Nikitin, V.V..
Fundamental conditions and declaring a contract
not concluded: Russia and the world
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 799-809.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64883 URL:
The article concerns of declaring a contract not conclude due to the absence of agreement of parties
on its fundamental conditions. The author discusses the problem of correlation between the contract clauses
and the elements defining the type of contract. The author refers to a contradictory influence of the broadly
applied practice of recognizing the contracts not concluded on the civil law turnover. The author then discusses
an issue on why in some cases the lack of fundamental conditions, also serving as characteristic features of
the type of contract, leads just to changing a type of contract, and in some other cases lack of fundamental
conditions leads to recognizing a contract void and not concluded. The conclusion is made that the contract is
recognized as void and not concluded when imperative norms of law are violated. When an imperative norm
of law, establishing the requirements to the contents of the contract, it is offered to apply the rules of law on
the deals concluded in violation of the legislation, unless the law expressly provides for the consequences of
the voidance of a contract. The article also contains an overview of the foreign experience on the issue. The
author formulates conclusions that the contracts not concluded are known in the continental European legal
orders, but this institution is being criticizes, and it is not widely applied. The key European model documents in
the sphere of private law do not have the definition of the contracts not being concluded. The provisions of the
foreign legal and model law acts are aimed at formation of the mechanism for “healing” the incomplete deals.
fundamental conditions, contracts not concluded, civil law, voidance, comparative law, international law, the European model documents, private law, the continental European legal order states, doctrine of contracts not being completed
Grib, V.V..
Protection of rights of minority shareholders
in the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 810-815.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64884 URL:
The object of studies in this article includes the means for the protection of rights of minority shareholders,
which are currently being applied in the Russian Federation. This issue is topical due to the large concentration
of capital in the Russian joint stock companies. Therefore, there are minority shareholders in many
Russian joint stock companies. The article concerns the means of protection according to the Russian legislation,
and the author also provides evaluation of efficiency and sufficiency of existing means of protection of
minority shareholders. While writing this article the author used the following methods: systemic method,
comparative method, formal legal method and comparative legal method. While studying the protection of
rights of minority shareholders the author made the following conclusions. Firstly, currently there is no legal
definition of minority shareholders in the Russian legislation. Secondly, currently the minority shareholders do
not have any means of protection of their rights via the arbitration tribunals. Thirdly, in spite of the absence
of legal definition of a “minority shareholder” in the Russian legislation and some other shortcomings, the
Russian legislation provides for rather many mechanisms for the protection of rights of minority shareholders.
minority shareholders, joint stock company, bodies of a joint stock company, means of protection of a right, administrative protection of a rights, judicial protection of a right, internal corporate protection of rights, mediation, arbitrability of corporate disputes, repurchase of shares.
Kirillova, E.E..
Substitution in the inheritance law of Russia:
value, role, specific features
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 816-820.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64885 URL:
The article concerns the institution of substitution of a heir in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
The author provides the Roman inheritance tradition, which primarily provided for the substitution of heir and the
Roman law of the post-classical epoch provided for the several kinds of inheritance substitution. The author studies
the legal status of the substitute heir, his rights and obligations, provides comparative analysis of inheritance substitution
and the institution of inheritance transmission. The author studies nature, role and value of inheristance
substitution in the Russian legislation paying attention to the specific features of its legal regulation. The analysis
of the specific features of inheritance relations appearing when a heir is substituted by the testament allows one to
draw a conclusion that inheritance substitution is an independent type of inheritance. Inheritance relations appear
due to the death of the main heir as well as due to the death of the testator, or due to the causes mentioned in Art.
1121 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, allowing to bring a substitute heir to inheriting.
inheritance law, heir, testator, inheritance substitutions, inheritance transmission, substituted heir, succession, testamentary disposition, quasipupilar substitution, vulgar substitution.
Rudakova, V.D..
Title to property of public legal entities
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 821-827.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64886 URL:
The article contains analysis of the currently existing civil law approaches towards individualization of
property of legal entities, which are formed by the public law formations. The object of studies concerns public
relations appearing in the process of registering the property status of these entities. The author studies dualism
of rights of legal entities, which are formed by the state, and of their property, character of rights appearing
within the frameworks of the economic control and operational control, their correlation with the title to property,
character of proprietary rights of public corporations. The author singles out the opportunities for the use of
the publicly owned property construction in order to form the proprietary independence of the public legal entities.
