Mikhailov S.M., Gromoshina N.A..
Problemy grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva v trudakh i deyatel'nosti M.S. Shakaryan (itogi raboty mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi pamyati i 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya doktora yuridicheskikh nauk, professora Marii Sumbatovny Shakaryan)
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1262-1265.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65105 URL:
professor M.S. Shakaryan, grazhdanskoe sudoproizvodstvo, arbitrazhnyi protsess, printsipy grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva, sub'ekty grazhdanskogo protsessa, peresmotr sudebnykh postanovlenii, administrativnoe sudoproizvodstvo, edinstvo protsessa
Oreshkina T.Yu..
Rabota sektsii ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii na VI Kutafinskikh chteniyakh
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1266-1269.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65106 URL:
preduprezhdenie prestupnosti, pozhiznennoe lishenie svobody, vina, uslovno-dosrochnoe osvobozhdenie, ugolovnyi prostupok, teoreticheskie problemy
Makarov S.Yu..
Rabota sektsii advokatury i notariata na VI Kutafinskikh chteniyakh
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 6.
P. 1270-1274.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.6.65107 URL:
advokat, gonorar, advokatura i magistratura, soslovie advokatov, stazhery i pomoshchniki, teorii prinyatiya poruchenii, notarius
Makarov, S.Y..
Work of the Advocacy Section at the 5th Kutafin
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 287-290.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63864 URL:
The article is devoted to the work of the advocacy section, which took place on November 28,
2013 within the framework of the V Kutafin Readings at the Kutafin Moscow Law University. The article
provides the theses of speeches of participants of the section, which concerned theoretical advocacy issues,
which are of timeless value (such as independence of advocacy, history of advocacy), as well as the
topical scientific and practical problems of advocacy in the modern Russia. The author provides the main
provisions of the polemics concerning the speeches of the participants, and the main positions of participants
to the discussions of the theses. Topicality of the article is due to the fact that the speeches of
participants concerned topical issues of modern Russian advocacy, and it also facilitated the discussions
of the most topical problems of the modern Russian advocacy practice after the speeches.
advocate, advocacy, independence, mediation, speeches, history of advocacy, rights of advocates, fee, entrepreneurship, oratory skill.
Poduzova, E.B., Vasilevskaya, L.Y..
Report on holding the conference “Kutafin Readings”.
Civil law section
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 291-292.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63865 URL:
This publication reflects the main aspects of holding the conference “Kutafin Readings”, the section
of civil law. This section was organized thanks to the cooperation with the department of civil law of
the Moscow State University named after M.V . Lomonosov and the Department of Civil and Family Law
of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University. The section included speeches of the leading specialists in
the sphere of civil law, such as the Doctor of Law, Professor E.A. Sukhanov, Doctor of Law, Professor L.Y.
Vasilevskaya, Doctor of Law, Professor A.E. Sherstobitov. The young law school lecturers and postgraduate
students also presented their reports. All of the speeches were devoted to the topical problems of
theory and practice of civil law. The theses of the participants of the conference are results of their studies,
which are based upon the system of general and specific legal cognition methods. In their speeches
the participants of the conference paid attention to a number of topical problems of civil law, legislation
and legal practice on legal entities, proprietary rights and means of their protection, customer protection,
contracts of organizations, transportation contracts, inheritance.
legal entities, types of legal entities, proprietary rights, object of civil law, relations of organizations, customer rights, insurance contract, transportation contracts, protection of rights, changes in the civil legislation.
Zakharova, L.I., Ilyinskaya, O.I..
Work of the section of international public law at the
V International Scientific and Practical Conference
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 293-296.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63866 URL:
The V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Constitutionalism and Legal System of
Russia: results and perspectives” (the Kutafin Readings) was held at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University
on November 27-28, 2013. The section of international law worked efficiently within the framework
of this conference. Leading international law scholars from Russia, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Tajikistan
presented their theses devoted to the topical problems of international law. A number of issues caused
active scientific discussion. The main scientific method, which was used for the preparation of this review,
was the analysis of the main provisions of the theses, which were discussed within the work of this section.
Many theses of reports were scientifically novel. The speakers discussed the main models of constitutional
structure of states and their specific features, mentioned the modern problems in the sphere of
application of law of international conflicts in the cyberspace, discussed the situation in Syria in the light
of the norms of international law on the use of force by the states in the international relations, revealed
the current understanding of state sovereignty, fragmenting of international law, and the contents of jus
cogens norms in the result of their interpretation by the international and national courts, noting a number
of novelties in the international administration and the need for the theoretical evaluation of other
topical problems of international law.
international law, legal system of Russia, Constitution, supremacy, responsibility to protect, international court, international security, international control, section of international law, the Kutafin Moscow State Law University.