Galkin Ivan Viktorovich (2013). Problem of alienation in the political philosophy of Benedict Spinoza. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 5–15.
This article is devoted to the alienation problem in political philosophy of the renown European Renaissance
philosopher Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677). B. Spinoza paid much attention to the philosophical
analysis of political and legal categories, since, being a rationalist, he was much interested in the problem of
possibly establishing state rule based on the “natural light” of enlightened mind and public good. The Dutch
thinker expressed his views in much detail in his works, and he provided for the constitutional models of the
“ideal” state, showing his way to overcome political alienation. While B. Spinoza did not use the term “alienation”
in his works, his creative heritage is concerned with the problem of alienation of political institutions.
In his point of view it becomes possible to overcome political alienation, when the democratic state, which is
a product of the social contract, is established. In order for the state rule to comply with the principle of public
good, the activities of the government should be based on the rule of the people. The nature of democracy is
to bring the society to its natural condition, so that the legal norms come into accordance with the requirements
of natural law. Therefore, only the democratic rule is able to overcome the alienating influence of the
government institutions and to establish the priority of the public good, which is a combination of the three
key elements: freedom, equality, and justice.
jurisprudence, alienation, democracy, natural law, modus, monism, alienation, nature, force, substance.
Zholobova Galina Aleecseevna (2013). Legal measures against falsified tea
in the Russian trade in late XIX — early XX centuries. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 16–24.
The article is devoted to the topical problems of legal regulation of the tea trade. Based on the study
of the archive documents and the analysis of the normative legal acts of the Russian Empire the author shows
the formation of the legal regulation mechanism against the widespread problem of falsified tea turnover
in late XIX — early XX centuries. The author proves that the legal measures in this sphere were based on the
fiscal interests of the government in the first place, and the protection of rights of customers was secondary.
trade, tea, falsification, surrogate, customer, import, levy, package, postal packet, report, seller, circular letter, law.
Karandaev Igor Yurievich (2013). Specific features of budgetary financing of the activities
of the budgetary institutions in modern Russia. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 25–31.
Implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of May 8, 2010 n. 83-FZ “On amendments into
certain legal acts of the Russian Federation due to the improvement of the legal position of the state (municipal)
institutions” lead to the changes in the financing of budgetary institutions. Due to this fact, the article is
devoted to the specific features of the current financing of the budgetary institutions, namely to the financing
via the subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) order. The author also analyzes and points out
specific features of other types of budgetary financing, such as subsidies for other purposes and the budget
investments. The author also provides comparative analysis and evaluation of these forms of budgetary financing
of budgetary institutions.
jurisprudence, budgetary institution, budgetary subsidies, budgetary investments, state assignment, financing, budget, budgetary reform, estimate cost, agreement.
Zhavoron kova Natalia Grigorievna, Agafonov Vyacheslav Borisovich (2013). Theoretical problems of state policy concept formation
in the sphere of legal guarantees of the rational nature management within
the framework of national security of Russia. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 32–39.
The article contains a complex study of doctrinal documents in the nature management legislation of
the Russian Federation, such as strategies, concepts, doctrines, which establish the key directions for the legislation
development in the sphere of management and protection of specific natural resources for the long term
and medium range term perspectives, as well as the other strategic documents in the sphere of guarantees of
national environmental security, such as the Concepts for the National Security of the Russian Federation, the
Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, The Concept of the Sustainable Development Transfer of
the Russian Federation, the Bases of the Governmental Policy in the Sphere of Environmental Development of
the Russian Federation for the period till 2030, etc., based in which the Concept of Formation of Nature Management
Legislation Concept is formed with the due consideration of theoretical and empirical studies of legal
norms on rational nature management. The practical value of the studies is due to the fact that the results,
conclusions and recommendations may be used in law-making in the sphere of national security guarantees.
The methodological basis for the studies includes normative — legal and institutional — functional analysis.
Additionally, dialect, logical, prognostic, systemic, content analysis are used, as well as statistical, technicallegal
and comparative legal methods. The character of the object of the studies presupposes the systemic and
structural approach to the problem of the Concept for the formation of natural resources legislation at the
time of transition. The result of the studies is the Draft of the Concept for the Formation of Nature Management
Legislation, which includes the theoretical basis for the system of the nature management legislation,
as well as levels and priority of legislative decisions in this sphere, united terminology and definition system
for the legislative acts in this sphere, as well as the list of legislative act, which have to be passed in order to
implement the Concept based on the packet principle.
jurisprudence, politics, strategy, nature management, security, environmental protection, doctrine, concept, resources consumption, resource-saving.