The methodological basis for the studies includes general and specific scientific methods: analysis, synthesis,
comparison, analogy, proof, historical method, systemic analysis method, interdisciplinary analysis. Within the
framework of operational control the author singles out two social ties, first of which is an absolute proprietary
legal relation, which is not different from title to ownership, while the second one is a corporate relation. That is
why, it is offered to recognized subjects of law under operational management to be the owners of the property
provided to them. The title to property of state corporation is regarded in this article as a public form of title to
property, and its implementation is due to social needs, managerial needs, and other socially important functions.
A public legal entity is regarded as a new organizational and legal form of a legal entity, which shall substitute
all of the forms of mediated legal entities formed by the public law institutions. In order to recognize the
proprietary status of these persons it is offered to use the construction of the title to public property. Such an approach
shall form a sufficient basis for the legal personality of the said legal entities, it shall guarantee state and
public interests in the transferred property, as well as the fully fledged mechanism for the civil law responsibility.
civil law, legal entities, public legal entities, proprietary rights, operational control, economic control, public property title, public corporations, state unitary enterprises, institutions.
Svirkov, S.A..
Contract for the operative dispatching control
according to the legislation on electric energy
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 5.
P. 828-833.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.5.64887 URL:
The article contains analysis of the legislatively provided procedure for the implementation of operative
dispatching activities in the sphere of electric energy, as well as of the main forms of such activities. The author provides characteristics of the ODC contract. At the same time, it is proven that the legislatively
provided contractual service form for this type of services does not correspond to the nature and contents of
these relations, causing a number of organizational problems. Analysis of the contents of control instruction
does not allow for its recognition as a service in a civil law sense of the term. The methodological basis for
the studies included general scientific (dialectic) method of cognition, methods and techniques of formal logic
(analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, etc.), as well as special cognition methods: formal legal methods,
comparative legal method, technical legal method, linguistic method, institutional method, systemic method,
empirical method, etc. The article is characterized with the scientific novelty, since the ODC relations are not
sufficiently studied within the Russian legal doctrine. At the same time the article contains evaluation of the
currently existing legislative construction in this sphere and the possible ways for their improvement. The main
conclusion of the article is an initiative for the centralized implementation of the ODC activities, based upon
the contract of adhesion to the trade system of the wholesale market.
operative dispatcher control, electric energy business, services contract, system operator, control instruction, services, liability insurance, subjects of the wholesale market, wholesale market for electric energy, natural monopoly.
Veshkurtseva, Z.V..
Structural approaches towards defining the terms
“non-material values” and “personal non-property
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 225-234.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63855 URL:
The article includes analysis of the novel approaches towards defining “non-material values and
personal non-property rights”. The authors offer to use an additional approach towards understanding
the nature of non-material values through the structurally narrower individual category – via the definition
of personal non-property value. The author evaluates the problem of terminological transformation
regarding the definition of non-material values and personal non-property rights due to the amendments into the current legislation. The article includes analysis of various definitions of the said terms. The article
also includes definitions of the term “personal non-property value”. Introduction of the definition of
personal non-property values allows to deal with lack of clarity as to critical attitude to the “non-material
character” of some non-property values, and to find a more appropriate approach towards defining the
amount of compensation of moral damage in cases of encroachments upon non-property values and
violations of personal non-property rights.
non-property values, personal non-property right, compensation of moral damage, life, health, personal dignity, personal inviolability, inviolability of personal life, name of a person, authorship.
Grib, V.V..
Legal nature of public share placement
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 235-240.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63856 URL:
This article is devoted to one of unresolved problems of legal theory: defining legal nature of public
share placement. In order to solve this problem, the author studies four main theories for the legal nature
of public placement of shares: investment contract theory, unilateral dispositive deal; theory of bilateral
dispositive deal, and the theory of the sales contract, providing evaluation of each of the above-mentioned
theories. Within the framework of evaluation of the above-mentioned theory, the author makes a conclusion
that the theories of unilateral and bilateral dispositive deals are not viable, and they may not be used
for defining the legal nature of public placement of shares. However, the author also makes a conclusion
that the followers of both the investment contract theory and sales contract theory provide viable arguments
in support of their positions. However, none of these theories may be recognized as universal. Due to
the above-mentioned situation, the author offers to use the theory of investment contract of sales contract
depending on the purposes for which the shares are acquired by a subscriber.
unilateral dispositive deal, investment contract, subscriber, securities issuer, securities, legal nature, public placement of shares, bilateral dispositive deal, share, sales contract.
Nozhkina, A.A..
On the issue of insuring civil liability
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 1.
