientific works (archive documents, pre-revolutionary printed publication), the article gives characteristic to the cultural-educational societies are described as a phenomenon of the Russian history of pre-Soviet period, briefly reviews its genesis, notes the regional Siberian specificity, outlines the organizational structure and functions, and reveals the previously unknown aspects pf the musical artistic activity of the educational societies in Yeniseisk Province. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the following conclusions: 1) The development of musical life in the Yeniseisk Province (alongside many other peripheral territories of the country), not being a part of direct interest of the local authorities, was extensively supported by the public initiative, thus, the cultural-educational non-state unions as the centers of social self-organization manifested as the crucial and dominant catalyst of its dynamics, while in county cities – practically singular; 2) Yeniseisk Province, unlike many neighboring Siberian territories, was not able to establish the essential conditions for sustainable and long-term functioning of the art admirers unions, which are an intrinsic part of the local musical life; the lack was partially compensated by the non-musical educational societies that conducted an extensive cultural work.
Yeniseisk Province , periphery, musical life, self-organization, cultural-educational societies, Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseisk, Minusinsk, Kansk, Achinsk
Brykina Y..
Marital relationship in merchant family in the early works of A. N. Ostrovsky
// Man and Culture.
2017. № 2.
P. 56-63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.2.22564 URL:
The subject of this article is the marital relations of various generations in a merchant family described in the early compositions of A. N. Ostrovsky. In the literary world, Ostrovsky holds a role of the “daily life writer” of the merchant class. His contemporaries perceived the plays of the dramaturge not just as artistic oeuvres, but also “paintings of life”. Having responded to the emerged in society interest for the life of different social classes, Ostrovsky, being well familiarized with various aspects of merchant life, made it open for the wide audience. Dramaturge’s plays were considered as sketches from the daily life, and established a new stereotype in the perception of merchants. The goal of this work consists in determination of the level of authenticity in depicting one of the personal aspects of a merchant family – the marital relationship. The author examines the descriptions of the relationship between wife and husband in the early compositions of A. N. Ostrovsky (“The Young Man's Morning”, “Celebratory Sleep Is That Before Dinner”, “The Storm”, “Picture of a Family Happiness”, etc.), as well as the reminiscences of representatives of the merchant class of the mid-XIX century). The scientific novelty of this research consists in the use of dramaturgical compositions as a historical source alongside the attempt to reveal the nature of marital relationships of the older and younger generations of the merchants over the period of 1840’s – 1860’s. The work demonstrates that the pattern of family life of the merchants of older generation, described in the early works of Ostrovsky, was based on the traditional principle taking its roots from “Domostroy” – full authority of the head of family and servile obedience of the wife. Marital relations of the younger representatives of the merchants were more diverse. Memoirs of the representative of merchant class of this time are extremely poor in description of the relationship between husband and wife, which can be explained either by the desire to keep their life private, or in lack of vivid memories.
Dramaturgy, Psychology of merchant class, Memoirs of merchant class representatives, Historiographical character of dramaturgy, Family relations, Morals of merchants, Marital relationships, Merchant family, Merchant class, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky
Kandaurova T.N..
The Russian businessmen of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries: whether the encyclopedia of one family is possible?
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 3.
P. 86-99.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.3.15244 URL:
The object of research is the families of the Russian businessmen (Aprikosov, Botkin, Bakhrushin, Tretyakov, Mamontov, etc.) who were involved not only in the field of industrial production, trade and banking, but also in the sphere of development of Russian culture and social sphere of the post-reform period. In the article the possibility of formation of encyclopedias of one family which made the significant contribution to development of Russian culture is considered. Such kind of encyclopedic practice can be of interest as in respect of preparation of reference works, and widening of information field of historical and cultural research. The methods of historical cultural research were used. The principle of historicism and separate elements of the comporative method were used as well. The author's contribution was the analysis of format of the encyclopedic edition devoted to families of the Russian merchants and businessmen including the analysis of possibilities of representation of various information massifs, sections and blocks which will allow to reflect the main stages of life and activity of big families and their certain representatives. Teoretical and methodological bases of possibility of the encyclopedic edition devoted to a separate family were proposed.
collecting, heritage, dynasty, encyclopedia, family, Russian businessmen, charity, patronage of arts, Russian culture, public work
Synieokyi O.V..
Rock as a Symbolic Element of «Yugonostalgia» – In Our Interpretation through the Prism of the Concept of Slovenian Cultural Studies Professor M. Velikonja
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 6.