Sadrieva Residà Ravilovna (2013). Nature of the public legal entities in the judicial acts
of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 40–44.
The article includes analysis of the normatively provided official definition of the public legal entities,
as well as the key problem of defining the character of legal capacity of public legal entities as subjects of civil
law. This issue is quite topical both from the scientific and practical points of view. The detailed analysis of the
acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in this issue allows to end the discussion. The legal
capacity of public legal entities is special, and it is due to both their nature and the goals of their formation
and existence. This theoretical thesis serves as a basis for the valuable practical conclusion. Namely, that such
subjects cannot perform entrepreneurial activities. Based on the analysis of the acts of the Constitutional
Court of the Russian Federation, the author offers to amend the current legislation.
jurisprudence, public legal, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, legal capacity, legal subject, nature, the Russian Federation, the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, entities, character.
Rudakova Victoria Dmitrievna (2013). On the means of implementation of the theory of public legal entities
in the Russian legislation. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 45–50.
The article includes analysis of the key approaches to the public legal entity (public law entity) in the
scholarly literature in order to establish their legislative potential. The author shows the negative practice of
introduction of the ad hoc organizational and legal forms into the Russian legislation, in order to provide for
the state-dependent subjects of the civil turnover in accordance with the needs of the state as a party to the
property relations. In order to improve the existing legislation and the practice of its application the author
offers to form a new organizational legal form of a public legal entity within the system of legal entity, and to
establish that this new form shall substitute for all of the current forms of participation in civil turnover by the
state-formed entities. It is noted that such an approach shall allow to unify the rules under which such subjects
become parties to the property relations and to close the list of non-commercial legal entities. The article supports
the civilist approach to the category of legal entity, which still provides for the possible interdisciplinary
jurisprudence, public legal entity, civil law, state, legal capacity, organizational legal form, state corporation, state, ad hoc subjects, interdisciplinary studies.
Moldovanov Mikhail Mikhailovich (2013). On the legal status of federal public, budgetary and autonomous institutions. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 51–54.
The article includes comparative legal analysis of the position of federal public, budgetary and autonomous
institutions at eh federal level. The author establishes the key similarities and differences in their
legal position. Finally, the author offers to amend the current Russian legislation, which regulates the legal
position of federal state public, budgetary and autonomous institutions in order to make their state services
more efficient.
jurisprudence, public entities, budgetary entities, autonomous entities, federal budget, state services, reform, legal status, non-commercial entities, operative management.
Guseva Tatiana Alekseevna (2013). State (municipal) institutions within the system
of order placement for the supply of goods and performance
of services for the state (municipal) needs. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 55–61.
The article includes analysis of the specific features of order placement for the needs of public, budgetary
and autonomous institutions at the time of reform of municipal and state institutions. The authors
evaluate the rules of interaction of two normative acts: the Federal Law of May 8, 2010 N. 83–FZ, and the
Federal Law of July 21, 2005, N. 94-FZ, as well as their application to the activities of the autonomous, budgetary
and public institutions.
jurisprudence, institution, order, supply, buyer, supply, budget, needs, purchases, services.
Spodyrev Roman Nikolaevich (2013). Management models for the limited liability company. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 62–67.
The article includes analysis of the powers provided to the organs of the limited liability company. The
author provides an important definition of their correlation.
jurisprudence, limited liability company, organ, competence, management model.
Polyakov Valery Vyacheslavovich (2013). Specific features and liability limits
of the contractor in a contract for auditor services. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 68–71.
The article is devoted to the issues of contractor responsibility in auditor services. The author proves
that auditors and audit organizations have civil law responsibility to the unlimited range of persons, that is to
any user of the audit report. The author then makes a conclusion on the offence-based responsibility of auditors
in addition to the contract-based responsibility.
jurisprudence, audit, auditor, audit organization, contract-based, offence-based, limits, conditions, specific features, responsibility.
Rajskai Irina Yuryevna (2013). Cases on changes in citizen status within the system
of types of civil judicial procedure. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 72–77.
The article is devoted to the complicated character of the legal relations, appearing in accordance with
the judicial cases on changes in the legal positions of persons with mental disorders. The issue of including this
category into the above-mentioned category of cases in accordance to the civil judicial procedure is quite controversial.
Having analyzed the cases on limitations to legal capacity, on recognizing a person legally incapable,
and on involuntary hospitalization, the author concludes that these cases should be dealt with in adversary
proceedings, and regarded as transformative cases, which are aimed to change or limit legal status of a citizen.
jurisprudence, lack of legal capability, judicial procedure, hospitalization, disorder, mental, illness, dispute, psychiatric, stationary.