P. 66-76.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.1.63800 URL:
The article is devoted to classification of types of insuring civil liability. The current legislation
provides for two types of insuring civil liability divided based upon the grounds for its appearance: insuring
the risk of liability on obligations arising out of damage to life, health or property of other persons (Art. 931
of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and insuring the contractual responsibility (Art. 932 of the Civil
Code of the Russian Federation). Liability for violation of non-contractual obligations, such as liability of
arbitration manager and the members of administration of a legal entity do not fall within any of these two
categories (contractual or delict liability insurance). Such a liability is not contract-based, since there is no
such contract, and it does not arise from causing harm. Based on above-mentioned positions the author
concludes that legal regulation in this sphere is not sufficient and offers the possible solutions to the problem
insuring liability, types of liability insurance, insuring contractual liability, insuring delict liability, insuring non-contractual liability, classification of obligation, liability of an arbitration manager, nature of arbitration management, insuring liability of administrator, liability of executive bodies.
Puzyreva, A.N..
Topical issues of classification of contracts between the
tour operator and tour agent
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 1.
P. 77-84.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.1.63801 URL:
The article is devoted to topical issues of classification of contracts between the tour operator
and tour agent. The author presents key positions of the Russian legal scholars towards the legal nature
of the model contract between the tour operator and tour agent, she also analyzes the norms of
current legislation, as well as judicial practice and business documents on this issue. The author studied
the types of contract used (sale of tourist product, provision of tourist services for remuneration, franchise
(commercial concession), mandate contract, commission contract, acquisition contract, agent
contract), showing their strong and weak points. She also evaluates the possibility to use these contracts
in the relations between tour agent and tour operator. The author also attempts to find the most
acceptable model for the regulation of relations between the said subjects. The author also proposes
to improve legislation regarding qualifying such a contract as an agency contract by amending the
Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
tour operator, tour agent, agency, commission, commission, mandate, franchise, acquisition, sale, provisions of service for remuneration, contract model.
Ulyanov, A.V..
Legal interest and guarantees
of equality of civil law subjects
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 12.
P. 1606-1613.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.12.63510 URL:
This scientific article is devoted to the important scientific issue regarding nature of legal interest
within the system of civil law. The author applies elements of similar legal categories by analogy, and he
also used the achievements of Russian and foreign legal science in order to form his own construction of
legal interest. The author substantiates an original position according to which legal interest is a legal form
within which the bearer of the interest has lawful expectation of benefits due to a legal initiative, while he
is bound by legal understanding of goals and nature by the other party of such initative. The author regards
legal interest as a specific type of legal construction, serving as an element of legal mechanism, guaranteeing
the coordination between de facto and de jure equality in the sphere of civil law. The author takes the
protection of a weaker party as a specific example of this mechanism in action. Generally, the article is of
both theoretical and practical value, and it might be of interest to those interested in the topical issues of
civil law.
formal equality, equal rights, civil law relations, legal interest, legal construction, legal form, subject of civil law, participant of civil law relation, legal link, weaker party to a contract.
Pokachalova, A.S..
The problems of civil law regulation
of contractual relations in the sphere
of obligatory pension insurance with
the participation of private pension funds
and the possible solutions
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 12.
P. 1614-1618.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.12.63511 URL:
The pension system of Russia has changed drastically in the last decade. Since the pension rights
of the citizens are socially valuable, the state provided detailed regulation of rights and obligations of these
subjects, which lead to the appearance of specific legal constructions previously unknown to Russian legislation.
In particular, it concerns the contracts on obligatory pension insurance. The obligatory pension insurance
by private pension funds includes both elements of public and private law, regulating the issues regarding
obligatory pension insurance contracts. The article concerns issues of obligatory pension insurance by private
insurance companies, and it includes a complex analysis of norms regulating the contact on obligatory pension
insurance, the author defines legal nature and elements of such contracts, provides propositions for the
improvement of legislation in this sphere.
private pension fund, obligatory pension insurance, private law, organizational legal form, public law, insured person, pension reform, savings part of pension, civil law institution.
Imekova, M.P..
Abandoning proprietary rights to a plot
of land in the system of grounds
for termination of proprietary rights to land
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1423-1428.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63431 URL:
The article includes comparative legal analysis of such grounds for termination of proprietary rights
to land as abandonment of the proprietary rights by an owner and land transfer. The legislatively provided
procedure for plots of land is different from other types of property due to a specific procedure for a person
to abandon his land. It leads to some ambiguities in the judicial practice regarding legal qualification of such
abandonment. For example, some courts have drawn a conclusion that abandonment serves as alienation of
land, while these categories have some differences between them. The author has studied legal nature of the
categories «abandonment of proprietary rights by an owner of a plot of land» and «alienation of plot of land»,
and she makes a conclusion that these two categories are considerably different. Additionally, it is established
that in some cases the legislator provided special rules for the arising and termination of the proprietary rights
in order to guarantee stability of a civil turnover and protect lawful rights and interests of certain groups of
people. Abandonment of proprietary rights to a land plot is one of such cases. There is need to provide for the
specific rules for termination and arising of proprietary rights to plots of land, which were previously abandoned
by their owners due to specific features of land plots legal regulation regime.
jurisprudence, proprietary rights, termination, transfer, abandonment, primary means, secondary means, heirless property, find.
