Berezina T.N..
Heath as the Factor of Individual Life Expectancy of Russians in the 20th Century
// Psychologist. – 2017. – № 3.
– P. 72-87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2017.3.22781.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2017.3.22781
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to conduct a psychogenetic research of factors influencing individual life expectancy of Russians in the 20th century. The object of the research is individual life expectancy and the subject of the research is the influence of such factors as health and healthy lifestyle on individual life expectancy. The author of the article examines the role of heredity and environment in the genesis of dangerous diseases (cardiovascular disseases and cancer) as well as dangerous habits (drug and alcohol addiction, smoking and compulsive eating). The author pays special attention to the role of personality traits and environmental factors in how one arranges his or her life path. The research is based on the twin method and involved 100 pairs of monozygous twins who have already completed their life path. Through surveying their relatives, the author makes indicators of health and healthy lifestyle for each pair. There is a significant reduction in individual life span of those twins whose lives were influenced by such factors as 'drug addiction' and 'total sum of dangerous habits' in relation to average indicators within the group. The factors 'alcohol addiction' and 'cardiovascular diseases and cancer' evidently decreased the life span of a twin but not in relation to average indicators within the group. The influence of variables 'smoking' and 'compulsive eating' is levelled off by the influence of other negative factors, however, with the growth of the average life expectancy in Russia elimination of these factors can actually increase the life span and life productivity.
Keywords: healthy lifestyle, health, twin method, environment, heredity, individual life expectancy, psychogenetics, addictions, alcoholism, drug addiction
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