Tanyushina A.A..
The landmark nature of visual art in of Weimar Germany and the principle of visual narrative
// Man and Culture. – 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 69-78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.6.34441.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.6.34441
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the art practices of Weimar Germany, first and foremost displayed in photomontage works of the Dadaist artists, as well as paintings and photographic compositions of the representatives of “New Objectivity” since the early 1920s until coming to power of the Nazi in 1933. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the heightened interest of modern researchers in the cultural processes of the early XX century, which had a significant impact upon the establishment of modern visual imagery system. Within the framework of study, the author also touched upon the problem of assimilation of modern art practices associated to the integration of art into all spheres of social life. The interpretation of this trend is one of the most relevant vectors of modern art history. The novelty of this work lies in the use of complex methodology that implies the unity of socio-analytical and philosophical-anthropological approaches, as well as the method of structural-semiotic analysis that leans on both classical theories and works of the contemporary art historians and culturologists of post-structuralism (P. McBride, R. Krauss, B. Buchloh, P. Stettler, and others.). The result of the conducted research lies in determination of interinfluence of photomontage practices of the Dadaists and the art of “New Objectivity”, which clearly demonstrate the “landmark” nature of the works created during the indicated historical period. The acquired conclusions may be valuable for further research of the German art of “New Realism”, reflected in the works of the artists of “New Objectivity” and “Magic Realism”, and as well as the upcoming trends in art of the XX century.
Keywords: structuralism, political art, narrative, new objectivity, photomontage, dadaism, new realism, Weimar Germany, social history of art, degenerate art
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