Svistunova, M.V..
The building leasehold
and the sphere of its application
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 11.
P. 1429-1433.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.11.63432 URL:
The article is devoted to a new real right, as provided by the Conception for the Development of Civil Legislation
— the building leasehold. The author pays attention to specific features of building leasehold in various legal
orders, she provides comparative legal studies of application of building leasehold in the Russian pre-Revolution and
Soviet legislation, as well as in the legislation of foreign states (Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium,
France, Argentina, Estonia, Poland, Bolivia, Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, etc.). It is noted that the building
leasehold may be used for various purposes (enlargement of the housing fund, including restoration of destroyed
buildings, construction of non-housing units, development of the new territories, forest plantation, attracting investments,
etc.). It is noted that the building leasehold may be provided for the public and private interests. The author
draws conclusion on flexibility of this legal construction and the wide range of its application.
jurisprudence, building leasehold, superficia, limited real rights, jus in re aliena, title to land, foreign legal order, foreign legislation, comparative legal studies, historical prerequisites.
Nozhkina, A.A..
Insuring professional liability within
the system of existing types of taxation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 10.
P. 1254-1263.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.10.63213 URL:
In this article the author analyzes the Issue of legal qualification of contract for insurance of professional
liability within the system of types of insurance, as provided for by legislation, including contractual
liability and liability for causing harm. The author provides qualification of various types of professional liability
insurance, including those of tour operators, advocates, notaries, insolvency managers, appraisers and
jurisprudence, insurance, professional liability, contractual liability, delict-based liability, appraiser, auditor, tour operator, notary, insolvency manager.
Alekberova, N.N..
The grounds for distinguishing
the simulated and fraudulent transaction
from other types of void transactions
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 7.
P. 823-830.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.7.62871 URL:
The article includes analysis of the grounds for distinguishing simulate and fraudulent transactions
from other types of unlawful transactions, and transactions completed with the goals contradicting the bases
of legal order and morality. The author analyzes the conditions in which the courts apply the provisions of Art.
170 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in their systemic correlation with the provisions of Art. 168, 169
of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In the opinion of the author, it Is not correct to qualify the actions
of the parties to a transaction under both Art. 170 and Art. 169 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The presence of the goal obviously contradicting the bases of legal order and morality makes the simulated
and fraudulent transaction become transactions made for the goals obviously contradicting the bases of legal
order and morality. At the same time, the actions taken in order to evade the legal limitations should not be
equaled to the simulated deals, rather, they should be regarded as unlawful actions, and they should qualify
under Art. 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, simulated transaction, fraudulent transaction, anti-social transaction, the transaction contradicting the bases of legal order and morality, evasion of law, goal of the transaction, bases for distinguishing, the transaction with the goal contradicting the bases of legal order and morality, grounds for declaring a deal void.
Afanasiev, I.V..
Servitude within the system
of limited real rights
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 7.
P. 831-835.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.7.62872 URL:
The article Is devoted to the issue of formation and limitation to the system of components of limited
real rights and the role of servitude (easement) within this system. The methodological basis for the article
was formed by systemic, analytic and synthetic approaches to the analysis of the Russian legislation regarding
limited real rights In accordance with the current provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and
the draft of the Federal Law «On Amendments to Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
». The article contains brief analysis of etymologic and content-related aspects of the terms «servitude»,
«contents of servitude», «payment for servitude». The author analyzes the types of servitude and gives their
general characteristics, then he offers the directions for the further studies of servitude as an independent civil
law construction within the system of limited real rights.
jurisprudence, system, servitude, project, concept, types, classification, doctrine, problems, list.
Agafonova, N.N..
Customer protection
in the light of the latest interpretations
of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 716-721.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62738 URL:
The goal of this article is to analyze the new interpretation of application of customer protection
legislation (first of all, of the Federal Law «On the Protection of Rights of Customers» of February 7, 1992, N.
