Belikova E.K..
Cultural and philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence as a cultural phenomenon
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 4.
P. 88-99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.4.71324 EDN: PDQELM URL:
The object of research is artificial intelligence (AI); the subject of the study is the basis of its development by representatives of the philosophy of culture. It is noted that the philosophical understanding of technology, technology and AI began much earlier than artificial intelligence was created as a technological phenomenon, which indicates the essence of AI as a cultural phenomenon. Since modern times, representatives of the philosophy of culture have tried to comprehend AI, and their theoretical constructions today often look prophetic, which have found their full confirmation in our time. The earliest perspective of understanding the culture of AI was the internalization one (evaluation of human experience in relation to technology), which was then supplemented by the phatic (understanding of the possibility of communication with AI) and critical (criticism of interaction with technology and AI). The research was carried out using general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, observation, description, etc. Special methods were used: systemic-structural, dialectical, cultural-historical. The main approach to the problem has become interdisciplinary. The scientific novelty lies in identifying different angles of understanding the culture of AI in the history of cultural and philosophical thought. It is noted that the internalization perspective is most clearly manifested in the works of Hobbes, Leibniz, Descartes, Spinoza, Hume and other scientists seeking to understand the similarities between human and machine thinking, the possibility of repeating natural intelligence in artificial intelligence. A phatic perspective on understanding the culture of AI is characteristic of the works of Rickert, Toffler, Derrida, Barthes, Foucault and other philosophers who focused attention on the nature of the relationship between man and machine. A critical analysis of AI is manifested in the studies of Berdyaev, Heidegger, Sombart, Bell and other authors who talk about the dangers associated with AI.
communication with AI, critical perspective, phatic perspective, interiorization perspective, cultural phenomenon, cultural-philosophical foundations, philosophy of culture, technology, technique, artificial intelligence
Bylevskiy P.G..
Socio-cultural risks of "big user data" of Russian citizens
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 4.
P. 76-86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.4.43896 EDN: WEVENQ URL:
The subject of the article is the current socio-cultural risks of Russian citizens as users of computer and telecommunication technologies and Internet communications. The object of the study is the consequences of digital transformation, such as the advantages and threats of automating the generation, collection and analysis of "big user data". The relevance of the topic is due to the adoption by the Russian Government of the "Concept of formation and development of the culture of information security of citizens of the Russian Federation" on December 22, 2022. Socio-cultural risks and threats, including traditional values and identity, associated with being in a "digital" environment and user actions are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of threats to Russian citizens from the "electronic totalitarianism" of unfriendly countries and global corporate digital platforms, as well as the possibilities of counteraction. The novelty of the study of socio-cultural risks of information security in the application of the profile system-dynamic culturological approach, evolutionary and structural-functional methods. Taking into account the rapid changes in the landscape of socio-cultural digital risks in recent years, the research materials were Russian scientific publications in the journals of the list of HAC (categories K1, K2) and foreign ones in the international database Scopus (quartiles Q1, Q2) 2021−2023, "critical" for the formation of modern digital threats. A special contribution is the use of developments obtained in the course of research of scientific and practical communications in the information security of the financial sector, conducted under the guidance of the author in 2010-2023. The results of the study are conclusions about the need to take into account the balance of advantages and threats of "digitalization", the management of socio-cultural risks of "big user data" in the interests of Russian citizens. The main conclusion is to determine the decisive role in the development and improvement of the general civil culture of information security not only of the professional activities of state bodies and specialized organizations, but also of all citizens.
manipulation of consciousness, disinformation, sociocultural identity, traditional values, digital totalitarianism, digital transformation, digital sociocultural risks, information security, big data analysis, big user data
Pushkareva T.V., Shemyakina E.M., Yushchenko N.S., Derzhavina O.A..
The experience of iconological interpretation of Internet memes (based on the material of "quarantines" from the collection of social cartoons of the Center for Social and Political History of the State Public Historical Library)
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 3.
P. 21-39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.3.40674 EDN: TVCAMS URL:
The object of the research is Internet memes as a product of modern mass culture and art. The subject of the study is the iconological interpretation of an Internet meme as an art object. Internet memes dedicated to the lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic - "quarantine" from the collection of social cartoons of the Center for Socio-Political History of the State Public Historical Library, which was collected during the lockdown of 2020, and also relevant Internet materials were selected for interpretation. The purpose of the article is to conduct an iconological interpretation of selected Internet memes from the collection of social cartoons of the Center for Socio–Political History of the State Public Historical Library. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an Internet meme was considered as an art object, and the possibilities of iconological interpretation of this phenomenon of modern culture and art were investigated using the example of several "quarantine" sites. The article shows that the construction of "quarantines" went both along the path of creating new memes and by transforming old memes based on recontextualization – using well-known plots, images, heroes to discuss new realities. The iconological interpretation of the "quarantines" made it possible to identify the features of the reflection of the pandemic in the public consciousness (the feeling of the "inversion" of the world, the catastrophic nature of changes, new security conditions) and to deepen knowledge about the nature of artistic self-help of society in conditions of social extremum (the use of the healing effects of the tragicomic).
recontextualization, interpretation, digital folklore, popular culture, pandemic, quarantine, web culture, iconology, Internet meme, social caricature
Kerouac A.V..
Augmented reality technology as a way to overcome cyber escapism
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 6.
