State and civil society
Titovsky, A. L. (2009). On Some Aspects of Legal Standing of the Federal State Constituent in Theory and Practice of International Law. Politics and Society, 8.
The article considers the issue of an international legal standing of a federal state from the point of view of the norms of international law and terms of a national legislation. The author of the article gave a number of constitutional positions in modern countries regarding regulation of international activity of their members. The article contains a brief review of the norms of international law concerning the rights of federal states in the sphere of international relations. In conclusion the author described the reasons hindering a federate state from gaining an international legal standing.
Key words: studies of law, legal standing, legal capacity, federation, law, legislation, constituent, constitution, agreement, custom
State and civil society
Kudryashov, S. M. (2009). Swedish Model of Relationships between the State and the Church. Politics and Society, 8.
The main peculiarity of the Swedish Church is its broad participation in realization of state programs such as preservation of cultural heritage, overcoming consequences of crises and catastrophes, caring about graveyards. All these programs are regulated by legislation. Due to participation of the Swedish Church in those projects, the Church still remains powerful even under conditions of the general secularization in the world.
Key words: studies of law, relationships between the state and the church, religious organization, theology, church law, studies of religion, Lutheranism, Protestantism, Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church
Question at hand
Belyakov, A. V. (2009). Topical Issues of Russia’s Implementing International Obligations in the Sphere of Public Health. Politics and Society, 8.
One way to improve the system of public health in Russia is to undertake certain measures to form the healthy style of life. Such measures must focus on an individual since he is the one who accomplishes the healthy style of life.
Key words: studies of law, public health, WHO (World Health Organization), healthy style of life, medicine, alcohol, tobacco, patient, doctors’ association, World Medical Association
State and civil society
Poyarkov, S. Yu. (2009). Ideology of the Russian Constitutionalism as the Basis for Multiple Party Memberships. Politics and Society, 8.
The article views the ideology of the Russian constitutionalism as the political and legal basis for multiple party memberships in Russia. The author paid special attention at the modern condition of the party system ion Russia. By analyzing the Letters of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly the author described the Russian president’s attitude to the party establishment in the Russian Federation.
Key words: political science, ideology, constitutionalism, multiple party membership, parties, politics, society, civil, pluralism, democracy
State and civil society
Shvakov, I. N. (2009). Regional Procedures of Extradition of the Criminal: Aspects of International Law. Politics and Society, 8.
The article is devoted to the questions of criminal extradition based on principals and norms of the modern international law. The author based his research on European Convention on Extradition and International Legislation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, League of Arab States, Commonwealth of Nations and so on.
Key words: studies of law, extradition of the criminal, international criminal law, international criminal justice, procedures of extradition of the criminal, European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, League of Arab States, the Commonwealth of Nations, Latin America
National security
Poltorakov, A. Yu. (2009). ‘European Identity’ as a Factor for Regional Integration: Geopolitical and Geo Cultural Aspects of Security. Politics and Society, 8.
Elections for the European Parliament have actualized the ‘European Discourse’ amid the geo-economical crisis. In its turn, it aggravated the problem of identity and values (which are based on the latter). In the context of world development megatrends (starting from the tragedy which took place on September 11, 2001), these problems acquire a special direction towards “security”, thus combining geopolitical and ‘geo cultural’ aspects. Usage of the terms ‘European identity’ and ‘European values’ in the geopolitical discourse shows that there is an immanent geo cultural element occurring in relations with NATO and EC including the sphere of security. Discordance to ‘European identity’ is one of the factors making Turkey’s relations with EC and partly NATO more difficult. Similar situation occurs in relations between the West of Russia and the Ukraine.
Key words: political science, Europe, identity, values, geo culture, geopolitics, security, integration, region, civilization
Social studies and monitoring
Korotkova, O. A. (2009). Legal Monitoring and Expertise as Methods to Raise Efficiency of Legislation in the Sphere of Education. Politics and Society, 8.
Being the fundamental part of a legal monitoring, expertise ensures the raise of efficiency of legal regulation of education activities because carrying out an expertise analysis provides for the quality review of the decision-making process. Thereby, results of a legal monitoring depend on how well the expertise has been handled.
Key words: studies of law, society, expertise, education, monitoring, law, legislation, quality, analysis, efficiency
Local self-government
Ziteva, I. Yu. (2009). Peculiarities of the Procedure of Local Referendum in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 8.
The article considers the questions regarding peculiarities of organization and carrying out the local referendum in the Russian Federation. The main idea is to fortify the provisions regulating the procedure of carrying out the local referendum in federal and local laws. Special attention is given to defining the main problem which is, according to the author, is insufficient legislative recognition of that phenomenon even though it is an essential feature of a democratic state.
Key words: local referendum, local self-government, federal law, referendum, referendum commission, referendum initiative, referendum formula, referendum issue, territory of referendum, law
Legal history
Vasilyev, A. A. (2009). Slavophiles’ Ideal of Government. Politics and Society, 8.
The article is devoted to Slavophiles’ ideal of the government, — the absolute supremacy. The author described historical, spiritual and moral roots of the absolute supremacy as a Russian form of government in Slavophiles’ interpretation. The author criticized a tendentious point of view on the absolute supremacy viewing it as a destructive institute of empiric Russia and supported the ideal of the people’s monarchy, — committed and responsible service of the power for the people.
Key words: studies of law, slavophiles, government, state traditions, absolute supremacy, land, land matter, power, empire