Zinovkin, N.S..
Overview of judicial practice on payment for the
emplacement of industrial and consumption waste
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 2.
P. 204-211.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.2.63852 URL:
The object of studies in this article includes payment for the negative influence on the environment in
part of emplacement of industrial and consumption waste. Topicality of the issue is proven by the vast judicial
practice, which is quite contradictory, and legislative imperfections in this sphere. The topicality mainly has to
do with defining the subject, who is obliged to pay for the negative influence on the environment. Currently,
there are two leading positions: either the producer of waste should pay, or a specialized organization arranging
its emplacement. The article analyzes several approaches towards defining the subjects obligated to
make payments: from the standpoint of the principles of environmental legislation and its spirit, and from the
point of view of the transfer of the proprietary right to waste. Based upon these approaches the author offers
to amend the Federal Law “On Industrial and Consumption Waste”, providing for the reference to the owner
of waste as the party, who has to make the payment, and the amendments should be made into the Federal
Law “On Environmental Protection”, referring to payment for production and not the emplacement of waste.
waste, emplacement of waste, negative influence, ecology, payment, environment, judicial practice, environmental law, nature management, pollutant
Sharifullina, A.F..
Legal regulation of access to gas
transportation systems
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2014. № 1.
P. 57-65.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2014.1.63799 URL:
Transportation of gas is mostly arranged via the pipeline transportation. In the situation of
limited carrying capacity of gas transportation system the issue of non-discriminatory access of independent
organizations becomes especially topical. The article includes analysis of the legal regulation of
non-discriminatory access to gas transportation system belonging to the OAO “Gazprom” and the local
gas distribution systems. Transportation of gas via pipelines is based on natural monopoly. However,
unlike with transportation of oil (natural monopoly is recognized only for the transportation of oil via the
long-distance pipelines) the natural monopoly for gas transportation applies to any types of pipelines.
Access of independent organizations to the gas transportation system is based upon contracts and is
available only upon the presence of free capacity in the gas transportation system from the place of
connection to the place of gas drawing throughout the period of gas delivery required by the supplier. If the available free capacity is not sufficient for the transportation of the entire amount the legislation
establishes the order for satisfying claims for transportation. Priority is provided to the suppliers of gas
for utilities and consumer needs. The refusal to provide access may be challenged in the Federal Anti-Monopoly
Service (FAS) of Russia. Judicial practice includes cases when the owners of gas transportation
systems challenge the decisions of the FAS on violations of anti-monopoly law. S tarting from 2007 the
FAS of Russia took a number of unsuccessful attempts to lobby a new Resolution of the Government according
to which the OAO “Gazprom” and its affiliated entities should have access to pipelines on equal
terms with the independent gas producers. The FAS has developed a draft Resolution of the Government
of the Russian Federation “ On the Guarantees of Non-Discriminatory Access to Gas Distribution
Systems in the Russian Federation” instead of the current provisions on access dating back to 1998.
transportation of gas, non-discriminatory access, the United Gas Supply System; gas distribution networks, natural monopolies, independent gas producers, gas transportation system, the FAS of Russia, OAO “Gazprom”, free capacity.
Spiridonov, D.V..
Specific features of legal responsibility
in the sphere of use of work
and work safety
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 12.
P. 1599-1605.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.12.63509 URL:
This article is devoted to the detailed study of legal liability in cases of violations of the norms on mining
laws. The article provides for the need for the more detailed and elaborate regulation of the system of legal
liability in the sphere of use of subsoil resources. This is due to the fact that the subsoil is a key element to the
natural resources system of the humanity, being the source of necessary minerals and raw materials. The analysis
includes an attempt to single out conceptual specificities in the sphere of use of subsoil resources. The author
studies the issues of administrative, criminal and civil law responsibility, material and disciplinary responsibility.
In the process of his analysis the author touches upon the practical problem in this sphere. He provides the fundamentals
for the fact that the system of punishments existing in the mining industry fails to guarantee necessary
preventive and preclusive measures in order to prevent and lower the number of crimes and other offences in
this sphere. The article also provides the bases for the responsibility for the violations of legislation on subsoil
resources as an element of environmental legal responsibility, and he offers to introduce some changes into the
legislation on responsibility in the sphere of use of subsoil resources.
legislation on subsoil resources, rational use of subsoil resources, specific features of responsibility, environmental legal responsibility, protection of subsoil resources, the Mining Code, criminal responsibility, administrative responsibility, civil material responsibility, disciplinary responsibility.
Artamonova, V.O..
State administration in the sphere
of protection and preservation of forests
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 8.
P. 981-986.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.8.63035 URL:
This article contains analysis of state administration in the sphere of protection and preservation of
forests. The author analyzes several theoretical approaches to the definition of state administration of natural
recourses as a legal Institution and as an organizing activity of state bodies. The author formulates the definition
of state administration in the sphere of protection and preservation of forests as enforcement activity of
state government bodies on protection and preservation of forests, which is based upon the forest legislation.