P. 151-156.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.6.37021 EDN: NTBZPI URL:
The article deals with the problem of cyber escapism and the dangers posed by escaping from reality into virtual space. While the desire for escapism in itself does not pose a significant danger to the escapist, specific ways of escaping to the "otherworld" can cause harm. The Internet allows you to find the fastest and most cost-effective way of such escape, but it can also cause the loss of one's own identity and the loss of the user's connection with reality. The formulation of the problem is based on the work of the culturologist E. N. Shapinskaya, who drew attention to the negative consequences of escapist experience in the cyber environment. The problem is especially relevant nowadays, given the almost ubiquitous transition of social and professional life to "online". The author comes to the conclusion that as a solution to the problem, it is possible to consider the use of augmented reality technology, in which a person does not completely immerse himself in the virtual world, but integrates virtual images into the environment. Thus, the space is transformed and satisfies the need for "escape", a change of environment and activity. However, reality is not replaced by an artificial one, which avoids the problems associated with excessive use of cyberspace. Studies in which augmented reality would act as a method of solving the problem of cyber escapism have not been conducted before.
escape from reality, electronic culture, virtual reality, screen culture, mixed reality, cyber-escapism, escapism, internet culture, augmented reality, modern technologies
Nadezhkina E.S..
Image of Russia in the Chinese “new media”: representation of Russia on the platform
// Man and Culture.
2021. № 5.
P. 40-50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.5.36932 URL:
This article discusses the concepts of “representation” and “image”, the difference between them in the Russian scientific discourse, as well as the image of Russia in the Chinese online media segment based on analysis of the search results by the keyword results “Russia” on the portal for the period from October 2018 to October 2021. The author also provides quantitative analysis in accordance with several statistical parameters, as well as the content of news and informational articles during the peak frequency of requests for analyzing the interest of users of the new Chinese media pertaining to the image of Russia. In view of many users the Chinese online media segment, the political relations between Russia and China are currently at their historical zenith; however the representation of Russia still leans mostly only on the political component, and the iconic figures translating the image of Russia are the leaders and politicians of the country. In modern Chinese society and information space, a significant role is played by new media that have emerged in the era of Internet technologies and global networks; therefore, consideration of the public opinion of the users of new Chinese media is highly relevant for the analysis of the image of Russia.
Russia's soft power, Russia's public diplomacy, PRC public opinion, Chinese Internet segment, new media, image, Baidu, image studies, social media platforms, search queries
Gryaznova E.V..
The information space of the corporate culture in health care
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 5.
P. 107-126.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.5.15978 URL:
the Subject of research is the study of the role of the information space of corporate culture as a factor effectivnogo health development.This article is a continuation of studies of the problems of Informatisation of public health, published NotaBene. The author considers in detail the structural elements of the information space of the corporate culture and their role in health development. In the work special attention is paid to this element of corporate culture as an information subsystem of a person. In particular the problem of formation of information culture in the health system at the level of personnel training and retraining.As the main research methods used in the work of the analytical method, activity-based approach, information approach, typology, generalization. Research has shown that one of the problems of Informatisation of health care is the low level of information culture of the potential of medical personnel.Information space formed on the basis of the information of the
Corporate culture, Health, nformatization, Information analytical system, Information space, Social information, Socio-economic development, Socio-economic policy, Information competence, Information culture
Gryaznova E.V..
Information Culture of Medical Institutions: Problems and Prospects
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 1.
P. 92-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.1.14850 URL:
The subject of the research is the problems and prospects of information culture of medical institutions. The author investigates the problem of the formation and implementation of information culture at medical institutions in today's Russia. In her article Gryaznova also focuses on the problems associated with the management and control of health care considering the growing informational support of public health service. Particular attention is paid to developing human resources of the information culture that is based on quite a new phenomenon for our country - corporate culture. Thus, information culture, corporate culture and management are the elements of the same system.The main research methods used by the author include the systems approach, categories and concepts used in the informational approach as well as the analysis and synthesis methods. The results of the study demonstrate that the main problems of information culture of health care are the following:1. Funds of the informational support of the public health system are insufficient for developing the kind of information culture of health care that would meet the requirements of the information society.2. There are no common standards to ensure compatability of different information systems in health care which hinders the process of the development of information culture medium.3. The process of the development of information culture in health care is also affected by the lack of human resources in public health in general.
medical information system, human resources, informational support, management, information culture, corporate culture, health facility, information space, information environment, personnel management
Klyueva N.Y..
Electronic culture and communication
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 6.
P. 107-120.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.6.14763 URL:
The article is devoted to the question of the influence of modern culture and modern communication technologies. It continues and develops the discussion initiated in the 1960th by representatives of the Canadian school of cultural research concerning interdependence of technologies and mechanisms and forms of communication activity. At the present stage the issue was placed in the new contexts. There is a phenomenon of electronic culture which was investigated only in parts and on the material of early examples by representatives of the Canadian school (in particular, by G.M. McLuhan) . In the center of consideration is the Turing test as the specific phenomenon allowing to draw wide conclusions of modern forms of communication. As basic methodology the theory of technological determinism of G.M.Mcluhan and his concept of dividing of culture for eras depending on technology of communication is taken. As a conclusion situation according to which modern communication technologies change as those principles of communication between people is offered. In the situation when it appears to be impossible to determine the author of the message, the only condition of successful communication is the message, its style, semantic coherence, understanding of the purposes and tasks of the interlocutor. The communication mediated by the computer is an important component of modern electronic culture, and cogitative experiment of Turing helps us to understand its specifics better. Relevance of use of Turing test for the Internet communication is proved.
message, Turing test, massmedia, Internet, electronic communication, technological determinism, Mcluhan, artificial intelligence, digital culture, computer program