State and civil society
Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V. (2009). Verification of definitions of constitutional science vs. “attraction to commonplace”. Politics and Society, 5.
Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for democratic, federal and legal character of Russian statehood.
Much is written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation on sovereignty, right to self-determination and other key definitions of public law. Are these formulation subject to verification, and if so, to which extent? This issue is due to the fact that lately one may see the systemic crisis of traditional state institutions, since the “pillars” of the modern state — democracy, sovereignty, separation of powers — fail to meet the challenges of realities of modern and intensively changing world. The erosion of key definitions of public law yet grows, and since the constitutional legal science is a humanitarian science, definitions are important for it, losing them may be a catastrophe. Inventory of old and new myths on state and their demythologization, change of approach to them from awing and religious to strictly scientific shall support
progress in search for solutions to the modern problems.
Keywords: jurisprudence, state, science, law, verification, democracy, sovereignty, constitution, power, self-determination
State and civil society
Savelieva, V.M. (2009). On the issue on definition and substantial clauses
of contracts, to which state is a party. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to a large and topical issue of partnership
between state and private entities (SPEP). The municipal and state bodies are much interested in SPEP, so are the consulting companies, both in Russia and abroad. The author reviews types of SPEP, pays much attention
to its contractual forms — concession agreement and agreement on division of products, analyzes them in detail based on their functional contents.
Keywords: jurisprudence, concession, investor, state, private, partnership, entrepreneur, SPEP
State and civil society
Shestakova, O.G. (2009). On some issues regarding use of land plots,
which are situated within the zones of protection
of objects of historical and cultural value
in the town and city areas.
“Protection zoning” in the cities
of federal value — Moscow and St. Petersburg. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to some issues of legal regime of land plots, which are situated within the boundaries of zones of protection of historical and cultural heritage. The author studies “protection zoning” in the cities of federal value — Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Keywords: jurisprudence, land, plot, protection, heritage, limitation, Moscow, St. Petersburg, regeneration, regime
Local self-government
Chakalova, M.S. (2009). Problems of development
of definition apparatus
of the science of municipal law. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to some issues of legal regime of land plots, which are situated within the boundaries of zones of protection of historical and cultural heritage. The author studies “protection zoning” in the cities of federal value — Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Keywords: jurisprudence, power, people, state, municipal government, definition, municipal unit, local issues, definition, settlemen
Morality and politics
Ushakov, S.V. (2009). Sovereignty of states in international law
and the problem of economic discrimination
(taking American policy towards Cuba
as an example). Politics and Society, 5.
Sovereignty of the state is one of key elements of its independence,
which allows to differ it from other political entities and dependent territories. After the war was eliminated as a mean for conflict resolution, the states of the XXI century have guarantees of their sovereignty from aggression and encroachments of other states. However, currently there’s a practice of transfer from the territorial expansion to economical pressure and coercion, economic
sanctions from stronger developed states towards the weaker states. This article includes analysis of economic sanctions of the USA towards Cuba, and some legal acts of the USA, which provide for such sanctions.
Keywords: jurisprudence, sovereignty, jurisdiction, expansion, UN, embargo, sanctions, GATT, NAFTA, discrimination
National security
Kerimova, T.V. (2009). Environment — source and territory of risk. Politics and Society, 5.
This article is devoted to the problem of situation in the environment, which provokes people to use of risk. This relates to extraordinary natural and social situations, which provoke people to risky acts. At the same time the author establishes a position on territories of environment
as territorial limits to risky actions.
Keywords: risk, environment, risk-generating situations, macro-environment, micro-environment, extraordinary situation, extreme events, person as a subject and object of risk, constructive and deconstructive, destructive risk
National security
Poltorakov, A.Y. (2009). Civilization security. Politics and Society, 5.
This article is devoted to the problem of situation in the environment, which provokes people to use of risk. This relates to extraordinary natural and social situations, which provoke people to risky acts. At the same time the author establishes a position on territories of environment
as territorial limits to risky actions.
Keywords: political science, civilization, culture, conflict, opposition, identity, globalization, politics, threat, terrorism
Main human rights and liberties
Laletina, A.S. (2009). International basis for rights
of indigenous minorities to land. Politics and Society, 5.
This article is devoted to international legal acts on the issue of land rights of indigenous minorities to use of the lands where they traditionally dwell, which form the basis for the Russian legislation on this issue.
Keywords: jurisprudence, norms, principles, international law, nature management, indigenous peoples, natural resources, harm, compensation, ownership
Main human rights and liberties
Erofeev, K.B. (2009). Freedom of conscience
and protection of rights of minors. Politics and Society, 5.
This article is devoted to right of minors to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, and limitations to these reights under Russian and international legislation.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, freedom, minors, juveniles, conscience, religion, constitution, convention, law
Main human rights and liberties
Mustakimov, Sh.R. (2009). Some problems regarding free legal aid
to the poor by the State Legal Bureaus. Politics and Society, 5.
The experiment on formation of the state system of free-of-charge legal help to poor people, which was started by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2005, still continues. The experiment caused lively disputes both in Russian and in foreign legal publications, and the evaluations of the experiment and the need to use it in the all-Russian scale were quite opposite. The article is devoted to the problems in the activities of such Bureaus, which were formed as part of this experiment.
Keywords: jurisprudence, free-of-charge, legal, help, state, bureau, poor, person, SLB
Social studies and monitoring
Bezgin, V.B. (2009). Vine-drinking in the legal habits
and everyday life of village society
(second half of XIX century — early XX century). Politics and Society, 5.
The article includes analysis of drinking traditions in the everyday life of Russian village. The author establishes the attitude of peasants towards drinking alcohol, establishes
causes and scale of drinking among the peasants. The author studies role and place of wine in the legal habits and traditions of village.
Keywords: jurisprudence, village society, drinking, drinking traditions, magarych (alcohol kickback), holiday, gathering, volost court, vodka