Knyazeva N.A..
Sfera primeneniya protsedury mediatsii v trudovom prave
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1167-1172.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65090 URL:
yurisprudentsiya, trudovoe pravo, zashchita trudovykh prav, kollektivnye trudovye spory, mediatsiya, posrednichestvo, spory ob interese
Shevchenko, O.A..
Sports determinants defining the specific features
and distinguishing the labor relations of professional
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 3.
P. 389-395.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.3.64003 URL:
The article concerns and singles out unique specific features of the nature and structure of sports regarding
the labor relations of professional sportsmen. The author defines the following specific features: personified character
of labor relations; significant risks of harm to health of a professional sportsman and systematic damage to the
health of professional sportsman throughout his sports activities, specific features of temporal conditions of labor
of professional sportsmen, which are rather different from the typical conditions for other spheres of labor relations;
additional obligations and responsibility of professional sportsmen; specific features of transfer of a professional
sportsman to a different working position, specific features of hiring professional sportsmen, specific features of
labor market in sports. The factors mentioned in this article convincingly prove the considerable specificities of the
labor (or to be more precise, sports labor) relations regarding professional sportsmen, determining objective de
facto and instrumental legal need for differentiation of labor relations in the sphere of sports. The author offers to
introduce the term sports labor relations in regard to professional sportsmen.
professional sportsman, sports labor relations, differentiation of labor relations, sports, sportsmen and trainers, labor relations, working conditions, remuneration of sportsmen, protection of health of sportsmen, transfer of sportsmen.
Chelnokova, G.B..
Minimum subsistence level
and minimum wage — key criteria
for defining poverty
in the social legislation of Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1411-1416.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63429 URL:
Based on the theoretical approaches this article concerns the issue of poverty as a currently existing social
matter in Russia in the period since 1990s, when the market economy started to form In Russia. The author provides
brief characteristics of social and economic policy in the Soviet community, defines goals and means of their
implementation. The definition of poverty is closely connected to the study of the problems of subsistence level of
the population. The article touches upon the unity among the legal scholars as to the definition of subsistence level
as a social and economic category, as well as deputes among them as to the parameters (characteristics) of the
subsistence level. The low level of living is regarded within the context of subsistence level problems mainly as a consequence
of presence of various dependants in a family where the wages of wage earners are comparatively low.
The author singles out poverty as an independent type of social risk and defines its objective criteria.
poverty, subsistence standard, low level of provision, social risk, minimum subsistence level, minimum wage, consumer basket, salary, income, state.
Kozlov, I.I..
Specific features of legal regulation
of foreign migrant workers in Canada
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1417-1422.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63430 URL:
Currently most of the foreign workers in Canada are legally vulnerable, since the labor market is not
supported by synchronized state measures in the sphere of migration management. It leads to the situation,
when the state need foreign workforce, but the legitimate opportunities for using it are limited. Regulation of
labor relations with foreign workers in accordance with the Canadian legislation is of interest to Russia, since
it may be of use for the improvement of its domestic legislation. The article is devoted to the legal regulation
of labor of foreign workers in Canada. The author studies conclusion, amendment and dissolution of a labor
contract with foreign workers in Canada, as well as the provisions for the working quotas under the Canadian
legislation, working time, rest time and salary in Canada.
labor legislation, Canada, migration, foreign worker, allocation of working quotas, labor contract, working time, rest time, salary, working conditions, dismissal wage.
Mzhavanadze, E.A..
Labor contract and untypical forms
of employment
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 8.
P. 987-993.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.8.63036 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of correlation of labor contract and untypical (alternative) forms
of employment in the conditions of modern legal regulation. The author attempts to evaluate the topical
issues of correlation of the novel forms of labor relations with the labor law and its traditional attitude to
the object of labor law and labor relations. The article includes two parts, which are devoted to theoretical
and legislative provisions for labor contract and some problems regarding legal regulation of untypical
forms of employment.
jurisprudence, labor contract, flexibility, untypical, employment, precarization, limited term, temporary, distance, work from home.
Savin, V.T..
On the issue of independency
and material responsibility of the parties
to a labor contract as a type
of legal responsibility
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 5.
P. 575-584.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.5.62683 URL:
The article includes analysis of the necessity of study of material responsibility in the sphere of labor
law and its place within the system of legal responsibility in Russian law as a whole. It includes analysis of
various points of view of legal scholars, including those specializing in labor law. Some of such scholars single
out material responsibility of employees and employers as independent types of legal responsibility, while
other scholars view it as a part of civil law, disciplinary or labor law responsibility, which leads to its assimilation
within the above-mentioned types of responsibility. Therefore, to some extent all of those scholars fail
to recognize material responsibility as an independent type of legal responsibility, which may have negative
influence upon the legal practice in this sphere. The article contains detailed basis for distinguishing material
responsibility under the norms of labor law from other types of legal responsibility, and criticism of abovementioned
approaches to this type of responsibility. Based on the above, the author comes to a conclusion
that material responsibility of the parties to the labor contract is bilateral, it has general and specific characteristic
features, and it should be regarded as a complete, indivisible legal category within labor law, and as
an independent type of responsibility in Russian law.
jurisprudence, legal responsibility, material responsibility, disciplinary responsibility, civil law responsibility, labor law responsibility, employer, employee, labor contract, institution.
Zhavoronkov R.N..
Puti reformirovaniya zakonodatel'stva o trudovykh pensiyakh po invalidnosti
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2012. № 4.
P. 121-128.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2012.4.63300 URL:
Trudovye pensii po invalidnosti, pensionnoe pravo, invalidy