Konfisakhor A.G., Alekseevskaya V.V..
Conflict Resolution Strategies and Types of Locus of Control as Determinants of Being Ready for Geo-Economic Changes
// Psychologist. – 2018. – № 2.
– P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.2.25602.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.2.25602
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Abstract: The world is rapidly changing. Global factors start to play a very important role in economy and policy of individual states. The situation being what it is, Russia's economy start to adopt planned production, state corporations begin to define the national security strategy, and the government keeps the course for import substitution. The consequence of these changes will be changes in inter-state relations including interpersonal relations. This causes the rationale of the analysis of being psychologically ready for geo-economic changes. The subject of the research is the Locus of Control and conflict resolution strategies of an individual as an actor of activity. The purpose of the research is to deine preferred conflict resolution strategies and types of Locus of Control that determine being psychologically ready for geo-economic changes. Psychological readiness for geo-economic changes have been tested by the following testing methods: 1. Subjective Control Inventory offewred by E. Bazhin, E. Golynkina and L. Etkind; 2. K. Thomas' Conflict Behavior Inventory adapted by N. Grishina. Based on the hypothesis made in the course of the research, individuals with external Locus of Control who prefer cooperation or adaptation as conflict resolution strategies are most likely to be successfully adaptable to the government and economy decentralization. The results of the research also demonstrate that there were only 4 % of such people in the group of respondents. Consequently, the authors assume that the population is not quite ready for a successful life and work in new geo-economic conditions.
Keywords: political psychology, psychological readiness, geo-economic changes, strategy of behavior, conflict, Locus of Control, globalization, economic psychology, geo-economics, geopolitics
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Will to Power
// Psychologist. – 2013. – № 7.
– P. 19-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.7.10478.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.7.10478
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon which Friedrich Nietzche called the 'will to power'. This human need can be called a special anthropological quality. Social philosophers have been unable to find the kind of society where people wouldn't demonstrate momentum towards domination. Any kind of society has its own guide or leader who has the leadership ability and followed by others. Therefore, the 'will to power' is the basic feature of social life. Friedrich Nietzche tended to heroize this human predisposition. He provided examples of great politicians like Caesar, Niccolo Machiavelli and Cesare Borgia and other examples from Roman, Arabian, German and Japanese noble people, to say nothing about Homer's heroes and Scandinavian vikings. The author uses historical approach as the main method of research because it allows to trace back the phenomenology of power in history. The author also provides the results of the expertise of different historical examples. The novelty of the present research is that the will to power is interpreted not only as the social need, but also as the phenomenon of being mesmerized by the power. All people are obsessed with power, but not all of them get to satisfy this need. This is the reason why many people have a weak and indirect will to power. After Nietsche many researchers have interpreted this phenomenon as the neurosis or 'power mania'. Today we can even talk about the pathology of power. Politicans often tend to think that they are the masters of life and other people belong to them as if they were their serfs. Power is a real temptation and those who have experienced its sweetness, will never be able to refuse it.
Keywords: psychology, philosophical anthropology, politics, power, will to power, faith, Marxism, manipulation, guide, leader
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Psychology of Information Perception: How We Perceive Political News in the Media Landscape
// Psychologist. – 2013. – № 5.
– P. 11-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.5.9247.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.5.9247
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Abstract: The author made an attempt to analyse researches in the field of perception of political information the recipient transferred by means of mass media. In research Public opinion Fund data are used. The generalized results of the scientific researches compared to obtained data, allowed to allocate a number of key features of perception of information on the political event/actor. As a result of research conclusions are drawn that the recipient with bigger readiness perceives and acquires information which keeps within his semantic framework of subjective ideas of policy. Without having full information on the political actor, people are inclined to complete missing relationships of cause and effect, finding explanations for occurring political events. Thus, perceiving information, individuals differently interpret its contents, based on own ways of perception, habits and stereotypes available in society. Dependence between individual cognitive structures of the individual and his susceptibility to information on the political actor is carried also out.Besides in article the factors influencing process of formation and perception of images of the power are investigated. Building a media image of this or that political object, it is necessary to consider inquiries of society and components of an ideal image of the political actor available for citizens. The conclusions received during research, can be used for further studying of questions of management by perception of information, and also at creation of a media image of the political subject.
Keywords: perception of political information, theory of causal attribution, understanding, interiorization of political information, stereotype, cognitive personality theory, the 'expected information effect, the 'convex information' effect, the image of government, the image of the ideal government
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