P. 44-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.6.14624 URL:
The article analyzes the history of rock culture in Yugoslavia with position of socio-cultural communications. At the first time the author is discussed in detail lesser known pages of the history of the Yugoslav rock music. Special attention is paid with the concept of the Slovenian professor of cultural studies Mitja Velikonja of communicative and symbolic nature of the Yugonostalgia. In this article with a position of the humanitarian knowledge Recording is investigated as a social construct in a broad multicultural mediaspace. The place of this institution is determined in the system of mass communications. The scholar gives a characteristic of the social-communicative essence of the sound recording system. He researches the regularities of development and the functioning of the sound recording institutions (Record Labels) in the system of social communications in times of socialism. The scientist analyzes the business model of music-publishing corporations of Yugoslavia in the second half of the twentieth century. The article deals with problems of interaction between senders and recipients in musical subsector of media space based on a systemic understanding of multichannel communications in the sphere of music sound recording. The author outlines the priorities of the information strategies to promote the phonographic releases, including special role of PR-technology and «feedback» in the music business. In conclusion he offers the understanding of Recording as a complex cluster of media sphere, in which stable rules, historical regularities as well as specific principles were formed.
Scene, Mass Communications, AudioCulture, Sound Recording, «Yugonostalgia», Yugoslavia, Rock, Music, Slavs, Group
Arapov A.V..
Pictures in Mitreums and Their Interpretation
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 3.
P. 51-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2014.3.12881 URL:
Object of research are images in the mitreumakh - places, гдн Mitre mysteries were made. The author claims that in each mitreum the central place was taken by the image of the Mitre, the killing sacred bull, and also that the second for value after a tavroktoniya the image in a mitreuma is the image of a feast. On this image the Mitre and the Sun feasting over the killed bull are shown, tasting various parts of his body. One more often found image according to the author: the Mitre birth from a stone. A miter it is represented by the young man appearing from a stone with a dagger in one hand and with a torch in another. In article it is also approved that the mitraistskikh of images is one of the most characteristic also leontotsefat: the naked man's figure with the lion's head twisted with a snake or two snakes as a caduceus. In research are used the comparative analysis, classical and modern researches of mitraistsky symbolism are considered. Article shows a current state of a problem of interpretation of images from mitreum. The author draws a conclusion that, the only thing that reliably is established at interpretation of a tavroktoniya is that the bull is a sacrificial animal. And to the middle of the 1970th dominating the concept of "transfer" which is put forward by Frans Kyumon was classical. In article conclusions of Kyumon who believed are also investigated that the mitraizm represented transfer of the Persian cult on the Roman soil. Mysteries of the Mitre were according to him "the Roman form of Zoroastrianism". The author notes that in the second half of the XX century on the first place interpretation according to which astronomical and astrological symbolism have key value in Mitre mysteries in general and in a tavroktoniya, in particular moved forward. Assumed Yulens that Mitr is symbolized by Perseus's constellation which in the stellar sky is located directly over constellation of the Bull. Mikael Shpaydel offered other interpretation within astronomical approach. In his opinion, Mitr corresponds to constellation of Orion. Roger Beck criticized Shpaydel and Yulansi for bukvalistsky cartographical logic of their interpretations. According to Beck Mitr is the sun which passes through constellations. Now among the academic researchers there is no consensus concerning interpretation of tauroctony.
Sertakova E.A..
The Concept of the City in Russian Culture
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 2.
P. 97-126.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2014.2.12044 URL:
Object of research - a city concept in the context of history of the Russian culture. The analysis of researches in the field of the concept "concept" is carried out, various theories of a concept are considered. The concept of the city reveals through integration of various definitions of the city, its understanding in annalistic and works of painting of Old Russian culture. Modern theories of the city as welfare phenomenon are considered. The understanding of the city as cultural space is offered, genesis of modern culturological understanding of the city in the context of the analysis of Old Russian chronicles and picturesque miniatures is considered. The main method - the analysis of concepts (Yu.S. Stepanov's technique, A.A. Sitnikova). The terminological analysis of the concept "city" is used, elements of cultural researches (N. P. Koptseva's technique), the art criticism analysis of texts of Old Russian art (V. I. technique of Zhukovsky) are applied. Scientific novelty of work consists in integration of culturological, conceptual, art criticism methods of research. The Old Russian understanding of a concept "city" on material of the analysis of concrete Old Russian picturesque miniatures is specified. The synthetic culturological methodology connected with synthesis of theoretical and applied methods of cultural researches is used. The conceptual analysis of the city is supplemented with the art criticism analysis of works of art.
Tinyakova E.A..
The Classics, History and Modern Times in the Theatre Arts
// Man and Culture.
2013. № 6.
P. 38-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2013.6.3880 URL:
The article is devoted to specific features of the theatre arts compared to other branches of art. Special attention is paid to modern tendencies in development of the theatre arts. Specific features of this branch of art are being viewed from the very moment of its origin. It is underlined that the classical Russian theatre is based on Konstantin Stanislavky's method. By studying the performances and history of Kursky Regional Drama Theatre N. A. Alexander Pushkin, the author of the article provides facts from the history of the Russian threatre in general.
cultural studies, cultural research, theatre arts, life, stage director, actor, theatre, social reality, live action, meaning and feeling