Question at hand
Nikolaev, M.E. (2009). Social solidarity of the Russian society. Politics and Society, 3.
Heads of any state, nonwithstanding the form of its political structure, try to form a unified society, which serves as a basis for the political system as a whole. Most state and political actors of Russia underestimates the value of social solidarity and unity in practical politics. That is why, while the economical crisis grows, we may end up on the situation of social separation. It makes an extra basis for social problems. And one may avoid them only by dealing with practical issues, trying to unite the Russian society in the face of systemic economical crisis. One needs scientific understanding of the term “social unity” and formation of the algorithm of achieving it. That’s what the article by the Aide to the Chairman of the Council of Federation M.E. Nikolaev.
Keywords: sociology, unity, separation, fairness, solidarity, equality, stability, differences, civil society, crisis
Local self-government
Zakondyrin, A.E. (2009). Legal characteristics of formation of financial bases of local municipal government. Politics and Society, 3.
The author analyzes the modern financial municipal system, and he notes the catastrophic situation in economy and finances of most municipal formation. The municipal property as a basis for practical functions of municipal government plays an important role. But as analysis shows, the income from such property form a rather small share from the incomes of local budgets. In the author’s point of view, the needed direction of municipal reform would provide for the local budgets sources of income, which would be capable of stable support for local municipal government functions.
Keywords: jurisprudence, politics, society, local, municipal government, Moscow, St. Petersburg, law, federal, Zakondyrin
The heritage of transformation
Pavlova, Z.P. (2009). Perspectives of development of international cooperation of the Eastern Siberia. Politics and Society, 3.
The article is devoted to key perspectives of development of international cooperation in the Eastern Siberia within the context of international and foreign economic connections of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, which are situated in this region. The author analyzes the key scenarios of development of foreign relations based on the general models of social and economic development of the region. The author studies topical program documents of federal and regional value on complex development of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: political science, politics, region, cooperation, connections, region, perspectives, globalization, state, scenarios
The heritage of transformation
Musaeva, E.Sh. (2009). Unity and variety of Dagestan: historical retrospective. . Politics and Society, 3.
Theoretical cognition of the problem, which is raised in this article is due to the practical needs of development of Dagestan, as an ancient country, which integrates within its historical borders a great number of peoples and ethnic groups, and accumulates within its spiritual nucleus polymorph religious and confessional structures. This article is aimed to define some approaches of scientific and philosophical methodology of the problem of unity and variety, while being based on objective logic of historical process and its events.
Keywords: sociology, Dagestan, unity, variety, international, culture, traditions, cooperation, unity, stability
National security
Tarasenko, O.V. (2009). Management in the sphere of use and protection of transportation land and the structure of state bodies, implementing control in this sphere. . Politics and Society, 3.
The article is devoted to the issue of definition of management in the sphere of use and protection of transportation lands by the renowned scientists of the Soviet period, as well as modern scientists. Due to the lasting administrative reform, the author studies classification, structure and functions of the of the management bodies in this sphere, as well as all spheres of organizational and legal mechanisms for ensuring application of land law That is why study of the structure of state bodies in this sphere is so topical. The author offers to amend legislation in order to make management in this sphere more efficient, and to change the sphere of competence of federal executive bodies in the sphere of protection of transportation lands.
Keywords: jurisprudence, lands, transportation, management, use, state, bodies, Ministry, transportation, structure
Conflict and consensus
Bogatyrev, K.A. (2009). Crimean Tatars and the prehistory of formation of ethnic and confessional conflict in the region. Soviet period. Politics and Society, 3.
The article continues the topic of the previous article on Crimean Tatars, as published in Politics and Society N. 2, 2009. The author describes the formation of conflict potential of the Tatar population throughout the years of existence of the USSR. The author points out the causes of development of this process, describes the specific features of deportation of the Crimean Tatars and the prosess of their rehabilitation and return to the region.
Keywords: political science, Crimean Tatars, formation of conflict potential, national issue, specific features of the region, national policy in USSR, policy towards religion, reasons for deportation, specific features of rehabilitation, formation of national government bodies
Main human rights and liberties
Kedys, D.N. (2009). Theory of human rights in modern Russian legal theory.
. Politics and Society, 3.
Human rights are currently declared as a key goal and greatest value of the state. Formation of a jural state in Russia is complicated, and it is very important to choose a right strategy, to take into account cultural, national and historical specificity of our state and its legal system. The concept of human rights, along with the concept of jural state are cornerstones for the political and legal ideology of the modern state.
Keywords: jurisprudence, rights, human rights, protection, people, basic, state, liberalism, globalization
Saidov, A.H. (2009). Magic of philosophy of Aitmatov’s Word. Politics and Society, 3.
The article is devoted to Ch.T. Aitmatov, who, in the author’s point of view, in his literature expressed the true world of life of people. This article was based on years of acquaintance between the author and Ch.T. Aitmatov, and discussions with him in various cities and towns in the world. The author considers that Ch. T. Aitmatov raises ethical and philosophical, as well as social problems of the modern world, combines psychological analysis and folklore tradition, mythical images, the depth and vastness of his artistic and philosophical thought and love for live and his heroes is boundless.
Keywords: sociology, Aitmatov, mankurtism, novel, writer, bilingualism, mythology, civilization, philosophy, humanism