The nationality issue
Shugurov, M.V. (2009). Sovereign law of the states in the sphere of human rights and freedoms: international aspect. Politics and Society, 1.
This article is devoted to the issues of correlation of principles of international law, respect and fulfillment of human rights, and the principle of state sovereignty. The author studies the nature of sovereign rights of the state in the sphere of human rights and freedoms. Much attention is paid to the correlation of sovereign rights and obligations of the states within the humanitarian sphere. The author establishes the influence of human rights on the evolution of state sovereignty.
Keywords: jurisprudence, state, implementation, human rights, legislation, obligations, sovereignty, choice, control, discretion
The nationality issue
Babaeva, Z.G. (2009). Internal security within the system of national security of Azerbaijan at the modern stage. . Politics and Society, 1.
The article is devoted to analysis of inner security of Azerbaijan. It includes analysis of the terms of interests, threats, goals and directions of ensuring national security. The article includes analysis of the law on national security of Azerbaijan, as well as orders and decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Keywords: jurisprudence, security, independence, strategy, sovereignty, threats, Europe, Caucuses, conflicts
State and civil society
Vereschagin, S.G. (2009). The causes for political trend in taxes and tax relations. Politics and Society, 1.
This article is devoted to topical problem of increasing political nature of tax and its transformation in particular historical conditions into a political category.
Keywords: political science, politics, tax, conflict, finances, Jews, religion, category, cause, result
National security
Melentyev, P.V. (2009). Activities of the UN and the international criminal justice in the sphere of development of new forms and directions of activities under the framework of fighting crime. Politics and Society, 1.
In this article the author analyzes the activities of the UN and the international criminal justice in the sphere of development of new forms and directions of activities in the sphere of fighting international crime.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, UN, the international criminal justice, international cooperation, international crimes, UN, the UN Charter, extradition, crimes, International Criminal Code
National security
Laskovaya, I.A. (2009). Ecological problems in the sphere of power industry and their influence onto the electric power security of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 1.
The modern ecological crisis threatens the stable development of human civilization as a whole. Industry and power industry in our state are key sources of pollution of our environment. The goal of the policy in the sphere of ensuring ecological security is limitation of pressure of power industry onto the environment, bringing it closer to the existing ecological standards. Such a policy is key to the stable development of the state, healthy society, investment into the human capital, ensuring safety of the environment.
Keywords: jurisprudence, ecology, pollution, energy, security, state, population, policy, interests, efficiency
The heritage of transformation
Hasanli, A.A. (2009). Mukhtasib institutional system as a type of perfect ombudsman system. Politics and Society, 1.
The author presents his own version of a new ombudsman classification, as well as an original version of the mukhtasibs as the prototypes of the ombudsmen. He establishes the organization and functional ombudsman contradiction (OFOC), which prevents the institution from further development and offers the ways to overcome the existing difficulties and form a new system.
Keywords: political science, ombudsman, mukhtasib, system, contradiction, organization, law, corporation, independence, cooperation
Social studies and monitoring
Gusev, A.A. (2009). Topical problems of ecological policy of the modern Europe. . Politics and Society, 1.
The ecological problems, which the EU is facing, and the current state of the EU environment cannot me characterized without mentioning existing contradictions. In spite of the efforts, there is almost no progress in ensuring the biological variety and state of the forests. The tendencies in the EU make us think of complicated theoretical issues, such as the formation of the ecological policy, preservation and renovation of the environment in Europe.
Keywords: political science, ecology, politics, environment protection, modern Europe, the European Union, ecological problems, ecological policy, ecological activities, stable development
Local self-government
Chakalova, M.S. (2009). Formation on the commissions for hearing juvenile cases and protection of their rights, and organization of the activities of such commissions by the municipal bodies. . Politics and Society, 1.
The municipal governments establish the commissions for hearing the juvenile cases, and for the protection of their right. The activities of these commissions are aimed at “calculation and reporting”, or rather on fighting juvenile offences, but not much onto protection of their rights. In order to establish realistic protection of rights of juveniles in the Russian Federation in accordance with the international standards.
Keywords: jurisprudence, juvenile, power, state, municipal government, commission, protection of rights, justice, competence
Velyaminov, G.M. (2009). The mystery of the Varangian (on the relations between the Russians and the Norse in XI century). Politics and Society, 1.
The researches and the fans of Russian history know that according to the document of old times, the so-called “Varangian konung Yakun”, who was in 1024 called by Yaroslav the Wise “from over the sea” in order to help against Mstislav of Tmutarakan. Yakun and his people came, but during the fight at Listvyana, Yaroslav and Yakun were defeated and run. This problem is the key subject of this article by G.M. Velyaminov.
Keywords: history, anthropology, Varangians, Russia, Russian history