2300-1) as provided for in the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June
28, 2012 N. 17 «On the adjudication by courts in the customer protection cases». The need for such analysis
can be explained by the novelty of this interpretation, which is due to the changes in the legislation itself and
the legal practice. The author uses the method of comparative legal studies, which allows understanding the
nature of changes more deeply. The article also includes analysis of the issues on the application of customer
protection legislation to certain types of relations, of the protection of right of customers to the due quality of
goods, works and services, as well as on various forms of responsibility of persons towards customers, as well
as some other issues. The article shall be of interest first of all to the persons, who work with or are interested
in the practical application of customer protection legislation.
jurisprudence, customer protection, property insurance, financial services, participation of the agents, the fundamental defect of goods, works, services, technically complicated goods, lowering the fine, fine, refusal to perform under the contract.
Baturova, E.A..
Specific legal features
of the unilateral avoidance
of implementation of obligations
(refusal to pay insurance compensation)
in personal insurance
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 722-727.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62739 URL:
The key provisions of this article are devoted to the right to unilateral avoidance of performance
under the contract in personal insurance. The author provides detailed analysis of the lawfulness of contract clauses on such avoidance on the grounds which are not provided by the current legislation, such as cases,
when the insured person took alcohol, toxic, narcotic, psychoactive and potent substances without medical
prescription, the insured person did professional sports, if this type of sport caused this person’s death, insured
person committed a crime, and this crime was directly connected with the insurable event. The article
also includes detailed analysis of application of the Art. 963 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to the
personal insurance contracts, the author views the issues regarding insurable events taking place due to the
gross negligence of an insured person.
jurisprudence, insurance contract, personal insurance contract, life insurance contract, refusal to perform an obligation, grounds for the unilateral avoidance from the performance of obligations.
Naumova, O.V..
Transformation of the institution
of unauthorized construction
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 728-732.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62740 URL:
The goal of the studies in this article is to coordinate the existing norms of civil legislation, which
regulate the relations in the sphere of unauthorized construction and to discuss the future amendments to
these norms. The goal of the study is to model a new institution of the unauthorized construction based on
the upcoming reform, and to introduce a novel sub-institution of unauthorized construction within the sphere
of supervision of the municipal bodies, which in turn should facilitate more rational application of municipal
competence in the sphere of town planning and to improve the efficiency of the municipal bodies in the sphere
of municipal issues. The study of the problem of unauthorized construction is based upon the operative analysis
of the current norms of civil legislation, as well as on the propositions for the legislative amendments and
reforms of civil relations in this sphere.
jurisprudence, immovable property, town planning, supervision, construction, legitimacy, offence, responsibility, municipal bodies, competence.
Almaeva, Y.O., Tokareva, K.G..
Agency contract
in the modern Russian legal system:
pro et contra
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 733-737.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62741 URL:
The developed industrial society recognizes the activities of agents, commissioners and solicitors as
the mechanism which facilitates formation and development of economic and trade connection. Analysis of
the market relations shows that there is a direct correlation between the state of economy, level of development
and application of agent services. That is why it is of interest to study the legal nature of these contracts.
It is especially so, since the institution of agency and commercial representation in the civil law require understanding
of their nature for efficient practical use. While the agency and commission contracts are known
previously, there are still problems and gaps within this sphere. The legislative regulation of the agency contract
in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation failed to resolve some of the problems, which existed before
this type of contract was recognized by the legislator. The article is devoted to the agency contract as a most
popular contract in the sphere of mediation. The authors discuss the causes for it’s’ appearance in the Russian
legislation, independence of its legal construction, topicality and necessity of this type of contract.
jurisprudence, agency contract, commission contract, solicitor contract, independence, construction, mediation, agent, appearance, principal.
Farakshina, K.F..
The object of contract
for the surrogate motherhood:
theory and practice
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 738-742.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62742 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the object of the surrogate motherhood contract. The author
discusses the most topical problems of legal nature of the contract of mixed nature in the Russian civil
law. By studying the normative basis and scientific works on surrogate motherhood on the verge where the
branches of family and civil law connect, the author makes a conclusion on the mixed nature of this contract,
which contains elements of service and independent work contract. Based upon the analysis of correlation
between object and immediate object of the contract in Russian and international legal acts, the author gives
a definition of the object of the surrogate motherhood contract. Much attention is paid to the absence of legal
personality of an embryo, and to the protection of rights of a child at the stage of performance under such a
contract. Based upon the above-mentioned studies, the author offers to provide the legislative definition of
the surrogate motherhood contract, which would guarantee the rights of the parties, and resolve the issues of
legal status of a child within this contract.
jurisprudence, surrogate, mixed, contract, reproductive, object, immediate object, embryo, child, legal personality.
Alekberova Nina Nizamovna.
Defect of the will as the basis for the invalidity of fictitious
and fraudulent legal transactions
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 3.
