Question at hand
Shugurov, M. V. (2009). Russia in the Global World: Choosing the Model of State Sovereignty. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: the article is devoted to the problem of evolution of Russia’s state institution in the sphere of foreign policy. Much attention is paid at choosing the model of state sovereignty which would satisfy Russia’s national interests. The author founded the criteria for the state of great power in our modern world. The article also contains an analysis of tendencies in modernization of the Russian society and government oriented at reaching the form of a modern state of great power.
Key words: political sciences, politics, globalization, sovereignty, democracy, great power, world order, dignity, people, modernization
State and civil society
Kuzmina, Yu. A. (2009). Realization of standards of Council of Europe in Russian Criminal, Procedural Criminal and Penal Laws. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: the article contains a comparative analysis of the main principles of criminal, procedural criminal and penal laws of the Russian Federation with the standards of Council of Europe in the sphere of the human rights. The author studied the extent at which international standards have been realized in the mentioned spheres of criminal, procedural criminal and penal Codes.
Key words: political sciences, human rights, Council of Europe, criminal law, criminal process, criminal procedure, criminal justice, penal execution, penal system, Russian Criminal Legislation, the Criminal Code
State and civil society
Djavahyan, A. O. (2009). Legal Analysis of Provisions of a Draft Law of the Concept of Development of Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: the article is devoted to a draft law of the Concept of Development of Civil Legislation. The author analyzed some positive and negative, in his opinion, points of the Conception.
Key words: studies of law, Concept of Developing Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation, law, property, entities, honesty, statute, corporate relations, precontractual responsibility, ownership
State and civil society
Matheev, L. A. (2009). Peculiarities and Problems of Development of Institutional System in Russia: central-regional aspect. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: the article considers Russian institutional system in the context of the Institutional Matrix Theory. The author paid special attention at a central-regional aspect of functioning of the institutional system and its influence on relations between the Center and a constituent by the example of Republic of Buryatia.
Key words: studies of politics, ideology, institute, matrix, party, region, system, unitarianism, federalism, center
Local self-government
Efimov, T. V. (2009). Problems of Territorial Organization of Local Self-Government. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: the article is devoted to the questions of territorial organization of self-government and approaches to solving them. The most difficult practical question in this sphere appears to be the one about criteria giving the basis for formation of municipal territories and their status. Among different variants the best one would be the variant taking into account the relationship between competence and territorial organization of local self-government. Special attention is given to insufficient theoretical grounds for understanding the role of municipal units when defining their borders, changing or forming them. The review shows that the Federal Law ‘On General Principals of Organization of Self-Government of the Russian Federation’ 2003 is far from perfection which will eventually influence the quality of realizing competence of certain municipal units. In order to improve it, it is necessary to study both the foreign experience and historical experience of Russia in this sphere.
Key words: studies of law, problems, territory, local, self-government, population, organization, powers, legislation, questions
The heritage of transformation
Egorova, M. A. (2009). Globalization and Euro Integration as Ethnical Challenges. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: European countries face the need to seek approaches to solving the problems caused by globalization, Europeanisation and changes of European political map after fall of the post-Soviet system and rise of new states in the East. More than that, European Countries have to solve such problems as economic difficulties of the last years, military and geopolitical dangers, immigration, islamization and others. In response to these challenges, some European leaders popularize further strengthening of European Union. On the other hand, creation of supernational authorities in EU and, as a result, minimization of a role of national regions have made ethnical groups to question again their role in a new European model. Subjects of a new ethnical movement called ‘the Forth World’ are becoming a new reality of state-to-state relations. By suing the changes in the European system, the Forth World is trying to settle on the international scene, to reach the level of national states and to have equal rights and possibilities with those.
Key words: political sciences, ethnicity, globalization, consolidation, European Union, Euro Integration, ethnos, immigration, islamization
The heritage of transformation
Maxat Kasen (2009). Prospects for the Development of an E-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Politics and Society, 9.
The article is devoted to the prospects for the development of an E-Government in the republic of Kazakhstan. The author suggested his own practical recommendations on how to apply new information and communication technologies in the process of advancing a state government.
Key words: political science, e-government, Kazakhstan, state administration, ICT (information and communication technologies), cyberspace, infrastructure, transactions, portal
Main human rights and liberties
Balyakin, A. V. (2009). The Right of Citizens to Premises and Legal Responsibility for its Infringement. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: the article is devoted to enforcement of the right of citizens to premises, declared in the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993, and the actual problems arising when administrating housing legislation and corresponding executive orders.
Key words: Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993, right to have premises to live in, premises
Legal history
Nikulin, V. V. (2009). Correlation between Policy and Justice in Bolshevic Conception of Law. Politics and Society, 9.
Review: The author viewed conceptual views of Marxism and Leninism theorists on policy-and-justice relations. The author analyzed how Bolshevic political doctrine was connected with the theory and practice of law.
Key words: studies of law, policy, justice, Marxism, Leninism, doctrine, dictatorship, nihilism, appropriateness, theory