The article includes classification of powers of state government bodies of the Russian Federation in the sphere
of forest relations into normative, legal, financial and administrative regulation of forest relations. The forest
regulation powers are partially transferred to the state government bodies of the constituent subjects of the
Russian Federation. Out of three «control levers» the regional governments gain most of administrative control.
The author characterizes three key government bodies currently implementing protection and preservation
of forests in the Russian Federation: the Federal Forestry Agency, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the
Russian Federation, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage.
jurisprudence, environmental law, forest law, state administration, protection, preservation, the Federal Forestry Agency, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage, powers.
Artamonova, V.O..
Legal regulation of protection
and conservation of forests
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 706-711.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62736 URL:
This article includes analysis of legal regulation of protection and conservation of forests. The Forest
Code of the Russian Federation provides for the general principles of the forest legislation in the sphere
of protection and regeneration of forests, which is one of the key spheres of state activities in the sphere of
conservation of forest. Protection and conservation of forests form a separate institution of forest law; however
the lack of definition apparatus has negative influence upon the law-enforcement practice. There is no
definition of «protection of forests», «conservation of forests», «regeneration of forests», their correlation is
not clear. The article contains results of the studies of theoretical positions on protection of forests, the author studies positions on definition of protection and conservation of forests from the narrowest to the broadest
interpretation. The author also provides detailed analysis of various activities on protection of forests, such as
protection of forests from fire, diseases, regeneration of forests. Finally, the author formulates the definition
for the protection of forests, which should be understood as conservation of forests by their preservation from
fires, diseases, regeneration of forests and application of legal responsibility.
jurisprudence, forest law, environmental law, protection, conservation, regeneration, legislation, fires, pollution, responsibility.
Chkhutiashvili, L.V..
Topical issues of training
for the environmental auditors
as environmental protection specialists
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 6.
P. 712-715.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.6.62737 URL:
The global environmental crisis, which is related to the rapid growth of humanity in XX century, scientific
and technical progress, the unprecedented anthropogenic influence on the biosphere, has caused a great number
of problems, which has put the humanity at the brink of survival. But the further development of humanity
is impossible without due understanding by all people of the dangers of the existing environmental situation
and the changes in their activities. It is generally recognized that the sources and perspectives of resolving the
environmental problems are related not only to social and economic structure of the society, but also to such
qualities of people, as understanding self-evaluation of nature, the measures of biosphere matters, responsibility
to the future generations. The article is devoted to the training of environmental auditors, who are specialists on
environmental protection. In Russia the market for the environmental audit is being formed without the due legal
regulation and the system for the training and certification of environmental auditors.
jurisprudence, nature, environmental protection, sustainable development, environment, environmental audit, ecologist, auditor, supervision, certification.
Zhavoron kova Natalia Grigorievna, Agafonov Vyacheslav Borisovich.
Theoretical problems of state policy concept formation
in the sphere of legal guarantees of the rational nature management within
the framework of national security of Russia
// Actual problems of Russian law.
2013. № 1.
P. 32-39.
DOI: 10.7256/1994-1471.2013.1.62106 URL:
The article contains a complex study of doctrinal documents in the nature management legislation of
the Russian Federation, such as strategies, concepts, doctrines, which establish the key directions for the legislation
development in the sphere of management and protection of specific natural resources for the long term
and medium range term perspectives, as well as the other strategic documents in the sphere of guarantees of
national environmental security, such as the Concepts for the National Security of the Russian Federation, the
Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, The Concept of the Sustainable Development Transfer of
the Russian Federation, the Bases of the Governmental Policy in the Sphere of Environmental Development of
the Russian Federation for the period till 2030, etc., based in which the Concept of Formation of Nature Management
Legislation Concept is formed with the due consideration of theoretical and empirical studies of legal
norms on rational nature management. The practical value of the studies is due to the fact that the results,
conclusions and recommendations may be used in law-making in the sphere of national security guarantees.
The methodological basis for the studies includes normative — legal and institutional — functional analysis.
Additionally, dialect, logical, prognostic, systemic, content analysis are used, as well as statistical, technicallegal
and comparative legal methods. The character of the object of the studies presupposes the systemic and
structural approach to the problem of the Concept for the formation of natural resources legislation at the
time of transition. The result of the studies is the Draft of the Concept for the Formation of Nature Management
Legislation, which includes the theoretical basis for the system of the nature management legislation,
as well as levels and priority of legislative decisions in this sphere, united terminology and definition system
for the legislative acts in this sphere, as well as the list of legislative act, which have to be passed in order to
implement the Concept based on the packet principle.
jurisprudence, politics, strategy, nature management, security, environmental protection, doctrine, concept, resources consumption, resource-saving.