Kenya I.A..
Charity in Russia: Traditions and Modern Age
// Man and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 258-275.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.1.93.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.1.93
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Abstract: The article describes the periods of Russian charity and provides examples of charities by such historical figures as P. Gubonin, S. Maltsev, V. Tenishev, M. Tenisheva, S. and P. Mogilevtsev which fates crossed on the Bryansk land. The article also describes activities performed by the Bryansk Regional Social Charity Fund N.A. Mogilevtsev Brothers that promoted charity traditions in the region. The author of the article describes a unique experience of a region in revival of Rusian spirituality. The author gives a brief description of the main activities by the Fund and reveals the cultural mission of the Fund and its international relations.
Keywords: charity, patronage, traditions, history, revival, Charity Fund, Gubonin, the Mogilevtsevs, the Tenishevs, the Maltsevs
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