Question at hand
Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V. (2009). Systemic view of Russian federalism: simple answers to complicated questions. Politics and Society, 2.
This article is devoted to systemic approach in answering the question why the situation with the federal structure in Russia is so complicated. Author studies its causes, possible consequences, and perspectives of overcoming existing disproportion. The article provides in-detail review of issues of legal science, new methodology of constitutional and legal studies, systemic rules of federalism, strict and loose hierarchies in systems, their differences and co-evolution, as well as analysis of legal basis for the federal relations from a systemic standpoint.
Keywords: jurisprudence, federalism, Russia, system, legislation, Constitution, methodology, state, regions, power
The heritage of transformation
Pershin, E.V., Pargacheva, I.P. (2009). Another modernization of the Council of Federation: final stage or temporary option? . Politics and Society, 2.
The article is devoted to analysis of Federal Law, which changes the order of formation of a Council of Federation. The authors point out positive and negative elements of new law, and their possible influence on the law-enforcement practice. It is supposed that a new order of formation of the Council will provide for higher level of legitimacy of senators. However, lack of detail in the law may bring the efficiency down to zero. The lack of unified understanding of society as a whole may bring all of these to nothing, and even after 15 years the system of state government is far from optimum.
Keywords: political science, Parliament, Council of Federation, members of Council of Federation, legislative bodies of state power, constituent subjects of Russian Federation, constitutional law, legislation, parliamentary procedures, local municipal government
State and civil society
Poyarkov, S.Y. (2009). Ideology of state power: bases of systemic model. . Politics and Society, 2.
The article is devoted to methodological bases for the political model of ideology of the state power, based on the systemic approach. As the author points out, while recognizing theoretical and practical value of systemic approach in political science, its application in the practical studies of state power is a necessity, which corresponds to the goals of development of Russian statehood.
Keywords: political science, ideology, state, power, system, model, process, relations, structure, methodology
State and civil society
Rassolov, I.M. (2009). Legal problems of ensuring cybersecurity in Russia and foreign states. Politics and Society, 2.
The article is aimed at the analysis of theoretical problems of modern law and Internet at the stage of current reform, changes in the society and its subsystems, transfer of legal science into a new quality due to informatization. The author defines cyberspace, views it both from social and technical standpoints. The author studies direct and reversed connections between such matters, as positive law and cyberspace, analyzes legal problems in digital sphere.
Keywords: jurisprudence, Internet, cyberspace, Web, law, Internet-law, legal formation, Internet-relations, information, technologies
National security
Babaeva, Z.G. (2009). Internal security within the system of national security of Azerbaijan at the modern stage. Politics and Society, 2.
The article is devoted to the analysis of inner security of Azerbaijan. It includes analysis of terms, interests, threats, goals and directions of ensuring national security. The article makes use of the law on national security of Azerbaijan, as well as directions and decrees of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Keywords: jurisprudence, security, independence, strategy, sovereignty, legislation, threats, Europe, Caucausus, conflicts
The nationality issue
Aliev, D.Kh. (2009). Approaches to understanding nation and nationalism. Politics and Society, 2.
The author analyzes the works of Ernest Renan, who, in his lecture “What is nation?” (1882) defined nation as great solidarity, which is based on the past sacrifices, as well as the sacrifices, to be given in the future. It has the past, but it exists in future, due to the wish and agreement of the people to keep living together. Existence of the nation is a daily plebiscite, and outer religious and cultural factors are just conditions for that. He noted that for the nation, forgetting some events is just as important, as remembering them.
Keywords: political science, nationalism, culture, ethnical symbolism, modernism, constructivism, ideology, evolutionism, socium
Conflict and consensus
Bogatyrev, K.A. (2009). Crimean Tatars and the prehistory of formation of ethnic and confessional conflict in the region. Politics and Society, 2.
Crimea is a multinational and multi-confessional region. Throughout its existence the Slavic Orthodox and Muslim and Turk cultures interacted there. However, along with common interests there were contradictions, which were yet sharper at the time of social and political cataclysms. The author attempts to review the formation of local people before the Revolution, taking into account Tatars as native of this region.
Keywords: political science, Crimean Tatars, Islam, relations among the nation, unique region, religious aspect, conflict potential, pre-Revolutionary period of time, history of the issue
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Mamitova, N.V. (2009). Problems of state policy of Russian Federation in the sphere of migration. Politics and Society, 2.
The article is devoted to improvement of legal regulation and law – enforcement practice in the sphere of migration relations in the Russian Federation, as well as the problems of transparency of migration streams, which would allow to regulate them more efficiently in the interests of the Russian Federation, including the interests of protection of rights and freedoms of people of the Russian Federation. Migration of the people plays an important role in development of many countries in the world, it is an important factor in formation of the global economy, that is why it is quite topical.
Keywords: jurisprudence, migration, society, state, politics, law, processes, problems, people, interests
Local self-government
Dementyev, A.N. (2009). Principles of local municipal government: elements, content, and methods of normative lergal realization. Politics and Society, 2.
In this article based on general theory of law, the author studies classifications, elements and contents of municipal government, then he comes to a conclusion that in the Russian practice of its legislative regulation, there’s a change of legislative position towards evaluation of principles of municipal government. The author analyzes the correlation of public law and private law methods in normative details of principles of municipal government in legislation.
Keywords: institution of municipal government, public power, principles of law, principles of municipal government, general legal principles inter-branch principles, branch principles, inner-branch principles, classification of principles, methods of public law and private law in regulation
National security
Chepus, A.V. (2009). Problems of implementation of constitutional legislation in Russia. Politics and Society, 2.
The article is devoted to topical problems of implementation of constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the practice of constitutional implementation in combination with the quality of legislative norms and organization of activities of state power. The author then comes to a conclusion that the system of constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation needs further improvement of means and methods of realization of norms, which are enshrined in it.
Keywords: jurisprudence, constitutional legislation, society, problems, social, chamber, monitoring, reform, implementation of law