Petruchak Ruslan Constantinovich (2013). Judicial mistake in the revision
of the judicial decision due to new or newly found circumstances. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 78–83.
This article is devoted to the analysis of various points of view towards the term “judicial mistake” in
cases of review of judicial acts, which are in force, due to new or newly found circumstances in civil and arbitration
processes. The author analyzes the positions of the scientists, who work with this problem. The author
also pays much attention to the definition of “judicial mistake”, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation
and scholarly literature, then establishing the position clearly. It is considered that when the court fails to
establish the fact, of which due to objective reasons the judge could not have known, should not be regarded
as a judicial mistake. In spite of the dubious attitude towards correcting judicial mistakes at this stage of civil
process, the author concludes that judicial mistake is not the basis for the revision of judicial decision due to
new or newly found circumstances. The author then comes to a conclusion that in order to correct judicial
mistakes one can use appeals, cassation and general revision procedures.
jurisprudence, judicial mistake, review, Civil Code, arbitration process, review of the judicial acts, which are in force, new circumstances, newly found circumstances, judicial acts, grounds.
Melnikov Victor Yurievich (2013). Rights of a person in criminal process. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 84–90.
Currently there is obvious lack of due theoretical studies in the sphere of understanding of conceptual
position of human rights in criminal legal procedure, as well as of the position of person within this procedure,
when rights of a person are protected or limited by the state. The lack of such understanding leads
to the failure to comply with the constitutional guarantees of human rights in criminal legal procedure and
in cases of application of coercive measures. Understanding and guarantees of human rights and freedoms
during the criminal law process should have primary value in comparison to the term of exposure of a crime,
and the necessary procedural means of coercion, as applied by the accusing party. Guarantees of rights and
lawful interests of a person in criminal law process should be supported by investigators, inquiry officers,
prosecutor, court, advocate with the due participation of other parties to the criminal judicial procedure in
order to guarantee optimal conditions for the implementation of procedural rights and responsibilities of
its participants.
jurisprudence, person in a criminal law process, human rights, guarantees of rights of a person, suspect, accused, investigator, prosecutor, judge, procedural guarantees.
Stelmach Vladimir Yurievich (2013). Parties to the receipt of information on the connections between
the users and (or) user terminals. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 91–96.
The idea of this article is to systematize the views on the procedural status of the participants of the
receipt of information on the connections between the users and (or) their terminals, as well as to provide
the practically supported rules, which are not yet provided for legislatively. Having analyzed the competence
of investigator, the author points out that under the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of the
Russian Federation only the investigator, who has the case, may assign investigative activities, or it can be
done by head of the group, if a investigative group is working on a case. At the same time, any investigators
in such a group may take part in judicial proceedings. Having studied the competence of the head of the
investigative body, the author comes to a conclusion that only the directly supervising officer may be empowered
to require such an action. The author considers that only federal judges of district courts or courts
of the same status are empowered to give permission to obtain information on the connections between the
users and (or) their terminals, and the justices of peace and judges or regional courts have no such powers.
All of these conclusion may have considerable practical value, considering that there is no unified approach
to this issue.
jurisprudence, information, connection, user, investigator, head of the group, prosecutor, judge, operator, status.
Sharapova Daria Viktorovna (2013). The problems of assignment and performance of judicial psychological expertise
of the underage victims of sex crimes. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 97–100.
This article is devoted to the problems of assignment and implementation of the judicial psychological
expertise of the underage victims of sex crimes. Since the problems of sexual violence towards children
are quite topical, the judicial psychological expertise on criminal cases of this type holds a special value. The
author studied articles and publication on this issue, as well as the norms of the Criminal Procedural Code of
the Russian Federation and the legal practice on the issue.
The author discusses the following problems in this article:
1. The order of holding an expertise, depending on the age of a subject person is not differentiated in the
CPC of RF.
2. There are no additional guarantees of protection of rights of underage persons when holding judicial
psychological expertise, which allows for the use of procedures with no due regard to their physical and
psychological specifics.
3. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have any legal mechanisms, which would provide for
the quality of judicial expertise, held by private (non-state) experts.
4. The investigator (the court) is guided by the inner conviction in their evaluation of the due capacity of an
expert in the sphere of psychology of the underage persons. Often judicial psychological expertise is assigned
to the person lacking competence in this specific sphere.
5. There is no normative provision for the list of necessary and permitted methods for the psychological
expertise on cases, regarding sexual violence towards the underage persons, which leads to the use of
variety of methods for the diagnostic studies.
The author also provides for the possible solutions for these problems, including possible amendments into
the criminal procedural legislation.
jurisprudence, expertise, psychology, sexual violence, sex crime, underage, victim, assignment, performance, evaluation.