P. 282-286.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.3.62463 URL:
The article is devoted to the nature of the defect of the will in the fictitious and fraudulent deals. It is
stated that the defect of the will in the fictitious and fraudulent deals is a complicated basis for their invalidity,
since the will of the participants of such deals has three dimensions. Challenging fictitious and fraudulent
deals due to the defect of the will is possible within the judicial claim procedure, and the claim should be filed
by a person with an interest in the deal in question. The author offers to establish for such deals the limitation
period of three years since the time when the claimant found out, or should have found out of the situation,
which may serve as the basis for the invalidity of such a deal.
jurisprudence, fictitious deal, fraudulent deal, defect of will, persons with an interest, voidable deal, invalid deal, claim procedure, limitation period, consequences.
Vorobiev Sergey Mikhailovich.
Alternative methods of compensation of moral damage to the victim
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 3.
P. 287-290.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.3.62464 URL:
The object of this article is the social relations in the sphere of normative legal regulation of the alternative
methods of compensation of moral damages to the victims. The goal of the article is to characterize
the provisions of the Russian legislation regarding the compensation for the moral damage. The methodological
basis for the scientific article Includes such principles of scientific cognition, as the historicism, objectivity,
systemic character, complex character. The results of the article Includes the proposals for the amendments
to the current Russian civil legislation. The article Includes analysis of the correlation between various forms
of compensation for the moral damage to the victim. The conclusions of this article may be used In scientific
and educational sphere regarding human rights issues.
jurisprudence, moral damages, state, victims, right, refutation, peaceful settlement, apologies, compensation, Intangible benefits.
Gaprindashvili Rolandi Rolandovich.
Problems of the legal structure of transfer of debt
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 3.
P. 291-298.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.3.62465 URL:
The article is devoted to the problems of the legal structure for restructuring the debt. The author
offers solutions in the light of the novel amendments to the civil legislation, and he defines the vector for the
further development of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the institutional sphere for the transfer
of debt.
jurisprudence, debt, protection of the interests of creditor, transfer of debt, cession of part of the debt, debtor, creditor, change of parties in an obligation, obligation-based legal relations, contract.
Poduzova Ekaterina Borisovna.
Framework contract in modern civil law
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 3.
P. 299-304.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.3.62466 URL:
The article is devoted to the definition, characteristic features and contents of the framework contract.
The author analyzes the approaches of various scholars on these legal issues, and she also provides her
position on definition and characteristic features of framework contract. The framework contract is a contract
under which the parties agree to conclude the main contract (or several such contracts) in the future, and it
should contain the clause on the term of its application, object of the main contract (contracts), some other
conditions of the main contract (contracts). The essential conditions of the framework (organization) contract
should include the clauses on its term of application, its object, and the object of the main contract (contracts).
The author studies the correlation between the framework contract and the open-clause contract in the legislation
and science of the Great Britain and the USA. The author then comes to a conclusion on the need to
distinguish these lecgal constructions, when they are provided for in the Russian legislation.
jurisprudence, construction, framework, organization, main, contract, conditions, contents, distinguishing, legislation.
Bogdan, V.V..
Modernization of the Federal Law
of the Russian Federation
«On the Protection of the Rights of Customers»
should be balanced: on the issue
of necessary amendments and additions
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 135-142.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62359 URL:
The article includes specific propositions for the improvement of the Federal Law of the Russian
Federation «On the Protection of the Rights of Customers», which is based upon the need for the guarantees
of legal balance between the interests of the entrepreneurs and the customers. The results are practically
applicable, and they are aimed to improve the efficiency the civil law regulation of protection of the rights of
customers. Their future applications shall facilitate the further improvement of the legal mechanism for the
civil law protection of rights of customers. The conclusions on the need to introduce changes and amendments
are based on the existing legislation and its practical application, as well as the results of theoretical studies.
Much attention is paid to the analysis of the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
of June 28, 2012 n. 17 «On Judicial Consideration of the Civil Cases on Disputes on Protection of Rights of
Customers». As part of amendments to the Federal Law «On the Protection of the Rights of Customers» the
author offers to change the definitions of «customer» and «fundamental defect of goods» in order to guarantee
the optimal protection of customers and stimulation of sellers (producers, renderers of services) for the
voluntary fulfillment of the claims of the customers. It is also reasonable to establish the maximal amount of
the penalties to the contract price in cases regarding insufficient quality of goods (works, services). It is also
reasonable to introduce into the Federal Law «On the Protection of the Rights of Customers» new articles on
the mandatory presentation of a claim to a debtor before instituting an action in the court, and on pre-trial
expertise of quality of goods (works), and responsibility of customers.
jurisprudence, customer, protection, rights, pre-trial claim, modernization, improvement, court, penalty, responsibility.
