Milova Y.V..
The Role of Lying in Psychological Health and Personality Pathology
// Psychologist. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 79-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.4.19919.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.4.19919
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Abstract: The subject of the research is one's psychological health and personality pathology. In her research Milova analyzes such aspects of psychological health as true needs and motivations including the motivation to acquire (physiological needs, the need of security and protection) and the motivation to give away (the affiliation need and the need of love, the needs to learn, respect and self-respect, aesthetic needs, the need of justice and self-actualization) as well as the purpose of creation. Personal pathology includes such pathological motivations as the needs of power, dependence, vanity and deficiency love, minimization of efforts, consumption and pathological security as well as the purpose of consumption/destruction. The research methods include: theoretical analysis, analysis and summary of literary sources, survey, methods of mathematical statistics such as the correlation analysis and factor analysis. The main conclusion of the research is the proof that there are dependable direct relationships between particular kinds of lies and a number of pathological elements as well as inverse relationships between lies and psychological health. For example, the author has defined the inverse relationship between the need of approval and lying. Milova has also defined such factors of psychological health as 'self-actualization', 'acceptance', 'honesty', 'closeness', and pathological factors such as 'deliberate perversion of the truth', 'deficiency love', 'denial of everything new', 'power', and inbetween factors such as 'undeliberate perversion of the truth' and 'acquisition'. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author concludes that lying is the main factor of personality pathology and is an obstacle for the development of psychological health. It is the defense mechanism that keeps a person from realizing his or her unsatisfied true needs. Within the framework of the author's approach, psychological health is the reflection of reality as it is, recognition of one's true needs and a strive to satisfy these needs. On the contrary, personality pathology is based on the perverted reflection of reality, unrecognized and thus unsatisfied needs and replacement of such satisfaction with pathological motivations.
Keywords: honesty, true needs (motivations), pathological motives, purpose of creation, purpose of consumption (destruction), truth, false, lie, personality pathology, psychological health
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