Politics and Society
Chakalova, M.S. (2009). Formation on the commissions for hearing juvenile cases and protection of their rights, and organization of the activities of such commissions by the municipal bodies. . Politics and Society, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53430
Chakalova, M.S. Formation on the commissions for hearing juvenile cases and protection of their rights, and organization of the activities of such commissions by the municipal bodies.
The municipal governments establish the commissions for hearing the juvenile cases, and for the protection of their right. The activities of these commissions are aimed at “calculation and reporting”, or rather on fighting juvenile offences, but not much onto protection of their rights. In order to establish realistic protection of rights of juveniles in the Russian Federation in accordance with the international standards.
Keywords: jurisprudence, juvenile, power, state, municipal government, commission, protection of rights, justice, competence