Grebenkina, I.A..
The preemptive right to property
as a new limited proprietary right
for the Russian Federation:
analysis of proprietary elements
and the problem of obligation elements
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 143-150.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62360 URL:
The demand for the proprietary institute of the preemptive right to immovable property in the Russian
legal practice, the lack of legislative regulation and actualization of relevant issues in the modern civil law
doctrine cause interest to the studies of its proprietary elements. This article includes the in-depth analysis of
real and obligatory elements of the preemptive right to immovable property. The author comes to a conclusion
that this right meets the most requirements for the limited proprietary rights, their real nature, with due
consideration to some of its peculiarities.
jurisprudence, law, preemptive purchase, property, real, obligatory, nature, limited, problem.
Ilyichev, P.A..
On some issues regarding
the legal nature of the limitation of claims
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 151-155.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62361 URL:
This article is devoted to some topical issues regarding the legal nature of the limitation of claims.
The author points out some legislative problems and problems in the sphere of application of law, and he offers
the mechanisms for their possible solution, with due reference to the doctrinal sources. The article raises
the issues on the place of the limitation of claims within the system of norms of material and procedural law,
as well as within the system of norms of private law. The author also considers the possible presence of the
public legal element in this legal institution. The article include legal analysis, which is aimed to establish the
place of the limitation of claims within the system of branches of the Russian law. Based on the results of scientific
studies, the author comes to a conclusion that the limitation of claims is a complex and multi-faceted
phenomenon, which includes the elements of various branches of law.
jurisprudence, limitation of claims, material, procedural, private, public law, term, correlation.
Kleschev, A.S..
Legal aspects for the energy-saving contract
and its regulation under the Civil Code
of the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 156-161.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62362 URL:
Currently it is hard to overestimate the role of the energy supply in the everyday life of the society.
Great social value of this process causes interest to this legal institution. The author views the legal aspects
and topical issues of the energy supply contract, its nature and contents. The author also describes various
points of view of Russian and foreign civil law lawyers on this type of contract. The author studies the role
of energy within the system of objects of civil law, he analyzes the judicial practice on the disputes regarding
this contract. The author also pays attention to the balance of rights and obligations of the party, who joins
the energy supply contract. The article includes evaluation of the current legislation in the sphere of energy
supply. The author comes to a conclusion that there is need to specificate the nature of the contract for supply
of energy and to provide a specific place for energy within the system of objects of civil law at the legislative
level, he also makes propositions for the improvement of the civil legislation.
jurisprudence, contract, energy supply, adhesion, topical problems, legal, rights, legislation, energy.
Kostin, P.Y..
Proprietary complex as a combination
of subjective civil rights and obligations
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 162-167.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62363 URL:
The modern theory of civil law includes the topical problem of the existence of the «property complex
» as an independent object of civil law. The overlapping of various legal matters, which are regulated by
norms of real and obligation law within the property complex as a single object of law causes a number of
practical problems in the establishment of applicable laws and legal relations, as well as some conflicts of
laws in the process of their application. The non-uniform character of the property complexes in the real law
also prevents the development of the united teaching on the property complex in the civil law doctrine. By
analyzing the historical development of the category of «property complex» the author comes to a conclusion
that the property complex should be understood as a combination of subjective rights and obligations, which
change their subject within the framework of the universal succession. Such an understanding of this category
allows to form the unified elements of such property complexes in the civil law, as the enterprise, estate, and
property of the spouses.
jurisprudence, property, complex, law, estate, enterprise, legal succession, spouses, object, obligation.
Svirkov, S.A..
The legal nature of contracts
for the supply of electric energy
in the wholesale market
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 168-173.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62364 URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of legal qualification of contracts for the supply of electric energy
and power. The author analyzes the key doctrinal approaches to this problem, and points out their shortcomings.
The position of the author is based upon the statement that the contract for the supply of electric energy should
not be regarded as a type of sales contract under para. 1 of Chapter 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The conclusions are based upon the idea on the special legal nature of the stock deals, which include the
supply contacts in the market of energy. Taking into account the differentiation of physical and financial rights to
electric energy, as the key instruments of its turnover, the author also singles out three groups of relations in the
wholesale market of electric energy, which includes specific contractual constructions
jurisprudence, electric energy, turnover, rights, stock, deals, sale, energy supply, market, contract.
Shilova, N.P..
Modern legal models for regulation
of formation and activities
of the co-operative societies
in the foreign states
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 2.
P. 174-181.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.2.62365 URL:
The article includes comparative legal analysis of the legislation of foreign states on co-operatives in
order to form the modern legal model for the regulation of co-operation. This experience is topical for Russia,
since currently the Russian legislation on legal entities, which includes the legislation on co-operatives, is
undergoing a transformation. By the method of comparative legal studies the author comes to a conclusion
on five legal models, which regulate the formation and activities of the co-operatives in the EU, the CIS and
the USA, as well as some Asian states. The author discusses international legal tendencies of regulation of cooperative
relations and shows the international legal tendencies for the regulation of co-operative relations.
The author then comes to a conclusion on the need to for the Russian legislation to apply the combination of
general legal regulation of co-operation and the special legal regimes for the regulation its particular types.
jurisprudence, co-operation, co-operative, co-operative partnership, co-operative society, credit union, sources of legal regulation of co-operation, co-operative legislation, international legal regulation, legal models for the co-operative regulation.
Sadrieva Residа Ravilovna.
Nature of the public legal entities in the judicial acts
of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 40-44.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62107 URL:
The article includes analysis of the normatively provided official definition of the public legal entities,
as well as the key problem of defining the character of legal capacity of public legal entities as subjects of civil
law. This issue is quite topical both from the scientific and practical points of view. The detailed analysis of the
acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in this issue allows to end the discussion. The legal
capacity of public legal entities is special, and it is due to both their nature and the goals of their formation
and existence. This theoretical thesis serves as a basis for the valuable practical conclusion. Namely, that such
subjects cannot perform entrepreneurial activities. Based on the analysis of the acts of the Constitutional
Court of the Russian Federation, the author offers to amend the current legislation.
jurisprudence, public legal, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, legal capacity, legal subject, nature, the Russian Federation, the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, entities, character.
Rudakova Victoria Dmitrievna.
On the means of implementation of the theory of public legal entities
in the Russian legislation
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 45-50.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62108 URL:
The article includes analysis of the key approaches to the public legal entity (public law entity) in the
scholarly literature in order to establish their legislative potential. The author shows the negative practice of
introduction of the ad hoc organizational and legal forms into the Russian legislation, in order to provide for
the state-dependent subjects of the civil turnover in accordance with the needs of the state as a party to the
property relations. In order to improve the existing legislation and the practice of its application the author
offers to form a new organizational legal form of a public legal entity within the system of legal entity, and to
establish that this new form shall substitute for all of the current forms of participation in civil turnover by the
state-formed entities. It is noted that such an approach shall allow to unify the rules under which such subjects
become parties to the property relations and to close the list of non-commercial legal entities. The article supports
the civilist approach to the category of legal entity, which still provides for the possible interdisciplinary
jurisprudence, public legal entity, civil law, state, legal capacity, organizational legal form, state corporation, state, ad hoc subjects, interdisciplinary studies.
Moldovanov Mikhail Mikhailovich.
On the legal status of federal public, budgetary and autonomous institutions
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 51-54.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62109 URL:
The article includes comparative legal analysis of the position of federal public, budgetary and autonomous
institutions at eh federal level. The author establishes the key similarities and differences in their
legal position. Finally, the author offers to amend the current Russian legislation, which regulates the legal
position of federal state public, budgetary and autonomous institutions in order to make their state services
more efficient.
jurisprudence, public entities, budgetary entities, autonomous entities, federal budget, state services, reform, legal status, non-commercial entities, operative management.
Guseva Tatiana Alekseevna.
State (municipal) institutions within the system
of order placement for the supply of goods and performance
of services for the state (municipal) needs
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 55-61.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62110 URL:
The article includes analysis of the specific features of order placement for the needs of public, budgetary
and autonomous institutions at the time of reform of municipal and state institutions. The authors
evaluate the rules of interaction of two normative acts: the Federal Law of May 8, 2010 N. 83–FZ, and the
Federal Law of July 21, 2005, N. 94-FZ, as well as their application to the activities of the autonomous, budgetary
and public institutions.
jurisprudence, institution, order, supply, buyer, supply, budget, needs, purchases, services.
Gordienko M.M..
K voprosu o vvedenii obyazatel'nogo strakhovaniya grazhdanskoi otvetstvennosti meditsinskikh uchrezhdenii
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2012. № 4.
P. 92-100.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2012.4.63297 URL:
Strakhovoe pravo, meditsinskie uchrezhdeniya, zakonoproekt.
Svirkov S.A..
Kontseptsiya reversivnykh prav v grazhdanskom prave
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2012. № 4.
P. 101-110.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2012.4.63298 URL:
Reversivnye prava, derivativy, optsiony, energorynok, sekundarnye prava, pravovye sredstva.